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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/9/2016 11:46:55 PM
"You can call me Lance if you'd like." [i] He said with a smile, and started when she started to slide back. It was pure instinct to let loose a tendril of hardened shadow from the Palm of his hand to try and catch her, but if given more time, he would've guessed she didn't need any help after the origami show. [/i]

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  • [b]She giggled as the tendril latched around her. To her, most things were a game...[/b] [i]"You're funny..."[/i] [b]She said, hanging there, her hands outstretched. Alphonse garbled some noise nearby and chased the beetle up the tree trunk, making lots of noise in the process. These two probably got themselves in copious amounts of trouble.[/b] [i]"So Mister, what are you doing up here?"[/i]

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  • [i] He shook his head with a smile, this girl's happiness was infectious. The tendril withdrew back towards his hand, and pulled her back into a sitting position on the branch. [/i] "I enjoy heights.. they help me think. And something about being so high up with the precarious threat of death is somehow enlightening." [i] He says with a chuckle. [/i]

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  • [i]"You're weird, I don't get why Damien thinks your cool! You're just a weirdo!"[/i] [b]Despite her age, Lana still had the mindset of a young girl... Perhaps it was the Mourne Orphanage... Either way, she was altered and off... Despite her joy.[/b] [b]With another giggle, she pokes Lance's nose and plops down next to him, her knees folding under her.[/b] [i]"I'll tell you a secret though. I'm weird too...!"[/i]

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  • [i] Lance grins and nudges her with his shoulder.[/i] "You wanna know a secret? I think weird's cool. Normal is boring." [i] He winks at her before leaning forward off the branch, only to have his feet attach to the underside of the branch and left him standing upside down.[/i]

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  • [i]"Hey! You can do what Seth does! But he's a lazy bones and falls asleep like that... and when he wakes up, he falls."[/i] [b]She smirks as a distant voice calls out, catching her attention.[/b] [i]"Mistress Valentine! Mistress Valentine! I brought you food!"[/i] [b]The voice was stern, and deep but layered heavily with a British accent... Like a British Colonel. Lana simply rolled her eyes and skipped to the end of the branch watching down below as a strange creature jogged down below.[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b]He had a face of metal and stone, with long strange horns. The rest followed suite, clad head to toe in silver/blue armor. At his back was a massive sheath containing a huge greatsword. His eyes were amber and beady, like a mouse.[/b] [i]"We don't have time for games, Mistress Valentine!"[/i]

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  • "Hello." [i] Lance gave a two fingered salute, studying the new arrival with curious eyes. He reminded him of a Minotaur, though he wouldn't say so.[/i] "You kinda remind me of a Minotaur." [i]Whoops.[/i]

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  • [i]"What...?! Mistress Valentine! Who is this heathen?!"[/i] [b]He glared at Ronin, pointing an accusing finger as Lana rolled her eyes, dangling her legs off the large branch.[/b] [i]"You are no fun Ridley! You can't call people names! And I'll only come down if you carry me down!"[/i] [b]The strange creature grumbled something and looked at the huge tree, his quest suddenly stopped short.[/b] [i]"Tree... Yes, yes! I Ridley Sven will conquer this task."[/i] // [b]Lana had watched for a distinct fifteen minutes as Ridley most certainly did not conquer the tree...[/b]

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  • "I'm guessing you don't conquer many tasks, do ya Ridley?" [i] Lance says with a smirk on his face, still watching Ridley from his upside down standing position, looking at Lana and back to Ridley with a chuckle. [/i]

