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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/15/2016 10:19:01 PM
"Ah hey, old Lord Tekko recently passed. Was good friends with him and his son back before the days at the dojo. Just got a call from his son checking if I'd make it. As for now I'm just passing the time waiting for them to pick me up." She takes a quick glance at the time on her phone and tucks it back into her pocket. "Shouldn't be long now. Many people are surprised to hear this but they do enjoy guests. See it as a sign of respect when people visit"

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  • "Lord Tekko. Isn't that the Two Sword guy or something like that? The general met him I think."

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  • "Yeah the Lord of the Isle of the Second Swordsmen. Not a well known place but it is home to some very impressive warriors. Wonder if anything changed since I left" Outside the restaurant a well decorated carriage is pulled by a pair of black stalions. A rather strict looking man standing at its side, arms crossed. "Wow. I wasn't expecting them to be this early. If you want to come along I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind"

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  • "I'd be happy to."

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  • As they approach the man's expression changes from brooding and serious to a lighter expression. The man is young and clearly a man of great pride. [u]"Ama! How long has it been? A year?[/u] "Pretty close! So you earned your permission as a escort Hmm? Oh right this is Kabuto." [u]"hah it's a pleasure to meet you"[/u] The man says with a great vigor to his voice.

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  • "You as well." [b]The Knight extends a hand [/b]

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  • Kabuto shakes your hand and guides them both into the carriage. Within a short period of time the carriage begins to roll. A window out to the driver opens up. [u]"So I guess you already know the news"[/u] "Yeah his son filled me in on it. Have to say I wasn't sure if he even could die" [u]"Well he was full of life even for his age. Even a week before his death he was out training the youngsters sword in hand. [/u] "Really now?" [u]"Ah yes but look at the bright side. His sons are more than ready for the celebration. Both of them have trained all week without end. This will be one for the ages!"[/u] "I keep forgetting death is a celebration for you guys." She then looks over at the knight "I should probably mention for them this is actually a really good thing. They get to spar for a new leader, congratulate Tekko on his way to the afterlife, and celebrate his years of success."

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  • "I'm not sure I approve of his words no offense of course. But if he was training youngsters how did he die so suddenly? You haven't told me, so I mean no offense."

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  • [u]Ah I understand. It is a strange trait of our clan. As old as we may become we are mighty warriors even to the end![/u] He begins to laugh as he boasts about the second swordsmen. Ama let's out a sigh hearing Kabuto's explanation. "What he means is while they certainly do age their body seems to retain most of its strength. Tekko may have been an old man but even at his age he could hold his own. Even against someone like me"

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  • "Aha. So how did he die exactly? Just old age?"

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  • "I think his son said he ended up dying in his sleep. He had to be over a hundred years old so that's what I'm guessing"

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  • "Interesting. Strongest warrior in the two swordsmen and he dies in his sleep."

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  • "Yeah it seems a bit anticlimactic though I guess it's probably the most peaceful way to go." [u]"Well he was a strong advocate of peace. Maybe the might of the First had wanted him to experience peace even in death."[/u] "Yeah remind me not to bring you to my lab. You would probably say the 'First' is how I came up with all the gear in there" [u]"Heh well it still may have been"[/u] "Ehh"

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  • "The first?"

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  • "It's kind of their religion. They believe in a divine being of great power gave man the knowledge in the way of the sword. To them they consider it to be the 'First Swordsman' in which they call themselves the Second in respect to it. I guess they also think any advancements and well lived lives are thanks to him too. Not particularly religious but with results like theirs I can see why they would think some god is watching over them"

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  • "Aha. Didn't think religion was something they'd believe in."

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  • [u]"What do these guys want.[/u] Outside the window several figures are noticed coming out of the bushes. A shot fires barely missing Kabuto's head. [quote]"come on now. Don't make me scratch up that pretty armor. It's probably worth a quick buck to the right buyer so why don't you just hand it over and give us whatever valuables you got."[/quote] Ama steps out of the carriage. "Come on. You guys are really going to try and loot a bunch of funeral goers." [quote]"Well well, so it's got people inside. Say miss, what would you say your worth as a hostage."[/quote] "Roughly several dead highway men and a injured ring leader. Anything else?" [quote]"Well aren't you b#$tchy"[/quote] A blade blade forms in her hand and the restriction gear powers down. "Anything else on your mind?"

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  • [b]Hamilton kicks the foot open, sending it flying directly into one of the bandits, crashing him and the door into the tree. Hamilton steps out, wielding a massive hammer [/b] "Oof that was nice."

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  • "Well there goes the door..." A vine wraps around the leaders leg pulling him into the ground. Two highway men rush Ama only to be sent flying by the blunt end of her sword. [u]"She always was scary..."[/u] Kabuto says watching the two men rolling across the ground. He then takes up a stance and manages to perform a cut which sliced through a man's armor without injuring the man inside, incapacitating the bandit with a swift kick.

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  • "Yeah sorry about that!" [b]Hamilton tosses the hammer into one hand, swinging in a massive ark and decapitating the last two bandits easily [/b]

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  • Ama walks up to the leader buried up to his neck and gives him a sharp backhand. He yelps, terrified at his disposition. "So I'm going to assume you learned your lesson, have you go back to wherever it is you came from and tell your buddies exactly why you are the only one to come back and not have a dime to show for it." [quote]"b-but they will kill me! Please I don't wanna die"[/quote] She then writes up a map and sticks it in the man's mouth. "Then go to this location and wait till sunrise someone will come to pick you up" She turns back to the carriage quietly snickering as they get back in. As they get far enough she starts laughing out loud. Kabuto seems to know why and he mutters something under his breath.

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