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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/13/2016 11:14:23 PM
[i]Dojo Apartments // 1950 hours // Death of a Godfather The sun had just gone over the horizon, enveloping the Dojo in the darkness of the night, dimly lit by what few lamps there were in the courtyards. It was quite a silent night, not a sound aside from the loud screams and shouts from the massive party going on in Theta Brown's apartment. A disco ball hung from the crowded room in the Dojo, with at least thirty five people crammed into it, all dancing and laughing wildly. In the middle of the room, just below the disco ball, a woman around the age of twenty four stood above the crowd on a table, scantily dressed and pole-dancing. The woman wore fish net clothing, tight against her light olive skin, and black, lacy lingerie, contrasting greatly from her brown hair and green, mechanical eyes. Her thin lips were pulled up in a sexy smile. It was Theta Brown, a rather unknown member of the Dojo, yet she was there, mainly for fun. Suddenly, from the crowd, a man jumped up onto the table, his black boots landing on the countertop with a thud. he was dressed in a black leather jacket and black jeans, a white t-shirt under the jacket, which was left unzipped. He had a hair of neatly combed back, jet-black hair, and kept like that with just the right amount of gel. His bright blue eyes contrasted greatly with his clothing and hair, his light skin tone smooth and unblemished. He had high cheekbones and a square jaw, recently shaved, and a full lower lip. The corners of his mouth pulled up in a smile, and he suddenly grabbed Theta, whispering something into her ear seductively. The woman laughed, grinning wildly at the man, and only nodded. The man's smile remained on his face, however somebody who was sober and paying enough attention would see that it was faker than a politician. He pulled Theta to the apartment room's stairway in the corner of the room as the crowd in the room squealed wildly. Picking Theta up and carrying her to her room, the man feverishly pressed his lips to Theta's, throwing her onto the bed, but now his smile was gone. Pulling away, Theta grinned, beginning to pull off her scandalous clothing, however the man stopped her by reaching into his leather jacket, pulling out a 9mm pistol equipped with a silencer. He'd gotten the gun after countless hours of pickpocketing at Dojoville; not the best way to go about it, but he was rather poor. He pressed the barrel of the pistol to Theta's chest, the woman's eyes widened in shock. He placed his left hand—slender, the hands of a violinist—against the woman's thin lips. He smiled coldly at the woman, before speaking.[/i] "Party's so loud, not a single soul's going to hear the screams of a Godfather—you filthy Bloodsucker. And even then, they'll assume you'll be screaming for... other reasons." [i]The man's smile disappeared, and wasted no more time and pulling the trigger, the 9mm bullet entering Theta's heart and ending her life with next to no sound, and what sound there was was drowned out by the party downstairs. The man got up, walking over to the desk in the room, grabbing a notebook. He tore a piece of paper from it, and, putting on a pair of leather gloves from his pocket, he wrote on the paper:[/i] [u]Damn Bloodsuckers. Had to take care of this Godfather myself. You're welcome. -The Aviator[/u] [i]Of course, if he was a vigilante, he had to come up with a good name for himself; he liked the rush of air in his hair and against his face as he ran, so the man decided that a pilot was fitting; sprinting, as though he were flying. The Aviator walked towards the window, unlocking it and opening it wide, the cool, night air blowing into the room. The man stepped onto the windowsill, and without a second's hesitation, he jumped down to the dark courtyard below.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Dojo Apartments // The following morning, 0830 hours // The Aviator All the information you've received is that there had been a murder the night before in apartment room 764. The information was sent in an email to you by one named "Detective Bowel". He requests that you meet him in courtyard 3, the one below the apartment room, at 0900 hours.[/i] ((Open!))

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  • [i]Detective Bowel walked into the courtyard several minutes later, smoking a pipe, fumes obscuring his face. As he approached Xavier, Bowel threw the pipe aside, breathing out smoke. His hair was gray and his skin wrinkled, his eyes deep shade of brown. His mustache was thick and bushy, yet gray. He appeared to be in his mid-forties. Smiling at the man, Bowel spoke in a deep, raspy voice.[/i] "Xavier! Yah came! Ah've heard so much about cha, all good things." [i]Bowel extended a hand, his brown eyes meeting Xavier's.[/i]

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  • [i]Xavier extended his own hand, shaking the detective's.[/i] "Good to see you too, Bowel. Now, what is this investigation about?"

