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11/2/2016 2:31:51 AM
The engine the game ran on was a procedural generated, it's like minecraft. So each planet was supposed to be randomly made by the algorithm the engine had, but at the end most planets typically looked the same and the animals weren't all the different. That's all that it pretty much was the biggest claims that didn't make it that set people off was you couldn't land on asteroids, you couldn't take part in space battles between alien factions, you could play multilayer on it but supposedly with 8 quintillion planets the chances of two people meeting up was nearly impossible and on the games release two steamers met up on the same planet same spot and they couldn't see each other. Those were just the few, there's literally pages on pages of false claims. Now the developers are pretty much done. Just recently their twitter got hacked and a tweet was made "no man's sky was a mistake". When I see bungie, I see a lot of the same things they claimed or eluded to that never made it to their game and they seem to always get a pass.

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