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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/29/2016 4:10:36 AM
[i]He laughed quietly, suppressing a few giggles as he crawled in quickly before she could deny him entry. Her appearance didn't faze him; he knew of the capabilities she held from the moment he came near her living quarters, her aura not lying about anything. His boots, surprisingly clean, made no sound as he clumsily dodged piles of debris and other items before coming to an awkward standstill, doing the splits between two empty spots of ground. The only safe areas from the disaster that was her apartment, that is.[/i] Doors are ordinary. Why be ordinary when you can be [b]extra[/b]ordinary? [i]The same boyish smile creeped at his lips, Alyssa wondering a moment as she pondered whether to judge him by appearance or attitude. Grizzled war veteran, or silly teenager. [/i] Plus, too lazy to walk around. Windows are more fun, anyways. But really. [i]His rich, warm brown eyes shone like gold before settling like steel in around his pupils; the air of focus heavy around him.[/i] I heard the call. Not meaning to spy, just it was kinda loud. And I haven't been assigned living quarters yet, even though they shoulda known I was coming...

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  • [i]Alyssa couldn't resist a laugh, shaking her head as her smile seemed to light up her freckled face and the entire, dimly lit room, the only feature on her face that made her stand out from others.[/i] "Okay then," [i]She said, unsure, really, how to respond. She wasn't much of a socializer, and didn't get to practice all that much.[/i] "Distress call's indiscernible. Maybe you could provide some sort of aid?" [i]She asked, ready to replay the message if the need arose.[/i] "I mean, I could do it myself," [i]She added, not wanting to act like an incapable teen that she looked like.[/i] "But that would take a while." [i]Alyssa shrugged awkwardly, beginning to think of what to say next.[/i]

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  • Edited by Alonfé: 9/29/2016 11:39:39 PM
    Well, still, I think I'd like to help. I could use the exercise, anyways. [i]He snapped his fingers, a bright light encompassing his whole body for a split second. As it subsided, Alyssa noticed his clothes had changed; a tight fitting plain white muscle shirt with grey trim, loose yet slim grey sweatpants on his lower body. Basketball shoes covered his feet; the monotone colour scheme had the side facing him grey, and the outside of it white. Classy, yet relaxed in a way. He put a hand down near his foot, expertly maneuvering himself around the debris and onto an empty spot just beside her. The mage seemed rather... normal after the clothes change. The Five-Seven was still holstered just under his armpit, two rather large daggers sitting below his waist. 6'2", his arms were defined yet not too muscular to the eye, his medium build pressing on the shirt a little making him look bigger than he was. Without all the oddities, he looked exactly how he should; a young adult who worked out often, and was on a midnight jog, just wandering by a friends place.[/i] I hope you don't mind me getting a little comfortable; as much as the cloak is an honour, it sure does get stuffy wearing it indoors. You catch my drift, don't you? [i]Without the cloak, she got a better look at his face; rather handsome, with a longer than average nose and strong jawline. His short black hair was spiked at the front, his face seemingly freshly shaven; East-Indian, put shortly. Smiling childishly, he took a seat on the far side of her couch, staring at her with his golden-brown eyes as if expecting her to sit as well so they could get started.[/i] I hope you don't mind the intrusion; I somehow always find myself drawn to situations such as these. We'll get it figured out in no time, no worries at all. [i]He smiled at her, a reassuring air of confidence settling on her like a blanket. His presence was mood-lifting, to say the least.[/i]

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  • [i]Alyssa sat, smiling back at the man. She wasn't sure if they should be wasting time sitting down, however, considering she had just received an S.O.S. message. But hey, she didn't even know the person, and she'd bet that some others would receive the same message. Might as well talk to this strange man, until he asked about the message. Really, whether they went or not was up to him. So Alyssa crossed her slender legs, absentmindedly combing her slim fingers through her light brown hair as her green eyes sparkled in the dimly light, nighttime room. A cool breeze blew through Alyssa's open window, blowing aside papers of essays and music sheets, noted and whatever else. She shivered, grabbing her thin blanket and wrapping it around herself.[/i] "Well, first things first," [i]Alyssa said, her voice naturally soft, and barely audible.[/i] "... who [i]are[/i] you?" [i]She asked, situating herself in a comfortable position on the sofa where she slept.[/i]

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  • [i]Though the cold breeze blew threw, Alon's arms didn't show signs of goosebumps or the such. In fact, he looked perfectly comfortable; warm, even. Looking over at Alyssa, he smiled at the way she wrapped herself up in the blanket; it reminded him of a little girl, though he didn't dare state it.[/i] Who am I? You may call me Alonfé, or Alon for short. Put briefly, I'm a mage; a well-traveled one, at that. I've seen things most people would only wish, or unwish, they'd seen. Nothing too special about me, though. As for as you should know, I'm an ordinary guy. [i]The grin on his face said more, but it was clear he wasn't giving up any more information that easy. Running a hand along the front of his hair, he made sure it was still up. Absentmindedly, he flexed his metallic fingers, as if enjoying or hating the feeling of them at the same time. [/i] And how about yourself, my friend? What is your name, and where do you hail from?

