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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/15/2016 3:15:55 AM
[spoiler]Got it; will leave this reply for your return.[/spoiler] *Her kick makes contact with his sword, launching itself into a stalemate, before breaking through and striking Bal.*

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  • [spoiler]I have one more reply, didn't foresee having to get off. Also, it's a tenfoot crescent axe, not a sword lolo. Also, she's stepping on the edge of the blade, so I'm not sure how her foot isn't in two pieces, but I'll go with it XD[/spoiler] [u]The axe is handle is pushed completely towards his chest, but Balthazar does not fall. Due to the rain pouring down so heavily, the soft-yet-solid ground beneath him has become a muddy pool, his legs sinking up to his knees like a cushion as the force of the blow pushes him down. However, he did not go unharmed. A loud "pop" can be heard throughout the stadium as his left arm is completely dislocated, it falling limply to his side as he uses what strength he has left from the blow to push the axe head as hard as he can into the bottom of her foot, intending to use the woman's folly of standing on the edge as a way of disabling her dominant leg.[/u]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 11/15/2016 12:10:39 PM
    [spoiler]Lol, when you said blade, I was thinking he had an extra sword laying around. [/spoiler] *Of course...this works, as her leg becomes stuck and nearly pulverized by the battle axe's weight pushed down on her left leg.*

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  • [spoiler]Lol, Bal only has one melee weapon he uses. It may change throughout his stages, but it's still one weapon nonetheless[/spoiler] [u]Roaring in effort, flames curl their way all around and throughout the hulking giant's armor as he summons the last of his strength through sheer rage, slamming the massive axe-head down onto the ground with all of the force he can, trying to catch Kiera's left leg and whatever remains of her right.[/u] "[i]I WILL NOT LOSE HERE! NOT NOW, NOT EVER![/i]" [u]Flames pour out of every crack of Balthazar's armor, the heat of them even starting to burn the wielder as he starts to lose control of his temper. The muscle and sinew that connect his now useless left arm begins to burn, slowly giving away the the ravenous hunger of the flame.[/u]

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  • *She yells in pain, as she slowly grabs for something behind her. It looked like some sort of touchscreen device.* "Trust me...I'm not losing either." She says, hitting the touch screen multiple times with her hands. [i][Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva, W, OOO, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim, Drive, Ghost, Ex-Aid! Final Kamen Ride: D-Decade!][/i] *A shockwave opens up, as she gets to her final form, having enough wind to stop her leg from being...well, destroyed, as she moves back around 500 feet or so from Bal.*

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  • [u]Balthazar curses under his breath as he jams the head of the axe into the ground, raising his right arm and placing his hand on his left shoulder. With a roar of pain that only seems to make the flames more intense, the armor seems to tighten and constrict the dislocated arm, popping it back into place. Panting heavily and struggling to not blackout from the pain, Balthazar grabs his axe once more.[/u] "[i]Yeh... Can rot in hell for all I care... Just... Fuсkin'... Die![/i]" [u]Slamming the axe over his knee, the pole shatters before he is completely engulfed in a swath of flame. A frightening roar of anger resounds out from inside of the pillar as an imposing figure walks out. Blood oozes from the chinks in his armor as it constricts and burns his skin, and it's obvious this form causes great harm to the user. What was once a normal helmet has become that of a roaring bear, and from within the mouth peer two eyes filled with utter [i][b]hatred[/b][/i] and [i][b]anger.[/b][/i] The once elegant crescent axe has become something more brutish, a massive greatsword about seven feet in length. Jagged curves and hooks run down the blade, as if to ensure that even a minor slice from it would cause massive tearing. In his left hand lies a massive great shield, towering in at about eight feet. However, his left arm is plagued with blood as the armor cuts into his arm to steady the shattered bone fragments and keep it in working shape. Balthazar pants heavily, obviously in a massive amount of pain just from using this damned form.[/u] "[i]For the Legion, I shall win this fight. There is no need to hold back, no need to fear death... No need to fear the cut of my enemy's blade. I have no use for weakness, and if I lose here it will be an example of my failure to protect the legion. [b][u]I will not lose![/u][/b][/i]"

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  • [spoiler]Holy ****.[/spoiler] *Keira kinda looked at (?) form, and started to hit multiple buttons on her touchscreen-thing.* [i][Final Kamen Fusion Attack Form Ride: A-All R-Riders!][/i] "You know...kinda didn't want to use this on a nice guy like you...but it's kinda your fault when hundreds of powers get thrown at you to death." She replies, as she leaps up high into the air. The symbols of all 17 Kamen Riders (since 2000) appear, circling around her.

