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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/24/2016 8:55:59 PM
[i]its day like any other in the woods but something seems off. As Sylvie walks through the woods like she always does listening to the sounds of nature. But as she walks through a certain section of woods that near a small creak she get the strange feeling that she is being watched by something. But as she turns around to leave the whole goes cold as several trees start icing over. She quickly starts to leave that when she catches a slight glimpse of something out of it. But what is she doesn't know as quickly walks back the way she came a small voice calls out to her its just faint enough to hear it. "" This sends a chill down spine as she notices the woods icing over again as she starts to run from it. Before long she stops in a clearing and looks back as she catches her breath but now she wishes she hadn't cause she see a strange black robe man that way too tall and twisted. The man has milky white eyes and every he step he took things completely iced over. The man looks at her and brings a gnarled finger to his lips like he shushing her. But just like she can't move at all. She looks down and her legs are frozen the ground making hard for her to get away. So she now panicking cause cant get free. She starts shouting for help but no sound comes out. [/i] [spoiler]open cause im like bored[/spoiler]

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  • "You should get some rest Sylvie. We will watch over you. Me, Mia, the spirits and spiders." [b][i]He says with a smile as he looks around making sure nothing is coming. As if sensing something in the wind but shaking his head at it.[/i][/b]

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  • "Alright im gonna try and get some rest"says Sylvie [i]with that she walks into her room and lays down tiny follows her along with two equally big spiders that were hiding.[/i] "Get some rest Sylvie"says mia [i]she watches her go into her room. But elsewhere that man who attacked Sylvie is starting to stir again. But he realizes that he is stuck in the ground but he starts chanting a quiet spell low enough that can 't be heard. But the air around them drops well below freezing quickly. Ice quickly creeps across the ground quickly making slick with ice. As the man chants the weather turns from clear to a harsh artic storm with high speed icy winds that freezes anything it touches. Mia gets a look of concern on her face as she sees a massive swarm of spiders coming woods from the direction they came from earlier. [/i] "Well thats not a good sign at all i think that man is trying something"says mia

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  • [b][i]The flames now wrap around both of them as he looks over. The grass burning slightly as he makes a safe zone from the ice. Looking over at the storm as he shakes his head.[/i][/b] "What is he doing..?"

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  • "I got a bad feeling my spiders wouldnt run unless it was something to fear"says mia [i]mia watches all spiders run which something that normally wouldn't do. Which is right cause the storm is getting bigger and getting even worse by the second. [/i]

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  • [b][i]His flames get bigger as the storm does, his eyes turning blood red as he looks over. A smile on his face as he squeezes her hand.[/i][/b] "Don't worry I won't anyone hurt you or your friend."

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  • [i]the sky grow black and the storm starts to rage freezing everything in sight the man disappears from the ground without a trace but the storm still lingers. Mia watches on she squeezes his hand slightly knowing a huge fight is about to happen as the storm creeps closer[/i]

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  • "Go to the house. Stay inside and keep Sylvie safe okay?" [b][i]He says as two orbs of light enter his body once more. His body starting to glow as he looks at the storm. Looking back at her with a caring and protective look.[/i][/b]

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  • "Alright i will but if your in trouble shout Gertrude's name and she come running to help"says mia [i]she gives a quick kiss on his cheek before running inside. She does in the nick of the time cause the storm is approaching fast. As it passes above the forest freezes solid. A sound of familiar laugh in heard along with a whisper. "I't..stop" The man appears near the edge the woods a sword is drawn[/i]

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  • "And I told you I won't let you hurt them.." [b][i]The flames became white around him as his eyes seem to glow with light. The four elements moving around him as he moves forward. The aura of light coming off of him as he moves.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]the man walks forward not making any comments but there's a look in his eyes that is pure evil[/i]

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  • [b][i]A glowing light begins to surge around the boy as he opens his hand. A white flame firing at the man as he no longer speaks. His eyes now glowing with a light based energy as his right hand fired a blast of wind.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]the man dodges then charge head long at him sword drawn ready and poise to strike.[/i]

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  • [b][i]The earth shifts under him as it opens up. Magma like heat coming up and around him. The boy looking his eyes now not visible by the light being produced by energy. [/i][/b]

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  • [i]the man gets closer after dodging some of the magma then swings his sword at him in a vertical slice across his midsection but he leaves himself open when he does[/i]

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  • [b][i]He spins firing fire and earth from his feet and hands. Aiming them at the man as he gets closer his eyes narrowing. The light seeming to narrow as he does.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]the man gets in the ribs by and you can hear a sickening crack as some of his ribs break.[/i]

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  • [b][i]He slams his foot to the ground as water swirls around the man trying to knock him off balance as he watches him. The color of his hair beginning to fade as he does all these moves his eyes dimming slightly.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]the man does lose his balance almost falling which leaves him open to attack.[/i]

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  • *No one comes out, but you can hear people whispering all around you. After a moment a command is called out and the figure is fired on by a barrage if arrows*

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  • [i]she looks around but doesn't see who is shot. The man even is shot he lets out a earsplitting shriek that induces great pain. [/i]

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  • *All around you can hear yelling as a horde of people run up at the robed figure with blades, hammers, etc. A woman runs up to you, trying to pick you free* Stay Calm Sylvie, you'll be safe

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  • [i]There's pure fear in her eyes as the man starts laughing as he snaps his gnarled fingers summoning a nasty storm of ice and snow [/i]

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  • *Some are swept up but the rest persevere as they charge. The woman just takes a different dagger off her thigh and cuts through the ice. It quickly melts it and it quickly releases you*

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  • [i]sylvie notices that man seems to disappear with out a trace into the storm with evil laughter and the storm just vanishes for the moment. But Sylvie still can't speak [/i]

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  • *Everyone seems confused as he disappears, and one of the men walks up to the woman* Mistress Cyan, he seems to have disappeared. I know that Grant. Scout the area for him as soon as possible.

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