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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/22/2016 2:26:56 AM
[b]The sound drew closer as the trees began to thin out, large APCs visible near the courts, a familiar tan coat standing near the large tanks... A mobile army... This man was prepared... And he was close to the apartment complex.[/b] // [b]Creed remained still, red sensors kicking on as his chassis let out a low hum.[/b] [i]"Well... I was hoping for a good chase, but you are not that smart, eh? Too bad you weren't at the camp that day... Could've watched..."[/i] [b]He remarked, his chest rattling slightly, like a mighty breathe that just left his body. There was something different about Creed. He seemed more on edge, more tense, like he was ready for a big fight.[/b] [i]"So what now? Gonna take some swings at me? Like old times?"[/i] [b]Or maybe he was just eager for a fight. He was a sadist after all... He enjoyed causing pain. Even then, he enjoyed taking it as well. He was sick. But he had such a grand stature that he seemed like a king on top a throne. That throne just happened to be a two ton metal suit that contained his organs.[/b]

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  • "No way." [i] Desmond muttered to himself, the Ka'kari making him invisible as he sprinted for the courtyards and Chloe's room. The nearly unlimited stamina he got from the Black let him run unmatched, it would just be a challenge to get their first.[/i] ~~~~ "You sick, sick, fùck." [i] Ian growled. In a flash, his [url=]armor[/url] materialized around him. His weapons littered the suit of armor. Pistols on his waist, knives at his hips, Bowie knife on his leg, bo staff and sword on his back, whip sword around his belt, shotgun slung over his body, and grenades along his belt. There was no part of Ian that believed he could beat Creed. No..but maybe he could kill the cost of his own life. [/i] "Yeah, just like old times Creed. Except one of these swings is going to relieve your head from your shoulders." [i] Ian said, drawing the foot long combat knives from his belt. That whole suit of Creed's armor looked metal, maybe that gave Ian an advantage.[/i]

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  • [b]The tanks didn't quite mobilize normally, most actually moving left to avoid the courts, driving towards the desert, the one left letting in 'Richter' before driving off towards the woods... That was the thing. Darius wasn't after Chloe... Imogen was... But Darius still had different plans... For now, the apartments had been scouted and Desmond was in the clear.[/b] // [b]Creed let out a low wheeze, his chest suddenly unfolding as a pile of flesh and organs began to spill out, shards of metal sticking out.[/b] [i]"I'll tell you what... You put Lordan back together again... And you get a free punch..."[/i] [b]Imogen pointed to the pile, motioning specifically to the mechanical spinal chord and metal jaw that poked out of the oozing pink substance.[/b]

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  • [i] Desmond didn't particularly care who was after Chloe, or if they were even on their way that moment, only that he made sure she was safe. If he let her die, he'd never forgive himself..[/i] ~~~ [i] Ian froze, his eyes wide underneath the mask. What came next..could only be described as inhuman..a guttural scream erupted from Ian, a sound that could Only be caused by the highest form of anger and grief, built and formed in the pit of his stomach and released like a bomb.[/i] "I'LL SLAUGHTER YOU!" [i] Ian screamed, a red aura materializing around him before he flew at Creed, his form far faster than the last time Creed had seen, but nothing compared to what Imogen was capable of. The knives he carried sparked with a blue edge, which he double slashed at Imogen's chest. [/i]

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  • [b]The apartments were quiet as ever when Desmond arrived, the halls empty and the air slightly warmer than outside... Chloe hadn't left her room in awhile, but she had been active... She made quiet noises from her room ever so often, but that was about it...[/b] // [b]Creed chuckled as his a super sonic wave condensed around him and collided with Ian... It wouldn't kill him with that kind of speed, but it would ascertain that it was a bad idea. Creed however, has saved himself from being cut up...[/b] [i]"I absorb stuff... Powers included... Sound is all but a tool now."[/i] [b]So Creed had Damien's power... That meant FTL, sound control, seal Manipulation, shapeshifting, and speed... This tank, just became a god...[/b] [b]With a release of pressure and loud click, Imogen's fist lashed out with speed approaching 140 KMH, a sound wave wrapping around each knuckle as he prepared to send a massive blow into Ian's stomach.[/b]

