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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/6/2016 4:16:57 AM
[spoiler]Not really. I'm pretty lenient. He's free to do what he wants. She's just gonna walk for a bit.[/spoiler] [i]"Be safe then... I'll return shortly."[/i] [b]She nods to herself before padding quietly off towards a far treeline, her dress swaying ever so slightly in the wind as she trailed away... Almost like a ghost.[/b]

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  • [spoiler]Ah, okay.[/spoiler] [u][b]Oh, okay... Bye...[/b][/u] *He watches her as she walks off. He was fascinated with her. They had just met and already he was unable to stop thinking about her. The main detail he kept thinking about were her warm, caring orange eyes. He thought he had literally gotten lost in them a couple of times. He pulls out a toy car, causing it to float in front of his face, wobbling and turning lazily in the air. He sighed, thinking [i]I'm not sure anything's going to happen between us... But I'll try...[/i] his ears were pricked up in the direction she left in, not because he heard something but so he could hear if something was happening to her.

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  • [b]She seemed to wander off in no particular direction, her footsteps muffled. But she was still audible... If only slightly. [/b] // [b]Hours passed, and as she returned, she had her umbrella on her shoulder once more, the white and black pattern very visible. And at the same time, Dawn started to peek out over the horizon. But as the sun came, she unraveled her black veil as it covered her, only her silhouette left in the shadow.[/b] [i]"Lots of land to explore."[/i]

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  • *He looks up, smiling.* [u][b]Indeed, I still d-don't completely kn-know my way a-around...[/b][/u] *He stands up, continuing to smile at her.* [u][b]W-Want me t-to take you now?[/b][/u]

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  • [i]"Might as well..."[/i] [b]She says from under her veil, looking up the stairway. It would be a simple walk now....[/b]

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  • [u][b]Th-Then let's go.[/b][/u] *He outstretches his hand for her to take.*

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  • [b]She hesitates for a moment, before placing a her hand in his, green lines snaking across his arm, her touch transferring her strange marks.[/b]

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  • *He looks a little surprised but not scared or startled.* [u][b]W-What's happening?[/b][/u]

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  • Edited by Chesh I Guess: 10/7/2016 2:47:15 AM
    [i]"It's a sign of trust... It happens with all my species."[/i] [b]She remarks, the lines taking the shapes of cogs and flowers, before eventually fading away.[/b]

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  • [u][b]Oh... Well I trust you too, now let's get going.[/b][/u] *He stopped stuttering, as if his confidence was immediately replenished by hearing she trusts him. He walks her in the direction of the long winding stairs, making sure to move slow enough for her to walk next to him instead of trailing behind.*

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  • [b]She said nothing, still mostly hidden behind her veil, only her hand peaking through and visible. She walked in silence next to him, not particularly fond of long talks anyways. Besides, it was almost dawn, and she would need to think of words to explain why she needed her veil.[/b] [i]"What's this place for?"[/i] [b]She suddenly asked, almost a ghost moving across the ground. It was like she even didn't touch the tiled stairs.[/b]

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  • [u][b]The Dojo? It's where warriors come to train and fight. But anyone can live there if they want. You're so beautiful, I'd love it if you stayed.[/b][/u] *His eyes widened at that last part which had basically just come out on its own. Whether she felt the same way or not, flirting was still a new concept to him.*

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  • [b]She looked at him under her veil, silence pervading her for a moment.[/b] [i]"Thank you... But I can't stay forever..."[/i] [b]She had to keep going, no matter what... That was her only option.[/b]

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  • Edited by Skatch142: 10/7/2016 4:02:02 AM
    *He looks at her, ihs ears laying back with disappointment as they continue walking up the stairs.* [u][b]W-Why is that? Why not?[/b][/u] *He stutters again, not quite as badly as the other times but he's still stuttering.*

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  • [i]"I just can't... there's no reason for me to stay. I have to keep moving no matter what."[/i] [b]She sighs and lets her hand slip away, the sun just beginning to peak out.[/b] [i]"It's morning... And I need to find shade... I'll stay for some time... But my life is not here with fighters."[/i]

