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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/15/2016 3:02:03 PM
[i]Charlotte took his hand and walked him into the building and up to the front desk. The desk was just like the buildings, glass and white trim. The person behind the counter had a white suit on and spoke in a rushed tone.[/i] "What do you need, Miss...?" [i]Charlotte cleared her throat and replied.[/i] "Charlotte. I need to see my masters." "Ha ha. Who se..." [i]The man looked up at Charlotte and his eyes went wide. He started to stutter as he replied.[/i] "Y-yes, Charlotte of course! Just t-take the elevator to the right. I-I bet they're busy, but for you they may make room i-in their uhh schedule." [i]Charlotte nodded.[/i] "Thank you." [i]She then led Jack to an elevator. When they got in she started to laugh.[/i] "I just realized how weird this date is."

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  • "Trust me, I've had far worse." Treyman didn't lie. Source? The reason he had a kid at twenty. Yeah, he has had dates in the past go sour but this was something he was more than willing to look past.

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  • [i]Cliche elevator music played as it automatically started to go up.[/i] "So, uh, what's this plan of yours? It won't work so I'd like to hear how it was suppose to go after you fail."

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  • "Don't worry about that, lets just say I've got... Strengths. Strengths I can employ at will." On top of his Genesis augmentations, Treyman possessed a unique ability that was gifted to him so long ago, by a mage that had the power to slay gods. He could drain magical presences from anybody that contained it from gods to beggars and suspend it for the fight, through a portal that was inside his body and the seeping of magical essences. There was literally no way to avoid a magic drain unles- And I was about to say how.

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  • [i]Charlotte rolled her eyes.[/i] "Yep, you're going to get thrown off the tower." [i]The elevator stopped and the doors opened. A 6'3, 21 year old boy came rushing into the elevator. He had messy, short brown hair and brown eyes. The boy was wearing white combat armour with a white shirt and cargo pants underneath.[/i] "Excu-Charlotte!" [i]Charlotte hugged the boy as the doors closed and the elevator started going up again.[/i] "Lovecraft! Oh, how I've missed you." [i]Lovecraft returned the hug.[/i] "Charlotte, what brings you here? I haven't seen you in forever!" [i]He looks over at Jack.[/i] "Who are you?"

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  • "Intern," Jack jested as he looked to the figure, who didn't exactly impress Jack with the armour he wore. Though he didn't mind, just meant troves of weaklings for him to combat in the future.

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  • [i]Lovecraft laughed.[/i] "I might be a low ranking agent, but I can tell you're at least a ranking officer elsewhere." [i]Charlotte laughed as well.[/i] "His name is Jack Treyman." [i]Lovecraft's laugh died off and his face became serious.[/i] "Thee Jack Treyman? I'm guessing you're here for the same reason I am then. Good to know I have back up." [i]Lovecraft winked at Jack.[/i] "Just so you know, going in guns blazing is a terrible idea."

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  • "Hold on: You know me? Do you know [i]what[/i] I am? Because I'm too past wrath that I'm calm, and if you know me then you know what I have and can use on these -blam!-s." And Treyman's armour soon activated as an energy field started to surround him, just before the Hard Light calmed itself and cloaked after flaring up. He allowed himself to produce a strange, sleek pistol from his jacket followed by another, as he now held a pair of Antimatter auto-handguns to annihilate what he needed quickly. Nobody knew what they were but him though.

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  • [i]Lovecraft didn't even flinch.[/i] "We all do. You're brought up in some history lessons in the university. Now, are you gonna put the guns away or have them confescated at the door?" [i]The elevator starts to slow down as if it were about to open.[/i]

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  • "Neither." And with that his guns cloaked, likely because of the technology inside which was from a nation that surpassed even the people here by millennia.

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  • [i]Or so Treyman thought. Lovecraft looked at Jack and then back at the opening doors.[/i] "That counts as putting them away. Neither my ass." [i]The doors opened up to a long white hallway with a single door at the other end. Next to the door were two men covered in a skin tight white material. One stood up and walked towards the elevator.[/i] "Agent Lovecraft." [i]He nodded to Lovecraft.[/i] "Charlotte." [i]He nodded to Charlotte and then turned his attention to Jack.[/i] "Why is the NTR Jack Treyman here?" [i]Charlotte spoke calmly, without any sort of tricks in her voice.[/i] "He has come here for some urgent business, General Tao." [i]Tao looked Jack over.[/i] "I believe a meeting just ended, so you may enter. However; I'm only allowing you in because Charlotte brought you here and she's my favorite. If you have any weapons I suggest handing them over, I won't scan you as a sign of trust." [i]Charlotte and Lovecraft go ahead of Jack and head towards the door.[/i]

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  • Treyman lied, not because the items in his hand weren't something he was willing to hand over but because they were just digistructed creations. So he looked to Tao without speaking as am expressionless look crossed his face, and he proceeded into the room.

