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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/29/2016 1:01:53 AM
[b]The girl said nothing, her silence strangely empty... long and pronounced.[/b] [b]Rather, she leapt from her perch and landed neatly with her hands clasping each other at her back as continued to stare, her gaze unblinking as she looked.[/b] [b]She was easily dwarfed by him, her stature incredibly small compared to even a normal person.[/b] [b]When it became she wasn't about to return a conversation, she outstretched an arm and pointed to the large gate, looking at it and then back to the man, seemingly trying to question... Perhaps she was a mute.[/b]

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  • Um, why yes. I am going... in that direction. [i]Alon gave her a puzzled look, scratching at the back of his neck as he thought over the meaning to her gestures. Could she communicate telepathically? He guess he'd give it a try; she'd hear him nonetheless.[/i] [b]You see, these are the vestiges of my home; the ghost of my house. A reincarnation of the place I grew in. If this is your question, then yes, I do seek entry.[/b] [i]He sent the words through to her mind, smiling so as to send a feeling of friendship with them. It made him uneasy, her silence; but nonetheless, he wondered at the great many of things she was waiting to say, things to be told. Silence, nothing, all held an invaluable area of curiousity to the mage. Looking down on her did make him slightly uncomfortable, the height difference making him feel compelled to lower himself to her height. Out of respect, though, he stood tall. The boyish tendency was alluring, yes, but he decided against it.[/i]

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  • [b]She smiled slightly, the movement visible under the cloth, and shook her head, her mind an empty space... Or at least, she didn't seem comfortable with telepathic communication. Perhaps there was something in her mind she was trying to keep hidden.[/b] [b]Instead, she offered a quite bizarre peculiarity... Hand signs. They were fluid and silent, only making slightly sound when the cloth around her hands connected for a second. Sign language.[/b] [i]There's plenty to be said without words.[/i] [b]If he could read such signs, she'd have a means of communication... Albeit, it seemed complex, but she wasn't one for much talk.[/b]

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  • [i]His mind connected the symbols slowly, the gears of an old portion of his brain slowly starting up again. It took him a moment, but soon he translated all the symbols and smiled. With fluent yet slightly messy signs himself, mainly due to his bionic doing it for the first time, he sent her a message as well.[/i] [b]Wise. Very wise, indeed.[/b] [i]Letting out a small triumphant laugh, his eyes narrowed quickly as he moved to his bionic arm, inputing series of code and commands so as to tweak the movement in a way to support such communication. After a moments break, he continued with more signs, the movements defined and steady.[/i] [b]And who might you be?[/b]

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  • [i]Lana.[/i] [b]She signs, the name clearly shortened, but she conducted every movement as if it had great purpose, as if that was truly all he needs to know.[/b] [i]And you? You have something I can't quite place... Something special. It's fascinating.[/i] [b]Her fluid motions made it seem easy, but she paid no mind to the bionic arm. The two shared something in common. They had plenty to hide, and she certainly wasn't one to judge. After all, she had covered herself entirely.[/b]

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  • [b]Alonfé[/b] [i]The signs were mumbled, as he seemed unsure what to put. Signs for "S" and "R" found their way into the name, but those that were most prominent were the only one's she noted.[/i] [b]I study the arcane. I'm also... younger than I look.[/b] [i]He was reluctant to share anymore with the newcomer, his signs steady yet hesitant. Alon felt the same connection, yet, he wasn't ready to divulge much of anything yet. The bionic seemed to hold up, and he smiled. At least something was going right.[/i] [b]And you. You are... wrapped up? Why is that?[/b]

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  • [b]She grinned under the cloth, a few perfect white teeth showing.[/b] [i]It's a secret.[/i] [b]She responded, her eyes sparkling with mischief and amusement. Then, she closed one eye, the gentle blue one left to gaze at Alon.[/b] [i]I have a feeling you and I will make good friends.[/i] [b]And with that she gave a slight curtsy, pointing up at the top of the wall where a new figure stood, silhouetted only ever so slightly.[/b]

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  • [b]I feel the same.[/b] [i]The mage bowed slightly, his cloak flaring up in an invisible wind. He followed her gaze, and his eyes met the figure a top the wall. It made him slightly uneasy, but he dismissed it as his mind working up again, combatting the long forgotten urge and smiling to the silhouette as well as her. His signs cane again, fast and precise; the longer the conversation was, the more he seemed to remember the rarely used way of communication.[/i] [b]I wish to one day learn what you have to offer. And that shadow; a friend?[/b]

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  • [b]She nods quickly, and skips towards the wall, her eyes glistening with excitement.[/b] [b]With a wave of mighty gusto, she beckons her friend down, the dark figure falling next to her, eerily quiet as he lands.[/b] [b]The figure before Alon was much unlike his friend, tall and tanned, with cracked skin along his face, long dark hair that folded into spikes, a black robe covered in red armor plating, sandals, and long gloves. At his back was a strange weapon, a scythe, short in size tied by a chain to a massive fan. His eyes were solid black say for the red irises, matching the young girl's red eye.[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b]Lana wasted no time, leaping onto his back and wrapping her small arms around his neck, a happy expression barely outlined under her cloth as clung to him like a small monkey.[/b] [b]He however, had a permanent scowl on his face, annoyance pinned at Alon... For no good reason.[/b] [i]"Who are you?"[/i] [b]He asks simply, his voice flat and monotone... Seemingly the boring type. He held little interest besides his few strange features and alarming weapon that Lana barely managed to skirt as she climbed up, sitting on his shoulders.[/b]