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  • *This hits him hard, causing the stutter to return in full force.* [u][b]C-Come on. Let's g-go t-to my a-apartment. I-I'll make s-some food f-for y-you... But y-you don't n-need to fight. Y-You're a h-healer, we always n-need more h-healers. People a-are being forced to g-get robotic l-limbs instead... W-Where would y-you go if you d-don't st-stay? Y-You are w-welcome here, f-fighter or not. [/b][/u] *He sniffles a little, looking back away from her. His voice trembled as he spoke. His posture changed back to when they first met, awkward and closed.*

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  • Edited by Chesh I Guess: 10/7/2016 5:57:15 AM
    [b]She smiled softly under her veil, drawing close. Then, she kissed his cheek, softly... Like a mother would to her child.[/b] [i]"I'm sorry... But this is not the place for me. I wouldn't be able to live if I stayed here... A trapped bird. It would just be like back home. The road is my life, the journey my house."[/i] [b]And with that, she folded the veil back over her face and hid away from sight, turned towards the gates.[/b] [i]"I'll stay for a time... Just not forever..."[/i]

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  • Edited by Skatch142: 10/7/2016 10:50:08 AM
    *Despite having hardly any experience dating anyone, he knew the meaning of the kiss wasn't the one he wanted. This made him more upset and he tried to hide it but in the end he couldn't.* [u][b]I... I.... I....... I...[/b][/u] *He swallows, sighing and looking down at the ground.* [u][b]I u-understand...[/b][/u] *He walks past her and up to the gates without waiting for her to follow. He opens the gate up for her, looking at the ground just in front of his feet, ears laid back.*

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  • [b]She follows quietly, knowing that more words were not what he needed. She enjoyed his company... But a companionship... A relationship... She wasn't after that. To settle down meant standing still while the world moved on... She couldn't afford it.[/b]

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  • [spoiler]Oh no! Here comes the sadness thought rant![/spoiler] *He silently led her in the direction of the apartment complex. He didn't even have to confidence to look up and nearly bumped into a couple of trees.* *Thinking [u][b]Say something. Please... I need to know... *Mentally sighing* I'm not human... People think I'm an animal... Sketch and Leyla... That's a one time thing... People can't see past my appearance... Back on Sphirinia they all just assumed I didn't like to talk... I just turned into a piece of furniture... Here, people think I'm a dog... They call me a dog... People are always looking at me as a child too... Does she think I'm just some sort of child? When they're upset you kiss them on the cheek to make them feel better? Or that since I I look like an animal I shouldn't be taken seriously? That I am just an animal, no thoughts of my own? I'm no child and I'm no animal... I deserve to know. I need to at least know why...[/b][/u] *He doesn't realize he's walked about three laps around the Dojo by now. Tears forming in his eyes and forgetting that she's still with him.*

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  • [b]Chloe grew confused not really sure what was happening... [/b] [i]"Where did you say we were going?"[/i] [b]She asked, eventually recognizing landmarks as they continued to pass them in circles.[/b] [i]"This seems familiar..."[/i]

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  • *He stops, looking up at her. There were streaks where the fur had been matted down by the tears. He was able to somewhat level his voice.* [u][b]Sorry... I was thinking... It's this way...[/b][/u] *He continues walking, looking down again sadly as the complex crept into view.*

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  • [b]She shrugged and followed, a sigh escaping her. He'd have to learn. Better to end it sooner instead of leading him on...[/b] [b]She continued in silence, following aimlessly, as she stayed hidden under the veil.[/b]

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  • Edited by Skatch142: 10/7/2016 11:54:41 PM
    *They eventually reach the apartments. He opens the door for her and follows her in. He leads her up a couple flights of stairs and opens the door to his apartment. He once again follows her in, motioning for her to sit on a couch.* [u][b]A-Are you hungry? Would y-you like s-something to e-eat?[/b][/u] *He knew this was all just ridiculous. Crying over a girl he's known for only about eight hours. No wonder he's always being treated like a child. He will respect what she wants, he's the one making it such a big thing.*

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  • [i]"I'm fine..."[/i] [b]She remarked, taking the seat and lifting the veil until she was visible once more. Her face was somber and silent, like the current mood had her anxious.[/b]

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  • *He sits down in a chair across from her. His arms are crossed and he looks at his feet but he doesn't stutter.* [u][b]I... I'm sorry. Getting this upset about you... We've just met... I'm sorry... But, I'd just like to know why... Is there any reason other than the fact that we just met? I'm sure I'm just being an a$$hole by getting worked up about this... I'll respect what you want. I don't want my own immaturity and stupidity to be a burden on you...[/b][/u]

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