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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/24/2016 1:54:15 AM
[b]Dojo Courtyard A1[/b] Two figures were locked in a knife duel in the usually peaceful Courtyard. One of them was Inquisitor Ling Defaln wielding a simple Stilleto knife, while the other wielding a Karambit knife was obscured by it's sleek black armor and helmet. The other figure looked otherworldly to say the least with it's helmet having white lights burst from it. Ling ran forward with his stiletto, while the other figure ran forward as well and slid down to avoid Lings charge and slashed at his left leg. Ling delivered a swift kick to his assailants face with his right leg which honestly did nothing while it was on the ground. Attempting to stab his opponents neck the other figure kicked Ling in the groin, forcing him to shout in pain and drop the knife. Quickly doing a backwards crawl to get away the figure got up and brought its Karambit to Ling's neck. "I expected better of you...Ling." Said a feminine voice from the helmet. "[b]Who the hell are you!?[/b]" "You don't remember me Ling? That's a shame." She said to the Inquisitor as her helmet slid off her face, revealing none other than Ling's Sister, Chloanne Defaln. "You are more shit at a melee fight than I remember. I mean I could have killed you there." Ling was surprised to see his sister here, they haven't talked within a single year since the Bloodwrath. "[b]Why? You couldn't even have said hi like some sort of same person? I mean we haven't talked in like a fücking year and the first time I see you again you attack me with a knife.[/b]" "Because Ling, you need to be prepared for a surprise attack from anywhere. I mean this is basic combat." "[b]I guess you're right. Anyways to answer your question you never asked we're at some place called The Dojo, don't ask me why I'm here to be honest. I don't know how I got here anyways.[/b]" "That's...strange. Have you met anyone who can be of help?" "[b]No.[/b]" [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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  • "You two shitbirds new here?" The five words came from just off to the side and not too far away from Ling and Chloanne, though the words weren't really meant to be offensive. Standing off to the side was JT the Cowboy, rather he was sitting off to the side, because he was atop his robotic horse Sullivan.

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  • "[b]My sister is, yes. I've been here for a short while. So I guess we are new.[/b]" Ling said, as Chloannes mask slid over her face. Concealing it. "I just recently arrived, why do you ask?" She asked, curiously.

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  • [i]"I'm a Lieutenant here, so I gotta know who's who around the Dojo. And I didn't exactly recognize either of you guys," said the cowboy as he dismounted from the horse by sliding off. After taking two steps back from dismounting, the synthetic animal ran off. "I'm JT, by the way."[/i]

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  • "I am Chloanne Defaln, and this is my older brother Ling, who may or may not be going through a midlife crisis-" "[b]What the hell are you saying? Just because I'm married and I have kids you automatically assume I'm going through a midlife crisis?[/b]" "No, its because you act like a complete idiot in public!" They bickered between each other. "Actually, I apologize for this Mr. JT. I had lost my focus..Anyways, I'm mostly here to visit and rest for a bit. The Dojo doesn't really....suit my tastes."

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  • [i]"Well we here at the Dojo wish you a good time in your endeavours, mister and miss Defaln." The cowboy spoke the truth as he continued on his way, walking past the pair of them. "And that was some sloppy knifemanship, Ling."[/i]

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  • "[b]To be fair, I work with Guns and not blades. Chloanne is admittedly more skilled than me in that area.[/b]" "That's the first compliment I've gotten...Well I assume you are indeed busy so we'll be on our way unless you have more questions about us." She said to Ling and JT.

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  • Hmm... That voice sounds familiar... Haven't heard it since I was on the Bloodwrath... *Both of you see Mortar slowly walking up, eyes filled with intrigue at the new voice* You there, ma'am. What's your name?

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  • The helmet slid back on Chloanne's face, hiding it again. "Who's asking?" She said, reaching behind her for something. Ling looked a bit ticked off. "[b]Oh...its you, the guy who gave me a major headache for a while.[/b]" He said to Mortar.

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  • Oh, sorry about that... I'm trying to work on that... Name's Mortar

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  • [spoiler]which peaceful courtyard?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]A1. lmao.[/spoiler]

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  • *The sound of slow clapping is heard, as a young woman with a blonde ponytail sits on a bench.* "That was interesting. Though...this could make it more so..." She slid two cards into her gun. [[i]Kamen Ride: Baron, Proto-IXA!][/i] She pulled the trigger, as two specters ended up forming, one armed with what looked to be a medieval spear, with a banana motif. The other seemed to resemble more like a guard of some sort, as he pulled out a blaster. Both of them charged at the two.

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  • Chloanne reaching behind her and reached for her Rail Pistol holster and whipped it out. Gripping it tight and aiming at the blaster man. "What the hell are you thinking?! Picking on someone who clearly needs medical attention!" Chloanne said, clearly referencing Ling's leg cut. [b]Yeah..I wonder why I even bother to stay here..[/b]" Her brother, Ling replied getting down on one knee while Chloanne held one hand on the rail pistol now and reached into one of her pockets to pull out a bottle of disinfection spray and bandaging tape. "Crazy people..."

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  • "I could've just healed his leg..." She replied, sliding another card in and targeting Ling's leg. [i][Support Ride: Heal!][/i] She shot it at Ling's leg. "There....should heal in a little bit." As she walked away, her specters disappeared. You could hear her mumble, "You people are no fun sometimes."

