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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/7/2016 5:25:31 PM
[b][i][u]THE GUARDIANS ENDING PART 2[/u][/i][/b] [b]Tubbs hold the rifle like a baseball bat and smacks Works across the face with it[/b] [b]Works stumbles to the side a bit but then shoots lightning at Tubbs with his sword[/b] [b]Tubbs drops the gun and runs behind Works with super speed, he then punches him about 20 times in the back and takes Works's sword[/b] [b]he then goes to stab Works in the back but Works teleports behind him and sidekicks him in the back, clones himself and the clone teleports in front of Tubbs[/b] [b]Works 1 grabs Tubbs by the arms and holds him as Works 2 starts beating him and takes the sword back, Works 1 then kick Tubbs to Works 2 as Works 2 holds the sword out[/b] [b]before Tubbs is impaled he stops himself. Then Works 2 rushes towards him but Tubbs turns and grabs Works 1 then slings him into the sword [/b] [b]Tubbs then kicks Works 2 in the side of the face and throws Works 1's body to the side, with the sword still stuck in it[/b] [b]Mikey screeches and flies down, then scratches Tubbs across the face and Tubbs grabs Mikey by the leg and pulls him down[/b] [b]before Tubbs can do anything else he is tackled by Works 2 and let's go of Mikey[/b] [b]then Works 2 starts punching Tubbs repeatedly in the face[/b] [b]Tubbs grabs the rifle with his left hand and hits Works in the side of the face with the butt of the rifle[/b] [b]Works rolls off and is laying on the ground with Tubbs standing over him with his foot on his chest[/b] [b]Tubbs aims the rifle up and shoots Mikey out of the sky, Mikey falls dead[/b] [b]Tubbs then aims the gun at Works's head[/b] Tubbs- Any last words? Works- Yeah. I'll tell your ma you love her. Tubbs- Huh? [b]a bullet goes right through his heart from behind and Tubbs falls over dead[/b] [b]Works is standing behind him, with his pistol. He teleported out of his suit when Mikey was shot.[/b] [b]Works looks at everyone and puts his pistol up[/b] It's over! We won this war! But like every war, we had casualties! And they will all be greatly missed! They died for you all! You may not have known them but they were great people! I say we never forg- [b]a blue skinned four armed scaly creature drops from the sky and lands behind Works[/b] [b]he turns and an orange sword goes through his gut, and his body is then kicked off the sword and he lays on top of Tubbs, both dead[/b] [b]a giant ship is uncloaked above the creature, turrets are on it and start shooting down Blobs as more of those creatures drop[/b] [b]every one has a glowing orange sword in each hand and is rushing at the Blobs[/b] Goliath- Everyone run to the Dojo! The Guardians will stop these monsters! [b]the Guardians rush into battle, fighting what seems like endless Quish[/b] [b]the Blobs retreat to the Dojo as do you(yeah, you reading this, if you signed up for my plot anyways)[/b] [spoiler]closed[/spoiler] [spoiler]part 3 will be up later[/spoiler] [spoiler]and Part 3 will be open lol[/spoiler]

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