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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/7/2016 7:46:34 PM
Gunslinger // Dojo Gates // 11:59 AM // Marshal JT. The scorching ball of gas and plasma that was the sun had been sending its heavenly rays down onto the soil of Tatakai, which in turn illuminated the entire hemisphere of the world that was facing it. Though the hat atop JT's head managed to keep the sunlight away from his eyes in rather blinding quantities, and the absence of light allowed quite the shadow to be cast over his face, which consisted of sun kissed skin, with two cyan blue spheres called eyes inside the head and a nice red beard of stubble, which was dyed brown to fit his cowboy image. JT's duster flew behind him slightly as a light breeze zoomed past his well built body, but he didn't move an inch from his spot as he waited. For who was he awaiting? The ballsiest man he could have ever known, or the one with a death wish. The clock read eleven fifty nine and JT was eagerly awaiting high noon to arrive, because that would mean his enemy wasn't going to show up in the most barren of courtyards, and that would also mean a bullet wasn't to be wasted. But that was a wish that would go unfulfilled as soon as a man in a black vest walked through the area, one with a white shirt tucked into his brown pants and a black desperado's hat atop his head. He had not a modern revolver like the Frontiersman was packing, instead he carried a Colt Army Revolver from the days of old, it was single-action compared to JT's double-action but it was still just as effective. Either man stopped when there was a fifty foot gap between the two, and either gunslinger just gave off a stare that would send chills down the spine of any who watched. When it came time to draw, the small bell in JT's head chimed like it did every day at twelve o' clock in the afternoon. Either man gripped the pistol at their hips as JT's bionic arm held the comfort grip tightly, as the other man was just beginning to wrap his fingers around the gun. By the time JT had been pulling it up and cocking the hammer of his weapon, the figure he faced had just barely managed to get his finger on the trigger of the gun. And when JT looked down the barrel of his gun, he saw why the man had challenged him, for he had been pulling his weapon faster than any gunslinger on Tatakai had ever been able to see. One shot, two shots, three shots, four shots, five shots, six shots. JT fanned the hammer with the speed of a bullet using his thumb, to the point that the gun was barely given any time to shift around inside. When each of the .44 shots flew out from the smoking barrel of his gun, they each propelled into different limbs of the body. The first two slammed into the hands of JT's opponent, the third into the solar plexus, four and five rendered his kneecaps useless, and six embedded itself into the cranium of the man, which sent him stumbling backwards as the bullets staggered his body and forcibly made him collapse as the last bullet hit. And so JT holstered his revolver, turned, and addressed the crowd behind him. "You all chose to risk letting a bullet travel through me and hit one of you? Smart choice, 'cause I don't take bullets." ((Open for interaction. Fight, talk, whatever :3 ))

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  • [i]JT shook Garin's hand with his right arm as the flesh of Garin's hand collided with the carbon fiber and synthetic skin of JT's augmented prosthetic, before he retracted it and moved his arm back by his side. "Well Garin, I take it ya need somethin'?"[/i]

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  • Uh, sort of. [b]He pulls a slip of paper out of his coat pocket, and hands it to you. It appears to be a bill, signed by a "Korsik".[/b] I owe a guy a [i]lot[/i] of money. I was wondering if you could help me with this.

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  • [i]"What'd you do?" The Marshal's words were laced with an underlying tone of curiosity that flowed with his already prevalent sound of harshness, as he had known from firsthand experience that owing money to any man was a bad idea, and damn did the cowboy have firsthand experience with it. He has no more need for money at the moment of course, but once upon a time when he didn't have all he needed, there was one hell of a demand for credits hungering in him, lingering within his mind. [/i]

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  • I lost a bet. [b]He chuckles.[/b] I had to kill a crime boss without getting caught, both by the criminals and the police. I bet him around 50,000 credits. [b]He sighs and shakes his head.[/b] [spoiler]Also part of his backstory in Gydaton.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]"So let me guess; You need a hired gun to help you?"[/i]

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  • *Mortar walks up behind him, chuckling slightly* That certainly was impressive. Can't do that even if I [i]did[/i] have a robotic arm

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  • "I'd be faster without the plating that coats my arm, which makes it heavier."

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  • Easy man, speed kills, but too much of it can kill you. Kinda like Psions when on their drugs

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  • And with just that one mentioning of Psions and their KAP-8 pills, memories flooded back to JT in spades as the good crossed with the bad, and the ugly was all too prevalent. And so JT pulled his revolver in the bli k of an eye, and pressed it against the figure's chin. "How the hell do you know about that stuff?!"

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  • Edited by BrandRobKus: 10/8/2016 2:36:10 PM
    *Mortar's eyes widen as JT does that* Know what!? I just compared it to psions and... Can you please point that somewhere else!?

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  • "How do you know what KAP-8 is?! Are you from the Overwatch or Jack Rabbit? Did Golde send a hitman?! Fúck, are you Leatherman after skinning Mortar?!" JT was totally -blam!-ed if it was anything other than the Overwatch, which was felghast military back home. Especially if it was the Leatherman.

