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Edited by Noodle The Nerdle: 11/23/2016 5:10:15 AM

Screw Rude players (OP has moved on and not here anymore~<3)

So, loaded up the strike list... felt like solo grinding a rank in Vanguard. After an hour I come across the restorative mind for the fourth time. And I'm in it alone, so I get half way through the strike and these two guys join up. Lets call them Arrow and Starlord for this... not there real Player ID but it works for now, who suddenly seem very upset that I had the relic.. and refuse to rez me at all. We get to the boss room and suddenly we aren't doing anything. And then a spam of party invites and Game invites start flooding in my inbox from these guys. And suddenly I get a nice little conversation going from Starlord. Starlord: Can u plz leave? Me: Pardon? Starlord: Or join the party lol Me: Why? I'm solo running right now. Starlord: we want to farm keys Me: I'm not leaving. And I'm not joining the party. I'm solo running strikes till I rank up. Starlord: Sorry well your not starting well pull all nighter Me: Grab a snack then kid. Starlord: Already have. Just sit down, we have a glitch to kill him easily. Me: Why glitch something so easy? Starlord: Cause keys you tard. 1 hour later Me: I've got all night boys. Starlord: Im to leval so i can go flaw less Starlord: I already have a team Me: Then why aren't you three manning the strikes Starlord: Cuz they are doing trials Me: Sucks. I'm still not leaving. Starlord: Sriosly -blam!-er, get out so we can farm keys Me: Nope. Me: Tell you what, I'll leave, if we finish the strike. And then we proceed to start the strike after that- and they both kill themselves to rockets. So I end up soloing the whole fight as they refuse to get back up. And when I get back to orbit I get new teammates. Seriously... don't be these two idiots.

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  • Edited by FrenetiCreature: 11/21/2016 7:38:57 PM
    I understand if people wanna farm with their friends, but don't go in early, when your whole team isn't available yet, and then think that you're going to get everyone that comes along to leave. That's just asinine. "We wanna farm with 3, but we came in with 2, and decided to try to hang out at the beginning of the strike, waiting for our friend, because it takes sooooo long for a strike to start up." If you wanna farm, either A) wait until your [i]whole[/i] team is ready, then go in; or B) If you just can't wait to get started, play strikes normally until your friend is ready, then drop out, and rejoin again as a group of 3. Oh, but that makes too much sense, right? Joining in, and then expecting all other players you come across, to do what you say, because... entitlement, is the smart thing. I'm glad that there are stubborn people like OP, and myself, out there that won't just bow down to @sses like these. I'm the same way, in a battle of wills, you'd better pack a few lunches, and pop a tent, cuz we're gonna be in this for the long haul.

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    • Idda just left. No sense in getting in a pissing contest on Destiny. By the time you two finished measuring johnsons, you could've left and been through another strike. Yeah, he was a prick, but ya just wasted your time. lol

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      8 Replies
      • This sounds about right. Farming stupid.

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      • I had idiots who were to busy trying to grab a siva cluster on the new eye strike (the name escapes me, unkillable ogre and dickbag splicer) I dropped down to the boss and they got pulled in and proceeded to kill themselves to force a wipe and not self revive (i picked yhem up once to have them instantly down themselves again), realizing their ploy I then soloed my way through everything, when they finally realized that I wasn't going to die and had the boss to about 1/4 health they rezzed and helped me finish. Before I had even hit 15 on the timer they had left, I'm assuming to restart and inconvenience someone else. If you wanna fragment collect at least say something before hand. Some people have the hardest time grabbing the fragments in that strike.

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      • I had a really dumb raid experience last week. We were doing WOTM normal with 5 people and we got past the Siege Engine just fine, and after that half of our team left. We were doing the OP monitors too so we needed 3 more people, and we got them too. After that they left and we were stuck waiting at Aksis to get 3 more people. We completed Aksis phase one with our new fireteam but failed about 5 times on phase 2. We were stubborn, so we kept trying. I had to go AFK for a shower and when I came back I was booted.

