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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/7/2016 7:46:34 PM
Gunslinger // Dojo Gates // 11:59 AM // Marshal JT. The scorching ball of gas and plasma that was the sun had been sending its heavenly rays down onto the soil of Tatakai, which in turn illuminated the entire hemisphere of the world that was facing it. Though the hat atop JT's head managed to keep the sunlight away from his eyes in rather blinding quantities, and the absence of light allowed quite the shadow to be cast over his face, which consisted of sun kissed skin, with two cyan blue spheres called eyes inside the head and a nice red beard of stubble, which was dyed brown to fit his cowboy image. JT's duster flew behind him slightly as a light breeze zoomed past his well built body, but he didn't move an inch from his spot as he waited. For who was he awaiting? The ballsiest man he could have ever known, or the one with a death wish. The clock read eleven fifty nine and JT was eagerly awaiting high noon to arrive, because that would mean his enemy wasn't going to show up in the most barren of courtyards, and that would also mean a bullet wasn't to be wasted. But that was a wish that would go unfulfilled as soon as a man in a black vest walked through the area, one with a white shirt tucked into his brown pants and a black desperado's hat atop his head. He had not a modern revolver like the Frontiersman was packing, instead he carried a Colt Army Revolver from the days of old, it was single-action compared to JT's double-action but it was still just as effective. Either man stopped when there was a fifty foot gap between the two, and either gunslinger just gave off a stare that would send chills down the spine of any who watched. When it came time to draw, the small bell in JT's head chimed like it did every day at twelve o' clock in the afternoon. Either man gripped the pistol at their hips as JT's bionic arm held the comfort grip tightly, as the other man was just beginning to wrap his fingers around the gun. By the time JT had been pulling it up and cocking the hammer of his weapon, the figure he faced had just barely managed to get his finger on the trigger of the gun. And when JT looked down the barrel of his gun, he saw why the man had challenged him, for he had been pulling his weapon faster than any gunslinger on Tatakai had ever been able to see. One shot, two shots, three shots, four shots, five shots, six shots. JT fanned the hammer with the speed of a bullet using his thumb, to the point that the gun was barely given any time to shift around inside. When each of the .44 shots flew out from the smoking barrel of his gun, they each propelled into different limbs of the body. The first two slammed into the hands of JT's opponent, the third into the solar plexus, four and five rendered his kneecaps useless, and six embedded itself into the cranium of the man, which sent him stumbling backwards as the bullets staggered his body and forcibly made him collapse as the last bullet hit. And so JT holstered his revolver, turned, and addressed the crowd behind him. "You all chose to risk letting a bullet travel through me and hit one of you? Smart choice, 'cause I don't take bullets." ((Open for interaction. Fight, talk, whatever :3 ))

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  • [i]"For a cowboy... I got everything. Nine inch release clamps for a quad barrel shotgun. Digitizations launcher. Plasma steed programs... Blade hats... Rail coils. The works!"[/i] [b]Damien rambles under his helmet for a moment before catching himself.[/b] [i]"I'll need some time of course... And permission to mod if you want certain gear fixed up."[/i]

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  • "If you got any way to weaponize my hat then that would be grand, maybe upgrade my rifle." JT had requests from the man that seemed strange in truth, though he was just going for an aspect of his cowboy's gear with him. JT had plans, plans he tended to rarely divulge.

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  • [i]"I can do both. Just need schematics and time."[/i] [b]Damien dusted off his pants and gave a thumbs up, armor flexing slightly as the joints released pent up pressure.[/b]

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  • JT's armour googled schematics, because it's 2016 on Tatakai and if we have Starbucks, we have Google. "And got 'em, should I send them to ya?"

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  • [i]"Yeah... I have an open channel on me most of the time. Send it there and I'll get it built up nice and quick."[/i] [b]Damien nods to himself, turning towards what was left of their battle space.[/b] [i]"I'll also find someone to clean this up... Besides myself."[/i]

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  • "No worries, I got a few maintenance men from upstairs." JT chuckled to himself and pointed to the skies above as a massive ship uncloaked itself, two miles long but only looking like a few inches from a distance. "I used to run them, only work with the group that owns it now but they treat me like a leader."