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  • [i]Alon was careful to stay respectful; as much as he disliked the man's tone, he understood where he came from. Whereas he was known to some, others still took him at face value; a boy wearing a silly cloak playing dress up. With a small smile, he bowed once again to the taller figure, swinging his bionic around to his chest as he did.[/i] My name is Alonfé. Put shortly, just another mage. And yourself, my friend? [i]He found it easier to look at the smaller one, smiling at her instead. The man irked him; though Alon wasn't one to judge quick, he disliked the man's mannerism. Maybe as the conversation went on, he'd change his mind.[/i] How long have you been at this establishment?

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  • [i]"I didn't mean name, but sure. I am Seth. That's all you need to know."[/i] [b]The man folded his arms and scowled, looking down at his companion, who had her attention on Alon. This seemed to annoy him, a grunt escaping him before he turned back to the mage.[/b] [i]"I've been here as long as she has."[/i] [b]He said simply, the girl nodding, patting the tall man's head, causing him to narrow his eyes. He seemed like the bodyguard type... His focus was intensely trained on the girl. He seemed well poised, posture rigid and a perfect like a toy soldier. But the girl seemed to like him enough. Likelihood was that he was putting on a facade he had trained years for... Not that he'd say such.[/b]

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  • [i]The smile from the mage's face never left, only curved slightly to the point of curiousity. The pair intrigued him; and not only because they were so oddly contrasting of each other, but because of the secrets and the knowledge they held. The lives they've encountered, the things they've seen and done. The prospect of meeting new individuals excited him, and this encounter only made him happier if not skeptical.[/i] When a person asks "who", I give them a name; when one asks "whom", I give them a title. [i]Though his reason's weren't necessarily... correct... it seemed valid enough. The mage's cloak flare in an invisible wind once more, his cloak flying in the mysterious breeze that neither of them could feel.[/i] Though, I assume you've been around no more than a month. This new Dojo looks... still mainly intact. That will change in time, I assure you; but we always managed to rebuild. [i]Starting to pace, he stopped himself, frowning at his actions.[/i] She seems to like you, though. A sister? Relative? Companion?

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  • [i]"Not your concern, [u]Alon[/u]."[/i] [b]He responded bitingly, his eyes narrowing. He was incredibly suspicious, distrustful... Maybe even spiteful.[/b] [b]His tiny companion frowned and stood up, much to his surprise. He was clearly strong to support her weight, or she was just incredibly light.[/b] [b]She had a strange motion with a foot and leapt down from his shoulders, landing with a quiet thud as the dirt around her flew up in a small shudder as she disturbed the stairway.[/b] [b]Her companion only seemed to grow concerned and anxious at her actions, his over-protective will easily visible. Then, as if she had grown upset or bored with conversation, she began to skip down the steps, keeping balance with each step as she went, much to the incredible dismay of Seth.[/b] [i]"Dammit..."[/i] [b]He gave Alon a final glare before chasing after the girl, rushing to keep up, before she suddenly started moving faster than possible, a trail of paper forming behind her. But oddly enough, the paper crumpled and folded, flying off in all directions. Origami... Butterflies... Seemed was in fact a mage as well... One with skill in strange Origami powers.[/b] [b]As the duo drifted down the stairs, one of the paper butterflies landed on Alon, laying still before folding away into a small paper flower.[/b]

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  • [i]He was taken aback by the sudden intensity, but regained his composure quickly and smiling it off. Her actions didn't surprise him, though; it was her that said there was plenty to say without words. Lana, that was her name. And the bodyguard, Seth. He would remember those names, amongst the library of those that he already had memorized. Watching them run away, he couldn't help but suppress a giggle; although Seth seemed nice, his hardship did bring him a little joy. Watching him run behind Lana was fascinating, her legs moving her small frame faster and faster, the mage marveling in the Origami flying from her wraps as she ran. With a wary eye, he stared the butterfly down as it landed on his shoulder, slowly unfolding into a small paper flower. Too scared to breathe lest he knock it over, he just held his breath, staring at it with admiration. It was... heart-warming. Magic that didn't just create or destroy. It was something that instantly caught his respect; another art he looked forward to possibly learning. The wind carried his words to her, the gusts whispering "Look" into her ears. As she turned her head to look, Alon fired off distinct signs to communicate with her before she seemingly left. He didn't know her end destination, and he honestly didn't care; she was safe under Seth, and he knew their paths would cross again one day.[/i] [b]Until next time, dear friend?[/b]

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  • [b]Se turned, far in the distance now, her arms waiting at her sides as they began to unfurl into thousands of paper animals. But there was a movement, slight, barely visible... But a gentle nod. And with that, she dissolved into the traces of her paper creations, Seth slowly melding into sand, carried away by the wind. A bizarre duo. Lana had quite liked Alon, and she looked forward to meeting him again... But until then, she had more adventures to face... And there was always training to be done. At least, there was nothing left of the two...[/b] [b]And then, with a small snap, the flower unfolded into a pair of small dragonflies, dancing up into the air before flying away... Lana's goodbye to her new friend.[/b] [spoiler]End[/spoiler]

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