Have you spent hundreds of dollars on one game? Well get ready to spend more! Grab your money! Cock your arm back and aim it at your screen! This December from the live team that brought you such cash grab events in the past as "$RL" and "Festival of the Cost" comes... "The Pawning" Get ready to play the same missions backwards shooting switched around enemies with reskinned guns! While doing this watch some random in your fireteam do it in style because he stole his mom's credit card. He looks cooler than you! BUY NOW!
people who still enjoy it will spend money, you on the other hand don't seem to enjoy it.
I feel Bungie is trying to fleece people with addictive personalities.
I believe they're trying to fund their game for future projects just like most developers Micro transactions are optional at the end
I spent 40 dollars on the last festival of the lost and got all the masks, the including the flaming wolf head and sparrow, i got everything except one of the exotic ornaments.
You are definitely Bungie's target audience.