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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Cazberry Pie: 9/24/2016 4:29:41 AM
[i]Ku Rudo Mountains // 0345 hours // Kaln'oir, the Snow God[/i] [i]By a fire in a small house in the Kaln'oir Village is a man, around mid-twenties, lounging in a large, old, green sofa. On his lap is a golden, magical longsword, the Holy Sword Excalibur. The man is holding a small, white rag, and he was polishing Excalibur, and the light of the fireplace was reflected in the Holy Blade's golden metal. The man was slouched, freshly shaved. His long, light blond hair was tied in a ponytail behind him, his golden eyes locked in concentration on the task at hand. His hands were strong, yet gentle, his casual, light yellow t-shirt tight around his torso. He wore light, faded blue jeans, and black socks. The room was small, the only source of light being the fire. A thin blanket was thrown to the side of the sofa, a pillow on top of that, and there being to bed in the small room, the man probably slept on the sofa. the couch was about a yard and a half away from the fireplace, the door to the man's right. The window's blinds were thrown open so the blizzard could be seen from inside the room. Suddenly, a loud scuffle was barely audible over the howling winds from outside. The man quickly stood, running over to his closet besides the fireplace, throwing it open. He pulled out a winter coat, throwing it over himself, and a pair of snow pants and shoes, hastily putting those on, as well. He pulled a long sheathe about the same length as Excalibur from the closet, putting the strap over his left shoulder as he ran back to the couch, throwing the Holy Sword into the sheathe. He ran to the door, throwing it open, and looked out. Another man stood outside, calling out at the top of his lungs:[/i] "The bandits! From the canyon! They're coming for the Vault!" [i]Eyes wide, the blond man shouted back:[/i] "You won't get nothing done like that! Knock on their damn doors!" [i]The first man's reply was inaudible, if he did reply, however he ran off, his footsteps unable to be heard over the screaming winds. The piercing gale was subzero, and visibility was near zero, for the night was dark and the clouds were dense, the snow soaring almost horizontally. The first man was soon no longer in sight, however the men of the houses quickly rushed out, grabbing their weaponry as they gathered around the blond-haired man. One yelled out above the winds:[/i] "What the hell is going on, Josh?" [i]The blond man, Josh, looked towards the man who had called out.[/i] "Bandits, Dylan," [i]He replied, loud enough so his voice was audible.[[/i] "Bandits're coming, and I'd betcha a hundred dollars that they've caught wind of the Vault." [i]Dylan cursed loudly, and Josh turned back to the other men then had gathered.[/i] "Alright, listen up," [i]He said, addressing the men that would risk their lives to protect what was dear to them.[/i] "I'll visit the Vault, see if the bandits have found it. If I ain't back in twenty-four hours, call me dead. Protect your children and wives, men, because I doubt that these bandits'll take pity." [i]With that, Josh turned tail, and headed into the mountains at a brisk jog, his footprints quickly buried by the falling snow. He entered a woods of pine trees, where the trunks and leaves of the trees blocked most of the near-horizontal snowfall. Here, footprints could be seen, footprints that Josh did not make. He stared at the footprints, and decided to follow, his boots falling silently in front of one another in the snow, softly blanketing the ground. Swiftly jogging, the blond-headed man soon caught sight of a small figure in the forest, cloaked in blank. He picked up his pace, his footfalls still silent as a rock, until he was only a hundred yards from the figure in front of him. Here, deep in these woods, soft moonlight shone through the trees, and the dark