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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Chesh I Guess: 10/4/2016 5:31:42 AM
[b][i]The Water Rose[/i][/b] [b][u]Dojoville[/u][/b] [b]The sodden feet lay barefoot against the hard tile of the stone road, the rain soaking the skin thoroughly.[/b] [b]She walked with no real goal, headed in no particular direction, exhaustion burdening her like her hunger... But that was no concern now.[/b] [b]Her large umbrella covered her from the torrent's onslaught, and the long black veil that hung from the sides hid her from view.[/b] [b]And just as it seemed that she would fall from exhaustion, she found slight relief in a bench. It had no cover, but she didn't mind. It was minor solace in a maelstrom.[/b] [b]Her chest heaved slightly, her long breaths accompanied by the distant crack of thunder, and a spiderweb of lightning... So far from home. She wasn't sure where she was... All she knew is that she needed to keep going. A refugee...[/b] // [b]Time seemed to pass, as she had seemingly drifted off into sleep, and as she awoke she realized that the storm had given way to a clear sky. Stars sparkled above and she let out a sigh of relief.[/b] [b]With a click, she twisted her umbrella handle the veil around her raising up and vanishing inside the contraption, the umbrella folding away a moment later.[/b] [b]And there sat the newest member of the dojo... A strikingly beautiful woman, of strange origin. She had light blue, almost pale skin like a ghost, dotted with black. And along her legs and arms were glowing lines, turquoise in hue. Then there was her hair... Oh her hair... Sunset red, like the falling leaves in autumn. The hair perfectly accompanied her eyes that shimmered like powerful fires, warm and kind. Her face was delicate and gentle, radiating life and joy. She wore a long black dress with a hood, which her hair was neatly folded into, as was a custom of her exotic species. Lastly, there was her crest, hung right above her forehead... Held in place by a metal rod, which also held her hair in place. Signaling her status in her society... Royalty... The rarest blossom of her kind.[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b]But such radiance was diminished by her tired eyes and aching feet. She never wore shoes... So the hard trail had hurt them severely... But the rain had eased away the trial of blood.[/b] [b]It was clear she was no fighter, her exposing attire and soft features making it very apparent... But she was no push over. For such a gentle disposition, she held a kind of strength, a raw passion... [/b] [b]She was lost, she was tired... And maybe even a little hungry... But she didn't dare move. Yet, despite her exhaustion, she felt sleep elude her. She knew she needed some help.[/b] [b]And so she sat, quiet on the bench, her hands folded neatly over her exposed stomach, watching the fireflies dance and parade as they celebrated the new fresh night... And the luminous maze of stars above.[/b] [spoiler]Open! She could use some info for just a talk.[/spoiler]

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  • "Never?" [i] He questioned, eyes looking at her sideways. While he detested the idea of relationships, he was surprised someone else may have also. Most people's dreams were to find someone they love and settle down. [/i]

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  • [i]"Too much hassle. Not enough reward for the struggle."[/i] [b]She shakes her head in distaste. There was nothing in a second half that she could appreciate... It was... Annoying.[/b] [i]"Maybe at some other point... When I'm old and can't travel anymore."[/i]

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  • [i] He chuckled lightly. She had fire, that was for sure. [/i] "To each her own I suppose." [i] His opinion on love was a lot more cynical. When you had ties to people, you gave them a card to play against you. Relationships were ropes, and love was the ultimate noose. If your enemies had your loved ones, they had you by the throat. And as of right now, there was no one anyone could use against him. [/i]

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  • [i]"You don't agree...? I didn't take you for the kind to enjoy... Social interaction in any sort."[/i] [b]She gave him a curious stare, her cool demeanor returning immediately. There was only a few that she could understand. Desmond would probably never be one of those people.[/b]

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  • "I detest love for a different reason. When you live a life like mine, and with someone waiting to end your existence every waking moment, having people for them to use against you is another advantage you give them." [i] He began to talk, the most Chloe had heard him speak on one subject at one time.[/i] "My master died the same way. One of his enemies got a hold of his daughter, and to keep her safe, he was to kill me. I killed him, and they killed his daughter anyways." [i] Desmond didn't seem proud that he'd murdered his master. The little times he'd spoken about him to Chloe, Desmond loved the man. He was like a father to him.[/i]

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  • [b]Chloe blinked slowly, troubled by his words... Desmond didn't seem purely stone cold... But she could never tell.[/b] [i]"I'm sorry Desmond... I know it's not much... But you have my sympathies..."[/i] [b]Chloe couldn't bring the past back, and sometimes she thought what she would do if she could... But maybe Desmond was stronger because of it all. She had to hope.[/b]

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  • [i] He scoffed with a smile, looking at her.[/i] "I never understood why people give their condolences and sympathies to someone. They don't realize that it doesn't make it sting any less." [i] But the way he was talking, it didn't seem like it stung at all.[/i] "I understand you mean well."

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  • [i]"Mmm..."[/i] [b]All she could do was hum her confirmation. Words were only so powerful... Actions seemed to speak louder after all.[/b] [b]She had been so busy in thought on the conversation, she didn't realize that they had reached the Dojo gates...[/b]

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  • "They basically have an open door policy, and a ridiculous amount of real estate. Stores, shops, food, living space. You name it." [i] He says, walking right into the gates and going through one of the many courtyards he'd scouted before. [/i]

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  • [i]"I see... Must be popular."[/i] [b]She remarked, as the sun eventually dipped completely and darkness swept over the Dojo.[/b] [i]"You scouted this place that quickly?"[/i]

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  • "You don't get to be the best by being slow." [i] He says with a smirk. [/i] "Where do you wanna go first?"

