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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Chesh I Guess: 10/4/2016 5:31:42 AM
[b][i]The Water Rose[/i][/b] [b][u]Dojoville[/u][/b] [b]The sodden feet lay barefoot against the hard tile of the stone road, the rain soaking the skin thoroughly.[/b] [b]She walked with no real goal, headed in no particular direction, exhaustion burdening her like her hunger... But that was no concern now.[/b] [b]Her large umbrella covered her from the torrent's onslaught, and the long black veil that hung from the sides hid her from view.[/b] [b]And just as it seemed that she would fall from exhaustion, she found slight relief in a bench. It had no cover, but she didn't mind. It was minor solace in a maelstrom.[/b] [b]Her chest heaved slightly, her long breaths accompanied by the distant crack of thunder, and a spiderweb of lightning... So far from home. She wasn't sure where she was... All she knew is that she needed to keep going. A refugee...[/b] // [b]Time seemed to pass, as she had seemingly drifted off into sleep, and as she awoke she realized that the storm had given way to a clear sky. Stars sparkled above and she let out a sigh of relief.[/b] [b]With a click, she twisted her umbrella handle the veil around her raising up and vanishing inside the contraption, the umbrella folding away a moment later.[/b] [b]And there sat the newest member of the dojo... A strikingly beautiful woman, of strange origin. She had light blue, almost pale skin like a ghost, dotted with black. And along her legs and arms were glowing lines, turquoise in hue. Then there was her hair... Oh her hair... Sunset red, like the falling leaves in autumn. The hair perfectly accompanied her eyes that shimmered like powerful fires, warm and kind. Her face was delicate and gentle, radiating life and joy. She wore a long black dress with a hood, which her hair was neatly folded into, as was a custom of her exotic species. Lastly, there was her crest, hung right above her forehead... Held in place by a metal rod, which also held her hair in place. Signaling her status in her society... Royalty... The rarest blossom of her kind.[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b]But such radiance was diminished by her tired eyes and aching feet. She never wore shoes... So the hard trail had hurt them severely... But the rain had eased away the trial of blood.[/b] [b]It was clear she was no fighter, her exposing attire and soft features making it very apparent... But she was no push over. For such a gentle disposition, she held a kind of strength, a raw passion... [/b] [b]She was lost, she was tired... And maybe even a little hungry... But she didn't dare move. Yet, despite her exhaustion, she felt sleep elude her. She knew she needed some help.[/b] [b]And so she sat, quiet on the bench, her hands folded neatly over her exposed stomach, watching the fireflies dance and parade as they celebrated the new fresh night... And the luminous maze of stars above.[/b] [spoiler]Open! She could use some info for just a talk.[/spoiler]

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  • [b]She blinked in surprise, trying to focus on what had just happened. Some of the curiosities of this place made her head spin.[/b] [i]"Y-You're fine..."[/i] [b]She responded, her voice barely a whisper, shaky from her weariness.[/b] [b]She didn't know what else to say... She had only met so many humans before, and this one... If he even was human... Was strikingly different. She didn't want to stare, but her curiosity had been piqued.[/b]

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  • [i]"Thanks bud." The cheery and all too friendly man said in response as he took a seat beside the woman. She was treating him as if he was strange and that was a good sign, showing that he certainly maintained a questionable look and the woman still had her sanity about her, because a walking armoury was always to be a strange sight. "I'm Jack, by the way, most people call me Treyman though." [/i]

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  • [i]"Chloephina... Or C-Chloe..."[/i] [b]She responded, a meek smile crossing her pale blue lips. She gave off an almost slight glow, like the low light of the moon. The mystical almost haunting air she brought with her was full of soothing waves.[/b] [i]"I-I don't mind e-either..."[/i]

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  • [i]"Well, you seem sane enough, based on the fact you're stuttering around a masked madman with an armoury on his back," Treyman jested when he used his left hand to reach for the mask on his face, which he lifted up before he pulled it off. His cold blue eyes looked as if they had seen their fair share of shit as he shifted his gaze to the woman, an apologetic look crossing his fairly handsome face. When the hood fell to reveal his short red hair, Jack spoke. "It's a military thing, I'm supposed to dress like this when visiting other places, like this planet, to keep people from trying to do something like rob me, order comes straight from my only superior," he admitted. "And the president ain't to be questioned." [/i]

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  • [i]"I see... Are all humans, warriors?"[/i] [b]She abruptly asked, clearly never seeing a human who wasn't carrying copious amounts of weapons or gear. Not that she minded... It just seemed strange to a degree.[/b] [b]Her large eyes traced over Jack carefully, not knowing what a 'president' was or what he meant... But she figured it was militaristic.[/b]

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  • [i]"No, not all of them," Said Treyman as he scratched his five o' clock shadow that was growing steadily upon his face, which was strange considering his skin was adamant/carbon fiber mesh and he shouldn't be physically able to grow hair, but it was likely just a bit of fake hair put onto his face. "Some are cooks, some are government men like the president or the tax-man, some are military like me, it goes on. You don't have a military where you're from?" [/i]

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  • Edited by Chesh I Guess: 10/6/2016 3:18:32 AM
    [i]"We do... But it's just a few... Centurions and praetorians. But our men are different. Only a hundred or so... But each one is very strong..."[/i] [b]She remarked, but she didn't really know what strength was. Maybe it was all the weapons... Maybe her kind was... Weak? It didn't matter... She left her home long ago.[/b] [i]"I suppose it's just... Strange. New culture and ways."[/i]

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  • "I hear you, change can be hell." Treyman spoke from a hell of a lot of experience with change, seeing as he was born on pre-republic Earth and all, having to see everything in his lands change before his very eyes. "So where do you come from?"