sky was clear. Josh had no idea that he had been running for so long, that he had completely outran the blizzard, yet he focused on the figure. The figure was about six foot two, and wore a long, torn black cloak, and their broad shoulders showed that the figure was most likely a male. His back was turned to Josh, his gloved hands hanging by his sides. Josh narrowed his golden eyes in suspicion, and decided to tail the strange figure. After what felt like hours to Josh, the figure turned a corner, and disappeared from view. Following the figure's footsteps, Josh rounded the same tree the figure had turned around. Suddenly, a soft whistling was heard in the calm night air, the quiet sound of a knife speed towards the back of Josh's head. He quickly ducked, and a throwing knife sank into the trunk of the pine tree only a foot away from Josh. He reflexively spun, drawing Excalibur, which glowed in the in the night, rushing forward quickly. The figure drew a longsword as well, a black, three foot long one. He swung vertically, the blade whistling through the still air, and Josh stopped in his tracks, sending snow flying. He lifted Excalibur up, the grip of the Holy Blade above his left shoulder, and the figure's black longsword struck the glowing, golden one with a loud clanging. Josh then maneuvered his arms so the force of the figure's vertical slash continued on down, however now Josh's blade was there, redirecting the blade downwards to Josh's right, and the tip of the longsword sank into the snow, Josh having executed a perfect parry. Josh smiled in pride, bring Excalibur up and thrusting with the blade, however the figure was ready; he jumped back, kicked off to Josh's left, and sprang forward, all within a single second. The figure was now on Josh's left flank, who was still facing forward. The figure lunged, aiming a wide, arcing slash from left to right, and Josh spun, blocking it the slash halfway through. He pushed forward, trying to knock the figure off balance, however his opponent held his ground, his boots firmly planted into the snow. The figure pulled his sword back, aiming a thrust forward, and Josh sidestepped slightly, lifting Excalibur vertically, and parrying the thrust to his right. The figure's momentum made him stumble slightly, however he used it to his advantage, taking a few quick steps to Josh's right. From underneath his torn, black cloak, the figure pulled out a black, 9mm pistol. Josh's eyes widened, and the figure pointed the gun at Josh's forehead. He, however, was already on the move; just in time. His head moved out of the way a millisecond before the figure pulled the trigger, and the 9mm bullet flew past his head, its soft whistling through the air drowned out by the loud bang from the gun. The bullet scraped Josh's left ear, and he grit his teeth. Without flinching, he used the rightward movement to aiming a swing with Excalibur at the figure's back, its soft glow unwavering throughout the night. The figure turned with amazing speed, blocking the swing, however Josh's attack was with much more force than the figure expected; he was sent flying back, and slammed into a pine tree, the snow on top of the tree falling on top of his body. The figure slowly stood, growling, before an earthquake shook the forest. Snow fell off the trees, landing on the ground with a soft thud the resonated within the entire forest. Just after, a loud rumbling was heard from behind Josh, the figure pointed behind the golden haired man, a shocked expression underneath his black hood. Josh turned, and was greeted with an avalanche, snow rushing down from the peaks towards him. He suddenly yelled out:[/i] "Run!" [i]Both he and the figure sprinted for their lives downhill, the hundreds of tons of snow closely following. However, they couldn't outrun Mother Nature, and their bodies were buried under the avalanche. The two were never to be seen again.[/i] ((Limit, continued in first reply.))

