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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Orn: 10/1/2016 12:27:43 AM
Orn [i][u]Deja Vu Anor Londo, Virtual Reality within the Arena Olivia, Daughter of Ornstein and Nora[/u][/i] "...Ah. Here we go." [i]Finally entering the Dojo arena after tampering with its settings for several hours, the 6'6 foot tall dragonslaying knightess was finally satisfied with what she had been given. Instead of the barren dirt of the arena that one would usually stand upon, the Dragonslayer walked on shining floors made of pure gold, massive pillars rising from the ground and up towards the second level of the beautiful cathedral she was inside of. Rays of sunlight shined through thin glass windows that surrounded the building, and in front of her lied three massive pedestals. The first one, to her left, contained nothing standing upon it, as if whatever statue had been built there had been removed, for some odd reason. The first one to her right showed a rather beautiful princess, the statue of her charmingly smiling as sunlight from above covered her, the dress that engulfed her body a clear stone. And finally, between the empty pedestal and the princess?[/i] "Lord Gwyn. Damn." [i]The statue of the first Lord of Cinder stared down upon the dragonslaying knightess, a rather serious look engulfing his weathered, stony face, his beard completely covering his chin and hiding away his mouth. He bore light, decorated robes, a spiked crown rising from his skull. A sword was in his hands, being driven into the hard stone between his sculpted feet. So this was the one that started it all... Olivia didn't know how to feel, to be completely honest. This was the place that her father and his brother had defended for so long until someone, the Chosen Undead, to be exact, killed both and freed them from this. She didn't care too much about it, to tell the truth. That was the past. Wearing her typical suit of shining golden armor with plating of ceramic covering its layers, the girl activated her hardlight shields as she turned back to the entrance of the cathedral, drawing her 7'6 foot long gold and metal spear and holding the weapon modeled after her father's own at her right side, while her left palm held nothing. Slung on the woman's back was a slug-firing shotgun, a drum magazine already within its frame, signifying that it was locked and loaded. Two dual wield gunmetal .44 Magnum revolvers waited within their holsters at her side, one having the name "Bonnie" imprinted into the barrel in cursive and the other having "Clyde" imprinted in the same manner. The gleaming blade of a 5'4 foot long straight sword also rested alongside the shotgun within its sheath, waiting to be withdrawn at any time. Also at Olivia's side was a simple, pointed stiletto dagger, it's tip pointed and shined for the occasion, as Olivia planned on getting better with it. And finally, her final weapon that she had along with her, a simple gauntlet blade attacked to her right hand, currently not activated although it could be revealed with a flick of the wrist. And so Olivia waited for a challenger that wished to battle the daughter of Ornstein within Anor Londo, which seemed rather cliche, considering her father's time here, defending the cathedral from harm. And yet, like I said...crap like that didn't matter to Oliva.[/i] ((Open.))

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/2/2016 10:31:17 PM
    She stumbles away, now having a bloody nose herself, as she slowly got up. "Had enough?" She asks, with a weak smile, going back into the fighting stance.

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    [i]Wiping away the blood and only smiling, Olivia let out a slight chuckle before responding to Kara.[/i] "Eh...I mean, I'm down for finishing this up late- Actually, screw that. Let's end this." [i]Raising her fists once more, Olivia simply waited for Kara this time, smiling quite enthusiastically although blood was dripping from her mouth from how many times she had been punched.[/i]

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  • *She charges at her one last time, this time launching a flying kick to Olivia.*

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    [i]Olivia began charging as well, putting all of her energy into one final punch into Kara's stomach. The kick sent her reeling back, and the knightess let out a gasp of pain as she reeled over after skidding across the marble floor, clutching where the kick had nailed her.[/i]

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  • *Kara ended up being forced a few feet away from Olivia, gasping for air, as she looked toward the knightress, seeing if she finally beat her, as she felt herself losing her vision.*

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    "D-Damn..." [i]Olivia looked as if she was trying to rise up, although blood was still dripping from the wounds that she had.[/i] "Y-Y'know...T-This was actually...pretty fun..." [i]She chuckled softly, sputtering out droplets of blood as she did so.[/i] "...Honestly thought you did better than me...guess I'll hand you the win..."

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  • "No...I'd hand you the tried a lot harder...than I ever could. To be honest...I kinda prefer having a good spar like this...shows just how good...either of us...could be." Kara responded, blood dripping from her own injuries. "I guess I'll...see you soon?"

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    "Y-Yeah...thanks..." [i]Rising up after a minute or two, Olivia looked up at the ceiling, suddenly speaking.[/i] "VR...end." [i]The virtual reality suddenly collapsed around the two, and the massive hall suddenly returned to its normal state as an arena. And since it was in VR, both of the combatant's wounds healed, as if they had never fought. [/i] "...Good fight. Truly."

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  • "Yeah...would want another fight here...welp, back to Dojoville for me." She responds, smirking at Olivia before leaving the Arena.

