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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Dain Is Fren: 11/18/2016 7:14:56 PM
[i]The Legion Demands Blood...[/i] [b]I open the door to my room, confident. I run my hand against the mahogany wall, not realizing I just traced blood along it. I look over, see the blood on the wall, and sigh. See, I'd just gone out Legion hunting, out to kill some crimson bastards. They were horrible sons of bitches, murderers, thieves, torturers, slavers, and even worse. I look down at my NCR Ranger Combat Armor, blood-soaked. I guess using my Riot Shotgun on a few of them was a mistake. The 34 on my chest was covered in blood, as was the two-headed bear of the NCR. Damn Legion, always getting their stinking blood on my clothes. The Combat Armor chest piece would be easy to clean off, the jeans and the overcoat wouldn't be. Thankfully, I hadn't gotten any blood on my helmet, now that would be a bitch to clean off. I go over to my sink, and turn the tap on, and pull my gloves off. I run them under the water, the blood sliding off the fabric. I put the gloves on the side of the sink, hoping they'd dry out quick. I take my helmet off, and put it beside the gloves. I take off my overcoat, that would just have to wait until I could get it to an actual big source of water. I reach over to the left, taking hold of a washcloth, and I wet it under the sink's tap. I begin to wipe the blood off my armor, it takes a damn while. I then move down to my jeans, switching them out for a fresh pair. For now, I wouldn't have my coat, but that was fine. The Combat Armor only went down to my shoulders, but it was protection where it counted. I still had my two pistols on me, I'd put away the rest of my weapons over in my gun cabinet, the .50 MG Anti-Material Rifle, my silenced .308 Sniper Rifle, my Riot Shotgun, and my Bowie Knife. Only two guns that were on me were on my hips, Hunting Revolver on my left, A Light Shining In Darkness on the right. I walk over to a chair, and sit down. It was time to just kick back, and relax. I must've dozed off, cause when I woke up, my door was being smashed in. I snap awake, and run around the back of my chair. I knew who was coming after me. Don't know what gave it away, the Latin-spewing, or the fact they were wearing Legion crimson, from what I could tell, at least. It was another one of those damned assassin squads. Bastards were dumb if they thought they could kill me. They bust down the door, all five of them running in. Four of them wore Centurion armor, it being made of salvaged Power Armor and Veteran Legion armor. They all wore those stupid-ass helmets, metal ones with red feathers and shit on top of it. Two of those guys had chainsaws, one of the others had a Light Machine Gun, and the last Centurion had a 12.7mm Submachine Gun. The one that really caught my attention was the leader. Now, is seen these assholes a million times, but this time... Just kinda interested me. He had the standard Vexillarius armor, the Veteran armor with those stupid pieces of metal covering the chest, the Legion battle standard on his back, and he had the normal fox-pelt helmet. He was carrying a Riot Shotgun. This wouldn't be too hard. I unholster my two pistols, and peek out from behind cover, and fire two shots at one of the Centurion's heads, one of 'em with the chainsaw. Blew his head to shreds, burst like a watermelon, brain matter and pieces of skull going everywhere. His body fell to the floor, and the Centurion with the LMG shot at me, as did the one with the 12.7mm SMG. The one with the chainsaw charged, all the way up to the chair. When I ducked back under cover, my left arm caught a few bullets, making me drop the Hunting revolver. A second later, the Centurion with the chainsaw crossed into my line of fire, and caught a bullet to the jaw, decimating his jaw, blowing it clean off, in fact. The two with the fully-automatic weapons were next, the crimson on them not just being their uniforms anymore. Little did I know, the Vexillarius snuck up behind me, and I caught some buckshot to the back, knocking me over. It didn't pierce my armor, but it did knock me over. He put a foot on my back, and fired on the same spot three more times, fûcking my back up really bad, sending a little blood onto the guy's face. He put the shotgun to my left shoulder, and pulled the trigger, blowing the arm clean off. A spray of blood went everywhere, and my arm was shredded to all hell, separated from the rest of me. I screamed in pain, thrashing about. The Legion bastard flipped me over, and looked me in the eyes. There was one crucial detail he'd forgotten, though. I still had a gun in my right arm. I put the gun up to his temple, smiled, and mouthed [i]See you in hell.[/i] I pulled the trigger, splattering his brains across the room. I holstered the pistol, and used my remaining arm to use the chair as a support to help me up. After getting up, I put my hand to my newly-formed stump, and stumbled away from the room, out the door. I collapse onto the dirt.[/b] [spoiler]Open. Your choices decide if he dies. One person screws up and gets him killed? That's it. That's the end. Only one rule in this post. You can't kill Grant yourself.[/spoiler]

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  • Cannon was walking back towards his ship for the night when he heard gunshots. [i]Wonder what's going on this time...[/i] He jogged off towards the sound, arriving at the house just in time to see Grant collapse. Running over to the man, he quickly assed his injuries and reached for his first aid kit.

