I get it is a multiplayer game I know that and have no problem with finding a fire team to do the raid and it nightfalls etc. on lfg as I stated and I was NOT complaining about it being multiplayer I was Just saying that they are definitely gearing everything towards fire teams.
I was simply stating the fact that one must be in a fire team to complete this quest line and it will be difficult for a solo player.
I see what u saying bro.
Picking up what I'm layin down. Oh yeah! I can't wait to get the quest myself. (Hell I can't wait to do the raid just want to get my light level up a bit to make it easier.) hopefully I can get up there and run it this weekend and get that quest before everyone finishes it and there is no one left to do it with. Yikes
Xbox one? I'll run it with you sometime I've completed it 8 times already (5 times yesterday alone) Add me my GT is weapons bubble just include a message so I know who you are
Appreciate the help brotha. I am hoping to get my character up higher so that I can actually lend a hand at the end boss. Don't think I'll do much DPS at the boss at 358. But will definitely hit you up. Thanks again
Sure thing man add me and I'll run strikes with you to raise your light
U got it bro