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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Chesh I Guess: 10/30/2016 6:37:47 AM
[b][i]Amaterasu[/i][/b] [b][u]Dojoville Pavilion, Midnight[/u][/b] [b]There were brisk steps as the small figure rounded the corner, sweat beating from her forehead as she gasped for air... Everything ached... Everything burned... Her lungs tore and writhed as she gasped for air. Her black hair clung to her head as the rain beat down...[/b] [b]She pushed against the bodies of people, tripping them and causing them to stumble, some even cursing as she ran... Such a small child clearly didn't belong... [/b] [b]She wanted to stop and just give in... But she knew what was waiting for her if she did... [/b] // [i]"Target moving towards cafe... Stay on approach..."[/i] [b]Five... Five figures sprinting across the courts, plowing through people and running across roofs as they moved in pursuit of their target, their red mechanical eyes bearing murderous intent... Their lithe bodies snaked through the crowded night streets in quick succession, intent on their target...[/b] [b]Each one was well armed, four blades, stealth combat gear, rifle, and two handguns... The perfect team for hunting a dangerous girl...[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b]One swerved and slammed into a strange blue being before continuing towards the sim room, another melding into the rain as his cloak engaged, another pushing towards the open crowds, the other two taking to the roofs once more...[/b] // [b]She could feel her strength waning as she cut a corner, the tears streaming freely now, but no sobs escaping her... Not that you could tell in the onslaught of water...[/b] [i]"Hey you!"[/i] [b]No. Don't stop...[/b] [i]"Hey! Why are you running?!"[/i] [b]They were close.[/b] // [b]One, two, one, two... They could see her now. Bright orange sweater and pink skirt... Small shoes, and bright blue eyes.[/b] [b]One pulled his rifle and took aim, the silenced shot slamming into the back of her leg.[/b] // [b]She fell, head hitting the ground with hard thud, her eyes flashing a dazzling purple for a mere second before she whimpered and stumbled back to her feet. [/b] [b]Funny how survival could make pain vanish...[/b] [b]She limped, limped as fast as she could into the back entrance of the closest building, a bar.[/b] [b]She stumbled through the spotless kitchen, coating the tiled floors with mud, water, and blood...[/b] [b]She quickly found a food cabinet and slipped inside, pulling her knees close as tears streamed down her red cheeks... Blood pulsed in her head and her lungs burned...[/b] [b]They had seen her go in... They had seen her...[/b] [i]"Hey!"[/i] [b]Suddenly the doors swung open and a large man with an apron stared down at her, at first in anger, and then in shock. He had never seen a shivering, bleeding child with eyes full of fear. He quickly ran a hand across his shiny, sweat covered bald head.[/b] [i]"Hey... It's okay... I won't hurt you. Just tell me what's goin-"[/i] [b]And then in an instant, his eyes rolled back into his head as his blood sprayed across her, the black knife in his neck twisting until his life was snuffed out.[/b] [b]And then... She screamed... She screamed with a newly invigorated power, her eyes clamping shut, turning puffy and red... They were here... They had found her...[/b] // [b]The scream carried throughout the Dojo courts, a scream for help, as the bar filled with the sound of gunfire. People tried to flee as the five assassins open fired on all the patrons and cleared the building, returning to the girl hidden away like a cornered mouse, aiming their guns at her as her cries for help pierced the night air.[/b] [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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  • [b]he looks at them and pulls up a radio.[/b] Security, back entrance. [b]Security bots swarm the club, and the back alleyways. They start shooting them with 20mm rifles, the man starts pursuing them aswell.[/b]

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  • Edited by Chesh I Guess: 10/31/2016 2:42:07 PM
    [b]The rifles mow down two of the assassins, the other three quickly sliding under the bots before grappling up into the roofs of nearby buildings... This was about to become a game of cat and mouse.[/b]

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  • [b]Lego chases them and takes shots with an assault rifle.[/b]

