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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Orn: 10/16/2016 2:41:38 PM

[i][u]"...Be afraid."[/u][/i] [i][u]11:30 PM, Dojoville[/u][/i] [i]The clattering of running boots could be heard upon the stone road and sidewalk of one of the streets of Dojoville as a roguish figure sprinted throughout the city, their figure hidden away by the thick darkness that blanketed the land that night. The figure stood at about six foot one, a suit of armor engulfing his thin body as he ran for his very life; his very existence. The man came into the light of a streetlight, where his appearance was then immediately revealed. The man bore a suit of obsidian black armor, with skeletal parts decorating the chest plate disturbingly. A thick black fabric hood hod away his head, while a literal skull served as a mask for his young face. Resting within his left hand was a thick black sword, bloodied and jagged as if it had endured intense combat. One that wore armor like this..and had weaponry such as the sword..would be remarked as a Darkwraith, an ancient survivor of a forgotten land. This one was different. He did not wear this armor as a representation of what happened long ago, but as a servant to the darkness itself. The Abyss..[/i] [i]The Darkwraith's younger, slightly masculine breathing emitted from the skull mask itself, as an aura of darkness surrounded him slightly. Not like shadows surrounding his body, just the feeling of despair, of being alone, of facing death. That was the kind of aura that left his shoulders. After sprinting for quite a while, the warrior of darkness stopped for a bit, his right hand resting upon his armored knee as he bent his back, heavy breathing being heard from his location as if he was exhausted. He was running from something..but what, you may ask.. That "something" then revealed themselves to the world. The right foot or inch tall feminine figure suddenly sprinted out from the darkness, and into the lights that surrounded her and the Darkwraith. Her body was clad in a suit of armor, consisting of tattered and bloodied leather with steel kneecaps and a steel gauntlet on her left hand. A dark red cape protruded from her back, trailing behind her and riding on the wind as she sprinted towards her enemy. Her face was hidden away by a leather mask, while a steel pointed helm protruded from her head. Her right pupil was a dark, intimidating maroon, but her left..a blood red cybernetic eye, lighting up the darkness surrounding her and targeting the Darkwraith, who raised his thick sword and swung downwards at the woman.[/i] [i]In an instant, the left hand of the woman reached for her waist, and found itself grasping onto a hooked steel dagger. She immediately grasped it and raised it up, batting away the swore to the Darkwraith's surprise. In his immediate terror, the man fell over onto his back, his head banging across the ground as he did so. The woman stood over him, slamming her armored foot down upon his chest as she drew another weapon, one hidden behind her tattered red cape: a seven foot long thick greatsword, with two horns protruding from where the handle that was wrapped with thin leather met the steel blade of the weapon. Before the Darkwraith could raise his weapon once more, the woman swung downwards, the blade coming crashing down upon his arm. The man let out a bloodcurdling scream as his left arm was suddenly severed from his body, blood gushing out of his wound as his arm simply laid on the ground next to him. The woman sheathed the massive sword in her right hand, proceeding to do the same with her jagged dagger. She leaned down and grabbed the man by his armored throat, her maroon and cybernetic eye staring into the skeletal mask that hid away his face, before raising her left hand and slamming her knuckles into his head. The mask shattered into thin pieces, revealing a pale, blonde male in his mid-twenties, with an angular face, high cheekbones and thin lips. He slammed to the ground again, groaning in pain as he suddenly began speaking.[/i] "P-Please!! H-Have mercy, Watcher of the Abyss! I bring no harm to thee!" [i]The woman clearly didn't care for his begging. As he sat on the ground once more, she slammed her foot down once again on his chest, the sickening snapping of bones being heard as another scream escaped his throat. The woman leaned down, raising her right hand and sliding down her mask slowly, try steadily, to where only the man could see. Finally-she spoke two words, before her bloodlust took over. [/i] [i][u]"...Be afraid."[/u][/i] [i]In an instant, her teeth suddenly barred - sharpened, canine-like steel teeth, to be exact - and her head lunged towards the throat of the man like a wolf delivering the killing blow, the cybernetic jaws doing their work as she tore through muscle and flesh, shredding his vocal cords almost immediately. Out of her madness, she suddenly grasped the head belonging to the now dead man with only her left, and ripped it off of his body almost immediately. Now alone within the darkness, the woman's animalistic instinct took over as she began gnawing away at the very skull of the now dead Darkwraith, blood splattering across her face as she did so.[/i] ((Rather grotesque intro for Adeline, eh? Mind you, she killed the poor guy because he was a Darkwraith. Be careful, darkness users.))