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  • [i] Desmond finally came to a slower speed, ending up at Chloe's door and banging on it loudly with a closed fist. [/i] "Chloephina!" [i] He yelled, none too politely. [/i] ~~~ [i] Ian grinned under the mask. Maybe he would have a chance after all. His visor flying up to reveal his face under the reinforced glass, his gold and emerald eyes glowed, the gold swarming and overtaking the irises until he had molten yellow eyes.[/i] "Mimic." [i] Ian muttered, feeling the power of Damien's sound seal coursing through him. If he could use Imogen's/Damien's Seals against him, perhaps he could fight him to a stalemate..maybe. Ian lunged and grabbed Imogen's wrist with, quite literally, the speed of sound, diverting the blow past him and bringing his opposite fist up, his hand coated in a sound wave that he promptly drove into Creed's helmet. [/i]

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  • [b]Chloe's door creaked open ever so slightly, a single orange eye peeking out through the crack, narrowed at Desmond.[/b] [i]"Yes...?"[/i] [b]Her voice was quiet and soft as ever, but she seemed unhappy...[/b] // [b]What should have been a death blow caused Ian's fist to suddenly well up in pain as Creed was merely pushed back a few feet.[/b] [i]"I'm coated in neurotoxins... Midnight Blood... Armor secretes it. In about half an hour, that fist is gonna turn black and rot... And of course pain."[/i] [b]Creed remarked, the dent in his chassis slowly pushing back out as he was repaired... Stalemate... Unlikely... Not when Creed was this tanky, with this power.[/b] [i]"Come on, kid... Give it up... If I were here to actually kill you, I would have done it by now... Go home... Don't come back. These people shouldn't matter to you. Heroes never win... Not fully. Something is always destroyed... Now piss off before I make your face look like a jack'o'lantern."[/i] [b]Creed mused, for once, opting to disengage. He wasn't really after Ian, preferably just having him out of the way. Lordan was his target, Ian was just a problem...[/b]

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  • "Aurox is dead. So are his people. I think they were ambushed in the forest." [i] Desmond says plainly. Death was nothing new to him, it was inevitable really. This would show Chloe the same thing. No matter how many people you tried to help, they'd always end up worse than when they'd started out. [/i] ~~~ "And just walk away from the fact that you murdered Damien? For what?! Because you're a sadistic bitch?!" [i] Ian screamed, rage and anger coursing through him. The thing was, he spoke the truth. He never did know why Imogen hated Damien. He'd never been given a reason except for the fact he was a sadistic, psycho, sociopath.[/i]

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  • [b]Silence, then the door opened wider, Chloe standing there in a different set of [url=]attire.[/url] A vest, black jeans, and her Lin flowing hair... She looked normal, at least as normal as a faint blue glowing alien could get.[/b] [i]"He's dead...?"[/i] [b]The old royal protector had known Chloe for years... She had grown up with him. Aurox was a good friend... A father figure in place of her money consumed biological father. He was gruff and she only saw him every so often, but he had been good...[/b] // [b]Imogen tilted his head, tossing Ian a small vial. For some reason... He liked the kid. Maybe it was the fire, the way he fought... The passion. Blazoned with youth and the quick maturity that came with his line of work.[/b] [i]"Trust me kid... If you knew the old Damien... You'd hate him too."[/i] [b]Imogen hated Damien for many reasons, one in particular driving him this far... But he... He was growing weary. He didn't like to admit it... But without Damien... He had nothing to fight for. His purpose had been killing the Lordan head, but the exhilaration had only lasted for a few short moments... Creed had now lost his will to fight.[/b] [i]"Go home, Ian... The fights over... I won..."[/i] [b]Imogen remarked, half-heartedly, clearly disappointed.[/b]