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  • [i]"Welp... Can't say I've got a cruiser... But that certainly makes pills easier..."[/i] [b]Damien raised an eyebrow under his helmet, the interface stuttering suddenly. The facial movements contorted the devices thought process and forced it to rethink its position, but in its damaged state it didn't function properly.[/b] [i]"Well... Guess if you got clean up under control, I'll get to work with gear... Dividends cleared right up."[/i]

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  • [i]"Alright dude," said the cowboy as a green attack helicopter swung low overhead, and a fast rappel was dropped down for the man who was still in his armour. The helicopter... Big didn't even describe it, and when JT grabbed the rope, it had a hard time even holding him up, but he eventually flew away. ((End))[/i]

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  • "Well I could take a hit..not sure about everyone else though." Said a man, wading through the crowd as the top of his head was seen. He had a trim and gray set of hair, also sporting a grey and thick, but trimmed beard. Once he got through the crowd the somewhat tall man was fully seen. He wore a beige trenchcoat left open, a black sweater underneath, white gloves, khaki pants and dress shoes. It was none other than Sakuret Ceiko but with a different and more reasonable look.

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  • "Yeah, well, some people try to beat a cowboy at his own game, and they take more than just a hit." The crowd soon dispersed when JT stopped addressing them in favour of Sakuret, who he had shifted his gaze to by this point.

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  • "Yeah. But this is the Dojo, people usually get shot on a daily basis. Kind of a disaster area if you want to be safe honestly." He somewhat inappropriately joked with the cowboy. "But while I was out on my drunken stupor I had a realization. One, too much alcohol is terrible for you and two. Alcohol won't fix my problems. It won't fix anyone's..."

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  • [i]"I just like the taste," JT jokingly yet truthfully responded to Sakuret, seeing as his liver was augmented and the only reason for him to drink is for either a confidence boost or the taste of alcohol on his tongue and the burn in his throat. "Though I agree, people don't just spar no more." [/i]

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  • "No..There are some fücked up individuals out there." He said in a more grim tone, reaching into his coat and bringing out a flask and opening it. "I've been trying to track some down..but they just fly off the radar like [i]that[/i]." Sakuret snapped with he said that, taking a sip from his flask.

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  • [i]"You don't have the resources to track them?" Asked the cowboy with a surprised tone to his words, as he put his hands in the pockets of his duster. Fiddling around with the left one, he produced a cigar from it and used a silver, box-shaped lighter to ignite the tip before placing the cigar in his lips. [/i]

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  • Taking a swig of the mysterious, metallic grey flask Sakuret spoke again. "No. If all those others who are after their heads haven't found them, what makes you think a 60-something man who admittedly looks good for his old age could?" The Old man said to JT, deep within his own stark blue eyes laid a man who knew he isn't a great as he was now. Self Loathing and Sadness emitted from Sakuret. "I've been trying to do something [i]decent[/i] for people so I won't be a complete sack of shit when I die...."

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  • [i]"Dude the only reason I'm relevant around this place is because I own a clinic," admitted the cowboy. IIt was the truest thing he had said on these grounds though, because everyone else was either off killing each other or banging for children and entertainment, and here JT was at his clinic because nobody needed a cowboy to do anything. Nobody wanted one either, it was all either Alyssa the young mage or Remy the Knight that got the attention, and Irina. "My advice would to just start one of your own and hope people have need of you." [/i]