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  • [i]Bowel shook Xavier's hand, then pulled away, lighting a cigar.[/i] "The case. Well, a woman was found dead in her room, on her bed, a bullet wound in her heart. After close examination we found that the bullet was a 9mm, and shot a point-­blank range. There was also a death note." [i]The detective handed Xavier the death note, seen above.[/i]

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  • Edited by Tamedfrog: 10/14/2016 1:01:48 AM
    "Bloodsucker, huh? I know that they're a secretive mafia, but other than a few facts, nothing else." [i]He hands the note back.[/i] "Might be a case of a vigilante, obviously. You know anything about The Aviator?"

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  • "The Aviator... if we comb through the records of old newspapers, a couple years back there was an 'Aviator', running around and killing criminals with what looked to be a bladed weapon. Definitely the case of a vigilante."

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  • "I could see what this guy actually did but... I still haven't regained the ability to peer into the past. My Psionic skills were weakened as soon as I entered this dimension, and they are still recovering now."

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  • "What the hell?" [i]Bowel blinked, and shuddered.[/i] "Whatever. Just crazy bullshit spouting."

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  • "And of course, people don't believe me." [i]He pondered, thinking about what to do.[/i] "Actually... Can you lead me to where she died?"

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  • [i]Bowel nodded, leading Xavier to the apartment, messy from the party. Up the stairs, and to the bed, which was stained with blood, Theta's half-naked body still lying there.[/i]

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  • Edited by Tamedfrog: 10/14/2016 3:48:33 AM
    "Were there any security cameras?"

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  • A potential case of vigilante justice to be served? The Marshal was in town, and seeing as he wasn't named that for not being a lawman occasionally, he definitely did show up to investigate. He also planned to steal the corpse if at all possible but that was for a side project of his. The courtyard wouldn't feel the rumbling of the powered suit JT normally wore, rather he was equipped rather modernly. A deep blue dress shirt lay over a grey undershirt as it was rolled up to his elbows and left unbuttoned, with only a pack of some neo futuristic cigarettes remaining in that little fold where he could store it like a pocket. There was no fedora like a traditional detective had and rather his brown cowboy hat, not to mention the blue jeans he wore which weren't what he usually had for a pair of pants. His arms though, they were the same as ever: Cobalt's left arm and JT's Cedyetica Cyborg Arm. And so, he stepped into the courtyard and waited.

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  • [i]Detective Bowel walked into the courtyard several minutes later, smoking a pipe, fumes obscuring his face. As he approached JT, Bowel threw the pipe aside, breathing out smoke. His hair was gray and his skin wrinkled, his eyes deep shade of brown. His mustache was thick and bushy, yet gray. He appeared to be in his mid-forties. Smiling at the cowboy, Bowel spoke in a deep, raspy voice.[/i] "JT! Yah came! Ah've heard so much about cha, all good things." [i]Bowel extended a hand, his brown eyes meeting JT's cyan ones.[/i]

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  • JT clasped his more realistic prosthetic into the hand of Bowel, as he found it impolite to shake with his arm of Cobalt due to it being more of a skeletal frame. His cyan blue eyes met with the lookers of the detective as his face remained straight, because he wasn't a kind man on the job unless he needed to be, and so he retracted his hand. "The case detective, what is it? And I've got one request."

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  • [i]Bowel shook the cowboy's hand, then pulled away, lighting a cigar.[/i] "The case. Well, a woman was found dead in her room, on her bed, a bullet wound in her heart. After close examination we found that the bullet was a 9mm, and shot a point-­blank range. There was also a death note." [i]The detective handed the cowboy the death not, seen above.[/i] "As for the request... well, speak up."

