Well unlike FOT$$$ there is a way to get stuff that isn't locked behind eververse, Vavala Bounties, SRL itself, new quests to get the Void and Solar Lords. So call me happy
I'll participate but I'm not getting my hopes up lol if it's better than FOC$$$$ I'll be happy, if it's e same I'll get what ever free items I can get and go right back to FFXV. Don't get me wrong I'm not a bungie hater that'll hate for the sake of hating, I'm not a bandwaggoner, I've just been around through the ups and downs, when it's up I'm there enjoying every minute of it and praising it, when it's down our voices need to be heard for feedback, if they want $ make these little events $10 and at least guarantee we can get every item in game, this whole casino ( pay for a CHANCE ) bs needs to go. Make it like the SRL last year where y could pay $10 for a book that had guaranteed items to unlock, I'd rather know exactly what I'm getting if I'm going to pay.