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  • Kap... What? I've heard of Psions, but... Look, I don't know what you're talking about JT! Calm down! There are more types of Psions than the ones your thinking of, okay?! Seriously, you know how many soldiers of the Underworld were on drugs like that? *He dissolves into the ground, not wanting a gun to his head and reforms about six feet away*

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  • [i]"Ain't my fault there are a name for magicians that run on drugs that get used waaay too often Mortar." [/i]

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  • Well, it kinda is your fault if you go batshit crazy every time you hear it! *He sighs a little, now that he doesn't have a gun in his chin* Sorry, it's just kinda hard to keep polite to the person who almost shot you

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  • [i]"Yeah, well excuse me for not rightly wanting my past to follow me all the time. Did a lot of stupid shit back in the day." [/i]

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  • Trust me, we all have. Least I don't go ballistic when someone mentions war beasts. *He lets out a small chuckle* Sorry if I kind of spooked ya

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  • [b]So... The Marshal had piped back out. This was Damien's chance. An opponent that may match his skill.[/b] [i]"If your so good, why don't you demonstrate to these people how to take on the Master of Sound."[/i] [b]He shouted above the cheering, a hush falling over the crowd as he stepped forward, clad in his normal lack armor, baggy camo pants, and bullet proof glass helm with a digital interface and noise sensors.[/b] [i]"Unless your hands are to shaky to shoot after this..."[/i] [b]He remarks, his helmet peeling back, revealing his long spiky blonde hair and one yellow eye. The other was covered by a black band that also wrapped around his ear.[/b] [i]"I mean, I'm not the worlds best swordsman, and I don't have your quickfire... But maybe I can provide you with a good challenge."[/i]

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  • "A sword ain't shit against a good enough gunman with enough ammo," JT remarked as he reloaded the revolver he had just emptied, and grabbed a custom revolver duo from the back of his belt under the duster. It was a pair of revolvers, either with a distinct tri-cylinder model and a red dot sight in the top left and right corners for him to look through. "But alright. Lets dance."

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  • [i]"Never said I'd use a sword..."[/i] [b]Damien chuckled, the arm plating in his suit folding back until three barrels popped up, one giving off a small blue light. He had refueled recently... And he was itching to try out a new tool as well.[/b] [b]With a crack, his shielding powered on, the tesla coil backed up by hardlight for dual strength as he took a defensive stance, fists out, kerosine ready.[/b] [i]"Burn..."[/i] [b]Click.[/b] [b]Then, the inferno jumped forward, kerosine spouting out only to come alive a second later as a kinetic magnet created friction and heated it up, the flames launching forward. It only had so much range, but Damien figured that the Marshal had enough up his sleeve that a few 9 mm and a .357 wouldn't do much.[/b]

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  • And Damien was right, as his own left hand quite literally absorbed the gun into it, and the hand snapped back. A group of six long, black strips extended and quickly took place around his arm to create an industrial drill, though he halted the process to the point where it was a flat surface. He punched the flames and watched as the ceramic tiles retracted slowly onto his arm as the drill took shape and dispersed the heat, which sent the bullets Damien fired sliding off the sides if the gun and behind the cowboy.

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  • [b]Damien chuckled as the flames suddenly switched, hard edge sulfuric acid suddenly pouring out the adamantium lined tubes.[/b] [b]Now he was cooking with cadmium... No... Now he was cooking with more.[/b] [i]"Alright cowboy... Time for a lesson in chemicals. Do you know what sodium is?"[/i] [b]He asked over the sound of the acid slamming against JT's shield. He respected the man, it he'd be damned if he lost another fight.[/b]

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  • JT had a pretty good sense of when to fall back, as he has had hundreds of operations with his private military force, so he used the springs in his legs to throw himself backwards a few timed until he was well out of range from the fire. His drill went to being a full on industrial drill like a Big Daddy's again, and he grabbed the assault rifle on his back with one arm, it was a Hard Light firing gun with a few... Specialties. All he can admit.

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  • [b]Damien grinned under his helmet as he suddenly shot up into the sky. Mach 6. Instantaneous rocket speed.[/b] [b]Then with a crack, he dove back down, his own rifle drawn as he turned on automatic fire, AP rounds coming down as his jetpack launched him towards JT. Kamikaze didn't describe what Damien was about to do.[/b]

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  • JT ... Well, his plan to deal with Damien was idiotic bit it would be pretty effective if pulled off well enough. A cloud of nanites seeped from all around the surrounding area as they uncloaked from their chameleon state. He jumped and the nanite swarm locked around his legs to elevate him, all the while half formed an incredibly dense shield above him to keep the bullets from nailing him, though since they were AP, he had to keep little curves in it on the impact zones, where they shot it out and even reflected some back on Damien.

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  • [b]Some of the bullets got past the shielding, digging into his armor, but Damien was unscathed as he rocketed down, thrusters popping up on his arms as he aims a fist down. With that speed and the added thrust, he was gonna come in like a rocket... But his plan wasn't to hit JT, it was to move him...[/b]

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