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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: Dojo Bio Page
Edited by jj1042: 12/28/2016 6:28:22 PM
Vernon (Last name undocumented), co-leader of the old Coalition, and member of the old Dojo. A.K.A. jj1042 to those who aren't his close friends. Sex: Male Race: Caucasian Age: Around 50, but his body is 28. Personality: Kind to friends, but generally headstrong and reckless in battle. Slim but physically fit build, 6'3 in armor, 6'8 outside. Hair color: brown. Eye color: dark green. BRIEF backstory. And yes, this the brief version. Feel free to skip it, it's really not necessary. [spoiler] Vernon was born in 2976 on Earth into happy family, with his only sibling, Ashley, being born four and a half years later. As a small child, Vernon's parents left him, and were presumed dead after no evidence was found regarding their whereabouts. So, Vernon and his sister were taken to an orphanage, where they lived until Vernon turned 13 years of age. Eventually, they snuck out in the cover of night, and lived together for another four years. Unfortunately, during a hiking trip with his sister, he fell from a mountaintop, and into a boiling tar pit. Seven years later, he woke up in a hospital bed, utterly confused. Slipping in and out of consciousness, Vernon eventually found out that he was found lying in front of the tar pit, that seven years had passed, and that he was in a coma for months. After he regained his strength, he escaped the hospital, and then most of the rest is history. Unable to find a job as officially dead, he took to the stars as a treasure hunter. Here, he eventually found his numerous weapons, and honed his soon-to-be-apparent abilities. After all of that, he found the old Dojo, where he stayed for a little under a year, making friends and allies with the legendary denizens of the old Dojo. After the first falling out of the Dojo, Vernon went on to create Dissidan Station, a space station meant to be a utopia but turned weapons factory, city, and military base. After numerous other outings, he's returned to the new Dojo, stronger than ever before. [/spoiler] Weapons [spoiler]Vernon's main weapons are integrated with his armor. These weapons consist gauntlet that can shift into a massive arm cannon, which can swap between multiple firing modes. One is purely concussive force; one is a plasma-based beam or shotgun; another is consistent mostly of electricity; and yet another fires a substance capable of slowing down the movement of molecules, effectively freezing opponents in place for a moment. Diverting all energy to his cannon allows him to fire a large laser consisting of all four fire-modes, but at the cost of his armor. Vernon also comes equipped with a small missile launcher hidden within his left shoulderpiece of his armor. In order to fire it accurately, he must stop, kneel, and aim carefully, leaving him temporarily open to attack. Although, he can fire it while on the move, but it wouldn't be accurate, and it would throw him backwards. Finally, Vernon comes equipped with a sword forged from some of the most durable metals known to man. And for when Vernon loses his armor, he also has a shortbow with a small quiver of normal and special arrows gifted to him by old allies. And a shield forged from the same metals as his sword. [/spoiler] Armor [spoiler] Vernon's suit of armor is his own redesign of the powered combat armor of an alien race. Usually, the armor is thin, and mobile, but Vernon's rendition is more akin to a tank. With metal plating a few inches thick in some spots, crafted from dense, heavy metals and alloys, the armor is barely maneuverable without assistance from other forces. On the backside, and slightly toward the sides of the armor, are several jet boosters that slightly protrude from the armor's surface. Vernon can use these for quick sidesteps, or to gain forward momentum. However, when he uses all of the boosters to push him forward, Vernon becomes an unstoppable chuck of metal and firepower, moving forward with such power that his armor makes the earth beneath it sound like a drum. When moving at top speed like this, Vernon can barrel through just about anything, from people to stone walls, but stoping and turning are key issues. Also, hitting something solid, such as a brick wall, will slightly damage the armor. And last but certainly, Vernon has his visor. His normal visor acts as a HUD, displaying energy levels, damaged areas, targeting, and warnings. However, Vernon can use his visor for a scan on things in his environment, or opponents in order to gain information on the surroundings, command his ship, or immediately obvious weak points. Less obvious and generally more effective areas cannot be picked up on the scanner. Lastly, the suit has all the weak points of a normal set of armor, and few more, think about it.[/spoiler] Abilities [spoiler] Let's get the most controversial out of the way. Vernon's immortal, in a sense. He can be killed, for a time. The more violent the kill, the longer it takes for him to resurrect. So, a simple gunshot or lethal injection would allow him to come back in a couple of days, but getting ripped to shreds would take weeks for him to resurrect from. He can also resurrect temporarily within battle, but he is severely weakened if he does, and it only lasts about 1 or 2 turns, and I rarely use it. I won't Godmod, to put it shortly. I've been here a while, I know how to control myself. And if I don't, slap me about until I do. Anyway, on to the rest. Rage and Despair (R&D): Rage and Despair are the results of Vernon's training, tapping into the power of his very being in order to manifest weapons and armor. Rage is his armor, always constructed of energy and bright red. The more anger Vernon builds up, Rage will become more durable, and will glow with fiercer and fiercer light. If broken, Rage will slowly repair itself, but not so fast that it's unable to capitalize upon that temporary weakness. Furthermore, any weapons that Vernon has an emotional connection to, such as a weapon of one of his friends, performs better against Rage. (And as a little treat for your writing, Rage appears different for everyone who looks upon it. Some people may see the same Rage, others may see it differently). Furthermore, there's Despair, a very versatile weapon. Despair is black in color, forming around Vernon's normal sword. The more sadness Vernon experiences, the darker Despair appears, to the point where it seems to devour light. Despair can slightly alter its shape depending on Vernon's need, but it may never become something different than a sword. Upon being cut with Despair, or hit in some way with Rage, the victim will begin to feel that same emotion, though the intensity varies depending on the victims's own mental and emotional state. Vernon can also do a small variety of things with R&D. For example, he can use Rage to create weak clones of his armor to use as distractions or to overrun his opponents. Or, he can throw Despair and teleport to wherever it lands, or he may will it back to himself. There are two final catches to this: Vernon slowly tires out when using R&D, but it can still last for a long period of time. Try to take down Vernon before R&D can activate. And secondly, an opponent cannot wield Despair, as it is an extension of Vernon's being. If wielded by anyone else, it will simply revert to his normal sword, or Vernon could teleport to it, or simply call it back. And lastly, Honor. Honor is a variant of R&D given to Vernon by the late Luis Franco, better known as Cobalt Phoenix, as a parting gift. Honor activates when Vernon has taken on wounds, and isn't losing control of his mind due to the sheer power R&D can exert at times. Honor envelopes Vernon in blue flame, causing a small eruption near Vernon when it activates. Honor then gives Vernon the ability to control said fire, as well as control and shape ash into whatever he pleases. However, Honor cannot be maintained for long periods of time, as the wear on Vernon's body would be immense, as well as the resulting burns. Vernon can only keep Honor up for less than 4-9 turns, varying depending on his beginning condition and opponent.[/spoiler] And that pretty much covers it. If this seems overpowered, the only real time I don't hold something back is either during story, or when someone I'm dueling is okay with it.

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