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Edited by Noodle The Nerdle: 11/23/2016 5:10:15 AM

Screw Rude players (OP has moved on and not here anymore~<3)

So, loaded up the strike list... felt like solo grinding a rank in Vanguard. After an hour I come across the restorative mind for the fourth time. And I'm in it alone, so I get half way through the strike and these two guys join up. Lets call them Arrow and Starlord for this... not there real Player ID but it works for now, who suddenly seem very upset that I had the relic.. and refuse to rez me at all. We get to the boss room and suddenly we aren't doing anything. And then a spam of party invites and Game invites start flooding in my inbox from these guys. And suddenly I get a nice little conversation going from Starlord. Starlord: Can u plz leave? Me: Pardon? Starlord: Or join the party lol Me: Why? I'm solo running right now. Starlord: we want to farm keys Me: I'm not leaving. And I'm not joining the party. I'm solo running strikes till I rank up. Starlord: Sorry well your not starting well pull all nighter Me: Grab a snack then kid. Starlord: Already have. Just sit down, we have a glitch to kill him easily. Me: Why glitch something so easy? Starlord: Cause keys you tard. 1 hour later Me: I've got all night boys. Starlord: Im to leval so i can go flaw less Starlord: I already have a team Me: Then why aren't you three manning the strikes Starlord: Cuz they are doing trials Me: Sucks. I'm still not leaving. Starlord: Sriosly -blam!-er, get out so we can farm keys Me: Nope. Me: Tell you what, I'll leave, if we finish the strike. And then we proceed to start the strike after that- and they both kill themselves to rockets. So I end up soloing the whole fight as they refuse to get back up. And when I get back to orbit I get new teammates. Seriously... don't be these two idiots.

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  • You can report them for that. Who am I kidding, Bungie doesn't punish these jerks. In fact, they don't punish anyone.

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    5 Replies
    • Bungie IS TRASH AS -blam!-

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    • You should change the fake names to something like Beavis and Butthead.

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    • Report. I hate dbags in pve game modes....

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      • I just report them and move on. Message abuse gets a griefing report, and I move on. Life is too short.

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      • I had 2 morons who thought it would be fun times killing me with sparrows while playing sepkis prime on Sunday.

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        15 Replies
        • I've surprisingly never run into guys like these in strikes. The farthest I get to people having a problem with me is when I completely bum rush a strike and get to the boss very quickly. For some reason people actually have a problem with that? Not like I care. I'm here to grind, not waste my time killing pointless adds.

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        • Nah

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        • 'Farming' keys. Just play the damn game.

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        • Lol, would of done the same thing then report for bad Communication.

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        • No matter how nice you try to sound asking someone to leave you're still an ass. Pro tip.

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          • Wow. Unlucky. We got two runs at the darkblade to get swords with randoms and both times they were polite and very helpful. Swings and roundabouts i guess.

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          • Had a neat skirmish match once. Missed a res on a warlock because I was in a 2v1 gunfight because he got merc-ed and the other guy was across the map planting potatoes or some sheet... So match ends[we won], and this @n@l baby sends me a lovely pm. Goes something like: "a-hole, why didn't you res me? I had super! You suck dlck"- the last part being 3 separate msgs. Now, this is what makes this so farking betarted. Dude was running self-res Dude proceeds to spam me with insults and whatnot. I'm guessing him and his butt-buddy messaged the next team of opponents because they all proceeded to follow me around not shooting each other and group t-bagging me. I could have left. Instead I dropped my sick dance moves and went to make a sandwich. To my surprise they were all sitting around my dancing toon when I returned. So I dropped a nova bomb, went to orbit, ate my sandwich, and dropped back in. Got teamed with the same 2 morons. Unbelievable. So I started spamming laughter messages. Had fun with that for a couple mins then left. Good times. People are just so neat you know?

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            2 Replies
            • I love farming restorative mind[spoiler]oh wait[/spoiler][spoiler]i -blam!-ing cant[/spoiler]

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              • I came across a similar situation during a Heroic Omnigul. The 2 players were sitting just before Omnigul, invited me to a party, and it proceeds as follows. I'll call the guy who spoke Oliver Queen. [i]Oliver Queen: Hey man, we're farming and our guy had to leave real quick. Could you leave? Me: Oh sure! No worries. Thanks for being polite about it. Oliver Queen: Yeah, man. Thanks for understanding.[/i] Not all people are bad like your post; sometimes I come across farmers like this and I don't mind leaving in the least.

