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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/7/2016 3:24:18 AM
[i]"Sweetened water... Like the kind my mother used to give me..."[/i] [b]She responded, not at all bothered by the question. Usually it was her trying to figure something out... And Desmond inquiring about something was a nice, if not odd change in pace.[/b] [i]"What about you...? What's it like for you?"[/i]

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  • "Nothing." [i] He says with a slight shrug of his shoulders, jostling her arms a bit. [/i] "Dried herbs, how they should actually taste." [i] He wasn't sure if it was because he didn't really have a favorite anything, or for some other reason. But he knew that they taste like leaves, as expected. [/i]

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  • [i]"I see..."[/i] [b]She falls quiet once more, her eyes tracing up the steps as dawn slowly approaches.[/b] [i]"Desmond... The sun..."[/i] [b]She had never really explained it to him, but every time the sun started to come up, she covered herself up and hid away. This time was no different than the others.[/b]

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  • "Do you just wanna camp out until the sun goes down?" [i]He questioned her, dropping her to her feet gingerly (hehe, get it?) and pulling the cloak over her shoulders and pulling the hood up over her head. There was a copse of trees nearby to the right of the steps on the edge of the forest, it would offer dense shade and he had a small one person tent in the large pack he carried. [/i]

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  • [i]"That would be nice..."[/i] [b]She remarked, looking where he ha spouted out the clearing. She enjoyed his observatory nature, seeing promise where she didn't.[/b] [i]"Your keen eyes are nifty."[/i]

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  • "It pays to be observant." [i] He said, picking her up once again in his arms this time, carrying her the short distance to the copse of trees nearby. Underneath, the leaves and branches overhead made for such a dense canopy no light was getting through. He set her down carefully once again, and opened his pack. Within minutes, he had his small one person tent erected, motioning towards it for Chloe. [/i] "Take a nap, meditate, pray, whatever you wanna do. I'll wake you when the sun goes down."

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  • [b]She sat down in the tent, a long sigh escaping her lungs, her body worn out. It didn't take long before she slumped back, almost as if dead. There, she slept soundly, her breathing coming out long and low. She seemed strangely peaceful, in any state.[/b] [b]But, it helped that she felt comforted by Desmond's ever so precise senses. He was in a way, the perfect defender... She hadn't meet anyone yet that was quite like him.[/b]

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  • [i] As soon as she went inside the tent and fell asleep, Desmond's cloaking on his armor initiated as he leaned quietly against a nearby tree. Ever present..ever watchful. He had his M45A1 in hand, but he doubted he'd need it. No one had tried anything yet, and if everyone was smart, They wouldn't. [/i]

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  • [i]"Bang! Your dead!"[/i] [b]A voice suddenly cracked the splitting air, quiet... But brutally loud... Like an assault on the mind. Like a thunderstorm... It was distinctly male, but also had a certain... Metallic feel to it.[/b]

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  • [i] Desmond froze, finger on his pistol trigger. There was no way someone had seen him. He was completely quiet, and hidden from all thermal and other optics. Unless it was magic.. he still didn't move. Just because you thought someone saw you, didn't mean they did.[/i]

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  • [b]The voice cackled before green and blue flame erupted around the scene, a fall figure taking shape.[/b] [i]"Settle down now, it's the smell..."[/i] [b]As if he was reading his mind, he metal monstrosity looked off towards the tent. He was... He had no body... He... What was he...? It was like something that could have only come out of a bizarre imagination... He had teeth pointed like a sharks, and a horn that peeled back like a Roman Warrior head piece. But his armaments were the terrifying part. Two massive revolvers with long barrels that ended in crow skulls, a massive canon, and a two handed ax.[/b] [b]The gruff voice started again, the flames not catching onto the wood or grass of the forestry.[/b] [i]"I saw you awhile back... As did my compatriot... I came to investigate the newcomers."[/i]

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  • [i] Desmond materialized into existence, pistol at his side and armored eyes on The new arrival. He was no stranger to well, strange, but this guy was something else.[/i] "Halloween come early?"

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  • [i]"I'm the Easter bunny you dumbass..."[/i] [b]The figure grinned and crouched, looking at Chloe. For some reason, his voice didn't wake her... Almost as if he wasn't really speaking... But Desmond suddenly realized that he couldn't remember this figure opening his mouth at all... [/b] [i]"And she must be...? Important...?"[/i]

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  • "Yeah. Now take two steps back." [i] He said out loud, even though he had his suspicions about the communication of this guy. Either way, he didn't scream bad guy, but Desmond hadn't gotten far by trusting a "maybe." His hand brushed the sniper rifle on his back, looking the..thing up and down. [/i] "Otherwise you'll see why I'm more of the Boogeyman than an Easter Bunny." [i] A smirk crossed his lips. [/i]

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  • [i]"Calm down... "[/i] [b]He shakes his head and gets to his feet, flames lapping at the air greedily as he looks out towards the Dojo.[/b] [i]"So... That begs the question doesn't it? My colleague wants to know about your friend. What's up with her?"[/i]

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  • "Besides being as meek as a mouse? Nothing." [i] Desmond narrows his eyes. He didn't like the way the man was talking about a "colleague," but the way he spoke showed that he didn't run the show with whoever he was talking about.[/i]

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  • [i]"Eh... Guess that's something. I'll admit, you two don't resonate as much... But I guess I'll learn one way or another."[/i] [b]With a click, he looked up, the sky around him unfurling until pieces of his armor began to ascend, the flames following. Then, like a dream, he just left...[/b]

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  • [i] Desmond raised an eyebrow at the show, curious as to what just happened. He'd seen a lot of strange things, but that was up there. He didn't relax, rather, cloaking himself once again and holding his pistol, guarding the tent and waiting for any other newcomers as the sun slowly creeped across the sky. [/i]

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  • [b]As the sun moved, the only seemingly abnormal thing was the lack of animals. There were insects and plants, but this place either had no small lifeforms, or they had been scared off.[/b]

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  • [i] Desmond leaned his head back against the tree bark, eyes on the grass and forest. Bodyguarding was boring, to say the least. He'd never asked why Chloe had to avoid the sun, but he guessed it had something to do with the fact she glowed. Maybe that was an adaptation of her home. [/i]

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  • [b]As the sun set, Chloe eventually awoke, the sleep seemingly only changing how bright her eyes were. It was like her body was perpetually stuck in its looks... She said nothing and made no motions besides watching the sun drift down.[/b] [b]She took a deep breath, seemingly disoriented as if she forgot where she was and what had happened in the past few hours.[/b]

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  • [i] Desmond materialized beside her, looking her up and down with a glance.[/i] "Sleep well?" [i] He questioned.[/i]

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  • [i]"I suppose..."[/i] [b]She finished with a mumble, a yawn escaping her for a moment.[/b] [i]"What about you? How are you doing?"[/i] [b]With a gentle smile, lines began to swim over her skin before settling on her hands and feet once again... As if they had disappeared while she slept.[/b]

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  • "Tired.. but that's nothing new." [i] For another day, he was going without sleep. He wasn't one to complain, but he couldn't wait to get to the Dojo so he could actually take a nap...or a coma. [/i] "How are your feet?"

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  • [i]"Still hurt... But I can fix them now..."[/i] [b]She touched her wounds softly, the lines running across them before they sealed and closed, scars disappearing with them.[/b] [i]"I just needed sometime to recharge and rest."[/i]

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  • [i] He nods, offering her a hand up and bolstering his pistol at his waist.[/i] "It's only a half hour's walk up the stairs. Maybe. We can get some real food and rest once we're there."

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