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        13 Replies
        • Good for you. I've been there and done the same. Except only 30 minutes later lol.

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        • I'm not sure who you were trying to portray as rude, but you certainly do not come off very well in the story

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        • I have had similar where people tell me to leave cause of my connection. I just tell them you wanna pay for it and that shuts them right up.

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          • Sometimes you have to wonder why are humans at the top of the food chain...with these type of people around

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          • Edited by CWard17: 11/22/2016 2:23:11 AM
            Why in the hell did you even finish it? All that bullshit just for you to give them their way. That makes you look like a chump, and worse you posted this garbage making you look like a chump

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            • Two people in a fire team called me an idiot during the Blighted Chalice strike. I joined late and got stuck in the back corner Behind the boss with no super to get out and solar burn was one of the mods. Both of them died first in cover and the boss focused on me then I died. I then get the message "your an idiot" I ask why...he says "You stood in fire" I laughed and replied "oh I thought you were supposed to stand In the fire."

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              • I so wish there was an option to opt-out from matchmaking in strikes, so that you can either solo them or just get your friends in whenever so people can just do this shit without wasting other peoples time.

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                • Freaking idiots. I had dudes get pissed at me during the old omnigul farm. They were randoms and halfway through the strike they asked if I wanted to farm. I said sure, and they were absolutely garbage at the farm. The nightstalker missed his tether 50% of the time and the other dude would just use his primary. I'm not a rude player so I kept trying with them but they would both send me hate mail when we failed several times in a row. I had the farm down to a science, using dragons breath for the ads and celestial nighthawk on omnigul. I just ended up leaving because they were so rude

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                • 2
                  Aholes galore on this thing and all the nice players are off playing something else....

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                  • Not saying they weren't rude, but you sat there for an hour? Wasn't exactly smart.

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                    4 Replies
                    • Thank for the post, now every stupid -blam!- is going to do this.

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                    • I've had the same experience but in a raid. I was on the step to kill the bosses on the Outbreak Prime quest and I just needed one more boss. I joined a group at Vosik and when I joined their party it was just one kid screaming at everyone. I thought that I would give them a chance, and we wiped 2-3 times before we got him. During those wipes though, he yelled at everyone and made it so difficult for the rest of us to communicate. I was planning on helping them beat the rest of the raid, but I just couldn't stand this kid, even after asking him to please tone it down just a bit. I just left without a word so I wouldn't say anything rude, and before I could leave the party I heard "omg what a rage quitter, he was a jerk anyway, etc". I didn't even say anything besides the usual callouts so needless to say I was pretty confused. Thankfully some nice guardians made my day by helping me get Outbreak Prime later that day.

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                    • You all need to grow up

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                    • Once I was in a strike someone had asked me to leave. At one point I fell of the map out of boredom from waiting for 10 mins. I ended up in one of those spots that you die if you get revived. They proceed to revive me endlessly. I went and watched a tv show for the next hour, came back and they were still at it. I just laughed to myself about how little they have to do with their time and backed out.

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                    • I don't see why you couldn't just leave. If you were farming for rank, and you spent an hour just sitting there you sound more like a prick than those kids. Just my opinion though. Don't get your panties is a twist.

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                      24 Replies
                      • Never and I mean never answer a mesas from a random to join a fire team in the middle of a strike! 9 times out of 10 it's some trolls that once you join they will boot you so there friend can join. Just don't do it!

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                        • everyone's a loser in this story

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                        • Had a guy go afk last night after I didn't revive him during the flayer fight. He was right under the drops hips that were coming in and there was no way to without dying myself. For 2 strikes he did nothing but follow us around and tag both of us if we died

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                        • My xbox broke, that's all.

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                        • Same thing happened on my alt account, some dude pmed me to leave, I said no and finished the strike. Then he went on and called me a noob going as far as to tell me his raid completions to that of my characters which was zero. Needless to say I blocked him

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                        • Their third guy was Tommy the Troll Like if you get the reference. Likes increase my light level.

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