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  • "As a doornail." [i] Desmond says, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe. So insensitive. [/i] ~~~ [i] Ian goes quiet, staring at the vial in his hand. The cure to the Midnight Blood.. probably. He had no reason to trust Imogen, but a one armed mechanic was the same as a dead one. He had nothing to lose. If he was smart, he'd save it and try to recreate it with someone's help..but he really liked his hand. [/i] "Yeah. Sounds like you did Creed." [i] Ian says bitterly. [/i]

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  • [b]Chloe scowled, her door slowly closing.[/b] [i]"Thanks for telling me..."[/i] [b]There went her plans... She'd have to think of a solution, and fast... And she wasn't going to discuss it with Desmond... Not now. With Aurox gone, she would need a new replacement, and an explanation on why the High Inquisitor had perished.[/b] // [b]With a crack, Imogen's legs fired up, shutters peeling back to reveal thrusters as he turned, propelled forward quickly as he plowed through the forest. Well... That was unexpected... The mood swinging machine man was always full of surprises, but now...[/b] [b]Well... Ian was now left with a pile of organs and flesh, a suppressant cure... And... Well... Quiet. Creed had left him, and probably was going to for as long as Damien was gone, but maybe that's why Creed left the pile. Deep down, he wanted Damien back...[/b]

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  • [i] Desmond thrust a hand out, stopping the door short with an annoyed look on his face.[/i] "Whoever killed him is after you too. The Elune interest him, and you are the only one left here." ~~~ [i] With a disgusted noise escaping his lips, Ian's hand sparked and lit up blue with seal energy. A lump of iron ore rose to the surface of the earth, breaking through the dirt and rippling with energy. With another motion, the ore collapsed and shifted, reshaping itself into a sleek metal box, around Damien's remaining organs. Now..he had a box of organs belonging to the closest thing he'd ever had to a big brother. They probably needed to be put on ice.[/i]

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  • [i]"Well... I'll handle it."[/i] [b]She wasn't in the mood to talk, and it showed. She gave Desmond a look as if to ask: 'is that all?'. Her orange eyes didn't even look towards him, drifting off to something unseen behind him.[/b] // [b]Well, for what is was worth, Damien still gave off the faint aura of strange and weird. Even in death, he was... Bizarre. Now came the hard part... Finding a solution. Lucien had built a matter generator on the LD, but he was god knows where in fringe space. Silence had gone into hiding... What was left?[/b]

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  • "Yeah. I'm sure you will." [i] Desmond says bitterly, before pulling the door and slamming it in her face, turning around and walking away. He was done trying to care for others. It only ended in disappointment and heartbreak. The old bastard had been right all along.[/i] ~~~ [i] Ian sighed and floated the box in front of him, walking back towards the Dojo. He had no idea how he was going to handle this..[/i]

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  • [spoiler]End?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Guess so.[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Chloe's door creaked open ever so slightly, a single orange eye peeking out through the crack, narrowed at Desmond.[/b] [i]"Yes...?"[/i] [b]Her voice was quiet and soft as ever, but she seemed unhappy...[/b] // [b]What should have been a death blow caused Ian's fist to suddenly well up in pain as Creed was merely pushed back a few feet.[/b] [i]"I'm coated in neurotoxins... Midnight Blood... Armor secretes it. In about half an hour, that fist is gonna turn black and rot... And of course pain."[/i] [b]Creed remarked, the dent in his chassis slowly pushing back out as he was repaired... Stalemate... Unlikely... Not when Creed was this tanky, with this power.[/b] [i]"Come on, kid... Give it up... If I were here to actually kill you, I would have done it by now... Go home... Don't come back. These people shouldn't matter to you. Heroes never win... Not fully. Something is always destroyed... Now piss off before I make your face look like a jack'o'lantern."[/i] [b]Creed mused, for once, opting to disengage. He wasn't really after Ian, preferably just having him out of the way. Lordan was his target, Ian was just a problem...[/b]

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