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  • "Send the body to my clinic. I wont go into detail but I can do something to get the information, possibly bring her back to life for a moment and keep her in permanent stasis." JT was completely honest, as in he did it before. He needed the corpse to find out what had went down the night of the murder in all its sexual glory and gritty disgust if he was to piece it together, and it was a thing that he could use to hopefully find the face of the killer, or at least his voice and general look. And as for the stasis... Well some things and plans are best left unsaid, though JT did have use for her body in that she could act as a model for a concept he was working on: Genetic cloning and experimentation.

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  • "Interesting.... Alright. The body will be over there in ten minutes." [i]And true to his word, ten minutes later, a coffin was delivered to the front door of the clinic, Theta's body left untouched, still wearing her scandalous clothing from the night before.[/i]

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  • "Excellent, thank you detective." --------------- Back at the clinic, it was all set and done. JT had managed a Maraswap, in which the organs and brain were put into a living body and the brainwaves were transferred to the corpse as a revival to bring her back from the dead, which went pretty well for JT as he body was put in a Bacta Tank to regenerate the cells and body. Estimated time, eighty years until release, but she could still speak and such when awake. JT hadn't tapped into her mi d yet, rather she floated in a green liquid and JT sat in front of the tank until she awoke.

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  • [i]Soon, Theta awoke, opening her bright green eyes, and let out a yelp of surprise; she thought she was supposed to be dead. She [/i]was [i]dead. Looking around, her eyes were full of wonder, wonder for how in the world she was awake. Then, she looked at JT, and sorta smiled.[/i] "Hello? Where the -blam!- am I?"

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  • "Purgatory," the cowboy calmly and kindly responded. He didn't change her out of the previous clothing as it would provide a sense of familiarity to her he hoped, although he did wipe up the blood and cauterize the wound. "You died, I need what you know about the killer, mind telling me beautiful?"

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  • "Th-the killer?" [i]Theta thought back for a moment, then blushed furiously.[/i] "O-oh. Him. I... um. Yeah. He had bright blue eyes and... black hair. Definitely black hair. His clothing... looked like he was wearing black clothing... and he had a light skin tone. That's all I can remember...." [i]She averted her gaze, cursing herself for being so easily taken advantage of and killed where she thought she'd be having sex.[/i]

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  • "What were you guys doing? Did you get the time? Can you think of his face?" JT may or may not have installed a cranial neurochip inside Theta's brain in an attempt to get the image, but it could only work if she thought of his face. He looked to a monitor off to the left which displayed Theta's thoughts, emotions and even a POV camera as she floated in the tank, which was for convenience purposes.

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  • "I-we were...." [i]She stopped talking, but the memory could be seen on the screens. A drunken Theta, pole dancing on a table in a crowd. A somewhat handsome man jumping on the table and hugging her, whispering compliments and flirts. A suggestion they that should have intercourse. The man had jet-black hair, and bright blue eyes, with high cheekbones and a square jaw that was recently shaved. He carried her away from the crowd, and she vividly recalled him planting a feverish kiss on her; her blush reddened at that. A drunken reply of the events went through her head, her beginning to take off her clothing, before being shot in the heart, and the memories stopped there.[/i]

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  • "I always miss the fun ones..." JT said in response as he stood from the steel chair that he was contained in, though he had an image of who to track down now. He looked down to his right arm as he cross referenced the face with the security cameras of the Dojo, as well as most of the police databases from Tatakai to the New Terran Republic, and also Drivers Licenses were checked. "Well ma'am you have two choices: I kill you and use your corpse for experiments, or you live and I offer you a job? You can decline or accept, I'm just always glad yo help people." Ah niceness, JT's biggest flaw. Nice guys finish last was definitely true, both from everything like friendly competitions and in love to work things.

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  • "I mean... living's fun...." [i]Theta murmured, deciding on the latter. She looked at JT, a question in her bright green eyes.[/i] "But... how?"

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  • "The how ain't necessary. you're in a new body with the same face, all I had to do was some complicated shit," JT said as he typed a few buttons into his arm, and in seconds her life expectancy was set to be back to normal and ready for release in just a moment.

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