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  • "You know its not all just about 'fun'. This was something personal, between two siblings until you came along and started to attack. Your definition of 'fun' is just bloodlust and combat. I am ashamed to even be here. How do you even stay here Ling?" She said, clearing scolding the person. "[b]Well...I mean I don't know how to get back home to be honest, not everyone here is too bad.[/b]" "Ling, you know better than that. By that way, thanks for healing his leg." She said the last sentence to the other person.

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  • "I don't even live here. I'm just bored out of my mind...I mean, this is a planet full of fighting, right? So...I would expect some fighting." She replied, "Oh...and your welcome for the leg thing..." She continued to walk away from the two.

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  • Bump because it got fücking buried

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  • "Guess this is one big reunion," [i]A familiar voice said as the gentle thuds of feet brought someone closer. The voice itself was deep and clear, powerful like a massive river.. Then, stopping once he was five feet away from the two siblings, he simply grinned, showing his white teeth -though he did seem on edge, hazel brown eyes nervous glancing at Chloanne every now and then. It was fücking Lucas.. Except, he was just a little different. He was currently wearing a simple white T-shirt with camouflaged shorts that reached to his knees.. The knees of his forest green cybernetic legs.. In fact, his arms were cybernetic and forest green, too. [/i]

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  • "Hello...Lucas." Chloanne said in a angry tone, mostly just to tease him though as she was smiling. "[b]Its been a while ya shitlord. But uh...what's with the green shit?[/b]" "Actually I'm curious too, care to explain?"

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  • [i]Lucas seemed to get even more nervous when Chloanne spoke to him so angrily, his eyes completely avoiding eye contact with her now. [/i] "Hey, Chloanne, Ling.. Oh, these prosthetics, hmm?" [i]He asked, raising both his arms a 45°, looking at them both before lowering them again. [/i] "Basically.. I got messed up by aliens.. Or, well, not necessarily aliens. They were just these weird, massive creatures, locked in a prison I was sent out to explore." [i]He shudders at the memory of his limbs being torn off, somehow remaining conscious through it all. Horrible shit. [/i] "Anyways.. How've you two been? It's been a while."

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  • "[b]Where to even start. I love how the fact that this place has annoying mages and ninjas! Oh gee I sure do love all the annoying animal people![/b]" Ling said sarcastically, classic Ling. "I actually just got here to be honest. I'm sure Old Man here probably did nothing and stay with his wife and kids, which is perfectly respectable. Meanwhile I went out and did some exploration, I got some new gear and armor which is nice." She said in a nicer tone now, maybe she actually didn't want to kill Lucas after all. She sheathed her Karambit knife and brought out a small disinfection spray bottle and bandaging tape and crouched down to start on Lings leg.

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  • [i]Luke seemed to calm down just the tiniest bit, his eyes swiftly darting over to Chloe, before going back to looking around in pure curiousity. [/i] "I just got here, too. New gear.. Lost some, too, but it's whatever." [i]At the "new gear" part, his right cybernetic hand went to the Bolt Pistol on his right hip, while his left hand remained hanging at Lucas' left side.. Though the Bolt Pistol wasn't the only new thing he had. At his lower back, held in place by.. who knows what, was a small rifle-like object - only it was way too short to be an actual rifle. Diagonally above the small rifle thing, was a much bigger rifle; a heavy assault rifle, the butt sticking out from behind Lucas' right shoulder. It was a soft grey, with a giant box magazine.[/i] "'Least I got some cool new limbs.. And.. animal people, Ling? That sounds weird, really. I mean, there was weird stuff on the Bloodwrath, but animal people? Weirdest thing there was.. everything, to be completely honest."

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  • "[b]Yes, I swear I saw a cat person walking around with other cat people...But enough about that. Say Chloanne, do tell your perfectly sane reason on why you just attacked me?[/b]" Lingo Bingo Bongo Bango said to Chloanne, ticked off and please don't ever refer to Ling as that, I'm just trying to be funny. "I attacked him to see if he was prepared for a surprise attack..clearly I was wrong. But its been so long, may as well get your attention somehow." She said with a serious look on her face as she finished with Lings wound. "But uh...sorry for kicking you in your groin."

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  • "So, you kicked your brother in his.. crotch, and cut his leg.. At least it wasn't the other way around, right?" [i]Luke jokingly asked, chuckling softly afterwards. He then looked to Ling, grinning all the while. [/i] "Cat people, huh.. Like, humans with cat feathers like a tail and ears, or like those furries? Because one is amazing and the other.. Eh.." [i]He then got a far off look in his eye, remembering a question he had asked Ling in the past. On the Bloodwrath, to be exact.. About animal people. A chuckle left his throat, the look disappearing with a swift shake of his head. [/i] "Anyways, it's a pleasure to be reunited with you two."

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  • "Same with you, don't worry I won't try to kill you anymore...I'm over that now." Chloanne said, reminiscing on the past...aboard that ship. The time when Lucas fell on Chloanne. She was extremely mad back then..but that was a while back. "[b]Just a curious question, what does your cybernetics work? Like anything like strength..speed?[/b]"

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