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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Orn: 9/27/2016 7:43:28 PM

[i][u]The New Dragonslayer's Arrival Dojoville, 11:35 AM Olivia, Daughter of Ornstein and Nora[/u][/i] [i]...It was silent. The usually bristling streets of Dojoville were not empty. But they were silent, for the people that were on the street that dreadful morning were all dead. Sliced to bits, cut in half, their blood oozed from their bodies still, and onto the sidewalks and concrete street under them. Among the dead, a body belonging to an elderly man shuffled only slightly, and a small boy crawled out from under the body, his once fine clothing caked in blood and gore as he slowly crawled away from the gristly scene of death. His lemon-blonde hair was messy and stained with the dark red liquid, his once pale, smooth face covered in blood as well. The boy, who was no more than ten, clutched his stomach after crawling away, letting out gasps of pain as he touched the wound that had been inflicted upon him. The woman had nearly sliced right through him, blood dripping from his sliced open flesh. He would never forget that face - that grin of absolute evil as she murdered so many...why? Why would someone do this? The child didn't understand. All he knew was that he was going to die, he couldn't stop that. And yet, when he laid down his head and looked to his left, he saw a figure in the distance, the golden armor gleaming brightly as they approached, shaking their head in disgust before leaning down next to the child, the growling lion helm that hid their head staring eerily into his light blue eyes. Before the boy blacked out, the figure took his hand softly with a golden gauntlet, still looking at the child as he closed his eyes. [/i] "...W-Why..." [i]A single word spoken by a light, feminine voice escaped the golden lion helmet after the boy's head slumped over, his breath shallow and low. A bright red plume escaped the back of the helm, bright red rubies decorated the knightess's chestplate. She stood at a somewhat surprising height, standing at 6'6 feet tall and seeming somewhat muscular. A long, golden spear was sheathed in the knightess's back, electricity flickering on its metal tip for a moment or two. Alongside that was a 5'4 foot long straight sword attached to her waist, and alongside that, two .44 Magnum revolvers, the weapons locked and loaded at the moment. Slung into her back was a rather large slug-firing shotgun, highly futuristic and looking as if it could tear through metal with relative ease. Hardlight shielding covered the woman's golden armor, which consisted of ceramic plating and pure gold, although there was probably more under the armor currently shown. Her right gauntlet had an additional modification to it: a blade waited right under her wrist, probably to be used as some sort of device used in close quarter combat. Her final weapon was a simple pointed stiletto, the blade shined and the tip sharpened to the maximum. [/i] [i]Still holding the young boy's skinny, pale hand, the nameless figure rose up from the ground, picking the boy up as she stood to her full height. Holding the bleeding child as if he was her own, she turned her attention to the massive structure in the distance. The Dojo. Perhaps...Perhaps they could help the child? It was worth a try, plus...she had come here for a reason. Making her way through the gore and blood, the knightess walked towards the Dojo, with the intent of saving his young life. ((Open.))[/i]

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    "Ornstein? He's my dad." [i]She went silent before realizing who she was speaking to.[/i] "Oh! You're Mortar, right?! Dad's talked all about you! I'm Olivia, his and Nora's daughter. I've got a brother, Severin...don't know where he is."

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  • Oh, nice to meet you Olivia. Can I see the boy so I can help him? *He holds out his arms to collect the child* So what have Orn and Nora been doing since he left?

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    "Yeah, sure." [i]Letting the child fall into Mortar's arms, he clearly didn't seem to weigh much. Olivia sighed, looking down at the boy's pale face.[/i] "...Mostly stayed in one spot. Dad taught me dragonslaying and stuff, while Nora taught Severin some fire stuff."

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  • Sounds cool. *He readjusts so he is holding him with one arm* hold his wound closed can you?

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  • [b]Fortis approaches.[/b] "This is a bit of a gory scene. What happened here?"

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    [i]The knightess only looked at him, clutching the dying child's body tightly.[/i] "S-Someone came through here...murdered so many innocents. Can you help?"

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  • "Of course I can help. It is my job to make the universe as good as it can possibly be, so let's get going." [b]Fortis draws his rifles, swords, and spreads his wings.[/b]

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    "I'm not talking about tracking the psycho that did this...can you help me with the boy? Vengeance can wait...I need a medic or...something." [i]The woman sounded dreadfully worried, staring right at the one she was speaking to with a peaceful intent.[/i]

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  • "Oh! Of course." [b]Fortis puts away all of his weapons, and then pulls out a syringe sort of thing. He empties the contents of the syringe onto the child's wounds and they are, within moments, healed. In fact, the child looks healthier than ever.[/b]

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    [i]Although he doesn't wake up at all, the child's breathing stabilizes, becoming much calmer and more fluent.[/i] "...How did you do that?" [i]The knightess seemed rather amazed by the capabilities of the syringe, really. Mostly because she was used to miracles and surgery.[/i]

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  • [b]Fortis puts away the syringe.[/b] "That was a type of mutagen that can heal most organic wounds. It is only found in a very small area of the universe, and is very valuable. Right now I have no need for it, as my soldiers and I are all Mechonus. Would you care for some?"

