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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Nox: 10/12/2016 10:32:19 PM

[b][u]Title: Y'deserve this.. Time: 12:34 PM. Location: Dojoville.[/u][/b] [i]Jason silently stalked the streets of Dojoville, heading towards one of the less populated areas of the town as the sun beamed down on him, giving his form a bright orange hue while he walked the stone pavement that made the streets, his metal boots sounding hollow on the floor. The armoury that were all of his guns clanked softly against the armour the vengeful old man was wearing, making people look over to him - though none seemed worried; the warriors of the Dojo usually were seen with weapons. He was in his usual attire: a silver suit of ceramic and titanium, as well as reinforced steel. The large, horizontal, light blue visor was probably the weakest party - t'was just a thick plate of bulletproof glass displaying Jason's HUD, after all.. Though it did not worry the man, since his target, this "Remy", wouldn't stand a chance against a lil' slug of depleted uranium crashing into him at ten thousand kilometers per hour - but, Jason did say he wasn't going to kill the kid. Jason was currently carrying only three weapons: a sleek black and silver rail gun with a high powered scope, allowing for very long range engagement; a rather large, SMG-like weapon with a black paintjob, hanging at Jason's right hip, though there was a set of white lines in a square on both the left and right side of the barrel, each thingy having a white skull in the middle.. the barrel mouth was absolutely giant, bigger than even a .50 BMG round; the final weapon was a large, white and black, oddly shaped assault rifle which currently sat in a leather sheath on Jason's back. The area around the grip was a light black, while the rest of the gun was a ceramic white. The words "Jason, proud brother of Lucas" were scratched into the weapon's large trigger. After a few more minutes of walking, a soft growl came from the Ire, his eyes narrowing in disgust. He had found his target, who was currently walking towards him. Blue eyes, muscular, tall, and with a giant sword diagonally across his back.. Must've been Remy, right? Jason stopped walking, the streets being mostly empty since the two were in an area where several massacres happened, caused by both Irina and Jack. Blue eyes met blue eyes, one set filled with fear as Jason raised and aimed his Gauss rifle, a malicious smile on his worn face. Remy tried turning around, right sneaker raised to take a step when a deafening bang was heard as something broke the sound barrier.. and then Remy's left leg was just.. gone. In that instant, a tungsten carbide alloy had left the barrel of Jason's weapon, sped up to eight times the speed of sound by electromagnetic coils, and impacted the top of Remy's left thigh, tearing through cloth, flesh, and bone as if it wasn't even there. The leg flew off with a rain of thick blood, splattering on the pavement in a thick trail as the same liquid flowed from Remy's stump like a crimson waterfall. The amputee fell to the ground in the same instant, hitting the stone pavement with a thud and a gasp, his hands doing.. absolutely nothing. He wasn't even clutching his wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. [/i] "Gotcha now, ya goddamn piece o' shite. Y're the absolute lowest a man can get, y'know? Using a woman - nay, not a woman. A girl. Using a girl for sex! Y're scum, and I'm taking ya back to our lil' place." [i]Jason said rather angrily, his rough and hard voice shaky with bottled rage.. Now, Remy understood what this all was about, tears welling up in his eyes. He.. he did love Olivia.. He felt terrible about what he had done - but that wasn't going to stop this man, and the kid knew that damned well. As Remy laid there, on his chest, the pissed off Ire took aim at his second leg, pulling the trigger without a second thought.. More pain, more blood. Remy's lower abdomen was laying in a pool of blood by now. Jason took his right hand off his menacing murder gun. His right, now free prosthetic hand started shifting and changing, the entire hand along with the armour shifting back over the wrist and forearm, showing a stump which was glowing with pure heat. Jason spoke, his voice cold and chilling to the bone,[/i] "Gonna cauterize yer wounds.. Don't want y'to bleed out on lil' ol' me, now do we, eh? Nay, not even our Saint Jose can save ya now." [i]Remy.. was confused, to say the least. Confused about this man's weapon. Confused about this man in general. Was he even a man? Truly, the Chosen Undead had seen quite a few weird things that weren't seen in Lordran already.. but this took the cake. The pissed off Ire, once standing by Remy's stumps, squatted down with a groan, his bones cracking and popping audibly. He pressed the hot iron of his right arm against the first wound, making Remy scream out in pain as the flesh was seared and burnt to closing. Then the second wound, and another cry of pain. Once done, the hand and armour shifted back, forming just.. a hand again. A hand that swiftly grasped the grip of Jason's gun. Jason slowly got up, and he walked.. well, over Remy, his feet to both of the manipulative cuck's sides. The Ire took aim at Remy's right and most dominant arm, and pulled the trigger, blasting a hole the size of a baseball where the arm and body connected, and also cracking the concrete beneath the two. The second arm soon followed, then more burning pain.. Remy was so, so close to passing out.. So close to ending this pain.. So close, yet so far.. [b]Quite some time later. [/b] Jason dragged a broken, beaten, and battered Remy through the gate of the Dojo, his right hand having grabbed onto Remy's long, dark brown hair. The slightly less pissed off guy let the Dark Lord go, making him fall to the ground since he was not just a torso with a a head.. All the things necessary to stay alive. Jason then left the man there, leaving to find his younger brother. When I said that Remy now only had the essentials to live.. I wasn't kidding. His arms and legs were gone, eyelids were shut with dried up blood, his entire chin was covered in dried blood, his tongue having been forcefully fed to him, along with his eyes, and his.. privates. All in all, Remy was a husk of a person.[/i] [spoiler]Open! Remy's.. grand return, I guess. Poor dude..[/spoiler]