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  • "Death is rarely a mercy, and it is not here in light of you eating the man, regardless of his life, the dead should be treated with respect" he said quietly, his tones regal and commanding

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    "No Darkwraith deserves respect. No matter what." [i]Adeline's tone was cold and vicious. As if she truly did not care for the life of the one she had just murdered and cannibalized.[/i]

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  • "Then I judge you to be rather merciless, despite your other claims" he said with an edge to his voice

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    "Judge me however thee wish; I do not care. I assume thou have not peered into the darkness of the Abyss, or have not fought the cruel monstrosities that writhe and churn within it's depths?" [i]Adeline was suspicious that Alpha didn't know of the true terror of the Abyss, what it had done to her land, her dimension..she would not allow it to spread her.[/i]

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  • "I know not what that is, but I know I am no longer pure myself......look at my face, my hands, my paws, my horns, does this look pure to you?" he opens his arms, a look of accusation on his face

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    "You act as if I judge thee for thou race, or for what thou has become. No. I judge thee that wish to spread this darkness, and I unleash my wrath and blade upon them as an act of mercy. Do you not understand?"

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  • "Do you even understand what they may be going through? have you not thought that they have been coerced into their actions? or mislead?" he seemed angered, and closed his eyes

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    "It matters not. They are a plague. A corruption upon this world. They must be eradicated. I do not wish to engage into conflict with thee.."

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  • "......I'm.....I'm sorry....I didn't mean......" he sighed, when his eyes opened the whites were pitch black and glowing white slits replaced the irises and pupils "Let's change the subject" he seemed unaware or uncaring of the change

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    "Very well." [i]Sighing, the Abyss Watcher was happy that the subject had changed. She thought about something that had come to her mind..earlier.[/i] "...This is near the it not?"

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  • "It is, what of it?" Those horrible eyes focused on you curiously

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  • [spoiler]Holy shit mate [/spoiler]

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    [spoiler]No mercy >:3[/spoiler]

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    [i]Heavy footsteps accompanied by the clanking of metal armour approached the woman from behind, a second long pause hanging between every step and every clank. The cause of these noises? None other than the Chosen Undead himself. Slayer of the Father of the Abyss, Manus; slayer of the Abysswalker, Knight Artorias; slayer of the first Lord of Cinder, Gwyn. He stopped about ten feet behind Adeline, a low, soft growl leaving his throat as the sizzling and sparking lightning from his Artorias Greatsword cast light on him. He was currently wearing a tremendously heavy set of Havel armour, the pure adamantanium and titanium shimmering faintly in the light. Hardlight shields flickered across the armour, as well as across the giant, titanium shield he held in his left hand.[/i] "Murdering the innocents?" [i]He mockingly asked, voice deep and young sounding - though the noise was muffled by the heavy armour, but nevertheless distinguishable. The Abyss was within him. Lingering in the depths of his very being, corrupting him, growing stronger with every death, just waiting to strike and take over. This one's fate was akin to that of Artorias.[/i]

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    [i]Dude, you should've worn the Abysswalker set for this fight. It would've been much more epic :(.[/i] [i]The woman's head suddenly jerked up to face Remy, as blood dripped from her fingers and chin slowly, each drop falling upon her armor or the stone ground beneath her. The woman seemed...somewhat attractive, if one ignored the grotesque liquid that covered her face. She seemed to be in her mid twenties, with tanned, smooth skin, high yet shallow cheekbones, a small nose and a dark maroon eye, while her hair was chocolate brown, short and boyish. But the left side of her face...absolutely monstrous. A metallic structure covered this side, with a cybernetic jaw present, the metal shining in the moonlight that covered the land from above. The gleaming cybernetic eye stared right at Remy, analyzing him, seeing his weapons- His weapons. The sword of Artorias..[/i] [i]The disfigured, eaten head suddenly dropped to the ground as the Watcher let go of it, wiping off her chin with her left hand afterwards and raising up her mask to conceal her face once more. She rise up, standing at her full height once more.[/i] "You...You wield the sword of the Abysswatcher Artorias, the one who sought to defeat the darkness and its master, Manus, long ag-" [i]And that's when she sensed it. That oh-so familiar darkness. And that's also when she spoke two words, when her cybernetic eye gleamed to the maximum, when her hands suddenly found themselves holding her sword and dagger.[/i] [u]"..Target identified."[/u] [i]He had the Abyss within him, the darkness that had plagued and destroyed the land, [b]her[/b][/i] [i]land. He was a vile monstrosity, seeking to corrupt more and more of this world, and world beyond. Today, he would fall. And he would fall by Adeline's blade.[/i]