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  • [i]It was a few minutes until a soft buzz was heard in the air, nearly inaudible. Steadily, it grew louder and louder, until it was clear that the noise was the chugging of a steam train, a wailing horn resounding through the open air. Another few minutes passed, until the blasting sound of the train drowned out all the rest of the sounds in the courtyard of the dojo, as a green, black, and gold steam train soared through the sky, clouds of steam billowing out from the train's chimney thing. And, whooping from inside the steam train's conductor cabin was a hysterical Alyssa, laughing wildly, her cheeks rosy. The flying steam train circled the courtyard, its wheels spinning round and round uselessly until it finally touched the ground, the steam train then driving without railways until it stopped besides the cowboy. Alyssa hopped out, grinning wildly. Her hair was once again tied back in its usual ponytail, her bright green eyes twinkling with happiness. Her freckles appeared to be slowly fading away; it was likely that Alyssa had started to rub some sort of cream on them, and it was working well. Aside from the freckles, Alyssa's light olive skin was covered with a thin layer of sweat, from the heat of the steam train's cabin. Her faded blue skinny jeans stuck to her skin because of her sweat, the topmost button of her loose, white, button-up shirt unbuttoned. Her sleeves were rolled up to her elbows, with simple, beige colored flipflops on her feet. Her smile brightened as she saw JT, recognizing him as the kindhearted cowboy who gave her free augmentations. She jogged up to him, stopping a few feet away.[/i] "Hey!" [i]She exclaimed happily, grinning.[/i] "I met that Treyman person you spoke of. He got me a flying steam train!" [i]It was clear that she was still incredulous, still not believing that he had one.[/i]

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  • JT laughed when he seen the train pull up beside him, for he didn't expect Treyman to give it up so quickly for the one woman to have. And when he straightened himself up again he looked to Alyssa, as a smile rested on his face and went from wide for the laugh to faded yet prevalent as he spoke to her. "He make you pay for it? Because I didn't think he'd just give it up that easily."

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  • "Nope!" [i]Alyssa said, laughing. She looked back at the shiny train, her eyes full of wonder.[/i] "He gave me a flying steam train for free." [i]Looking back at JT, she remembered that she still owed him a favor for the free augmentations.[/i] "If you ever need a ride, just say so," [i]Alyssa said, hoping flying steam train transportation was decent.[/i] "And I'll come flying."

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  • "Was that a pun? Finally someone does puns!" JT jested in a friendly and calm tone despite the fact that there was a corpse not twenty feet away, and so he decided to use that free ride for a little joke. "Speaking of rides, got a place I need ya to bring me and a passenger."

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  • "Alright, where to?" [i]Alyssa asked, smiling, wondering where JT wanted to go. She had a massive map of Tatakai in her conductor's cabin (the same map I made!), and was ready to put it to use. She walked over to the train's passenger cabin, pulling the sliding door open, revealing a luxurious, hotel room-like space, complete with two leather recliners, red, soft carpet, soft, yellow lamps, and velvet drapes over the crystal-clear windows.[/i]

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  • [i]JT was an outlaw back in his day so he wasn't accustomed to such luxuries within thee confined space of a train cart, seeing as he was used to crates and rats being his only compadres, with the exception of one figure he knew that was on the train occasionally, Randy. But JT had a body to deliver, so he picked up the corpse of the dead man and approached Alyssa with it. "Any place I can put him? He had a husband, gotta bring the corpse back over." [/i]

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  • "Throw 'em in the back," [i]Alyssa said, gesturing towards the fancy passenger cabin. She didn't mind cleaning off blood, and so her train was used to store a lot more weirder stuff than bodies; not that it was Alyssa storing them.[/i]

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  • [i]JT entered the train's passenger cabin as he set the body down in one of the four corners, as the stench would be quite appalling soon, and so he sat in the corner opposite to it which was pretty far from the cabin, where he went to sit in one of the couches corners. Alyssa had to drive and JT was in the cabin, so he was to sit there in silence for a long and awkward trip. [/i]

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  • [i]Suddenly, a quite crackling was heard, then static, before the loudspeakers came on.[/i] "Heeeeellloooo, this is your conductor, Lisa," [i]Alyssa said jokingly from the conductor's cabin.[/i] "If you need anything, just talk to yourself out loud!"

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