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  • [i]"Far place from here. Eluno... The land of darkness. N-Not in a bad way... It's j-just constantly d-dark there."[/i] [b]Se remarked, thinking back on her home, glad she wasn't still there. But the darkness might explain her slight glow.[/b]

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  • Treyman was glad to hear that the woman wasn't just trying to make her ho.eland sound dark and hostile, because that would mean another person to feel bad for and try to talk about everything with, so that issue was already taken care of since the start. "What's it like?"

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  • [b]She thought about it for a moment, trying to remember her previous home.[/b] [i]"It's big... Big and quiet, and constantly covered in night. We only get an hour of d-dawn before it turns back to d-dusk and then repeats."[/i] [b]She didn't miss her home however... The royal vistas and constant solitude was mind numbing and brutal. A horrible torture to the curious mind.[/b] [i]"What a-about yours?"[/i]

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  • "I'd like to say its peaceful," the Omega started as a grimace crossed his face. "But I'd be a -blam!-in' huge liar. Place I live is filled with war and we cant even catch a band of pirates, its like a government but without a good military presence."

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  • [i]"I'm sorry to hear that... If I could wish it away for you... I would..."[/i] [b]Eventually, her stutter disappeared altogether as she rested, her voice serene and quiet, almost lyrical in a way. She held such a graceful presence it was hard to see why she had come to the Dojo...[/b] [i]"Are you at least happy...?"[/i] [b]She wasn't trying to be rude, but she knew no other way to ask such a question.[/b]

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  • "Happy? No, contempt? Yeah." Treyman was usually happy and at peace when he was on leave and in foreign lands for his work, which is why he leads but a small Inquisition-style force of Legionnaires in secret. "You at all happy in your lands?"

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  • [i]"I was for a time... But the political and royal life weren't for me..."[/i] [b]She shrugged, not really out to dwell on her home land. It seemed so far now, and she preferred it that way.[/b] [i]"I'm happier out here."[/i]

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  • "And what brings you out here?" Was all Treyman could ask. He didn't know why she came to the Dojo but he was genuinely interested.

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  • [i]"To find an escape... Find adventure... To find something..."[/i] [b]She didn't really know what she was after specifically. All she knew was that her home was far behind her and she still had a journey ahead of her.[/b] [i]"I don't know... It all sorta blurs..."[/i] [b]She looks to the ground, her thoughts racing... She wasn't thinking about much... But her future was uncertain and that was a scary prospect. Being out on her own for the first time meant facing the world without a family or set of guards to protect her.[/b] [i]"I suppose that's just part of the journey though."[/i]

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  • "Well you certainly came to... A place, good fir fights and in-house relationships." That was the Dojo in a nutshell, people were either distraught about who was dying in a fight and who was going to be spending the night with who. It was fun for the most part but a lot of fights were essentially just competitions to determine who's smarter with their gear.

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  • [i]"Well... I'm not good at fighting... But I am a good healer... Sorta. Trying at least. And that's a decent start."[/i] [b]A simple smile spread across her lips as she looked to Treyman with a face full of slight pride. What she lacked in offense, she made up for in defense.[/b]

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  • "The support to the brash offence, respectable position and that's from the mouth of an offence." Jack put it into terms used by various gaming circuits of New Terra and even some military commanders, as it was just easier fir him to relate to, and he hoped to possibly see if the stranger picked up on it. Highly unlikely though if she did, she'd get bonus points in Treymsn's book. "If you ever needed someone to teach you how to handle yourself in a fight, come speak to me at the Dojo just up the hill."

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  • [i]"Thank you... I might have to take you up on that offer."[/i] [b]She gives a warm blink, and head bow in gratitude. This man was of course, interesting... In a way... He was incredibly overwhelming, almost giving off an aura of authority and prowess.[/b] [b]And in that way, he dwarfed her in magnitude. There was just something about him that made her feel... Strange. Like he could easily bring the world to an end. Maybe there was more to him than what she saw, but she couldn't put a finger on it.[/b] [i]"I guess... I owe you more than thanks, though... I appreciate the hospitality... I'll make sure to repay one day."[/i]

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  • That little aura she was picking up on was a façade of cockiness that concealed several years of experience and skill on the man, who was only the age of twenty seven at the time. God knows how long he's been serving with his military outfit. He gave a smile that seemed genuine yet overconfident as he stood from the bench beneath the two of them, and one of his hands, the right, was extended outwards to Chloe. "If you want to train, we should do it in the Dojo. Far better space to do it then here."

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  • [i]"Right now...?"[/i] [b]She asked, sounding incredulous. In her current state she'd last maybe... Five seconds... Give or take depending on the scenario.[/b] [b]Then again, he could have just wanted to shake her hand... So she placed the gentle palm of her own into his, her skin strangely soft and comforting.[/b]

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  • The soft hand was a welcome change of pace from the dirt and callouses that typically came with most people, though it told him that she hadn't done all that much with her hands, like hold a blade or fire a gun. He shook her hand and retracted his own arm as he put either on his belts' gear, the left resting in between a pair of revolvers with his thumb between the cloak and belt while the other was resting atop the bottom of the upside down sword hilts. "Whenever you'd like to."

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  • [i]"Then I await when I see you again!"[/i] [b]She said excitedly. Someone to train her... She was already on a great start... This would be just what she wanted.[/b] [i]"Where can I find you?"[/i]

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