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  • [b]Ridley gave the tree a frustrated kick and stomped back towards the place Lana dangled from.[/b] [i]"Mistress! This is no time! You must eat!"[/i] [i]"Throw me my food!"[/i] [b]She responded, her sounding very amused.[/b] [i]"Wha...? But... That's dumb..."[/i] [b]She nodded to him, encouraging him to throw an entire sandwich and fries combo.[/b] [i]"No! Ridiculous! I am your elder and you must listen to me!"[/i] [i]"Nooope!"[/i] [b]Ridley at this point had grown very impatient pacing down below. He was grumbling to himself about command and old teachings.[/b] [i]"Ridley is fun to mess with... But he gets cranky easily. Besides, Alphonse can get my food."[/i] [b]And in a flash, the creature swooped down and grabbed the small bag. Then in another mighty flap, he brought it to Lana.[/b] [i]"See...?"[/i] [b]She quickly dug through the contents and tossed her pet a French fry, who ate it hungrily, pressing his paws to his beak.[/b] [i]"Miss Valentine! Yo can't eat up there, you'll get sick!"[/i] [b]And in a mocking manner, Lana pulled down her mask slightly, revealing shockingly white lips and skin, before stuffing a handful of fries into her mouth. She was even paler then the color of snow...[/b]

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  • "I don't think there's anything in a handbook somewhere that says eating at heights can get you sick Ridley." [i] Lance says with a grin, passing his hand through the air and where it was empty, a cheeseburger materialized. He may have been Japanese decked, but he was American at heart. [/i] "Or upside down." [i] He raises an eyebrow at the color of Lana's skin. It was pretty in a way.. he'd have to ask her about it. When her overprotective Minotaur wasn't around. [/i]

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  • [i]"Fine!"[/i] [b]Ridley crossed his arms and plopped down on the ground, his head turning at an unnatural angle as he watched for danger. His usual thing to do when he was bored.[/b] [b]Lana, meanwhile, stuffed food into her mouth while tossing some to Alphonse who was all to happy to be getting something besides beetles.[/b] [i]"Guess Seth is sleeping... He's usual around this time of day..."[/i] [b]She remarked abruptly. She was incredibly awkward, but it gave her a sort of charm...[/b]

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  • "Is Seth normally around more than Ridley?" [i] Lance questioned, looking downwards at the strange little guy. He'd met Seth once, not a bad guy. And to be honest he liked him more than the overprotective British Minotaur. [/i]

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  • [i]"Yeah. But he's been sleeping a lot. He says something bad is coming."[/i] [b]She shrugged, finishing off her fries, tossing the rest of her sandwich to Alphonse.[/b] [b]She was right though. However, where he slept was a mystery... And how she knew so many people... And creatures. She seemed awfully popular.[/b]

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  • "You have a lot of friends Lana." [i] Lance says with a smile, sweeping his hair backwards but then realizing it was futile considering he was upside down.[/i] "That's pretty cool, it's a hard thing to do."

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  • [i]"To make friends...? Not really... You just gotta... Think about it..."[/i] [b]Suddenly, Ridley crumbled down below before turning into pure stone powder, only for something to crash through the ground... Massive in size... No... Gigantic. It was all metal, with water dripping off like it had been in the deep ocean, kelp clinging to its helmet. Red eyes suddenly stared up as the fifteen foot tall golem made a noise like a massive horn. In one hand he held a massive chain, the other, an anchor. The ground closed underneath him as he looked from Lana to Lance.[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [i]"Say hi, Brutus!"[/i] [i]"DRRRRRRRRRRVVVVVVVVVVRRRTTTT!"[/i] [b]Its loud trumpet like assault sent the branch wobbling, leaves scattering, and water splattering across the pair, which Lana only giggled at.[/b] [i]"He's a good singer too."[/i]

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  • [i] Lance's eyes widened slightly and his eyebrows raised as water spatters across his shirt, sticking to his chest. Now he guessed what Damien meant by "multiple personalities."[/i] "Hey Brutus.." [i] Lance said with a wave, looking over at Lana.[/i] "It's not that easy for most of us.. How many friends do you have Lana?"

