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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/9/2016 1:20:51 PM

[i][u]Fury[/u][/i] [u][i]Dojo, 9:30 PM Titanslayer Olivia, Daughter of Dragonslayer Ornstein and Blue Flame Nora[/i][/u] [i]The cold, howling winds of Tatakai rushed within the Dojo, the freezing temperatures dropping even more as clouds covered the moonlit sky, hiding away the gleaming crescent moon and the stars of the cosmos far, far away. Snow began to fall from the heavens slowly, the white particles hitting the frozen ground at the end of their travels. It was close to winter, to those that resides within Dojoville and the Dojo itself, and snow had already begun to fall. The coming sign of a blizzard, to some.. But to one girl, it didn't matter. Barely anything mattered to her at this point. She was broken. Alone. With barely anything to stand by or stand for, with nothing holding her rage back. In short, she was beyond pissed. That girl was Olivia. [/i] [i]The knightess trudged into the Dojo, slamming past the wooden gates as they creaked from how hard she has pushed them. Olivia was clad in her favorite suit of shining armor, the only one she legitimately cared for: the Dragonslayer Armor, a type of armor that her father once wore into his battles. The golden metal gleamed brightly in the darkness, bright red rubies decorating the breast plate of the armor and shining just as much as the gold, while hardlight shields covered the majority of the armor itself. The helmet was a masterpiece itself: a growling lion helm, the teeth bared in a hunger for apparent violence while also serving as a visor for Olivia, as two electric yellow eyes full of embarrassment and fury could be seen within the helmet's interior. A bright red plume protruded rom the back and completed the helmet, as a type of decoration that caught the eye of those nearby. Olivia's physique seemed rather fitting for her knightly status, it seemed. She herself stood at six foot six, which was shorter than her father and brother Nathaniel but still somewhat impressive. She wasn't fat nor skinny, yet a little bit of both, as she did have some muscle mass from training and weightlifting. She wasn't burly or truly muscular, but was still physically strong. [/i] [i]The knightess didn't bear any weapons other than her personal favorite: a seven foot nine inch long cross spear, the gold and steel metals gleaming, while the tip was covered in a thick dark liquid, possibly blood or something of the sort. In fact, Olivia was quite bloody herself: her left knee had a deep gash within it, and a massive gash went from the right side of her waist all the way up to her right shoulder. She didn't even care for the blood that found its way out of her body: she was just too angry in general to do so. [/i] [i]Out of some random outburst of absolute anger, the knightess suddenly tore off her own helmet, throwing the metal to the barren concrete ground and screaming a yell that sounded as if her very vocal cords were being ripped to shreds by it as the helmet bounced and scrapped across the ground. Olivia went silent after a moment, finding a place to just sit down and rest. An iron bench, within the Dojo. It was...well, suitable. The knightess plumped down upon the bench, holding her head in her gauntlet's palms as she fell silent. Her dark red hair fell to her shoulders, while her slightly tanned skin illuminated the cold night. She was furious at the world. Furious at losing battles against her dad's old friend. Furious at the fact that she was treated better than her own allies. Furious that she had been manipulated by some Chosen Undead, to... No. She couldn't think about that. Not here. Not now. No one could know about what had happened last week, and that was that. Olivia continued to stay on the bench, finally leaning against its metal structure and looking up at the clouded sky with electric yellow eyes, a look of sadness on her young face. Did she need help? Someone to talk to? Hell if she knew. In her mind...she just needed some time alone.[/i] ((Open. I think. So this is basically Olivia at her worst, Lmao. Thanks, Wehb! Also, don't even tell me how many errors there are, I was in a hurry, plus I really don't give a shit.))