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  • [spoiler][/spoiler] [b]Click. Click. Click. The hunter's boots made these little sound as she made her way into the castle. She was on a search. For the one that killed her father, her sister, and took the things most precious away. Apparently she had made a wrong turn somewhere, and ended up here. Her eyes gazed around the castle floors, the pillars and statues. Finally they landed on the dragon slayer and her spear. A hand immediately went to the massive scythe on her back, it's blade glowing blue for a split second, before settling back to a cold steel. The other hand lay on the high powered flintlock looking pistol, her thumb drew back the hammer with a click. [/b]

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    [i]Only chuckling, Olivia immediately drew the .44 Magnum revolver "Bonnie", holding the sidearm within her left hand as she held out her spear, staring eerily at the huntress who had entered the virtual arena, the lion helm staring straight at her with bared teeth, as if it hungered for action. Olivia was waiting for the one that had arrived to move first, as she was used to having combatants have the first attack. [/i]

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  • [b]The hunter blew a strand of brown hair out of the one eye that wasn't covered by the face mask upon her head. Then, her voice echoed out over the halls. Surprisingly British. [/b] So... I assume you don't have that spear for no reason. [b]The hand around the scythe grew tighter, the leather making an uncomfortable noise. She commented on the helmet.[/b] Lion's pride, huh?

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    "Something like that, I guess." [i]The Dragonslayer spoke with a light Caucasian accent, sounding as if she was only in her twenties. She simply stared at the huntress, not sure of what her true intentions were, if she even had any.[/i]

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  • [b]Her voice wavered bank and forth, a signal of nervousness. [/b] I don't suppose I can just walk past you? [b]She remained in position. Most single people in a large area were incredibly powerful, and had no intention of letting you move forward. Her single eye narrowed. [/b]

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    "I mean...there's not really anything past me. Heh." [i]Olivia had begun to lean back against the wall, still staring at the huntress rather...interestingly. She had no idea who she was, or why she was here in the first place, other than combat. That was why Olivia was here, anyway.[/i]

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  • Well, I suppose I could use a bit of practice, then? [b]Once again her eye shifted around the room, analyzing it. The armored girl would have the home court advantage in this situation, so she must be prepared. [/b] Before we start, I'm Elise, a hunter. And you? [b]She places the gun away, and quickly draws the scythe out, resting it over her back, crouched down. [/b]

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    "...Olivia. Dragonslayer. Let us begin." [i]Olivia simply stared at Elise, gripping her weapon tightly as she did so. She was waiting for her combatant to make the first move, it seemed, as that was simply customary.[/i]

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  • [b]The scythe reared back, and she held it there for a moment, causing the blade to ignite in flame. She spun and slashed sideways. This caused a massive wave of fire and air to make its way towards you in the shape of the swing. Flashy. Covered by the light of the flame, she threw a small bottle at you, filled with a murky blue liquid. [/b]

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    [i]Immediately dodging to her right, the projectile that the huntress flew hit Olivia, shattering across her hardlight and metal armor almost instantly. Although immediately confused by its purpose, Olivia thought it could melt through her shields and armor, or paralysis her, so she was prepped for anything.[/i]

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  • [b]Nothing SEEMED to happen, but you couldn't shake the feeling, something was being drained... But what?[/b] I hate to keep others in the dark. It's not permanent, but you'll find yourself unable to rain magic from the sky's for a short while. [b]Once again, she crouched, the scythe over her back.[/b] Once used to hunt the mages of The Library.

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    [i]Sighing yet only nodding, Olivia understood what the huntress had done, but wasn't too angry about it.[/i] "Must be useful. Thanks for atleast telling me about it." [i]Olivia began to circle her opponent slowly, a plan formulating in her head. She would attempt to keep this friendly, but she couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't use firearms.[/i]

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  • Edited by Atom: 10/3/2016 12:18:44 AM
    [b]Once again the scythe lit in flame, the huntress swinging it in another massive slice, that seemed to travel on air. Once that was done, she reared the scythe over her head, instead of fire, it glowed blue. [/b] No problem. Helps those who rely on magic cope with it.

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  • Edited by Orn: 10/3/2016 2:25:29 PM
    [i]Olivia dodged once again, nodding in apparent agreement to the words that the huntress spoke. She honestly had to agree with her. Even though Olivia utilized miracles (most of them involved slamming lightning into something), she still preferred melds combat over everything. She began to actually approach, twirling her spear slightly as she did so.[/i]

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  • Sakuret Ceiko appeared in the arena, he didn't wear much besides a pitch shirt that strained against his bulging muscles, loose fitting charcoal cargo pants, pitch gauntlets with some chains wrapped around them and combat boots. However strapped upon the burly mans back was a Rail Gun, seemingly impossible for someone as old as him...but underestimation is a fatal weakness. Sakuret started to pop his joints and spoke. "Good to see you again, I seek a challenge and I hope you can provide one. From the looks of it you can." He said to Olivia.

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  • Edited by Orn: 10/1/2016 1:08:01 AM
    [i]Slightly stunned by the fact that Sakuret wielded a rail gun, of all things, Olivia only slightly chuckled as she slung her spear onto her back, drawing the slug firing shotgun and holding it within both hands.[/i] "Good to see you too, Sak. You ready?"

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