See there is no real fact based argument here, just strawmen and ad homenems. You obviously have not knowledge of what our government actually does and have no intention on researching it in the future.
Instead you spout buzzfeed sjw jargon that marginalizes an entire group of people while calling them racist of sexist with no real evidence devalueing these words to nothing. You jump to insults immediately to discredit another point of view because you have no legitimate argument.
This entire generation of people getting news from facebook, mtv, msnbc, and buzzfeed who continually press the race issue while marching in the streets to protest people who pulled a gun on police. You are part of the problem and nowhere near being a solution.
Be a bridge not a troll and grow up.
#hillaryforprison #blmisahategroup
Yeah that was a lot of cringeworthy SJW bullshit. Excuse me while I go puke all over a picture of Harambe.