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    [spoiler]You fücking asked for it. [/spoiler] [i]A soft, grim chuckle left Remy as a thick, black and purple liquid started to boil up from beneath his armour and out of his weapon and shield, dripping onto the ground in thick droplets. The Chosen Undead smirked under his helmet, before a thick curtain of Dark arose around him, completely hiding him form sight. A few moments passed, and a guttural, beast-like roar pierced the air as the curtain vanished from sight. Where once Remy stood, was now a ten feet tall, masculine figure, hunched over the slightly and leaning on a lengthy, eight and a half feet long sword. Remy was.. different. He was standing in a puddle of Dark, with thick droplets continuously dripping down from his armour.. His armour.. He was clad in the armour of the Abysswalker, Artorias, and within his right hand was Artorias' sword. Clenched in his left hand was the grip of a shield.. The same shield Knight Artorias had used. His head slowly moved up, two dark blue eyes peering at Adeline with pure rage, anger, and insanity. Remy had given in to the Abyss, and was now nothing more than a feral beast.. ..if it was temporary or permanent, however.. Well, who knows.. [/i]

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    [i]In response, Adeline only stood tall, her adamantium backbone straightened out as she stared silently towards Remy. In a eerie, deadly manner, she slowly rose the massive steel blade that she grasped with her right hand, while she began raising the dagger to her chest. Adeline aimed the tip of the greatsword towards Remy's chest, particularly at his heart, while she rested the jagged dagger over her right arm and over her breasts (o bby.).[/i] [i]Adeline stood there for about four seconds while performing the action, before lowering the hefty blade out to her side, while she grasped the dagger tightly. Setting her right foot out and her left foot behind her, Adeline bent her back as she stared towards Remy, her maroon eye and her cybernetic blood red one gleaming with the ambition of ending his existence. No matter the cost.[/i]

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    [i]The two faintly shimmering eyes slowly blinked before Remy lunged forwards with the ferocity of a wild animal, and the strength of a giant, his armoured feet taking two steps before pushing against the stone pavement very hard - though not quite hard enough to crack the stone like in anime and shit. Simultaneously, his right hand yanked the blade from the stone pavement, and swung it horizontally to the left and from the right, aiming at Adeline's waist with pure murderous intent. His steel shield was raised and held before him, eyes peering over the top as a purely bestial growl left Remy's throat. He was feral, monstrous, and would stop at nothing to kill his foe. [/i] [spoiler]I didn't know what else to write. ;~;[/spoiler]

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    [i]Fixed reply. Because reasons.[/i] [i]In retaliation, Adeline lunged forward as well, raising the Farron Greatsword as if it was a simple short sword to her and then swinging it horizontally towards the oncoming blade that was wielded by Remy/Artorias/Remtorias. She had swung it by the flat side of the blade, so it was much more of a blunt attack made for knocking back the sword, really. The intention was to simply knock the blade away, although she could've tried parrying Remy with the dagger. Her mind was so fixated on killing him that she couldn't even think straight at this point. And thus, as the two swords collided with each other, the impact and force sent Adeline spiraling back, her robotic feet sliding across the stone ground and causing sparks to fly as she did so. She anchored herself by slamming the sword into the ground anime style, stopping herself from going too far and potentially tripping.[/i]