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  • *Mortar watches Jason push the mangled Remy along, almost making him Cringe. However he is aware of his past incidents and stays silent, only to watch the man being kicked around by Jason* Ay Jay! You finally did it, huh?

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    [i]Jason perked up, swiftly swiveling around to face the origins of the voice. Upon seeing Mortar, Jason simply smirked, blue eyes lighting up with recognition because I'm pretty sure they met on the Bloodwrath. [/i] "Hey, Mortar! Y'bet yer ass I did it. Bastard deserved 't."

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  • I can tell. Damn, that's a lot of overkill. Couldn't tell it was him till he got real close. So what'd this bloody stump do, eh?

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  • Edited by Alpha-007: 10/13/2016 2:45:44 PM
    Alpha watched from a perch on top of the gate he understood why a man would do this, men often did things without thinking, or with little thought as they let their passions rule them, but it still disgusted the kid, and he dropped down with a roll, gripping the hilt of his saber, Harmony, as he approached Remy, hood obscuring his face, though his ungloved hands and the shape of his paw-coverings showed he was not human, as his hands were covered in shining white fur though, none of that was noticeable to remy, save for a slight musky scent approaching him

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    [i]Remy inhaled deeply to confirm the scent, and that it was coming closer. His head perked up a little, ears listening carefully for just about anything. Slowly, pure fear started to fill the young adult. Fear for more terrible things.. He already went through literal months of agony, so the thought of more petrified the man with fear. [/i]

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  • he crouched next to him his voice betrayed his young age of fifteen years, boyish as it was "What......did you do?"

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    [spoiler]Y'know, Jason wasn't supposed to be interacted with. And, y'know, there's no way he didn't make a single sound when he jumped off of a rather high perch.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]he has cybernetics and shit, but I'll edit it if you so wish[/spoiler]

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    "...[b]R-R-Remy...[/b]..." [i]Footsteps could be heard making their way to the Dojo's gates, and a familiar voice spoke up, least to Remy. Feminine, young...and loving, yet a tint of despair could have been heard within it. The speaker was the one that loved Remy, that cared for him with all her heart. Olivia.[/i] "...Remy...Oh, God.." [i]The eighteen-year old girl kneeled next to what remained of Remy, tears streaming down from her electric yellow eyes onto her slightly tanned cheeks, her long red hair tied back in a long ponytail. Olivia wasn't in her typical armor, but instead a maroon t-shirt and a pair of navy blue skinny jeans, finished with a pair of laced up boots. The different thing was that...she was pregnant. To signify this, her belly had...I guess bloated? I dunno, lol. She placed a slightly muscular hand on Remy's chest, while quietly speaking to him in his awful state.[/i] "R-Remy...I-I'm here, Remy...I-I love you, Remy.."