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  • [b]A large crash is heard as a person comes barreling through the wall, a particular golden look about them, their hair standing on edge. Well, it was less of a person, and more of a child. A fairly small one. The kid looked about six, which he was. His skin was a jet black, streaks of green lighting through his skin like lightning. He wore a dusky, orange gi, like he'd come straight out of some karate dojo. He also had a tail, that of a monkey's. It too was a bright gold color. He shakes all the dust off himself, and looks over at the men. Then the girl. Then the men again. He thought they were the bad guys, grown-ups tended to be horrible people. Seriously. Most of the people he had met here for absolutely horrendous. He raised a hand up, charging a Ki blast in his hand.[/b] "Leave." [b]His voice was stern, not like a child's. It was as if whatever made his hair stand on edge also made him very formal, no joking around. He also radiated power after this, making the whole room shake slightly. His tail came untied from his waist, it was around it before like a belt.[/b] "One chance." [spoiler]I need to know if they're using modded ammo. (Armor piercing, hollow point, etc.)[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]No. Their rifles are FMJed, but they are using standard copper rounds.[/spoiler] [b]One of the men slid his knife from the one of the dead patrons, a woman about early forties who had been one who suffered from the assault. Dead bodies were scattered everywhere, bullet holes in every wall and crevice. Two men stood guard near the girl, rifles pointed at her head, the other three quickly raised their own rifles and began to empty their magazines at the child... Thing.[/b] [i]"The hell is that?"[/i] [i]"Doesn't matter.... Kill it!"[/i] [b]The suppressed rifles unloaded the standard bullpup stock ammo from their chambers as they stood poised to take out the flying creature.[/b]

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  • [b]The child sends two beams from his hands at the two men aimed at the girl, the bullets hitting him. Because he was a Saiyan, these normal bullets wouldn't do much, they'd sting, maybe one would pierce the skin at most. Nonetheless, he dodged to the left to avoid any further damage.[/b] [spoiler]Rip these guys. If you shoot the kid enough in the same spot, it might do some actual damage. Or ya could bring in hollow-point stuff.[/spoiler]

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  • [b]One of the men successfully rolled away from the beam, the other unfortunately melting into crimson ooze...[/b] [b]Their sustained fire continued until one lobed a thermite grenade off towards the flying creature, the bomb exploding into a haze of fire and sparks.[/b] [i]"Fall back... It's got hand lasers!"[/i]

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  • [b]The kid's clothes caught fire from the thermite, and he screamed out in pain. He tore the burning part of the clothes off, leaving half of his shirt an most of his pants. The kid turned to the doorway, infuriated. He launched a volley of shots that exploded on contact, blasting the doorway to pieces.[/b]

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  • [b]One of the men stumbled back in fear, the other's merely looking at the door in shock. So... They were clearly outclassed, but they had no choice. There were worse fates then death waiting for them if they failed. Better to go out dying... Or better yet...[/b] [i]"Cease fire!"[/i] [b]One in the back suddenly called out, holding the girl in the yellow sweatshirt by his left arm, aiming his handgun at her head with his other. Now he was playing a dangerous game.[/b] [i]"Cease fire or we kill her... That goes on your head, freak show."[/i] [b]He grit his teeth under his helmet as he stood rigid, hoping to gain some ground this way.[/b]

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  • Edited by Dain Is Fren: 10/31/2016 12:20:05 AM
    "I've got a different solution. You let the girl go, or I kill all of you. I'd usually not do this, but." [b]The invisible camera zooms in on his face.[/b] "I'm angry." [b]He floats down to the ground, arms crossed. The kid was very clearly pissed off that he had to go buy a new gi, and he looks to the men.[/b] "I can guarantee to you that whatever your bosses do to you will be much, much less painful than what I'd do. Have you ever been melted alive? I have. Take it from someone with experience, it hurts. Yes. I have been killed. And yes, there is an afterlife. Now, if you let the girl go, King Yemma might let you into Heaven from Otherworld." [b]The kid gets even more angry. He was very angry. He knew what it was like to be hunted. He knew the pain, knew the fear. He wouldn't let it happen to this girl. Not while he was still breathing.[/b] [spoiler]Are you okay with me teleporting around? I can do this without, but it just makes it easier.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I mean, I can't really stop you.[/spoiler] [b]The men looked at each other incredulously, then to the monkey tailed being.[/b] [i]"Eh. Fūck it. Just get the job over with."[/i] [b]And with that, the man lowered his sidearm and pulled the trigger, a bullet ripping through the girls side as he tossed her away, where she fell limp to the ground.[/b] [b]Then the men raised their rifles once more and began to open fire, more than willing to risk being melted alive. Fire was the least of their concern.[/b]