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  • [u]Raising the shield up so that it was positioned inbetween the two, Balthazar slams the pommel of the sword repeatedly against the front of the shield. A sound comparable to that of a gong rings out, but not a scratch can be seen across the shield from the blow. The shield itself is worn and tired, almost half a foot thick. Large dents and gashes can be seen rippling across it's war-torn surface, evidently from the battles it has seen. Glaring upwards, Balthazar locks eyes with Kiera in a sort of challenge, as if saying "come get me". He roars a cry of battle, awaiting the final attack of the battle. Somebody would die in this clash of warriors, but only time would tell who lived.[/u] "[u][i][b]COME FORWARDS BRAVE WARRIOR, AND HIT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT! THIS SHIELD HAS SURVIVED THOUSANDS OF BATTLES, AND THIS SWORD SLAIN COUNTLESS MEN! LET THE STRONGEST OF THIS PAIRING WIN, LEST IT BE ME OR YOU! IT WAS A GOOD FIGHT, AND I SHALL REMEMBER IT-[/b][/i][/u]" [u]Slamming the pommel against the shield once more, the pillar of flame funnels into Balthazar and his weapons. A brilliant crimson flame erupts from a face on the center of the shield, and ancient runes dance across the flat of his blade in an elegant walts. His armor seems to become transcendent, flames weaving in and out of the steel itself to create a most terrifying sight. The specters of thousands of warriors seem to spring up from the ground behind him, each adorned in the armor of the Abyss Watcher Legion.[/u] "[i][b][u]I AM THE GENERAL OF THE LEGION OF THE ABYSS WATCHERS! MY SHIELD SHALL NOT BEND, AND MY SWORD SHALL NOT FALTER! NOW END THIS BRAVE WARRIOR, AND LET US RACE TO SEE WHO MAY BE VICTORIOUS![/u][/b][/i]" [spoiler]When I get excited my writing tends to begin to look like this lol. I'm pulling out all the stops bby, now let's do this.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Trust me; she's pulling out all the stops now. Also, the writing is fine. Almost like something I would see just before a massive battle. [/spoiler] *She slams over 30 or so cards into the driver, before over 70 symbols appeared around her, before they all converged around her foot, a massive power being coursed within her., as she starts launching her overcharged foot toward Bal's shield. [spoiler]I'm guessing we let the admins decide who wins this clash?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I use a dice rolling system and classify enemy attacks as different types of damages to determine how attacks succeed. I'm not sure how you classify damage, but I plan to either beat Kiera into submission or be killed in the process. That's how Bal goes. Also, didn't I mangle her dominant leg? And if so, she's attacking with her left leg, correct?[/spoiler] [u]Preparing his shield, Balthazar plants his feet firmly on the ground as he readies for the collision. Raising his sword, he prepares to block the attack and hopefully counter it in a favorable manner.[/u] "[i]COME ON YEH PANSY! HIT ME![/i]"

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  • *Her foot makes contact with the shield.*

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  • [u]Balthazar is slammed backwards, the shield almost crumpling under the force of the attack. His left arm crunches sickeningly as he struggles not to fall over as he's forced back several yards. In a last ditch effort before his guard breaks (as the only reason his shield is still up is because his now jellified arm is held up by the armor, almost like a bug shell) Balthazar jabs the sword forwards, aiming the tip of the sword straight for Kiera's stomach. After the jab is thrown, he is launched backwards in an arc, tumbling along the ground. His left arm is completely torn off, the muscly sinew completely liquified from the utter battery it had to withstand. Flames quickly cauterize the wound to prevent any further bleeding, but the damage is done. As Balthazar struggles to stand up, he props himself up with the massive sword. Looking down at it he sees it's covered in blood, but he cannot tell whether or not it is his or Kiera's due to the amount of bleeding his armor caused. He finally looks up, his helmet almost completely shattered revealing the battle-scarred face of an old, proud nordic warrior.[/u] "[i]Are... Yeh... Still... Alive?[/i]" [u]He pants heavily, struggling to regain his breath.[/u]