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  • Edited by Nox: 10/17/2016 5:21:35 PM
    [i]You and your long ass replies. I feel so inadequate. The two blades impacted caused a shower of sparks and pure Dark to fly around, some of the very black, purple, white, I don't -blam!-ing know, liquid splattering on Adeline - though Remy got covered even further. The impact also caused Remy's sword to fling back, the giant's upper body reeling back from the force. Then, Remy started moving forwards, straight up sprinting as he swung vertically down, Dark flying off it as the sword whistled through the air, the edges being but a mere blur as the blade aimed to cleave Adeline's head in half. Inb4 parry goddess. [/i]

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  • Edited by Orn: 10/17/2016 10:25:16 PM
    [i]Bud, you pretty much write replies and posts twice as long as mine. Also, I really want to be a -blam!-ing asshole and parry this.. [/i] [i]Nah.[/i] [i]A low wolffish growl resonated from the Watcher's throat as she lunged once more, holding her blade in a fashion to where the blunt side faced Remy, the bloodied blade facing the corrupted knight. With a scream of rage and power, Adeline then swung the greatsword at the sword of Artorias, the metal whistling through the air as it found it's way in the path of the blade. It didn't help that Adeline's servos had allowed her to propel herself even farther towards Remy, and for good reason: for as the Farron Greatsword slammed into the Abysswatcher's Sword, Adeline aimed the blade of her jagged hook-like dagger towards Remy's right armpit, thrusting the blade of the small yet vicious weapon into it as if she was trying to stun him.[/i]

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    [i]Remy let out an inhuman, bestial roar of pure rage and anger, his muscles bulging in his right arm as he tilted the blade slightly making it slide down the Abyss Watcher's sword upon impact, the screeching of metal upon metal being heard with another rain of sparks that threw light over both of the warriors - only for them to quickly be covered in darkness once more. In said darkness.. Remy's normally blue eyes were like two burning coals, filled with rage, anger.. disarray.. even insanity. Pure insanity. He had given himself to the Abyss, and the question lingered still.. would he recover? As Adeline stabbed towards the Wolfknight's right armpit, he simply moved his shield, and pushed against the knife thing, hopefully at least bashing it away as a bestial growl came from Remy's throat.. Imagine if Olivia saw him now, lol. [/i]

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    [i]In a last minute decision - which was more of a "last second decision", really - Adeline's cybernetic legs and feet propelled herself to the right side of Remy, and while her head remained uninjured...her left arm had not. The move had allowed her to scamper away quickly, and yet it had a cost. [/i] [i]The blade of Artorias ripped through steel and carbon, eventually getting stuck in the blade before Adeline jumped far enough away where in a swift movement, her entire cybernetic arm was ripped off, her robotic fingers still grasping the jagged dagger. As for Adeline herself, the young Watcher spiraled away, a low growl escaping her throat right before an ear-piercing scream; a roar of complete insanity that oddly enough..was sim lair to something Remy may have done. She positioned her greatsword onto her shoulder in a fashion that would remind one of Artorias, and then...perhaps it became clear.[/i] [i]Adeline wasn't pure herself. She was corrupted, deep inside, by the Abyss. And now, in the most dire of situations... That corruption has taken over.[/i]

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    [i]Perhaps it would've been clear if Remy wasn't losing more and more of his sanity and humanity as the seconds passed. Even if he could return back to what he once was.. he'd never be the same. He'd always be different. Much, much different. Remy's sword rammed down onto the concrete pavement that made the sidewalk, smashing the stone and creating a sizeable deny - even though the impact with Adeline's arm had slowed it severely. The corrupted knight then started leaping back with big hops, quickly making the distance between him and Adeline about twenty feet. He then stopped, literally throwing his shield to the side, and grasping his blade with both hands. He keeled over, ramming the tip of his sword into the ground, smashing another hole in the sidewalk, before he keeled over, leaning heavily on his blade. More Dark started seeping form Remy's entire being, purple/black flames erupting from him as the Dark grey stronger within him, making him more and more bestial and inhuman. He then yanked the blade from the ground, heaving it above his head, Dark dripping from it as he very, very rapidly started sprinting to Adeline, his very lengthy legs and high strengthen carrying him inhumanly fast. Once seven feet away from Adeline, he swung at Adeline from the right, leaping and spinning midair. [/i]

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  • Edited by Orn: 10/16/2016 7:37:23 PM

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