I like you
The only jackass here is you. If they want to farm they just have to form a full fireteam.
He apologized already, ease up on him.
Why should he have to leave the strike when he was there first? The plebs who joined halfway though the strike should have left when the poster said he wasnt interested in farming the strike.
He apologized for what he said.
My bad I only read his initial comment.
From your reply looks like you are one of the guys the OP speaks about.
Your response is tied in with the one I gave him
Yes, I'm the jackass cause they showed up half way into the strike, and didn't help me at all for the whole thing from when they did join... and for the boss. Yes. I am the jackass.
I went ahead and read it again, and you actually give up and back out. Why did this take so long for you. What kind of justice did you hope to achieve in a video game
I didn't give up and back out. The strike ended, and it put me with two new players on the next strike. They agreed to finishing the strike- and then suicide so I had to solo the boss myself.
So you managed to grind it out with them dead then?
How long did it go? This is really familiar to when people talk about two AFKers and how they refuse to back out, but can't get anything done because their teammates always AFK. SO I think I definitely just assumed here. I'll take the chance to apologize for the rude attack
It took me two golden gun shots to kill the boss thanks to Bad Juju. It was a short boss fight thanks to Air Born Celestial Nighthawk. And it's alright man, no worries.
Nice loadout
Holy crap, that'd be a badass mix to use. Some times I actually miss this game lol. It's very failures drive me crazy beyond belief. I remember having to grind strike by strike all alone in year 1
None of my team is online anymore around when I am thanks to my shift change at work, so popping on some Spotify and just jumping on to grind out one rank a night is just a fun way to chill out from work. Easy boss kills with Nighthawk and Juju after GG got buffed in damage... soloing a boss isn't hard if there are adds to kill with that build on an Airborn modifier.
You admit to wasting how long? At what point did you decide, hey, maybe these guys actually really wanna do this? Or did you ever? Your only belief was "mmm i better troll these guys, who actually asked me nicely to leave" Was that fun for you? Wasting time like that? Because if it was, all the power to you. But when you come here and complain about them?? You're delusional
This is after you established you were dealing with kids. So what's more mature? Some kids behaving like kids do? Or an adult behaving like those same kids.
I only called them a kid for the response I got from him. [quote]Starlord: we want to farm keys Me: I'm not leaving. And I'm not joining the party. I'm solo running strikes till I rank up. Starlord: Sorry well your not starting well pull all nighter Me: Grab a snack then kid.[/quote] That there, is rude behavior on there part.
The dudes name is Nerf God, and his avatar is teabagging. No point in arguing with someone who has the same mind set as that of a plague.
Eh, call my stupid. I have the patience of a saint thanks to my job.
Do u by any chance take phone calls like for support? Cause that would make me go crazy
Worse: Customer Service
Customer Service or Customer Management?