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  • [b]The child was enraged. Furious. Pissed off. Words could not describe how angry this small monkey-kid was. He yells out of pure anger, and then creates a giant beam made of Ki, and swipes it across the men, avoiding the girl. It burned with a heat hotter than the sun, but seemed to be only hot in contact.[/b] [spoiler]I guess it's a good thing I have things that can heal people, eh?[/spoiler]

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  • [b]The men melted to puddles of bloody ooze and nano fiber, the bar turning silent as nothing remained... Not much anyways.[/b] [b]The rain outside continued to pour as the light flames from the remaining thermite burned away at the wood.[/b]

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  • [b]He dashes over to the girl, and pulls a small bean out of his pocket. It is green. A Senzu bean. It heals all injuries, restores all power. He tries to make her eat it, he wants to save her life.[/b]

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  • [b]As the bean slips into her mouth, and as subconsciously swallows it, color slowly returns to her cheeks, and her wounds slowly heal. She was stable, for now.[/b] [b]But, there was still one last problem... A red flashing and beeping noise coming from underneath her left sleeve...[/b]

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  • "Crap..." [b]He quickly rolls the sleeve up, expecting a bomb or something. He didn't know what to expect at this point.[/b]

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  • [b]Well... If it was a bomb, it was small. Just next to her wrist where the red light flashed was a serial number labeled AA-179... And what seemed to be a tracker right under her skin. It beeped and flashed consistently as the nearby rumble of rotors signaled the approach of possible reinforcements.[/b]

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  • "Uhh..." [b]He looked where it was on her wrist, just to see if ripping it out would rip out any important blood vessels.[/b]

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  • [b]Seemed the device was just under the surface of her skin, and wouldn't suffer from major damage... It sure would still hurt, but there was little time left... Reinforcements didn't sound too far off.[/b]

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  • [b]The kid looked over at the girl. She'd die of reinforcements came. Maybe he'd die too... She'd probably thank him for this later. If not... Well, that's have to wait. For now, he had a device to tear out of her wrist. And he did so. He wrenched it from her skin, then smashed it on the ground.[/b]

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  • [b]Still only barely awake, all she offered was a whimper and slight squirm as the sound of a helicopter rotor began to draw imposingly close... Minutes now... Only minutes.[/b]

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  • [b]He picked the girl up, and flew through the hole in the wall. For how small he was, he was very strong. He stuck to the shadows, hoping to not be seen with the girl, and eventually he took to running. He ran his way all the way up to the Dojo, up the steps, through the streets. If they made it there, they would be safe.[/b]

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  • [b]It didn't seem like the assassins followed, most circling around the ruins of the bar and the old plateau for any signs and tracks... But without their chip, they couldn't freely follow the girl...[/b]

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  • [b]He made a mad dash for the Dojo, up the giant hill. He was trying to save this girl, maybe he could have a friend for once. He kicks open the gates, and sprints in, to the middle of the courtyard. And sets the girl down.[/b]

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  • [b]She was alive... And safe, but her fatigue and blood loss had knocked her out efficiently. She looked quite fragile laying there... As if even the wind could come by and shatter her.[/b] [b]But for once, between the removal of her blood and marks, and her return to the living, she could finally be seen properly. She was beautiful, even at such a young age, with fair skin and dark black hair... But she had something strange, lines across each cheek, three for each side...[/b]

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