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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/30/2016 10:02:05 PM
Here, I'll take a look at that... [i]He flipped through the book carefully, making sure not to damage it. When he reached the page, he studied it a moment; capturing the image in his mind. He intently looked up to an open space in fromt of him and raised his right index finger, a trail of soft blue light following the strokes he made in the air. Attempting to draw it, he frowned, wiping away the light with an open palm and starting again. [/i] Should be rather easy if you channel your mana to the centre right as you draw. Therefore as you go on, that energy will spread easier, making the rune activate a little faster. Although, you need to memorize it's structure first. So odd... yet fascinating... [i]His numerous absent-minded attempts became sharper and more accurate as he went. The look in her eyes as he mentioned the dark arts bothered him, though; he felt the need to explain.[/i] Runes are platonic; meaning, you need the requirements and the mana, and then you get the results. The arcane arts I learned are more emotionally centred; the mage's state of mind affects everything. Usually the strongest have a lot of emotions to work with, and a personal connection to the areas he works in. As most soldiers would call it, experience. The dark arts dwell in horribly dark reaches of the mind, as it's the most inhumane and tolling. Mainly why it's not taught freely; it's not for everyone. I can assure you with certainty whatever you think of the dark arts is way too light from what it actually is. [i]Each attempt at the rune came closer and closer to perfection, yet, he was always a little bit off and he'd always stopped before he completed it since he wasn't satisfied.[/i] And as for my name, I'm sorry. Though, you may have heard my others; Ragnell, Alondite, Lightbringer, Archsage... all titles those who know me have heard. One day you may know my real name. That is... if you stick around long enough. [i]He almost said "If you stay alive long enough", but refrained from it. So many had died getting to know him, and it hurt. But with a smile, he looked at her and nodded.[/i] It's good you are curious, though. You seem to have been raised well haha. [i]He couldn't help but laugh at how stupid that sounded, but it was a compliment nonetheless.[/i]

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