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  • [quote][i]Ku Rudo Mountains // 0345 hours // Kaln'oir, the Snow God[/i] [i]By a fire in a small house in the Kaln'oir Village is a man, around mid-twenties, lounging in a large, old, green sofa. On his lap is a golden, magical longsword, the Holy Sword Excalibur. The man is holding a small, white rag, and he was polishing Excalibur, and the light of the fireplace was reflected in the Holy Blade's golden metal. The man was slouched, freshly shaved. His long, light blond hair was tied in a ponytail behind him, his golden eyes locked in concentration on the task at hand. His hands were strong, yet gentle, his casual, light yellow t-shirt tight around his torso. He wore light, faded blue jeans, and black socks. The room was small, the only source of light being the fire. A thin blanket was thrown to the side of the sofa, a pillow on top of that, and there being to bed in the small room, the man probably slept on the sofa. the couch was about a yard and a half away from the fireplace, the door to the man's right. The window's blinds were thrown open so the blizzard could be seen from inside the room. Suddenly, a loud scuffle was barely audible over the howling winds from outside. The man quickly stood, running over to his closet besides the fireplace, throwing it open. He pulled out a winter coat, throwing it over himself, and a pair of snow pants and shoes, hastily putting those on, as well. He pulled a long sheathe about the same length as Excalibur from the closet, putting the strap over his left shoulder as he ran back to the couch, throwing the Holy Sword into the sheathe. He ran to the door, throwing it open, and looked out. Another man stood outside, calling out at the top of his lungs:[/i] "The bandits! From the canyon! They're coming for the Vault!" [i]Eyes wide, the blond man shouted back:[/i] "You won't get nothing done like that! Knock on their damn doors!" [i]The first man's reply was inaudible, if he did reply, however he ran off, his footsteps unable to be heard over the screaming winds. The piercing gale was subzero, and visibility was near zero, for the night was dark and the clouds were dense, the snow soaring almost horizontally. The first man was soon no longer in sight, however the men of the houses quickly rushed out, grabbing their weaponry as they gathered around the blond-haired man. One yelled out above the winds:[/i] "What the hell is going on, Josh?" [i]The blond man, Josh, looked towards the man who had called out.[/i] "Bandits, Dylan," [i]He replied, loud enough so his voice was audible.[[/i] "Bandits're coming, and I'd betcha a hundred dollars that they've caught wind of the Vault." [i]Dylan cursed loudly, and Josh turned back to the other men then had gathered.[/i] "Alright, listen up," [i]He said, addressing the men that would risk their lives to protect what was dear to them.[/i] "I'll visit the Vault, see if the bandits have found it. If I ain't back in twenty-four hours, call me dead. Protect your children and wives, men, because I doubt that these bandits'll take pity."[i] With that, Josh turned tail, and headed into the mountains at a brisk jog, his footprints quickly buried by the falling snow. He entered a woods of pine trees, where the trunks and leaves of the trees blocked most of the near-horizontal snowfall. Here, footprints could be seen, footprints that Josh did not make. He stared at the footprints, and decided to follow, his boots falling silently in front of one another in the snow, softly blanketing the ground. Swiftly jogging, the blond-headed man soon caught sight of a small figure in the forest, cloaked in blank. He picked up his pace, his footfalls still silent as a rock, until he was only a hundred yards from the figure in front of him. Here, deep in these woods, soft moonlight shone through the trees, and the dark sky was clear. Josh had no idea that he had