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  • Edited by Nox: 10/13/2016 2:20:43 PM
    [i]Remy's head immediately perked up, his mouth slowly opening, showing a dark, bloody hole with a few meaty pieces left. Remnants of what was once the young man's tongue. He wanted to say something to Olivia so very bad.. So.. Very.. Bad.. But, he couldn't.. He wanted to tell Olivia how sorry he was, and how much he loved her.. But he couldn't. He couldn't and it made him feel even worse.. Though, there was also happiness, deep in his chest. Happiness.. because the one he loved felt the same.. Cheesy. Tears started to well up in his sockets, before sliding down his bloody cheeks, like crimson raindrops, and dripping off his chin, leaving a red trail in their wake. Blood.[/i] [spoiler]Short reply but I can't do much with a character like this, lol.[/spoiler]

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    "...Y-You're Undead...Y-You can come back i-if I kill you...r-right...?" [i]Olivia only kneeled over the one she loved, staring into his bloodied, beaten face with eyes full of nothing but despair and tears. She would be willing to put Remy out of his misery, if only he would return in a better state than...this. Olivia's plan was to simply break his neck quickly, so that he would die painlessly. [/i] "...Rem...Is that...fine? I-If I kill you...Y-You can come back. A-And I'll still love you, too.."

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    [spoiler]I hate this shit because I can't even write decent replies cuz he's.. not even a person at this point. Cri. [/spoiler] [i]Remy gave a happy, comforting smile - though it only showed how fücked up his mouth was. His teeth were missing and it was all just bloody and mangled, like each tooth was torn out with brute strength. The young man then just nodded. Sure, he knew he'd become more hollowed and lose more of his humanity.. But it was completely worth it if it meant seeing Olivia again, interacting with her.. [/i]

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    [spoiler]Lol.[/spoiler] [i]Silently crying at this point, Olivia sighed as Remy nodded, for she had been given permission to kill him so he could return. Before committing the deed, the young dragonslaying knightess leaned down and planted a kiss upon Remy's forehead, ignoring the blood, if there was any, upon it. After doing this, she simply held Remy's hand with both hands, silently sobbing at this point. Wishing to make the kill as fast and as painless as possible, Olivia twisted the Dark Lord's head, jerking it over with all of her strength and waiting for the crunch that signified that his neck had been broken.[/i]

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    [i]Remy's neck snapped with a crack, his head slumping down as what remained of his body went limp. His last breath then left his lips. He had died instantly and peacefully, with his lover at his side. His body started to dissipate into green and white particles that flew away in the gentle breeze, only to eventually fade away. Soon, his entire body and clothes were gone. Assuming Olivia remained in place - crying like a bitch - some time had passed, before soft, gentle footsteps were heard behind the lass, heading to Olivia's right side. A silent moment passed, before a muscular hand was brought into Olivia's field of view, waiting to be grabbed so the girl could be pulled up. [/i]

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    [i]Indeed, Olivia was crying like a bitch, for she had thought that she had lost the one she had loved, the one she truly cared for, to After a moment, she noticed the shadow of the one in front of her, and slowly, but steadily, rose her head to look up at their face. She was on her knees at this point, really, since she had just gotten done with snapping the neck of her senpai..[/i]

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    [i]Ah, yes.. The one who was standing there, at precisely six feet and ten inches, was none other than Remy himself. He had the biggest smile on his face, for how could he not when he saw the one he loved and adored again after what had been months without end? He was wearing the same clothes as when he was shot: simple blue jeans with a white T-shirt on top, sword diagonally across his back, and sheathed in a leather holder that was held to Remy's back with a set of thin leather straps. [/i] "Love you too," [i]Was all be silently and lovingly whispered as he continued to hold his right hand out at the kneeling girl before him. [/i]

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    [i]The dragonslaying knightess's electric yellow eyes only widened with shock and joy, as she suddenly bolted up from the ground and pulled Remy into a tight embrace. Olivia practically wrapped herself around Remy, placing her head into his shoulder while her hands were wrapped around onto his muscular body and back. Although this sudden burst of movement couldn't exactly be safe for a pregnant woman and her child... Eh, screw it. She loves that manipulative Dark Lord b*stard, Lmao.[/i]

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    [i]The sudden.. glomp, as you may call it, knocked Remy off balance, causing him to stumble back just a little - though he was quick to recover, planting both of his feet steadily on the stones(?) that made the Dojo's floor. His strong, muscular, and bare arms wrapped around Olivia's waist, before the Chosen Undead straight up lifted her off her feet, looking up at her face with the same wild smile.[/i] "I'm sorry," [i]He immediately said, his expression saddening as he got straight to the point.[/i] "I'm sorry for what I did so many months ago.. I should never have done that to a girl as sweet and nice as you, and I've deeply regretted it ever since I did it. That regret only grew when I met my.. master." [i]Yes, master. Jason did some -blam!-ed up shit, to say the least.[/i] "But I'm just happy to be reunited with you, my fair maiden."