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  • [b]Well, first off, my entire arm was gone. Second, there was some shotshell in my back. Third, I was bleeding profusely from my arm. That needed to stop really fast, else I'll die real quick.[/b]

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  • "Sir, I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm going to try and fix your arm. This will hurt." Grabbing a small canister from his belt, the Mandalorian presses it into the stub-arm, emptying it's contents onto the wound. The injury is immediately filled with a thick blue-white foam, plugging the wound from further bleeding and numbing the pain.

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  • [b]I grind my teeth together, and then the pain stopped. The foam was turned a light red from all the blood loss, but at least now is survive.[/b] "Yeah, I can hear you. Just... Make sure I don't die, aight? I got two daughters. They'd be crushed without me." [b]My voice was low, and raspy, probably from the shotshell in my back.[/b]

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  • "Alright, stay with me mate. You'll be fine. Just don't go into shock and I'll have you good as new in a jiffy. Can you wa- never mind, that looks like spinal damage."

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  • "Nah, nah. I can walk. It just barely pierced the armor. Just help me up and show me where to go." [b]I try to get up, but fail miserably. It hurt like hell.[/b]

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  • "Yeah, you're not walking." Cannon pulls the injured man to his feet, slinging his remaining arm over his shoulders. "Hold on tight." He activates his jetpack and they loft into the air, heading for his ship.

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  • [b]I was surprised at first. Not started. I'd been higher in the air before, back when I was at the Big Empty. I held on tight, waiting to get to our destination.[/b]

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  • We arrive at the ship, and ugly L-shaped black and gold thing, and Cannon lands. He quickly pulls you inside towards the med bay.

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  • "What are ya gonna do to me?" [b]I don't offer and resistance, but I do try to help him help me get to the med bay.[/b]

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  • "Patch you up, obviously. What else?" He sits you down on a medical table. "Ok, first off. Do you have a concussion? Any pain in your head? If so I need to deal with that first."

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  • "Nah. Just the bullets in my back and the missing arm."

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  • "Oh, just that huh? Alright. I'll get the bullets put first. How do you get this armor off?"

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  • "Strap at each shoulder, then it just slides off."

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  • Cannon unbuckles the armor and inspects the wound. "You, sir, are one lucky shabuir. The armor took most of it, this is barely a flesh wound!" He grabs a scalpel then pauses. "I'm going to have to dig them out. Want me to put you out for that? It'll take some time, and it's gonna hurt like haran."

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  • "Nah. I've been through worse. Way worse." [b]The scars on my back proved it. There were hundreds of slashes, bullet holes, and other scarred-over injuries on my back. Little shotshell wouldn't hurt too much.[/b]

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  • "I can see that. Well, don't say I didn't warn ya." He activates the lazer scalpel and prceeds to dig out the pellets for the next few minutes.

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  • [b]I grind my teeth, but I don't yell or scream in pain. This was nothing compared to having my arm blown off.[/b]

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  • "Ok, that's the last of them." Cannon grabs a bacta pad and tapes it over the wound. "No about your arm..."

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  • "Yeah.... Bout that... What can you do for it?"

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  • The Mandalorian removes his helmet, revealing his heavily scarred face (Jango Fett clone). "Well, depends on what you want and what your budget is. Anything from synthetic to possibly cloning you a new one. I'll see what I have. Until then, try to stay awake. I'm still not convinced your system took those hits as well as you're acting." He starts to rummage through some crates. "Didn't catch your name. I'm Cannon, Cannon Lok."

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  • "I'm Grant. Ranger Grant. New California Republic, 34th Battalion, Ranger Station Omega. And my budget would be around ten thousand NCR dollars."

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  • "Ok... No idea what that adds up to in credits. You might be able to afford a decent grade synthetic for that, assuming it's anywhere near 10,000 creds." He rummages through a crate of odds and ends. "You said you had a family?" He asks, attempting at small talk as he works.

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  • "Yeah. Two daughters. Neither of them are mine. Adopted them both. One's name is Elvis Rosegold, other is Pan. Don't know Pan's last name. They're both batshit insane, but I'll be damned if I don't love 'em."

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  • Cannon freezes, blushing slightly at the mention of Pan's name. "You're Pan's dad? Well, in that case this one's on the house, sir. I got some beskar in the cargo hold, could plate the arm woth it for you. Assuming you don't just want a cloned arm, that is." He moves to another crate, marked with some odd runes, and opens it.

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