been running for so long, that he had completely outran the blizzard, yet he focused on the figure. The figure was about six foot two, and wore a long, torn black cloak, and their broad shoulders showed that the figure was most likely a male. His back was turned to Josh, his gloved hands hanging by his sides. Josh narrowed his golden eyes in suspicion, and decided to tail the strange figure. After what felt like hours to Josh, the figure turned a corner, and disappeared from view. Following the figure's footsteps, Josh rounded the same tree the figure had turned around. Suddenly, a soft whistling was heard in the calm night air, the quiet sound of a knife speed towards the back of Josh's head. He quickly ducked, and a throwing knife sank into the trunk of the pine tree only a foot away from Josh. He reflexively spun, drawing Excalibur, which glowed in the in the night, rushing forward quickly. The figure drew a longsword as well, a black, three foot long one. He swung vertically, the blade whistling through the still air, and Josh stopped in his tracks, sending snow flying. He lifted Excalibur up, the grip of the Holy Blade above his left shoulder, and the figure's black longsword struck the glowing, golden one with a loud clanging. Josh then maneuvered his arms so the force of the figure's vertical slash continued on down, however now Josh's blade was there, redirecting the blade downwards to Josh's right, and the tip of the longsword sank into the snow, Josh having executed a perfect parry. Josh smiled in pride, bring Excalibur up and thrusting with the blade, however the figure was ready; he jumped back, kicked off to Josh's left, and sprang forward, all within a single second. The figure was now on Josh's left flank, who was still facing forward. The figure lunged, aiming a wide, arcing slash from left to right, and Josh spun, blocking it the slash halfway through. He pushed forward, trying to knock the figure off balance, however his opponent held his ground, his boots firmly planted into the snow. The figure pulled his sword back, aiming a thrust forward, and Josh sidestepped slightly, lifting Excalibur vertically, and parrying the thrust to his right. The figure's momentum made him stumble slightly, however he used it to his advantage, taking a few quick steps to Josh's right. From underneath his torn, black cloak, the figure pulled out a black, 9mm pistol. Josh's eyes widened, and the figure pointed the gun at Josh's forehead. He, however, was already on the move; just in time. His head moved out of the way a millisecond before the figure pulled the trigger, and the 9mm bullet flew past his head, its soft whistling through the air drowned out by the loud bang from the gun. The bullet scraped Josh's left ear, and he grit his teeth. Without flinching, he used the rightward movement to aiming a swing with Excalibur at the figure's back, its soft glow unwavering throughout the night. The figure turned with amazing speed, blocking the swing, however Josh's attack was with much more force than the figure expected; he was sent flying back, and slammed into a pine tree, the snow on top of the tree falling on top of his body. The figure slowly stood, growling, before an earthquake shook the forest. Snow fell off the trees, landing on the ground with a soft thud the resonated within the entire forest. Just after, a loud rumbling was heard from behind Josh, the figure pointed behind the golden haired man, a shocked expression underneath his black hood. Josh turned, and was greeted with an avalanche, snow rushing down from the peaks towards him. He suddenly yelled out:[/i] "Run!" [i]Both he and the figure sprinted for their lives downhill, the hundreds of tons of snow closely following. However, they couldn't outrun Mother Nature, and their bodies were buried under the avalanche. The two were never to be seen again.[/i] ((Limit, continued in first reply.))[/quote] Fixed