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  • *Nothing is heard on the other side, though some VERY heavy breathing and coughing is heard through the smoke.*

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  • [u]Balthazar limps over to the coughing, his sword propped on his shoulder incase he needs it. He carefully peers through the smoke, trying to find Kiera's location and to see if she's still able to fight.[/u]

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  • *She seems to be in a state where she can't fight. Only held up by her sword, multiple large wounds open up, along with her coughing excess amounts of blood.*

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  • [spoiler]Do you submit? Have to ask bby.[/spoiler] [u]Steadying the grip on his sword, Balthazar's expression hardens from concern to determination. He had promised himself he would win this, and he wasn't going to stop now.[/u] "[i]You put up a good fight. Last time I lost my arm it was to the Soul of Cinder... Quite the impressive feat for a normal sized person. I am sorry, but I promised the Legion I would win this, and that means I can't stop now.[/i]"

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 11/15/2016 9:10:39 PM
    [spoiler]I do submit, but...[/spoiler] *Keira simply looks at him, for a little bit, before she smiled, falling to the ground, dead from the massive looks of blood and the open wounds.* [spoiler]She's dead because of blood loss. I mean, if you seriously wan to do a finisher on a corpse... lol[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]FUСK[/spoiler] [spoiler]MY PLANS[/spoiler] [spoiler]YOU KNOW WHAT, WHO CARES! IMMA MORTAL COMBAT THIS SHIT! KILL EM TILL THERE'S NOTHING LEFT![/spoiler] [u]Enraged by the sight of his opponent taking the honor of finishing them, flames burst forth from Balthazar's armor. Dropping the sword, he walks away seemingly to leave, but returns once more... But he's dragging something. In his right hand he carries his own severed arm by the wrist, it still covered in steel. Hefting it over his shoulder, it resembles something akin to a massive bloody meat-club. Walking up to the corpse, he glares down at the body.[/u] "[i]YOU TOOKE MY ARM, AND DIDN'T EVEN GIVE THE THE COURTESY OF A FINISHER?! WELL YOU KNOW WHAT, HERE! TAKE THE DAMN THING AS A MOMENTO OF YOUR LOSS![/i]" [u]Slamming the arm down onto Kiera's body, the severed arm acts like a massive club. It smashes it her mangled chest, almost splitting her in half completely. He begins to repeatedly pounds away at the corpse, screaming in a fit of unholy rage. Blood and chunks of flesh and bone splatter across the crater as both Kiera and the arm and beaten to pieces by an angry Balthazar, who seems to have become delusional from bloodloss. Panting, Balthazar drops the now stump that was once his arm and falls over, his vision fading as he succumbs to the pain of his injuries, only to awaken in his real body perfectly fine alongside Kiera in a Dojo facility.[/u] [spoiler]end bby[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 11/15/2016 10:39:46 PM
    [spoiler]👏👏👏👏👏 Yay, you defiled a corpse! *Universe cops arrest Bal and throws him into the depths of space.* (Jk, jk, lol)[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]lol[/spoiler]

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  • "HOLY FU[i]C[/i]KING SHIT!!!"

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  • [spoiler]She's attacking with her other leg. Also, any strike from a Rider can do some type of damage, especially if it's in their final form. All 17 Riders's final form's attack....quite the heavy amount of damage. But...I'd be willing to contort to your dice system for this one occasion.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Wait, what type of damage do you do? I use dice for if attacks break through a block/armor. Just saying, if you go for his shield and I don't get a critical failure, I don't believe you're going to burst through a six inch thick steel tower shield with a kick unless your foot is heavily armored and hits with enough force to obliterate a tank lol[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler][/spoiler] Subtract this by seven and that's how much force she's pushing toward Bal.

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  • [spoiler]Again, even if she were to hit with that amount of force, you have to take into account the fragility of the human body. An un-armored foot slamming into a six inch thick tower shield held by a twelve foot giant weighed to the ground with about five tons of equipment would definitely knock them back and then some, but the kicker would most likely have their foot shoved through the rest of their body either A. Like a large spear or B. Have their whole body be crushed from the force of impact, lol[/spoiler]

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