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  • [b]And then, the one and only Nathaniel approached As her brother be could sense that something was wrong, albeit he didn't know what. His blue eyes had a look of sadness within them as he sat down by her. He didn't utter a single word, simply sat and thought [/b]

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    "Hey, Nathan." [i]Olivia simply sat there, though she became much calmer due to Nathaniel's presence. She crossed her arms, looking over at him and grinning slightly. Though the look of grief was still present. [/i]

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  • [b]He reached out, placing a hand on her thigh and looking in her eyes as he spoke [/b] "He's a dead man walking." [b]He grinned as he finished the sentence, showing his seriousness [/b]

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  • Edited by Nox: 10/9/2016 3:55:07 PM
    [i]A man looking to be about fifty heard the scream, and had gone out to investigate, fearlessly approaching the young knightess, a worried expression on his tanned face. Jason, as the man was called, was wearing very simple clothes; just a loose, camoflauged T-shirt with a pair of camoflauged shorts and black army boots, a pair of dog tags hanging around his neck. His physique was very muscular - even more so than a certain manipulative cuck which was pretty.. weird since he looked rather old. He stood at six feet precisely. His right arm was a forest green cybernetic, same for his left leg from the knee down.. Must've been a veteran from the army. His jaw was covered by a thick, bushy, grey beard, like a lumberjack's - much like his eyebrows. His two bright, friendly lookers were a sky blue, and they weren't the only indication of friendliness; his wrinkled face had rather large dimples. Definitely a friendly grandpa, eh? [/i] "Oh, oh, oh, a young lass got problems, eh? Well, Miss, mind tellin' lil' ol' Jason what happened? And don't y'try and tell me nothing happened; I've got four kids and I know when somethin' is wrong." [i]He spoke once he stood still about four feet before Olivia, his rough but friendly voice being accompanied by a very thick accent, both Irish and Texan. [/i]

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    [i]Olivia only looked up at Jason, slightly confused by his accent and why he even cared. She had never met the old man before, and even then, she did sorta like him. His accent was funny, for one, and he may or may not have cared about her current condition.[/i] "...Just...nothin' too bad...lost a fight, plus...Sorta angry about how much damn attention I'm getting..." [i]Those were pretty minor reasons to why she was pissed, to be completely honest. She wasn't going to just tell anybody that she had intercourse with Remy. Wait. Just said it. Oops.[/i]

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    "Either, y're one o' those honourable weebs with katanas.. er.. Samurais? Or, y're not tellin' this ol' man everythin'.. Then again, I can't force y'to tell me, now can I? If I can help me twenty-five year ol' daughter with her.. boyfriend troubles, I can probably help y'with whatever's troubling you." [i]Jason said in response, a look of disapproval crossing his face at the mention of his daughter and "boyfriend troubles". Stereotypical dad who don't like peeps dating his daughter, I guess - which would make sense considering that Jason's extremely cliché on accident. [/i] "So, young lass.. Who d'I need t'shoot, eh?" [i]The old man chuckled, though something in his voice told that he was goddamn serious. [/i]

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    "...Who do you need to shoot?" [i]Olivia scoffed slightly at this, shaking her head as red hair blew slightly in the chilly winds of oncoming winter. She didn't want Remy to die, but...[/i] "...A guy named...R-Remy. Look, I...I don't want him to die, okay? Just... I...I thought I loved him. Hell, I did, and I got drunk, and...we, um...had sex."

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    [i]Jason's once rather happy and bright disposition turned angry and straight up scary in an instant, like a switch was flicked. T'was just that simple, really.. because, well, if there was anything the old guy truly hated.. it was people who used others for their own gain - especially when it came to men using women for sex.. And, well.. this girl truly loved Remy - something that made it even worse. [/i] "And he left ya," [i]He guessed with a voice that shook in anger, both hands clenched tightly into fists, the knuckles of his organic hand going white. [/i] "Now.. I never said I was gonna kill him, lass.. Just.. hurt the lad. A lot." [i]Truly, Jason was already planning on what he was going to do; he was gonna shoot Remy's limbs off with a Gauss rifle, and then he was going to cauterize his wounds with a lighter, just to ensure Remy wasn't going to bleed out.. And, well, then papa Jason would just leave the Chosen Undead to starve. [/i]

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    [i]Olivia's saddened face turned pale as she looked up at Jason, a look of fright in her eyes. She didn't want Remy to be hurt badly, as well...she did love him. Then again, Remy had also impregnated her and suddenly left, a thing that she was furious about, yet she only intended on bitch-slapping him when he returned.[/i] "...W-What are you going to do, anyway? Just...wondering..."