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    "...It's...It's okay, Rem...I still love you, and still care for you in every way imaginable..Besides...I'm probably gonna have a kid soon.." [i]Olivia only snickered madly as she closed her eyes out of what seemed to be joy. Her arms still wrapped around Remy rather tightly, she raised her head and opened her own eyes, staring into Remy's oh-so familiar blue ones, the ones she had found to love dearly.[/i] "..It's alright, Rem. We're...together. That's what matters most." [i]And with that cringey-ass line, Olivia leaned in and placed her forehead against Remy's own forehead in one of those real emotional kinda things. You know what I'm talking about. I hope.[/i]

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    [i]Remy smirked even widely at those words giving Olivia a gentle squeeze - perhaps he was gentle out of care for the child, perhaps he was gentle for his fair maiden.. Or maybe it was both. And no, I'm not gonna be cliché and say that the lad always wanted to be a dad, because, quite frankly.. he didn't. He never even thought about having a kid. Hell, he never even met a kid - unless the little Sif in Oolacile counts. And, with his severe memory loss.. he didn't even know what a kid was. [/i] "I care for you too, my fair maiden.. I care and love you in every way imaginable and possible.. You're the one.. I want to be with for the rest of my long life." [i]He then paused for a moment or two, giving the words a chance to settle down in Olivia's mind before continuing to speak with a gentle voice,[/i] "But.. what's a kid..?"

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    [i]The knightess didn't even bother to judge Remy for not knowing about what a child was: she didn't judge him for anything at this point. So when Remy did ask her about what a child was, she only snickered lightly in response before deciding to tell him.[/i] "Rem..A kid is a..little person. A younger, and I guess you could say immature, human being. And, since I'm..pregnant..we're having one. You're...fine with that, I hope?"

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    [i]"Rem" slowly nodded in understanding. He then carefully put Olivia back down onto her feet, though he kept her close and snug, arms remaining wrapped around her side. [/i] "Oh, I see.. But, uh.. pregnant? What does that mean? And how does it lead to having a child?" [i]He inquisitively asked because, well, he actually didn't know these things. His life had only started once he left the Northern Undead Asylum. Speaking English had felt natural to him, but these words, he just didn't know. [/i]

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    [i]Snickering a little more, Olivia kept her arm wrapped around Remy, having to explain once more about...well, what that had done together, really. It wasn't an awkward conversation, least not to Olivia, though it was definitely...unique.[/i] "...Remember that thing that we did? In my apartment? You..sorta got me pregnant. And in about, what, five weeks? I'll have a kid. Simple stuff, though I...guess it's complicated for a Dark Lord. I dunno. Look, if you don't want to have to worry about a kid..I can always get my friend Ella. She's good with kids. Trust me."

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    [i]Said Dark Lord gave a slow nod in half understanding - though he still hadn't a single clue what it meant to be pregnant, because ignorance. [/i] "A-ha, I think I understand.. But, [i]what[/i] is pregnancy..? This is complicated.. So, because of the thing we did.. you got pregnant.. and in five weeks, which will make it.. nine months, I think, you'll have a.. kid? How does the kid get here?" [i]He fell silent for a bit, letting the questions settle down. [/i] "And.. I want you to decide what we do with it. You're the mother.."

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    "...Well...uh..." [i]After about five minutes of talking about intercourse, what Remy did, pregnancy, and the process of giving birth while using some rather simplistic words to describe it all..Olivia sighed as she finished up, yawning a little after doing so.[/i] "...That's...basically it. Then we'll be...parents, I guess. Not exactly expecting this to happen so early, but...I guess I don't mind. As for the kid...I-I'll take care of him. Or her. Depends.." [i]Olivia still didn't know the gender, or name of the child. And I'm gonna be a colossal asshole and make Wehb decide the gender and name, because -blam!- you Wehb! Ha![/i]

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