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  • Edited by Orn: 9/27/2016 7:45:38 PM
    "I...I guess I'll take some of it. It would come into use later on...thank you." [i]She lightly chuckled, the child still asleep within her arms.[/i]

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  • "Here you go. Careful, it is a bit heavy, and be sure to read the instructions before use." [b]Fortis gives a syringe full of the healing substance to the girl.[/b]

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  • [b]I sat on the steps as the woman approached them, carrying the nearly-dead kid. I had been cleaning my rifle, when I had realized that she was actually coming up to the Dojo. I shifted to a position where I was actually facing her all the way, and put my rifle back on its sling on my back. I put one hand on the step below me, and use it to help myself up. My revolver jostles in its holster, making the scope make a little jangling noise. Had some glass shards in it, gotta get that fixed later. My Ranger Combat Armor shone in the sun, having just polished it a little while ago. My helmet is on my head, wouldn't want any of the remaining civvies to see my face. I approached the woman as she approached the steps, meeting her halfway.[/b] "Who would you be? And I do hope you are trying to help that kid." [b]I gesture towards the bleeding child.[/b] "Know a few people who have less than pure intentions with kids."

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    [i]The knightess turned towards the one that approached her, her expression hidden by the growling golden helm that protected her from harm, the lion teeth bared as if hungering for action. Yet the girl herself wasn't in the mood for violence.[/i] "Y-Yeah...Trying to help him, found him...he's still alive, but barely."

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  • "I could help. If you'd let me, that is." [b]I pull a stimpack from one of my ammo packs on my chest. It may be my last one, but I might as well save someone besides myself for once.[/b]

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    "A-Alright. Want me to hold him, or...?" [i]The knightess only held out the child for the Ranger, for she wasn't sure about what to do at the moment. She was far from a medical expert, so honestly...she didn't know what to expect.[/i]

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  • [b]I insert the stim into the child's arm, then squeeze the back of it, sending a healing... Well... I haven't exactly figured out what it is, but it works. It stabilizes the boy, but it won't last forever.[/b] "Might wanna hurry. It helps, but it won't last forever. I'd give you some more stuff to help, but all I have left is healing powder and some bitter drink, and all that stuff only works on adults. Also, I'll walk with ya up to the Dojo. I'll show you where the clinic is." [b]I was very adamant in this point. I wanted to make sure this kid got the attention he needed. Worst come to worst, is at least be able to try the healing powder. Probably wouldn't work, though.[/b] "Besides, somebody's gotta show you around. Might as well be me."

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    [i]Silently inspecting the child after the man had injected him with the Stimpak, the woman only sighed heavily as she stared down at the child's pale face, the snout of the lion helm pointed right at his open mouth. His breath began somewhat steadier, but he was still likely to die.[/i] "I...I guess I can follow you. I am Olivia, by the way. I came here, seeking the Dojo? My father, Ornstein...he told me I should seek out an...Isaac, was his name? He was an NCR Ranger, I believe."

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  • [b]If she could've seen it, she would've seen my face turn grim. That Irina bitch had killed my only ally in the entire goddamned Dojo, and she got away. Damn it all![/b] "Isaac is dead. It's a shame. He was a damn good Ranger, one of the best. Never heard of an assignment he didn't finish, and I would know. I used to be assigned to Colonel Moore's post. Anyways, I'm the only Ranger left here."

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    "H-He's dead? O-Oh...I'm sorry to hear that...Did the Vileblood kill him..?" [i]The daughter of the Dragonslayer had...heard things. Disturbing tales of a Vileblood huntress and her sick habit of murdering innocents for her queen. The knightess only hoped that she would find her soon, and avenge the ones that had died here.[/i]

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  • "Yes. It was. I radioed it back to the brass at McCarran, and she's on the shoot-on-sight list. Here's hoping I cross paths with her again, just to kill the psycho bitch." [b]I look back over at the kid.[/b] "Damn. I wonder what happened to him?"

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    "Found the kid in a pile of was...nightmarish. Got his stomach sliced a katana. I took a wild guess...thought it was the Vileblood." [i]She only sighed, staring down upon the child's still bleeding body.[/i] "We should get going...I don't want him to die."

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  • "Aye. Let's go." [b]I begin to walk the steps, just in front of her.[/b]

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    [i]Still carrying the small child, the woman silently followed, looking up at the Dojo as the two went up the steps leading up to it. She was moving at a rather fast pace, determined to save the child in her arms.[/i]

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