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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/16/2016 2:52:59 AM
*Sketch sprints up, nearly slamming into Hovark's back.* "Hovark! Willow has gone crazy! We need to stop her!" *Sketch had been walking around in Dojoville when he was swarmed by people frantically asking if Dojoville will be next. It turns out upon asking someone what was going on, they had assumed that since he is the only one in they know who's married to a dragon, he knew something about what was happening. And coincidentally, he actually did know Willow.*

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  • "I know i spent the last week tracking her down and now i did but lola gonna help us."says hovark [i]hovark turns to face him so does lola.[/i] "We have put her down she become dangerous as much as it saddenes me its the only way"says lola "We need to go though i will not involve leyla or serenity in this cause their kids need them so this is going to very dangerous"says hovark

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  • "Well, my kids need me too... But I've beaten your brother and I need to make sure the Dojo and Dojoville are safe... I'm going to help."

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  • "Okay well considered yourself warned then"says hovark "Lets go we shouldnt waste any more time"says lola [i]hovark starts heading to where he last seen her. Lola quickly follows him.[/i]

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  • *Sketch follows them both, his hand resting on the hilt of the sword Leyla made for him. He considered using it but decided not to. Evil to begin with or not, he shouldn't kill Willow with a sword made by her own grand daughter. He detaches the sheathe from his belt, tossing the sword to Garry who happened to be standing by the entrance.* "Leave that in the box, Garry." *Garry "F@&$ you." "Thanks man, I can always count on you." *Garry "Sarcastic a$$hole." *Says Garry, heading back to the box as Sketch continues following them.*

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  • [i]hovark leads them through a carnage filled path it seem to get worse and worse such unspeakable violence. which makes all the more clear that this has to done there is no other way. Both hovark and lola knew this was the fate of some dragons. They just go and lose their minds. As they get closer to another village that has people fleeing in pure terror. Screams fill the air as people panic scrambling in all directions. And they have good reason too. Willow is there and is terrorizing the villagers several terrified people run up. ""pleads a woman with brown she shaking in pure terror. ""says a older woman with tears streaming down her face. Then a loud scream is heard followed by a roar and the couple people that were standing there ran in fear. hovark and lola run towards the screams not know what they will find. But they but knew this is gonna be one hell of a fight because willow would fight to live so it came down to overpowering her to the where they could deal the death blow.[/i]

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  • *Sketch ran after them silently as he summoned his sword and drew his SMLE (his WWI era sniper rifle.) He thought to himself, seeing what Willow is doing. He will only be around about twenty five more years. He will have been long gone by the time this was an issue, but he will do all he can to Keep Leyla from losing her mind*

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  • [i]hovark and lola run toward center of the village and its a blood bath the ground was slick with blood as willow stood in the center oh it all her back turned to them. Hovark couldn't see what it was but willow had something small and bloody in her mouth. Lola knew with sicken horror exactly what it was when she say a woman cowering behind a wagon a child's doll in her hand. The woman weeps as she can do nothing. Making well known that willow is no longe there she is now a mindless beast. A grave threat that has to be ended. [/i]

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  • *Sketch's eyes widen and he pulls a small, circular device and types something in on a keypad. He points to a large, circular button in the middle.* "When she drops that child, run up as fast as you can and hit that button!" *He hands it to Hovark before dropping his backpack and his SMLE. He summons both his swords, stabbing one into the ground at an angle and then using the resulting blast of air to send him flying towards Willow. He readies his other sword, stabbing it all the way into her neck.*

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  • [i]willow shrieks in pain and drops the small child as she rears up. Luckily hovark dashes up when he does grabbing the small child before it hits the ground he pushes the button setting the child down and away. Lola runs to help sketch. Willow is trying to shake sketch off. But willow turns her head around as she starts to inhale for a breath attack. Lola pulls out the sword she a happens to carrying and makes a mad dash for willowslegs. When she reaches them she slices upward burying it to the hilt distracting her as she staggers making her growl at her attackers. While still inhaling she eyes sketch as a target. She then exhales covering the area is a poisonous fog.[/i]

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  • *When Hovark hits the button, the child is surrounded in the familiar blue field glow of the regeneration field generator. Without breathing, Sketch drops to the ground, grabbing his sword and spinning, blasting the cloud of poison fog high into the air to dissipate.*

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  • [i]as that happens lola yanks her sword out willows leg which makes her shriek in pain. Purposely grabs hold of her leg after stabbing her sword through her back foot pinning it to the ground which makes her roar. As she clings to her lola unleashes one hell of a jolt electricity that course through her body making willow turn her head and tries to snap at her with her jaws as lola shocks her. Hovark runs sword drawn lola is slowly sapping the energy from but it gonna take more than that to kill willow[/i]

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  • *Sketch swings his sword, sending a blast of air towards Willow with enough force to knock her over.*

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  • [i]willow topples over crashing to the ground land on top several carts crushing them with her sheer weight as one her feet is pinned by lola's sword making that bone snap in her ankle making her yelp and breathe fire in lolas direction[/i]

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  • *Sketch swings his sword, sending a blast of air that deflects the fire. He then runs towards Willow, attempting to stab his sword into her spine.*

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  • [i]willow slowly tried to get back to her feet but she was stuck on her side but she lashes out angry with her tail whipping it in sketch's direction. Lola decides to even the playing feild turning into a dragon. As bites down on willows soft underbelly that as exposed making her squeal in pain as Lola bites down trying to hold her still but she catches a very sharp claws digging into her skin tearing her side open and she growl while still biting her. [/i]

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  • *Sketch jumps out of the way of the tail, stabbing his sword into Willow's stomach.*

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  • [i]willow continued to struggle and claw at Lola trying to get her off but lola isn't letting. The tail missed sketch but it hit hovark knocking him off his feet. but willow clamp down hard on one of Lola wings but lola skin is electriced near her wings giving her a nasty shock making her let go.[/i]

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  • *He pulls the sword out, jumping away from her.* "Lola, where should I stab her?!"

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  • "In the chest in her heart"says hovark [i]he grunts standing up after being thrown several feet. Lola pins willow in such a way so he can't get to heart without her trying to bite sketch.[/i]

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  • "Lola, try and pin her so I can reach her chest, but so she can't bite me!"

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  • [i]willow is trying to shake lola off of her but its no use cause lola has willow's head pin down into the ground with one her back legs and holds one of willow's front legs in her jaws. Willow starts to struggle more when she realizes they trying to do. Lola is trying to hold her still so sketch can get to willow's heart[/i]

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  • *Sketch seizes the opportunity and runs up, jamming his sword deep into Willow's chest.*

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  • [i]willow lets out one final cry as sketch's sword pierces her heart. Lola can feel willow starting to go limp undee as she draws her last breath. Lola lets go of her and willow reverts back to her human form when she finally dies. Hovark walks over to where his mother lies on the ground and kneels next to her looking at her silently. He picks up her body limp form and something drops from her body its a letter.Lola watches silently as he walks away from them with his mother in his arms.[/i] "Come sketch we need to leave him alone for a bit to grieve"says Lola [i]lola knows that he gonna need a bit. Lola reverts back into her human form and walks over and picks it up. Its address to hovark.[/i]

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  • *He looks at the letter curiously.* "Should we... Open it?"

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  • "Hmm maybe it couldn't hurt seeing how its not sealed"says lola [i]she looks at the envelop and opens it inside are three pages with those pages is a strange old looking key that looks like a dragon. She looks at the strange key a second before looking at the letter which is written dragon.[/i] "Huh i wonder what the key goes too?"says lola

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