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    [i]Jason went silent for a few moments, debating on whether or not he should tell the girl what he was planning.. He thought he shouldn't, because, well, she obviously still had feelings for him.. but, well, she told him, he'll tell her. [/i] "Lil' ol' me was just gonna blast his arms and legs off with a Gauss rifle - ain't no armour stopping that.. Then I was gonna go ahead and cauterize his wounds so he won't bleed out on me, and well, I'll leave him to starve."

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    [i]Olivia only stared at Jason, her eyes widening slightly before she closed them, her back leaning against the metal as she sighed. She didn't know what to think, to be completely honest.[/i] "...I...I don't know..." [i]She crossed her legs, her eyes still closed and hidden away from the cold world as snow fell from the sky and onto the two speaking to eachother. Olivia was, for once, frightened for Remy's safety.[/i]

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    "Now," [i]Jason began as his left hand dived into the left pocket of his shorts, his right, cybernetic hand running through his shirt, grey hair. He pulled a box of cigars form his pocket, flicking the carton open with his left thumb, and pulling a cig out with his left hand, holding it between thumb and middle finger. The fingertip of his right thumb flicked off, revealing a blue flame as Jason clenched the cigar between his lips, the lighter thumb lighting the end of it, [/i] "What does he look like?" [i]He asked, the tip of his thumb flicking back on as he held the box of cigars out to Olivia. [/i]

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    [i]Olivia silently took a cigar, simply staring at it as if she had never seen one before. Which she had never smoked in her life, she had only seen people smoke.[/i] "...6'10. Very muscular. Bright blue eyes... Usually wears knight armor, Black Knight armor. Has a seven foot long sword..." [i]Olivia sighed, twirling the cigar within her armored hands and studying it with electric yellow eyes. She went silent, as if she had no more information.[/i]

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    [i]Jason, with a simple flick of his left wrist, closed the box of cigars, sticking it back in his pocket as he inhaled deeply on the burning cigar, holding the smoke in. The tip of his left thumb flicked off again, showing the blue flame once more, lighting the tip of the cigar with a swift movement before the lighter closed again. [/i] "That'll do, lass," [i]He then very simply said as he turned to the Dojo, and started walking without another word. He'd gather his equipment and then set out, to catch this rat and beat him to a hair away from death. [/i]

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  • [u]The thundering sound of massive footsteps clanking along the hard surface of the Dojo street can be heard as a large figure approaches Olivia. As the figure who caused this commotion rounds the corner, a startling sight reveals itself in full. A massive twelve-foot tall man approaches Olivia clad in heavy armor worthy of putting on a small tank. Polished to a silvery chrome shine, the armor is adorned with embers and flames that flicker and burn even in the freezing temperatures. Upon the being's head was a massive helmet shaped like the gaping maw of an enraged bear. Two embers burn in the places of where the eyes should be, small flames ever-vigilant of the surroundings. On his back is a massive greathammer ten foot in length. The head of which is strange, different from it's normal flat shape. One side is a thinner flat meant for bashing, while the other is a massive crescent axe meant for executions and beheadings. As the nan sits down alongside Olivia, he takes off his helmet to reveal the aged and scarred face of Balthazar, the long beard trailing down onto the ground. His face shows compassion and sadness, but his eyes burn with a flaming heat of hatred towards whoever did this. Placing his hand on Olivia's shoulder, he speaks with a low but gruff voice, meant to comfort and calm the emotional granddaughter down.[/u] "[i]Olivia, what has befallen you today? I cannot let my granddaughter sit here and wallow in sadness without doing a thing. Now tell me, what hast put you in such a pit of despair?[/i]"

