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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/20/2016 11:32:18 PM
[b]Everyone's favorite junkie was sitting, cross-legged in the middle of the courtyard A1! Except... Something was different about her. She had her usual outfit on, sleeveless white shirt, and black shorts. Her hair and eyes looked normal, both cherry-red as usual. It was her demeanor that had changed. Where she was once a hyped-up junkie that was super hyper and always talking or touching things that weren't there, she seemed... Mellow. Like something serious has happened to her. There was something a little unusual about her, though. She was holding what appeared to be a cigarette, but that couldn't be right. She doesn't smoke tobacco... I think I'll let you guys fill in the blank of what it is. She blew some smoke, and looked around for a familiar face, or any face. She was finally better, and wanted to talk.[/b]

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    [i]And Frisky did see a familiar face upon looking around. A very familiar face, at that. Leif was swiftly approaching the girl with a wide smile, her lengthy, light blue legs quickly and quite elegantly carrying her forwards through the courtyard. The halfbreed's pure white sneakers barely made a sound aside from a soft tapping whenever they hit the stone floor.. Was it stone? Grass? I honestly don't remember and I'm too lazy to check. Once she was within ten feet, she spoke with an almost.. loving voice and tone, voice gentle as satin,[/i] "Hey Frisk! How're you on this fine day? You seem a little.. different." [i]She was curious, really. Previously whenever she had seen Frisky, her eyes were glazed over and she generally looked high off her ass.. But now.. The crazy lady sat down in front of the druggie, crossing her own legs and placing her hands on her knees. [/i]

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  • "Hey there Leif! It's good to see you! So, you know how you said I should stop taking all those drugs? Well, I did! And now I feel great! Is this really what it feels like to be sober? Huh. Anyways, thanks for taking me into stopping!" [b]Her smile grows larger, and the familiar sight of her squint was just adorable at this point. She looked a lot less... Messy than usual. She had brushed her hair for once! That never happened![/b] "I'm so glad I met you, Leif! You're great, you know that?"

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    "You actually stopped?" [i]Leif asked, voice filled with amazement and disbelief. Her smile then widened as she got on her knees, and very tightly wrapped both of her arms around the previously drug addicted girl in front of her. Leif pulled Frisky tightly against herself, a rosy red blush spreading across her cheeks upon hearing Frisky's final words. [/i] "Well, I guess.. now that you're sober, I've got a confession to make.." [i]She softly whispered, still holding Frisky close. [/i] "I'm.. I-I'm com-c-completely and u-utterly in love with.. y-you, F-F-Frisky.." [i]Leif then held Frisky even tighter, as if she didn't want her crush escaping, face buried into the girl's shoulder in embarrassment. [/i]

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  • [b]Frisky put her arms around Leif, and squeezed her tight. Her smile got wider and squintier, as if she was happy Leif had said this. She couldn't say she was quite in love with Leif as Leif was to her, but she did like her. A lot. A lot a lot. Her eyes had been opened in the few days she was sober, and she'd rethought her relationships with people. And, well, the only person who'd ever really been nice to her in any real form, was Leif. She took a deep breath, then spoke.[/b] "I-I like you, Leif. A lot. I can't tell exactly if it's love, but I really like you..."

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    [i]Leif's breath stopped her throat, eyes widening as she slowly pulled her head away from Frisky's shoulder. She then exhaled rather shakily, still holding her crush very tightly and.. lovingly. In her long, long life.. this was probably one of her happiest moments. She smiled widely, the blush remaining on both of her cheeks. [/i] "I love you more than anything, Frisk.. I love you more than anything I've ever loved in my lengthy life.. I love you more than there are stars in the sky.. I.. I.. I don't want anyone other than you.."

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  • [b]Frisky was... Happy for once. Without the drugs. Without any alcohol. Without anything but another person in her arms. She didn't really know how this kind of happiness worked, but she wanted it to last forever.[/b] "Leif... I wouldn't mind spending my life with you. You're just... You're amazing, Leif. I don't know what this feeling is, but I like it. I want it to keep being here. It happens when I'm near you... Only you. I'd like for... I'd like for us to be together, Leif..."

