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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/30/2016 8:54:25 AM
[b]The tendrils pierced the man's armor as he was quickly flung back and impaled on the far wall near the entrance, struggling for moments before he bled to death, eventually hanging loosely.[/b] [b]Meanwhile, a silicon covered arm sent a blade charging towards Lance, electricity crackling off the edges as the turgid footsteps of the attacker swerved and pushed forwards, a knee launching up into a leap as the other sword moved to come down in a crashing motion...[/b] [i]"Damn you...!"[/i] [b]Te mechanical voice shouted as the two long rods of power boosted him to speeds normal humans couldn't comprehend, the wood around him suddenly sparking and igniting as the amps of power crumpled wood and burned it to black charcoal before it flew into bright, dazzling flames.[/b]

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  • [i] Lance sneered under the mask.[/i] "So hard to find good help these days." [i] He said, obviously mocking their employer or leader.. He batted the first strike away, upwards with his flaming sword. He used his free hand, curled around the hilt of his left katana, to slam a fist down into the attacker's oncoming knee, armor meeting armor as he stopped the blow short. As for the sword coming down at him, he brought his two katanas upwards in a cross block, and savagely cut across and downwards, aiming to relieve the man of his arm. [/i]

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  • [b]As Lance's slash moved towards the arm, the man suddenly burst away in a haze of blue sparks, appearing behind the Ronin with an upward slash to his back.[/b] [i]"Heh... Not quite big guy... Every attack... Every move you make goes right towards my feed... And I'll learn how to dodge it... Nothing the same works twice..."[/i] [b]And with that, two small orbs launched from the man's chest and rocketed towards Lance as his slash continued its upwards traversal...[/b]

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  • Edited by Will: 10/30/2016 9:14:25 AM
    [i] Lance turned inhumanly fast, batting the slash aside with his blades. Shadows leapt from his fingertips as he leapt backwards, ten small, solidified black tendrils aimed for the two orbs.[/i] "I already killed your buddies. I'm going for number five." [i] He said beneath his mask, a sneer in his voice.[/i]

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  • [b]The tendrils connected with the smooth surface of the orbs, causing an immediate explosion that rocked the whole building. Slowly, the roof gave way and began to crumble as the final assassin was launched backwards into the wall with a sickening crunch... Dead... But the building was in flames, and near ready to fall... Anyone left inside was doomed... Anyone that couldn't move as fast as Lance.[/b] [b]The sound of more approaching footsteps echoed out as security finally arrived to an already doomed bar, and a slaughtered group of patrons.[/b]

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  • [i] Lance rolled his eyes as security came, obviously too late as usual. He sprinted over to where the assassin's had their guns pointed, looking for the source of their interest, and the source of the screaming. [/i]

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  • [b]As fire lit up the building and the supports creaked, only a faint whimper escaped the food cupboard. It sounded like a noise a wounded animal would make... A pained wheeze. Whatever it was... It wouldn't last long.[/b] [b]And there... Movement, a flash of yellow and orange as something shuffled quietly...[/b]

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  • [i] Lance sheathed one of his katanas, his white and gold one but kept The Dragon Blade in his right hand as he saw the movement out the corner of his eye. He rushed over to the food cupboard and opened it, not knowing what he'd find..[/i]

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  • [b]Inside was a shocking sight... A girl, no more then maybe eight or nine was slumped against the wooden frame, eyes barely open. She had a hole in her left leg, and gash on the left side of her forehead... On top of that, she was soaked to the skin, and covered in dirt and mud... But most remarkably was her black hair and blue eyes... It held a sort of familiarity to it... Something that just couldn't be pinpointed...[/b]

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  • [i] Lance nearly did a double take, the familiarity of the girl's face sending him reeling. But he was certain he'd never met her.. or at least he thought. He wasted no time in gingerly scooping the girl up in his arms, gently pulling her out of the cupboard. [/i]

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  • [b]She squirmed only slightly and whimpered softly, her body a mangled mess. She had quite some strength to have lasted this long, but her consciousness was waning and she was in bad shape.[/b] [b]Then... A high pitched beep... And a flash of red from under her left sleeve... Something was off...[/b]

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  • "Nothing can ever be simple." [i] Lance growls under the mask, low enough to where she wouldn't here. He lifts up her sleeve, wondering what the hell the light was, and why it had beeped. Please don't be a bomb, please don't be a bomb, please. Don't. Be. A. Bomb.[/i]

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  • [b]The flashing light came from under her skin, right below a serial number of some sort, reading, AA-179. Whatever the hell that meant...[/b] [b]Then, a distant light and rumble, like a helicopter... Maybe a jet? Damn if he could tell, but the red light suddenly began to make more sense. It wasn't a bomb... It was a tracking device.[/b]