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  • [i]Alyssa's already bright eyes seemed to brighten up further behind her glasses at the mention of Alon being a mage.[/i] "I'm a mage as well," [i]She began, noticing his secrecy, and wondering why it was so.[/i] "Alyssa Orime Melningsburrow; most call me Ao, but I go by Lys, Lisa, or my full name. I come from Echo City; it's quite a ways away, I don't recommend searching for it on an atlas. My knowledge as a mage comes from being a graduate from John West Academy for Mages of All Kinds, or John West, for short. Well... I haven't seen very much, as of yet, besides what oddities there are here in Dojoville; and there are quite a lot." [i]She shrugged, knowing that her "story" was quite bland, but that wasn't her fault, she told herself every time she heard somebody else's story. She couldn't help but feel a little jealous at all the things others had seen and felt, and it seemed to her that she was new to most things around Dojoville and the massive dojo nearby.[/i]

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  • [i]He laughed; her story was so... innocent. Alon envied her, in a way; to lead such a straightforward life was almost foreign to him. Looking her over, he even felt a tinge of sadness; she'd learn one day that this life was not one for the frail or weak, and he knew she'd survive... like any good mage, she'd adapt. [/i] Oh! An academy, eh? I'm one of those lucky one's that have... um... special ancestors, put plainly. I learned quickly, but a majority of my abilities are self taught. I've travelled enough to learn many tricks; the fell arts of darkness as well. That's my newest endeavour. [i]He ran his bionic through his hair, too short to be messed up; mlre of a calming gesture. The thought of his travels seemed to irk him, bringing up unpleasant thoughts that furrowed his brows.[/i] What do you specialize in? I'm proficient in wind and fire more than anything; my first tomes were those two spells. [i]His desperate attempt to veer the conversation away from his history was apparent, and he looked away from her as he collected himself.[/i] And not to be rude, but my name actually isn't Alonfé. That's the title you'd find in the stories, anyway. The tales others will tell you if they've heard. Or lived, rather...

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  • "I specialize in runic magic and alchemy," [i]Alyssa said, smiling, a question popping up in her eyes at the sound of "darkness". She'd heard of the concept of the Dark Arts, yet she'd never been taught a thing about them, and thus, was unable to really discern the Dark Arts from the stuff the edgy kids used at the academy.[/i] "Actually, I was just reading somethin' before a fell asleep...." [i]Alyssa pulled a thick book from underneath the various papers cluttered on the glass table besides her sofa on which she slept. It was gray and hardcover, the pages kept clean and unblemished. She opened to a bookmarked page, a gestured.[/i] "There. A rune to restore mana over time a lot faster than usual, however it also blocks the usage of said mana. Pretty dang complex," [i]She added, examining the text besides the picture of the intricately designed rune.[/i] "But useful for me; I've got a ridiculously low mana pool." [i]She shrugged, closing the book and placing it on the sofa in case Alonfé wanted to flip through the expensive thing.[/i] "Oh, and if you don't mind me asking," [i]Alyssa added.[/i] "What might your full name be? I mean, I totally understand if you want to keep it a secret." [i]She knew that it was bad manners to ask such things; if he went by something else it was probably for a good reason, and there was no need to intrude on Alon's privacy, however her parents had always taught her to be curious.[/i]

