1. GMOs are dangerous
They aren't
2. Antibiotic use in livestock is unsafe
There are things called "withdrawal times"
3. Organic agriculture doesn't use pesticides/herbicides.
They do
4. Growth hormones are unsafe
They are the exact same hormones the animal produces itself. They can reduce marbling, because they promote muscle growth, not fat growth. That is a quality issue, not a safety one though
5. Grass fed* beef is better than grain fed*
By fed, I really mean finished. All cattle grow up on pasture land, and once they reach a certain age, they are sent to a feedlot, where they are fed a ration that has all the nutrients they need. This causes them to put on muscle much faster then if they were only eating grass. Grass finished cattle take much longer to put on enough muscle to be slaughtered. This causes the meat to be if a lower quality, based in the USDA quality grade scale.
I don't really get triggered, but agriculture is a topic that is so important to everyone, yet most people don't know anything about it. And that really pisses me off.
While you should have cited sources i do know that a few are valid. Although... it wasnt confirmed but i remember an old medical professor saying that the breast growth hormones (for chicken) affects girls who eat it and what makes women get breasts at younger ages. It is a good or bad thing depending on the person you ask but what are your thoughts on it?