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  • Edited by Chesh I Guess: 10/10/2016 2:34:43 AM
    [i]"Why don't you pick? It's all a journey for me..."[/i] [b]She smiles happily as she hurried a little to catch up, lagging behind a bit on the stairs.[/b]

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  • "How about first we get you something a little less..revealing." [i] He says, eyes scanning her body up and down with a smirk and a shake of his head. He didn't know how people worked on her planet, but he knew the horrors of the real world. Especially horrors that someone clothed little and exotic looking could experience. It would only make his job harder if people kept trying to hit on her constantly. [/i] "So, shopping spree?" [i] He says with a chuckle. [/i]

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  • [b]Chloe was about to ask what was wrong with her clothes before she realized that she had a free pass Togo shopping.[/b] [i]"Okay!"[/i] [b]She responded with a large smile overtaking her face, eyes glowing with excitement.[/b]

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  • [i] They began walking through the courtyard and into a side branch of the Dojo. Walking through hallways and passed several stores, technology, men's clothing, food places, until they reached a place that looked like it was a massive women's clothing store, even with employees. It was ridiculously large, despite what it looked like on the outside. Some of the women working the counter and stocking shelves and racks gave Chloe a wide eyed look at her attire, but a death stare from Desmond made them look away. Some of them could be seen whispering and giggling to others, glancing towards Desmond and Chloe's way.[/i] "Go wild, it's on me." [i] He said. He figured she hadn't brought any money with her, she didn't seem like the planning type. He pulled a cigarette from a pocket, using his fingertip flame to light it despite the looks he was getting from people. None dared speak up though. [/i]

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  • [b]Chloe padded quietly through the store, nothing really catching her eye until she came upon a full dress. The top was a long black silk, the bottom a white skirt.[/b] [i]"This one!"[/i] [b]She said triumphantly, as if she had made some great victory.[/b]

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  • "Anything else..?" [i] He says with a raised eyebrow. The place had literally everything, ranging from bathing suits, to pajamas, to makeup and accessories. Desmond had more than enough money to pay for anything she wanted, but he wasn't about to help her pick anything out. That was a line he wasn't crossing. [/i]

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  • [i]"Uhh..."[/i] [b]She continued to wander around, picking up clothes as she went. Blue sweater. Purple stockings. Black shirts. White jeans... Most of the stuff seemed normal, but to her, the clothes were exotic and strange she wanted to wear it all.[/b] [i]"Done!"[/i] [b]She finally called out, carrying an abundance of clothes, some hanging over her head and shoulders.[/b]

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  • [i] He shook his head at the sight of her, walking up to a counter where a young and cute blonde was working the register. [/i] "Hello.." [i] She said and trailed off at the sight of Desmond in his armor, and Chloe with clothes on her everywhere, putting them on the counter.[/i] "Will that be cash or credit sir?" [i] She asked Desmond after she rang the clothes up and began putting them in bags, as Desmond pulled out a wad of cash that was held together by a black money clip, handing her two large bills. [/i] "Cash." [i] Cash didn't leave a paper trail. He didn't bother with the change to the astounded look on the cashier's face, grabbing the bags for Chloe. Was this what he'd come to? Carrying bags after a shopping spree? Ugh. He needed to kill someone. [/i]

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  • [b]Chloe raised an eyebrow but didn't protest. She didn't seem to mind the awkward stares or looks... Uninterested in the people working around the counters.[/b] [b]She followed Desmond out, bare feet still not making much noise as the lights of the darkened area giving off all kinds of signals.[/b] [i]"What else do they have?"[/i]

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  • [i] He smirked.[/i] "It'd be easier to list what they don't have. The place is a sprawling complex with just about everything. Coffee shops, swimming pool, gyms, supermarkets, clothing stores, movie theaters, all kinds of food places. Literally, everything." [i] It almost made Desmond's head hurt to think a place like this existed. He grew up on the streets with nothing, and here people had everything just for showing up.[/i]

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  • [i]"They must have monuments and sights too, right? We should find those..."[/i] [b]She looks around, noting the Martyr shrine not far off... Along with the stairs leading to the sim room... And the end walls leading towards the outside world...[/b] [i]"It's all so impressive. I'm not sure what to do first to be honest."[/i]

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  • "That shrine is dedicated to someone named Cobalt Phoenix. A legend from here, supposedly. A resident here told me about it while I was scouting." [i] He didn't tell her that the resident he'd met was one of the most dangerous men he'd ever met, and had sniffed him out even while stealthed. Who wore demon masks anyways? Dude gave him the creeps. [/i] "Lets go to the sim room. I wanna show you something." [i] He indicated the room not too far away, and he figured it would show what he wanted. [/i]

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  • [i]"Sure... But what's a sim room?"[/i] [b]She asked, walking towards the indicated room. It certainly stood out. More sleek and modern compared to the other rooms.[/b]

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  • "It's a room that brings up an environment of your choice. Sim is short for simulation." [i] They enter into the sleek and modernized room, the walls all black and blank.[/i] "Almost as if you were really there."

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