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  • Lego, you are my hero.

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  • No problem. Its all in the name of ease of reading.

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  • Do you even know what paragraphs are?

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  • When's anybody gonna reply something with meaning?

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  • Maybe you'll get results if you make it less like a wall of text.

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  • Maybe you'll learn not to piss people off, sometime this century.

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  • Besides. I just read it, pretty good.

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  • Get off my post! *pissed*

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  • [i]Kaln'oir Village // 1450 hours // A month after The sun was shining brightly onto the calm, quiet village in the Ku Rudo Mountains, the temperature the warmest it had been in months. Birds were singing, snow was melting, revealing the brownish grass beneath, and the villagers of the lonesome village were outside, children running around happily while the adults sat with each other, grieving looks on their faces. A ways away from the villagers was a lonesome woman in her early twenties, wearing a simple, red shirt that showed off her hourglass figure, skinny blue jeans, and black boots that appeared new. Hanging on her back was a four foot long bo staff, and on the top half of the staff was a two foot long, titanium spike, giving the staff an extra two feet for a total of six. Gripped tightly in her right hand was an old, thick book, with a worn and torn beige hardcover. The pages were old and yellowed, and the woman clung to it like her life depended on it. On the covering was a strange, ancient lettering, the language of mages. The woman had shoulder length, dark brown hair, and high cheekbones, in addition to a pale complexion. Her eyes were deep violet, her lips thin and pale. She smiled to herself slightly as she watched the children play from a distance, then turned around. She was here at the Ku Rudo Mountains to investigate a disappearance reported by the villagers of Kaln'oir about a month back, and she honestly wasn't too worried about it. Disappearances were common in the cold peaks, adventurous individuals going out for elongated hikes and whatnot. The woman shook her head and sighed. She had better things to do, such as her magic studies. Why search for some missing hiker in these massive mountains? However, the villagers said something about him being the one with the most authority in the village, and that he was heading over to something they had to keep secret. She could deal with searching for a lost hiker, but secrets? This pissed her off a little. But she continued into the woods nonetheless, following very general directions given to her by the villagers.[/i] [i]The woods were eerily silent, contrasting to the playful shouts of children in the village, and the singing birds nearby it. However the forest was completely quiet, not a single sound besides the woman’s soft footfalls in the still melting snow. The woman enjoyed the scenery, yet was still slightly spooked. After hours of walking through the woods, she came across a massive pile of snow, still not melted. Around it were collapsed trees, created a path of fallen pine trees up to the peak of the mountain, leading the woman to guess that this was the site of an avalanche. She hiked up to now frozen mound of snow, and when she reached the top of the massive pile she looked around hopeful, for maybe from this vantage point she could see where a person could get lost. Seeing that there was nowhere to be lost besides in the woods, she thought of dangerous places where a person could die; then she looked down at the pile of frozen snow she stood on. A person could easily die in an avalanche…. She quickly went to work, digging with her bare hands. The snow was freezing cold, and her pale hands were red and shivering in seconds, however that did not slow her rapid digging down. She spent hours working at the massive pile of snow, throwing the frozen water aside with her hands, her jeans and shirt soaked saturated. It was nearly sunset when her frigid hand finally struck something soft, that felt like flesh. She grabbed it and pulled with all her might, and after some work, she pulled out a body. The body was a male, with long, golden blond hair, and a square jaw. It was wearing a winter coat, snow boots, and snowpants, an empty sword sheath on its back. This was probably the disappeared person, for he matched the villager’s description. She threw the body onto the ground besides the massive mound of snow, sighing. Looking down, she noticed a small, black piece of cloth sticking up from underneath the snow. She crouched, and pulled. This time, it required much more effort and extra digging, and it was nightfall by the time the woman pulled out a second body, another male wearing a black cloak, black trousers, and black boots. The cloak’s hood was pulled over the body’s head, and the woman did not care to take it off. She examined the cloak, and saw a small note sticking out. Curious, the woman reached out, grabbing the note. It was soaked, and folded neatly. She cautiously unfolded it, careful not to rip the soaking note. The handwriting was near illegible and was very faded, yet the woman was able to discern this much: Meet me at 58° North, -134° West, at 0000 hours on the second day of spring. -Dylan. Intrigued, the woman was unsure of what to make of this note. She decided it was best to take it back to the village, along with the blond man’s body. She hopped off the mound of snow, grabbed the body’s arm, and began the long trek back to the village.[/i] ((Open!!))

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  • 1
    [i]A series of footsteps could be heard from about twenty feet away from the woman with the two bodies, belonging to a 6'5 foot tall Assaultron model robot, which was basically a project created long ago in what is now known as the Wasteland, a version of the United States in s separate reality that had been nuked to hell. The robotic creature suddenly turned its singular cyborg eye towards the woman, the center flickering with an electric blue energy as he locked onto her and the two bodies she carried with her. His chassis consisted of a titanium body, an adamantium skeleton underneath the thick layers of carbon and steel, plates of ceramic and kevlar surrounding the robot's entire body as if he was ready for almost anything. Resting within his robotic claws was a modified MG42 German machine gun, it's gunmetal-colored steel shining quite brightly and reflecting light off of the barrel. Wrapped around his side was a SPAS-12 pump-action shotgun, already loaded with slug rounds and ready to fire. The armed machine suddenly stopped in place, still staring at the woman before he called out in a light, friendly voice, his accent seeming to be Chinese. [/i] "Hello! Ma'am, do you require assistance?!" [i]His voice boomed out from the cybernetic eye, a rather peaceful tone to it as he yelled to her. Although he seemed rather dangerous, he also seemed to have no intention of harming her.[/i]

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  • ((Bump to drown the spam this jackass has given this post.))

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  • [spoiler]Pack it up lads, he's won the "Best Writer" award. [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Lol, if only.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]-Packs up and leaves- K[/spoiler]

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