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                17 Replies
                • we can just see their name in your recent games :))

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                  • I got two idiots on Omnigul one time (maybe same tards) that both would block my view from shooting enemies. I'd move and they'd get in front of me and do it again. I'm pretty sure they were trying to get me to quit. We were at the end, so I backed off to a safe area and sat down. Every once in a while id move around so I didn't get bounced. They wouldn't kill anything and would try to push me into the enemy area. I just moved back to where I was. This went on for an hour before THEY quit. Yes I could've left but I stood my ground. Sometimes you just gotta draw the line.

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                  • what to send to rude players.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Edited by funkyzeit1809: 11/22/2016 11:58:21 AM
                      Sounds like we faced same two guys. Months ago I've played omnigul strike. These two bombarded me with party requests and messages. I told them i am not doing farming blocked them soloed strike with them trying to sabotage and texted good game guys :D

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                    • Edited by BulbaSmasher: 11/22/2016 3:09:20 AM
                      I only hate in the ones that skip ahead and kill themselves to teleport us.... and then they get mad cuz we sit down and let him do the work.... if you do that for us. . its universal language to "i want to solo this strike"

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                      • I have found two kinds of players in Destiny. Players that just want to have fun coz it's an awesome epic space mmo and the others who are grumpy competitive douche bags that can't just play and have fun. These egotistical funk heads ruin it for everyone else. Ppl gotta chill. I love Destiny- who cares wat level you are or ow you play it should be fun for everyone. Yesterday I was doing all kinds of random stuff when a kid comes up and invites me to his party. He wanted help with missions, he was level 7 I'm level 40. I helped out had some fun killing bad guys and the kid was having heaps of fun! Just have fun, don't let stupid shit bother you! I think Destiny has a great community but there are a lot of negative people on there too (which you can see these rude peeps often in these forums pumping their small egos) I've lost track of where I was going with this... Anyway the moral is - don't be a big stupid Cabal, be a Guardian... or something.. just be good to each other!!

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                      • I've never has bad experiences like this. Usually I just think people are making this stuff to get comments on their posts. Are you sure you are playing Destiny? lol

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                        • Folks, if someone comes and asks you to leave a public park because they want it, you have the right to refuse. Becoming little bitches because you refused their request, that's rude.

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                        • Yeah I don't get some people... I was leveling a new character and decided to run prison of elders. Got through the first round and I did great considering I was in the 30s and the two others were around 380-390 light. So I get an invite to their fireteam. I was feeling good about the run so far, so I accepted thinking we would grind out a couple. Get to the boss fight, haven't died a single time, getting top of the list in terms of kills (because I care about that, even in prison of elders lol) and then just as we're getting the boss around half health.... I get kicked from the fireteam and sent to orbit..... I try to join back and it says no because they are too close to finishing. I message the guy and get back "sorry man lol"..... Wtf is wrong with people? Never encountered that before and was pretty dolumbfounded by the level of dickishness

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                          2 Replies
                          • You would think with that comment bungie made back in Y1 about "this wasn't the way we intended you to play this game" that they would of stopped this nonsense with farming strikes like this ages ago.

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                            • Edited by FrenetiCreature: 11/21/2016 7:38:57 PM
                              I understand if people wanna farm with their friends, but don't go in early, when your whole team isn't available yet, and then think that you're going to get everyone that comes along to leave. That's just asinine. "We wanna farm with 3, but we came in with 2, and decided to try to hang out at the beginning of the strike, waiting for our friend, because it takes sooooo long for a strike to start up." If you wanna farm, either A) wait until your [i]whole[/i] team is ready, then go in; or B) If you just can't wait to get started, play strikes normally until your friend is ready, then drop out, and rejoin again as a group of 3. Oh, but that makes too much sense, right? Joining in, and then expecting all other players you come across, to do what you say, because... entitlement, is the smart thing. I'm glad that there are stubborn people like OP, and myself, out there that won't just bow down to @sses like these. I'm the same way, in a battle of wills, you'd better pack a few lunches, and pop a tent, cuz we're gonna be in this for the long haul.

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