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  • [i]When the door opened all that could be seen was a shiny white wall. Charlotte and Lovecraft walked through this wall as if it were liquid. The second man at the door just stared Jack in the eyes with his light blue pupils as he passed.[/i]

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  • Jack thought this was kinda sketchy so he deconstructed his guns as he passed through the wall.

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  • [i]When he stepped through he appeared in an endless room. The floor was white and reflective, the sky was a light grey that went on forever. Several meters away was Charlotte on the ground bowing and Love craft saluting. In front of them was long desk where a dozen men and women sat in black suits and ties. One of the men spoke up.[/i] "At ease Lovecraft." [i]The man then looked up at Treyman.[/i] "So, what brings the NTR here?"

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  • "Oh cut the shit, I'm here for answers." Treyman was rigid in how he stood as he was proudly standing tall, but he looked... On edge. ((Warning: PTSD attack inbound))

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  • [i]The man scoffed.[/i] "I have no idea what you're talking about, Mr. Treyman. Hey, Charlotte could you come over here?" [i]Charlotte obeyed by going around the table and standing next to the man.[/i] "Yes, master?" [i]All of the people at the table smirked and some chuckled. The man didn't even look her in the eye as he commanded her.[/i] "Why are you wearing clothes? Take them off." [i]Charlotte stripped so that she was only in her underwear. Everyone at the table watched the display in amusement. The man slapped Charlotte's bottom before talking to Treyman again. Lovecraft was getting uncomfortable and averted his eyes.[/i] "What are these answers you seek?"

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  • "Well why are you enslaving Charlotte? I'd be willing to pay you guys for her as a slave." This was a half truth. Treyman on one hand did have access to the complete military arsenal of the New Terran Republic and could give schematics for vessels of war that would revolutionize any nation, but on the other hand he wasn't going to make Charlotte screw everybody she saw, Treyman being the exception because he was a loose cannon, and rather she could get with whoever she wanted. All in all it was a pretty good deal for either side, and there was always another person for them to hire or another woman for Jack to find.

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  • "Pay?!" [i]The whole table began to laugh very loudly.[/i] "This guy wants to buy Charlotte!" [i]This went on for several minutes before it began to die down.[/i] "Do you even know what she is? You have to at least figured out that she isn't human, right? She was worth more than several star systems put together before, but now that her siblings are dead she's now one of a kind. Priceless." [i]Lovecraft spoke up.[/i] "Just because she's not a human doesn't mean she's not a person!" [i]Everyone at the table began to shake their heads and sigh.[/i] "Agent Lovecraft, remember all the times we've said to never bring that subject up again? Charlotte and her siblings aren't people, they're property that this company owns. Well, owned anyway. Chuck and Charlie died."

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  • "Alright," Well now he's on his, and the writers, actual last idea that doesn't involve spraying everything with Antimatter that walks. "I'll out-sex you, see who Charlotte likes more. If I win, she's mine. You win, yours."

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  • [i]The table just went silent and Lovecraft facepalmed.[/i] "Are you really that stupid? I can make her orgasm uncontrollably till it hurts, see?" [i]Charlotte fell to the floor, her muscles spasming as she sprayed fluids all over the place from nonstop climaxes. The man looked at the display with a smile before looking back at Treyman.[/i] "I don't understand how you see any value in her anyway. If you don't understand what she even is how can you think she's anything more than a wh*re?"

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  • Treyman decided to use what is quite literally the only bit of information that the writer -blam!-ing received, all the while he prepared to slaughter everything that was in the room. An aura swarmed around him as it seemed to emanate from his back with a purple look, which in turn made him raise up into the air by at least ten feet, before he looked down to the figures that had Charlotte in a state of pain and too much pleasure. And when he spoke, his voice wasn't channeling his own words but instead something... Darker, deeper and demonic sounding. "Do you have any idea who I am? My name is Jack Treyman, and I will personally slaughter everybody in your lands, I will hang Charlotte from the rafters of the building we stand in, and finally I will rápe the women and torture the men. And when your city is a festering pile of nothing but rubble, then I will put effort in."

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  • [i]This was not at all what the other writer said to do, but okay. Like, maybe rethink this...unless you wanna erp r*pe...I mean, that's wrong, but...I'd be into doing it.[/i] [i]Charlotte immediatly teleported everyone else away to an unknown location. She turned to Treyman with red eyes and spoke with a commanding voice.[/i] "Stand down!"

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  • The other writer would ERP most things really because... Well he didn't have any morals in roleplay sex. As for what the other writer said: All that Treyman's writer was told is how somebody looked and that people knew what he was, because I ain't Vio or someone who was told shit in any past interactions nor this. Treyman lunged forwards and wrapped his hands around Charlotte though it wasn't his hand, rather an extension of the magical aura that surrounded him, but that now meant every part of him but the right arm was uncovered by anything but clothes and hard light. "Shut up!"

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  • [i]You asked where to go back to and I said the elevator part. Now, can we make this r*pe erp and take it to pms while also redoing the canon part?[/i]

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  • -Treyman just leaves through portals- ((I got nothing against you or your characters, but this plot is just annoying. Sorry dude.))

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