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    [i]The dragonslaying knightess only stared up at her surrogate grandfather, the look of utmost anger dissipating immediately as it was replaced by a look of apparent sadness, a frown crossing her face as she sighed heavily. The girl spoke in a quiet, hushed tone, almost like a whisper to the giant.[/i] "...Remy...F-Fúcking...Remy..." [i]At the mere mention of "Remy", Olivia clenched both of her fists as she stared down at her metallic feet, an aura of absolute hatred forming around her.[/i] "...Look, I...I can handle it, Bal. I promise. I...I'm just having a bad time. First losing to some fúcking cowboy, then..." [i]She did not finish her sentence, as she was afraid that the giant that cared for her would go on a rampage. Olivia still somewhat cared for Remy, she was just extremely pissed about him leaving her here.[/i]

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  • [u]A dark look filled Balthazar's eyes as his expression because hardened and serious, a frown spreading across his burned and scarred face. Flames that flicker and dance across his armor begin to burn fiercely in the cold, an aura of heat surrounding the massive giant. He moves his hand on her shoulder to her chin, moving her face up so she looked him in his eyes. A dark flame burns in his pupils, reflecting the anger welling up throughout his body. Embers float around his mass, violently swarming about his body. He stares at her with a serious look of somebody who was prepared to do anything before he finally broke the howling silence of the biting wind. His voice has become hardened and filled with anger, all tones of compassion or comfort gone in the blink of an eye.[/u] "[i][b]Olivia, my darling granddaughter... What has this man done to you to bring you down into the pits of depression and anger? Tell your grandfather. You have nothing to fear from me.[/b][/i]"

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    [i]Olivia closed her electric yellow eyes, placing her head of red hair against the freezing metal of the bench she say upon. After a moment, she spoke in an even lower tone before, as if she was telling a terrible tale of true misfortune. [/i] "...I-I thought I loved him... H-Hell, I even got drunk a-and..we had...Y'know..." [i]Olivia sounded as if she could scream at any moment, her voice ragged with a tint of pure fury. Her metallic fists were clenched tightly, the flesh knuckles underneath her armor turning a pale white.[/i]

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  • [u]Balthazar stares down at Olivia's face for a time, not daring to speak for fear of letting lose some unknown rage of hers, or worse, his. Blinking his eyes, a calm disposition floods over his face as he places his hand atop Olivia's head, bringing her into a hug so full of sadness, yet even more of compassion and comfort that only somebody who has had years of ups and downs could know. Rubbing her head, he whispers just loud enough to be heard by her.[/u] "[i]Shhhh, shhh... Calm down now, Grampy Bal will make this all better. Just head to your room to take a nap, and I'll come by with a few things to make you feel better.[/i]" [u]He stands up, patting her back as he begins to walk away. Taking his helmet from under his arm and putting it on his head, flames roar to life all over his armor and throughout his helmet. Bursting from the mouth and eyes of the mask, flames encumber the Crescent axe/Hammer hybrid, running along the blade and creating an incandescent glow. Swinging the grip up, he lands the pole onto his shoulder as he walks towards the Dojo gate to begin his search. Once out of earshot of Olivia, he speaks to himself in a hushed tone.[/u] "[i]I will make this better... I will make this better for the both of us. I will make this better by destroying the source of the sadness.[/i]" [u]Walking through the gate and out into a large forest, Balthazar yells out in anger as a burst of flames flume out from his body, engulfing the surrounding area in a breadth of flame. Ashes and embers float down from around him like snow, the area completely incinerated and devoid of all life.[/u] "[i]I will make sure this 'Remy' will never know the touch of another's flesh, nor the comfort of another's voice. I will not allow him to enjoy the bounties of compassion, nay, not even the joy of companionship. I will make sure he knows the pain that he has caused my granddaughter tenfold- and he shall know my wrath.[/i]"

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    [spoiler]Fite meh[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I PLAN ON IT[/spoiler]

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    [spoiler]( `Д´)\ <o===[]::::::::::::::::>[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]WHAT THE -blam!- IS THAT![/spoiler]

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    [spoiler]A GUY WITH A BADASS SWORD. [/spoiler]

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