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  • Here, I'll take a look at that... [i]He flipped through the book carefully, making sure not to damage it. When he reached the page, he studied it a moment; capturing the image in his mind. He intently looked up to an open space in fromt of him and raised his right index finger, a trail of soft blue light following the strokes he made in the air. Attempting to draw it, he frowned, wiping away the light with an open palm and starting again. [/i] Should be rather easy if you channel your mana to the centre right as you draw. Therefore as you go on, that energy will spread easier, making the rune activate a little faster. Although, you need to memorize it's structure first. So odd... yet fascinating... [i]His numerous absent-minded attempts became sharper and more accurate as he went. The look in her eyes as he mentioned the dark arts bothered him, though; he felt the need to explain.[/i] Runes are platonic; meaning, you need the requirements and the mana, and then you get the results. The arcane arts I learned are more emotionally centred; the mage's state of mind affects everything. Usually the strongest have a lot of emotions to work with, and a personal connection to the areas he works in. As most soldiers would call it, experience. The dark arts dwell in horribly dark reaches of the mind, as it's the most inhumane and tolling. Mainly why it's not taught freely; it's not for everyone. I can assure you with certainty whatever you think of the dark arts is way too light from what it actually is. [i]Each attempt at the rune came closer and closer to perfection, yet, he was always a little bit off and he'd always stopped before he completed it since he wasn't satisfied.[/i] And as for my name, I'm sorry. Though, you may have heard my others; Ragnell, Alondite, Lightbringer, Archsage... all titles those who know me have heard. One day you may know my real name. That is... if you stick around long enough. [i]He almost said "If you stay alive long enough", but refrained from it. So many had died getting to know him, and it hurt. But with a smile, he looked at her and nodded.[/i] It's good you are curious, though. You seem to have been raised well haha. [i]He couldn't help but laugh at how stupid that sounded, but it was a compliment nonetheless.[/i]

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  • [i]Alyssa merely watched as Alonfé attempted draw the rune, listening to his words; she wasn't a very accomplished mage, and thus tried to learn everything she could from one that was. She was impressed that he could get a a rune as complex as the one he was practicing to as good as he got it, guessing that he had delved into runic magic before. If it was his first time, however, then Alyssa would be beyond surprised. She had spent the majority of the day and night studying that very rune, and it was right near perfection; a few more hours of studying and practicing, and soon she'd be able to restore mana in a fight while evading. The thought made her giddy with excitement, even if she knew that she wasn't the best in a fight, and probably wouldn't be able to dodge either way. She turned her face up towards Alon's as he began speaking of the dark arts, intrigue and a little bit of fright showing on her face. His knowledge of magic was extremely different from hers, Alyssa realized. While she spent her twenty-three years sitting at a desk, back hunched over a book, Alon was likely traveling the world and learning magic first-hand. In many ways, that way of learning was much better than the way Alyssa had learnt it; she silently cursed herself for not being able to actually experience magic in a real fight, like what the out-of-control kids at the academy did, starting brawls in the hallways and the blacktops. Suddenly, she realized that the "out-of-control" kids probably were more magically advanced than Alyssa; she had never used her magic in actual combat before, and the realization pained her, an expression that was easily shown on her freckled face.[/i] "Mr. Alonfé," [i]Alyssa began slowly, unsure, really, what to think about the way he spoke of the dark arts.[/i] "If these dark arts are as tolling as you say... do you mind if I ask, why are you studying them?" [i]She guessed that Alon would most certainly be able to handle the tolls that that particular magic required, but what she really wanted to know was why anybody want to use such a grueling, horrible magic.[/i]

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  • [i]He sighed as he closed the tome, the runes it held a mystery for him to solve another day. Seemingly having already learned it, he set the book back to the table and leaned back a little on the couch as he looked into her eyes as she spoke, seeing her emotions clearly.[/i] It's better to know what your opponent might use than walk in blindly; like you, I was curious. It was the magic most powerful, and proficient, at killing living things. Also, as I've learned, encompassing ancient torture magic. And really; if you face insurmountable odds, any advantage is to the better. Knowing darkness makes it easier to light a path. So I'd say it's a benefit. No matter how gruesome it may be. [i]Her curious gaze still felt like she wanted more information, and he sighed, nodding anyways.[/i] Dismemberment, implosion of bodily organs and tissue, impenetrable and consuming objects, banishment, forced insanity, manipulation; and possibly worst of all, the control over dark energy. So living shadows. They can accomplish all this and more, and it takes a certain type of mind to will those things into action. I have no trouble bearing the magical toll; it's just, unlike other magic, there's a mental toll too. Unlike pulling a trigger, the magic makes it feel as if you are gutting the enemy. It's much more... personal. [i]The mention brought a glistening veil of sadness over his eyes, old memories hitting him hard. It was obvious he'd used these fell arts before, and for some obvious reasons, he highly regretted it. Although, the look in her eyes grabbed his attention.[/i] Don't worry about these things, though. Experience will come to you soon; besides, this is the Dojo. A safe-ish place to grow stronger. I can study the fell arts, and you can practice combat. I may even help you out if I'm bored, though still, I have a lot to do. And so do we. [i]He smiled to her, looking into her eyes with a sense of awe as he examined their colour, fascinated a moment before redirecting his attention elsewhere.[/i] And you don't have to call me "Mister". It feels really weird; just Alonfé, or Alon. We're friends, so no biggie, right?