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  • [spoiler]>Favorite Junky >*Ehhhhhhh-ing intensifies*[/spoiler] [b]Damien had been doing a good job of laying low recently, keeping to himself. He hadn't found the company of others to he rewarding around here... And he found comfort in his friends... People like his old Omicron unit and Maverick... The same ol' same ol'. When it came down to it... He had been bored, and when he got bored he walked.[/b] [b]He was wearing hot normal get up... Massive fur coat, baggy blue jeans, a red and green t-shirt, two leather gloves, and heavy homemade fur boots. And to top it off, he had his metal jaw and yellow eyes in place... But covering his right ear and horribly scarred right ear was a single black band, rubber perhaps. He looked... Strange... But he didn't really care, enjoying his own unique style.[/b] [b]He had been walking for about two hours, cigarette almost burned through as he came upon Frisky, initially not really taking interest until he saw her own paper roll in her mouth... He hadn't brought his own box of cigs due to poor forethought and could really use another...[/b] [b]His heavy steps padded close, stopping just short of about two meters before his left eye narrowed to a thin slit.[/b] [i]"Hey, would you happen to have any more cigs?"[/i] [b]He asked simply, tossing the remaining ashes from his mouth. He has nearly burned all the way trough the last one...[/b]

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  • "Uhhh... This is a joint. I have plenty of those! I might have some cigs somewhere, actually..." [b]She begins to fling bags and bags of different drugs from seemingly nowhere. Coke, crystal meth, codine, opioids, you name it, she probably had it. She finally brings forth a pack of cigarettes, and opens the pack. She sniffs them.[/b] "Yup, those are cigs! Still want one?"

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  • [b]Damien raised an amused eyebrow and nodded, extending a gloved hand. He didn't like to reveal his augments to strangers...[/b] [i]"Yeah, sure..."[/i] [b]More so, he wasn't super surprised... He used to enjoy opium... Even mercury and arsenic... Of course his tolerance was through the fūcking roof... But that was besides the point.[/b]

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  • [b]She hands him the cigarette.[/b] "May it's smokey goodness serve you well. I don't know where they come from, but they're good. Real good." [b]She takes another puff from her joint, and sighs. She mostly only used it for comfort upon leaving the other drugs she was on behind, but it still relaxed her.[/b]

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  • [b]Damien takes it and lights it with a small laser lighter, the UV blinkers strong enough to light paper. He quickly placed it in his strange mouth and it down on the butt end, letting out a long puff of smoke that formed into a beetle shape.[/b] [i]"Smokey goodness...? Right... I'll try to make sure this royal cigarette does not go to waste."[/i] [b]He grins as he plays along, his humor more just to amuse himself.[/b] [i]"So, that makes you... The drug kingpin? What do they call you?"[/i]

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  • "Oh, my name is... Well... I don't remember! Call me Frisky, though! It's what everyone else does! Including me!" [b]She seems unnaturally happy, but this was normal for her. Not like he'd met her before, but it was still how she acted, nonetheless.[/b]

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  • [i]"I see..."[/i] [b]He shook his head and threw his arms behind his head, leaning back as if there was a wood peg in the way... Despite nothing actually behind him.[/b] [i]"Well, Frisky, it's a pleasure... Name's Judge..."[/i]

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  • "Nice to meecha! Nobody is ever really this nice. They usually get their stuff and run away. You're nice. I like you." [b]Her goofy smile grew wider, and her eyes squinted a little.[/b]

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  • [i]"I see..."[/i] [b]He chuckles, and turns his head back to the road.[/b] [i]"Welp... Gotta keep walking... Guess that means I'll catch you later."[/i] [b]He gives a mock salute and slowly trots down the opposing path from what he came from, hands falling into his deep pockets.[/b]

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  • "Okay! Buh bye! If you ever need mire cigs, come see me!" [b]She goes back to looking at the ground, goofy smile still on her face.[/b]

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  • [i]A young brunette with golden eyes and a light complexion skipped over to Frisky. She was wearing a red cloak, white shirt, and a short black skirt.[/i] "Y'know smoking is bad for you, right?"

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  • "Eh... It's the worst thing I do anymore. Should'v met me a few weeks ago... Now THAT was a party."

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  • [i]The girl sat down next to Frisky and straightened her skirt.[/i] "That just sounds like an excuse."

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  • "Oh, a few weeks ago I was on every drug. All of them. Not I just smoke weed from time to time."

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  • [i]Her eyebrow raised as she looked at Frisky with a confused look.[/i] "Just a few weeks and you've cut back that much? Most people would be a complete train wreck."

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  • "Oh... Last night... I was. And the night before. And the night before that."

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  • [i]The girl shook her head.[/i] "Well, I hope you get better. The name's Violet."

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  • "Call me Frisky. Don't remember my old name. Before I became a junkie."

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  • [i]Violet began to walk off.[/i] "Maybe you'll figure out your real name some day."

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