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  • [i]"A bunch! But Damien and Seth are my favorites!"[/i] [i]"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVV."[/i] [i]"You too, Brutus."[/i] [b]Looks like she wasn't going to give a super clear armor, but it was safe to assume Seth wasn't just 'sleeping'... And she didn't only count those that were seemingly in her head.[/b] [b]With a thunk, Alphonse landed on Brutus head, only for steam and a gust of hot air to startle him away. Brutus was massive... Abnormally large... But he also seemed to be a sort of gentle giant... But the anchor clearly wasn't for just hugs.[/b] [i]"And Alphonse is nice too when he isn't being a butt."[/i]

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  • "That's.. pretty cool." [i] Lance says with a smile, gears turning in his head. He guessed she could summon her "friends" when she wanted, and Seth was her most used one.[/i] "Alphonse is adorable too." [i] He says with a laugh. Even cold hearted wandering swordsman loved cute animals.[/i]

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  • [b]Alphonse looked up from his spot, ears flicking at the sound of his name.[/b] [b]Meanwhile, Brutus lurched forwards and stomped down towards the buildings, obviously slower than most and by most... Generally anything with legs.[/b] [i]"Well... That's gonna be a hard one to explain."[/i] [b]Lana wasn't about to follow Brutus around, besides, he was about as productive as a rock. He'd probably sit down somewhere and stare at the sun...[/b]

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  • "You know what you should do Lana? You should wake Seth up from his nap." [i] Lance said with a grin. He was nothing if not an advocate for fun. And by fun he meant being a jackass for no reason.[/i]

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  • [i]"Sure!"[/i] [b]Lana thought for a moment, Brutus suddenly melting into murky water that caused a few people to shout angrily as his remains drenched them.[/b] [b]Then, next to her, the wind and leaves swirled around one spot until Seth was just... There. He was clad in his normal gear... Red armor, fan and scythe at his back, black robe... But he seemed off... And one eye was crested with a light purple that quickly faded away.[/b] [i]"You rang?"[/i] [i]"Hullo! How'd you sleep?"[/i] [i]"I didn't."[/i] [b]He folded his arms and looked at Lance, not sure who it was considering he'd never seen him without his mask. But the scowl and judgmental stare said it all... He was grumpy as always.[/b]

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  • "The last time we met, I was wearing an Oni mask with katanas." [i] Lance said. His face was blocked slightly by his hair, considering he was still upside down. While it was fun interrupting people's sleep, he wanted to know more about Seth. He intrigued him..maybe he could give him a fight he'd enjoy. [/i]

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  • [i]"I'm sure you were."[/i] [b]Seth looked down at Lana who had taken up time to make a origami throwing star, the fake weapon having a surprising sense of danger to it.[/b] [i]"Was there something you needed?"[/i] [b]He asked, rubbing the cracks that ran along his skin. It was if he was made of clay....[/b] [i]"Just your company..."[/i] [b]Lana looked up, a simple smile across her face, which Seth did not return.[/b] [i]"Oh! And this!"[/i] [b]She held up Damien's band to Seth, who seemed... Slightly amused... Slightly.[/b] [i]"My mouse is a thief..."[/i]

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  • "A good one at that, considering the guy she took it from." [i] Lance said with a grin. Even though he had a strange feeling Damien had let her take it. Or maybe he was just that oblivious..there was no telling. Looking at Seth made Lance wonder about Lana's friends as a whole. Were they completely sentient? Or did Lana control everything they did, just like she controlled their existence! [/i]

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  • Edited by Chesh I Guess: 10/11/2016 4:43:28 AM
    [b]Seth had already guessed it was Damien's. He knew the look Lana gave him... Like he was some kind of... Protector or father. It burned him up inside. It was his nature. He had been built to fill Lana's biggest gap... The gap of love. He was callous... He was rude... But he had been the first thing to ever love and take care of her... At least... After her accident.[/b] [i]"I'm sure Damien will get it back... Now... Why are we up on this tree?"[/i] [i]"I was chasing Alphonse with my eyes covered."[/i] [b]Seth sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb, more than distressed.[/b] [i]"I don't understand how you aren't missing limbs at this point. And this guy over here probably wouldn't mind taking a few either."[/i] [b]Seth shot Lance an accusing stare before leaping off the branch and landing like a brick at the bottom, landing the same he had been positioned before.[/b]

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