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  • [i]Alyssa was silent for a moment, contemplating Alon's words. Suddenly, she burst into hysterical laughter; the strangeness of it all, being awoken by a distress signal, a strange man knocking on her window, and suddenly, a conversation about something as serious as the dark arts—and it ends in talking about friends! It was simply too much for Alyssa. Eventually, she calmed down, breathing deeply, her cheeks rosy from all the sudden, ridiculous laughter. She shook her head, sighing.[/i] "Sorry," [i]She murmured, inwardly beating herself up for exploding like that.[/i] "I've a habit of going hysterical when things get too serious," [i]She added apologetically. Just then, a loud clunk was heard from the open window at which Alonfé had came in. Turning her head, Alyssa's bright green eyes widened. A large, rectangular prism sat there, probably being thrown through the window. It was ticking quickly, counting the milliseconds. Alyssa quickly leaned forward, grabbing a handful of essays and notes.[/i] "Hut!" [i]She yelled briskly, and the papers were gone, having transmuted into a large, thick, titanium wall. The rectangular prism exploded suddenly, blowing the wall of the apartment to bits. The titanium wall, however, shielded the two from the explosion. Multiple bombs were thrown into neighboring apartments, and those inhabits were not so lucky.[/i] ((MP= 750 – [i]x[/i])) ((MP= 750 – 100)) ((MP= 650))

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  • [i]Alon had already jumped up, having rolled over her and held his hands out to his sides to block the blast with his body. Seeing the wall rise up caught him off guard, and he looked back at her as the bomb went off with a look of admiration. The explosion didn't faze him much, but the ones that went off in neighbouring buildings did. [/i] It's the thought that counts, yeah? [i]Her thoughts wandered on why he put himself willingly in harms way to block the explosive, possibly a fatal error, since he seemingly didn't plan on using magic at all. But he was already up and out the now dramatically expanded window with or without her. Right before he jumped out, he yelled back to her.[/i] C'mon! He can't be that far ahead if he just threw it. [i]A gleam of excitement shone in his eyes; the hidden sadness of death on the horizon irking him, but he was already ready to move on. It was obvious he's been through much, much worse.[/i]

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  • [i]Alyssa watched Alonfé in awe, wondering to herself as he threw himself into harms way for a person he barely knew. The look in Alon's eyes made Alyssa think; how could somebody remain so calm, even excited, during the heat of battle? She grit her teeth, and sprinted for a cardboard box. Not thinking, she pulled out a few random articles of clothing, swiftly changing from her loose pajamas into tight, skinny jeans, a loose, white button-up shirt, and brown boots. Alyssa ran up to the window after changing, jumping out after Alonfé, landing with a hard thunk. She stood up, looking around for anybody suspicious.[/i] "They might've ran," [i]Alyssa murmured, sighing.[/i] ((Short reply, I'm tired))

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  • [i]Alon smiled to her, looking her up and down. It wasn't what he'd call the best combat apparel, but then again, here he was in a muscle shirt and sweatpants. Waving her over, he decided to just run to her; he grabbed her arm, pulling her in the direction of an aura he sensed. It couldn't have gone far.[/i] Warehouse 286; know of a place like that? That's what I heard the guy in the telegraph say, at least. [i]Raising his arm, he drew quick strokes in the air, the lines hanging as a soft blue light as he formed a quick and simple rune in less than a second. Pushing it forward like a huge button, it dissipated as Alyssa was covered in a soft light; her legs felt lighter, and she could feel her mana restoring.[/i] So you can hopefully keep up; I'm a fast runner. Let's go, Lisa! [i]He took off at a sprint, surprisingly fast for his height and weight; almost unheard of, even. The ground crunched under his steps as he took off with force between each lengthy stride, and when Alyssa found it in herself to run too, she found her so going forward with speed that matched his. The cool night air struck at their lungs like a hammer on a gong, but it pricked at their minds until they were fully attentive. Smoke and fire rose from the neighbouring buildings; although, other warriors and legends were already awake and looking around as they put out the hazards. Alon smiled. It had been quite some time since he'd been out and about with another person; although it was under dangerous circumstances, he couldn't help but laugh. This was why he came to the Dojo; so he wouldn't be alone.[/i] You know what we're looking for at all? I mean, I'm just following whoever I think did this; you remember anything else from the telegraph? [i]His voice came out clear, not jarring at all from the sustained sprint. Conditioning for him seemed top-notch; the more he seemed to surprise her, the more questions she had about him. How he came here, why he was here; and even the dark arts intrigued her. In due time, she'd ask these questions; but the matter at hand was quite urgent.[/i]

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