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  • [i] Lance mumbled something to himself, like a curse before a pulling sensation overcame the two of them, and they were ripped through time and space. ~~ They appeared in a spare room of the Dojo. Simple furniture, a bed with white sheets, bare walls, yeah. Not taken. Lance laid her on the bed, not giving a damn about the spotless sheets. He'd have to do something about the tracking device, the teleportation jump would only confuse them for so long. He didn't have any scramblers or EMP's.. was he going to have to cut it out of her? It didn't look deep, one small incision would do it, but she was barely conscious as is. He'd have to heal her first, and just put a bandage over the new cut. He drew The Demon's Heart from his hip, the pitch black blade dripping liquid, wispy darkness onto the floor at his feet. [/i]

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  • [b]She gave little resistance. How could she? She seemed so frail in this state, her already pale skin turning near snow white in color. But he had put distance between them and the pursuing attackers, whoever they were...[/b]

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  • [i] He placed the flat of the sword across her chest, the shadows on the blade begin to leap and swarm over her form excitedly, almost like they were hungry. They left no trace of ever touching her, as light as air as they covered her form in a cocoon of darkness. A feeling of alternating temperatures over came the girl, scalding hot to freezing cold and back and forth for a few moments. What came with that, was an overwhelming sense of comfort and relief. The sword dulled her senses and numbed her body, so she didn't feel her skin being knit back together. Eventually, her body was back to the way it had been, the shadows dissipating from around her and leaving the pale skin of her leg and face flawless and unmarked. [/i]

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  • [b]As the sword worked, more of her features became clear... The blood cleansed from her face revealed three marks on each of her cheeks like whiskers, and her skin began to swim once more with color and life.[/b] [b]And then... Her eyelids fluttered open and bright blue eyes stared up at him, full of gentleness, but a great sense of fear...[/b]

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  • "I know this is very confusing, and you don't know where you are, but it's gonna get a lot worse if I don't get that tracker out of you. Chances are there are more than five coming for you." [i] He says, his voice filtered and metallic through the Oni mask. An unnerving sight To a child, but Lance seemingly didn't think about the fact. He withdrew a small tanto knife from his thigh, sighing under his mask. He always got the bad jobs. [/i]

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  • [b]The girls eyes widened in surprise, and then in terror, but she didn't resist. A man with a knife... She had learned not to mess with those types...[/b] [b]Instead she clamped her teeth and closed her eyes tight, wishing to block out everything.[/b]

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  • "Calm down kid. I'm one of the good guys." [i] With that, the knife flashed through the air and made a small incision in her wrist, so clean, quick, and precise it hardly did much but itch. Lance pushed the tip of the tanto into her skin, and plucked the chip out of her wrist with the point. [/i]

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  • [b]She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the man, her large eyes still scanning him for any sign of threat...[/b] [b]The chip continued to ping for a few seconds and blare its small light. The girl looked at the device silently, unsure of what it was. All she knew was that the men had put it in her arm.[/b]

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  • [i] Lance dropped it from the palm of his hand, but it didn't hit the floor before it disappeared into thin air. Let them track her to the middle of forest on the other side of the planet. He let the mask unfold finally, figuring it'd be better for her to see an actual human and not another guy in a mask.[/i] "I'm Lance." [i] He says, a friendly and comforting smile on his face. A father's smile, not a fake one plastered on by people telling her things would be okay when they really wouldn't.[/i]

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  • [b]She gave him a blank stare before her eyes slowly slid off to the side in a passive manner.[/b] [i]"V-Vanille...[/i] [b]She mumbled quietly, her voice still shaky from fear and exhaustion. She had quite the fragile sense about her, like the breeze might even cause her to shatter.[/b]

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  • "It's nice to meet you Vanille." [i] Lance says with a smile, having a seat on the foot of the bed towards her feet. Her passive, shifting manner reminded him of someone..[/i] "Can you tell me why those men were chasing you Vanille?"

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  • [b]She shook her head quietly, her silence anything but ordinary. There was pain and fear behind it... A sense of agony, even.[/b] [b]She didn't even look up to face Lance, shame and desolation behind her jewel like eyes... Whatever had happened to her was awful. Either she didn't know why they were chasing her... Or she didn't want to talk about.[/b]

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  • "That's fine.. you don't have to tell me about it. If you want to, I'm here. The information would help a lot." [i] Lance says with a gentle smile. He didn't mention the fact that the information would probably let him know who had been chasing her, nor did he mention the fact he'd killed five men to protect her. Whether she'd seen that or it, he had no idea.[/i]

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