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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/1/2016 2:54:06 PM
Chloanne Defaln also participated in the Party, this year she was a Witch. She wore a black Witch's Hat and let her hair fall down to her midsection, A Formfitting Black dress with long sleeves and four high cut leg slits, revealing her legs and low heeled but rather high boots reaching up to her thighs. She currently sat down on a couch in the Lounge of Blades, Broomstick besides the couch as she watched the people roam and dance around in a drunken stupor. Honestly she didn't quite enjoy it, all these drunken idiots but she didn't mention it to anyone.

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  • Edited by Nibber Schipper: 11/1/2016 10:48:01 PM
    [i]There were two familiar people in the bar thing. Jason, whom was dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, and, of course, Lucas. Jason was currently drunk off his ass, and flirting with women and girls of all races, his normally barely understandable voice now also being slurred. Lucas, on the other hand, was calmly chatting with the barkeep, a glass of coke in his right hand, while his left set in his left pocket. He was just wearing a simple pair of camoflauged shorts, an equally camoflauged T-shirt, and a pair of black army boots. No costume because he's lame. [/i] "Oooooooh, 'eeeeey, Chloanne.. Heheh, fancy meetin' ya in 'is ol' place! Wha's it been? Nine years? Goddamn, lil' ol' Jason is gettin' old!" [i]Jason said once he had spotted and approached Chloanne. He definitely was drunk off his arse, especially with his next words.. [/i] "Wanna get outta 'ere? Ehehe.."

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  • Chloanne glared at Jason, obviously not in the mood as she crossed her arms. "No, I think I'll pass Jason. Besides, there's someone here I need to talk to. I just hope he doesn't run away this time.." She said to the drunken old man [spoiler]hah.[/spoiler] as the Witch got up and grabbed her broomstick. "Be sure to get some rest, if you don't want a hangover that is." Chloanne advised Jason as she pulled her dress up slightly and slowly walked over to Lucas, she wanted some shit explained now.

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  • "Hangovers? Psh, y'don't know half the shit this ol' man has gone through, I tell ya! I was a proud marine back in the day, fightin' 'em bug scum." [i]Jason exclaimed, raising his right, prosthetic arm while he tapped the metal plate in his chest with the fingers on his left hand. He had been torn to pieces in the past. Mortally wounded.. But that didn't stop this raggedy old bastard. Once Chloanne started walking away, Jason fücked off to the bar, yelling at the top of his lungs:[/i] "Oi! OI! A ROUND FOR E'RYONE O' YA BASTARDS IN 'IS 'ERE BAR!" [i]After which he proceeded to, well, buy everyone a drink, while Lucas just sipped his coke - though he didn't say no once he was given a shot glass filled with bourbon, instead putting it to his lips and chugging it all. [/i]

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  • Chloanne had stopped just short of a foot from Lucas. She was carefully thinking of how she should say this. Then she spoke. "Heeeyy Lucas..please don't run, I don't have anything on me to harm you. I just want some answers and I promise I won't get pissed..What was up with that psycho girl a while back? The one that tried to kill me?" She said, her hands resting on her hips. Chloanne did tell the truth, no poison daggers strapped to her thighs or anything.

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  • [i]Lucas.. Well, Lucas fücking froze up, completely and utterly terrified. He didn't.. believe Chloanne, still being a firm believer in that she'd harm him, especially after what happened.. But, because he figured he couldn't just run with her right there he remained in place, [/i] "Keira? Oh.. We flirted. I thought it was playful, and that even the kiss thing was just a joke.. I wasn't serious about it. Then you showed up and I panicked." [i]He said, explaining what had happened with a genuine tone. 'Twas true; he did, honestly, think it was just playful.. Apparently Keira thought differently. [/i]

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  • "Kiss..thing?" This was new to Chloanne as her eyes widened at this revelation. Though she decided to inform Lucas what happened. "After you ran off, this Keira you mention attacked me. Tried to kill me in fact over you, of course I stabbed her in the kidney, she's okay now. But she did mention something about being alone...that I didn't understand. Of course I was alone for 20-ish years until I met Roderick and another 9 years until I started being with you. Now tell me, do I still not understand?" Chloanne said, giving Lucas some more knowledge about herself.

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  • "Yes.. Kiss thing. She wanted to.. kiss me. I didn't, of course.. But nevertheless.. And, I was alone for about twenty-six years.. Unless things like lil' relationships and stuff during highschool count.. Then I met.. hmm.. Mir'ika I think her name was. Always called her Miri.. But that was nine years ago.." [i]Luke directed bus attention to the barkeep for a bit, ordering a Bacardi cola. Nice and simple, truly. He placed the glass to his lips, taking a small sip, letting out a small sigh in delight as the booze ran down his throat. Closet alcoholic, seriously. [/i] "Still. I don't approve of you two fighting - especially not over someone."

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  • "Truthfully, it was self defense in my case. Besides, aren't we a thing?" Chloanne responded, leaning in and giving the alcoholic cyborg a kiss on the cheek. "I mean, how can someone as strong as you be afraid of me? It's not like I'm a scary Witch- oh wait I am. Ha ha. Only for tonight though."

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  • [i]Said alcoholic cyborg visible relaxed, taking another sip from his drink. He then turned around to face Chloanne, leaning against the bar. [/i] "I mean, your brother is an Inquisitor of the Imperium.. The same Imperium that can murder planets themselves and everything on them, and have those walking steroids.. Uh.. Adeptus Astartes? I dunno.. Not to mention that he has some neat things, like.. Artificer Armour, I think it's called."

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  • "Ling isn't here. He found a way back to the Milky Way system a few months back. The Imperium can't exactly just use Exterminatus on everything either, I know this because I was a Rogue Trader with a [i]pretty[/i] valuable contract and yes you did get the Adeptus Astartes right." She explained, resting her right hand on Lucas's shoulder. Chloanne didn't bother to get anything to drink or eat tonight, seeing how she had gotten something to eat earlier. "I didn't go back mostly because I don't want to. It's kind of better here honestly."

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  • [spoiler][/spoiler] [b]A warrior race. Built from the ground up to to fight... Not party. The two sat. Well, more the smaller girl. She sat next to you on the couch, with a half cocked smile. The man didn't even bother turning the grim line on his face into a twisted sense of friendliness to a stranger. He stood to the side of the couch. The girl was relatively small, and the man a larger height- for humans. He simply grunted as the girl spoke. Considering her smaller size, her soft voice was expected. [/b] Sorry, feet were tired. [b]It was as if they rarely spoke- let alone English. She seemed somewhat fluent, at least, in small sentences. Her eyes went back to the crowd.[/b] You're not going to steal my food, right?

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  • Edited by Atom: 11/1/2016 3:48:31 PM
    [b] [/b]

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  • *Quincy walked by, finally out of his daze and sipping a high-caffeine latte* HiahImQuincyWhatsYourName?

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  • "Chloanne...[i]at least you aren't a drunken asshole.[/i]" She muttered the italic sentence under her breath.

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  • Yup.JustOverHyperOnCoffee.Bytheway,iheardthat.

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  • She rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

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  • *Quincy looks concerned* HeyAreYouOk? YouSeemReallyBummedOutForSomeReasonAndIHateSeeingPeopleBeAllSadlikeBecauseThenIGetSadAndWhenICry,IDontStopForAWhile.

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