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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Cazberry Pie: 9/23/2016 11:47:57 AM
[b][i]Dojoville//1900 hours//Unknown Mage[/i][/b] [i]The lone figure strolled in cautiously, her silhouette long in the setting sun, elongated, stretched shadows dancing in the evening of the town. The figure was a weary traveler, her brown hair dirty and sweat-plastered, tied back in a ponytail as perspiration ran down the sides of her pale, thin face. She had bright, stunning violet colored eyes, with crimson lights dancing around in them. Her robe was long, reaching halfway past her knees, and glittered with dark violet, maroon, and crimson colors that shifted around the robe rapidly, a fancy trick of the light. Her skin was quite pale, her thin lips slightly parted as she gasped for air. Her once-shiny black boots were now dusty and worn, her black trousers torn and dirty, and her loose, blue shirt was drenched in sweat yet hidden by her robes. The right leg of her trousers were pulled up past her knee, revealing bandages. Her right hand was gripped tightly around a light beige bo staff, which was being used as a crutch of some sort, and she was limping, greatly favoring her left, showing that her right leg was obvious wounded. Hidden in her robes, away from eyesight, was a worn, old spell book, which she kept well hidden. As she entered Dojoville, she looked around, and limped further in. She was looking for a weapons store, and that she found quite quickly; after all, in a place like Dojoville, there's bound to be a couple of massive weaponry stores. She opened the front two doors to the weaponry store, and the sudden, cool air of the air conditioned room blasted at her, and she let out a soft, relieved sigh. She limped into the store, the doors falling shut behind her. The store was quite empty, and very large at that, about the size of a warehouse. Shelves were scattered all around the store, with hundreds of melee weaponry dangling precariously by thin strings, from longswords to katanas, from cutlasses to greatwords. The woman took no notice of all the blades, for she knew that they were well out of her price range. She limped up to the counter at the very back of the store, and laid her six foot long, thin bo staff on the counter top, gently placing her wounded leg on the ground. She winced at the pressure, but grew used to it. She looked at the person behind the desk, a tall, six foot five man, with a face that looked like it had not been shaved for weeks. His calm, blue eyes were piercing, and he had a square jaw, in addition to closely trimmed, dark brown hair. He smiled politely at the woman, before asking:[/i] "Well, what'll it be, miss?" [i]The woman gestured towards her bo staff, her intelligent, deep violet eyes never leaving the man's blue ones, who stared back, unwavering.[/i] "Take two feet off it, and replace it with a two foot long, titanium blade," [i]She requested, smiling slightly with her pale, thin lips, her eyes still never leaving the man's. The man nodded, and turned away, pulling his gaze from the woman's, who in turn looked away. He took the bo staff, examining it.[/i] "It'll be about an hour," [i]He said, glancing up at the woman. She nodded, and turned, limping towards the exit. She'd be back in an hour to collect her bo staff, and the man would accept payment. She opened the door, the bell on top of the door ringing, and the warm, outside air drifted inside. She stepped out, shutting the door behind her. It was time to waste time.[/i][spoiler]Open![/spoiler]

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  • *Sketch noticed the strange woman and decided to introduce himself. He was wearing only a black t-shirt with the number [i]142[/i] on it, tan cargo shorts with a hole for his tail and a somewhat metallic backpack. Hanging off the side backpack were three objects that looked like smoke grenades. The top of the backpack was unzipped with parts of random objects sticking out. For some reason, clipped to a belt loop on his pants was a small notebook and pencil. His tail swished side to side with curiosity and he was smiling. He just seemed generally happy and for some reason no one in the town was pointing out the strange cat/wolf creature as he approached her.* "Um, excuse me? I haven't seen you around here before... My name's Sketch."

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  • "Hi, Sketch," [i]The woman replied, smiling at the cat-creature. Having attended a prestigious mage school for most of her life, she'd seen things similar to the Sphirinian, like cat-people, squid-people, and even a talking whale, mainly results of the mage students messing around. And so, she wasn't too shocked at seeing Sketch.[/i] "My name's Ao," [i]She said, her voice showing a slight English accent.[/i] ((Pronounced "ow".))

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  • "Oh, well it's nice meeting you Ao." *He holds out his padded hand for her to shake.*

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  • [i]The woman shook the hand, smiling.[/i] "Likewise," [i]She replied, looking around.[/i] "Anything to do to waste time 'round here?"

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  • "Um... Yeah. There's a lake, there are lots of stores... I sometimes like to sit up in a tree and throw paper airplanes at people. They always freak out because they're like [i]Wah?! W-Where??? Huh? GHOST PLANE!!![/i]." *He seemed to act out the impression of a victim of a ghost plane attack.* "Anyways, there's also the Dojo... The Dojo's probably the most interesting place in miles. I live there."

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  • "The Dojo...?" [i]The woman appeared mildly interested in the "dojo", which she connected with Japanese buildings where people trained in martial arts, due to her mage education.[/i] "What's that do?" [i]She asked, wondering to herself what a cat/wolf hybrid was doing in a Japanese building for martial arts.[/i]

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  • "Well, it's a place where people go to train and fight. Almost anyone can live there. From robots to dragons to me, my brother and my cousin."

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  • [b][i]He moved forward his red hair swaying as he did so. It felt weird moving around without his spirits accompanying him but they had been training. Looking over his ocean blue eyes met hers as he paused. Noticing her favor one side he walked forward.[/i][/b] "Hey you okay? Need any help getting around or anything?" [b][i]He said as he looked at her, to the normal eye the boy seemed normal. 5'10, 18 years old, white skin, blue jeans with a white and blue jacket, underneath the jacket was a white shirt of some nature. He didn't carry weapons or seem to be extremely combat capable. Although his muscles showed he had done some training of some nature.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]The woman smiled at the boy, her own features—high cheekbones, smooth skin, and hourglass figure beneath the long robes—made her appear in her early twenties, which indeed she was. She looked around the town called Dojoville, then turned back to the boy.[/i] "Might there be any place I can stay the night?" [i]She asked, her voice showing a slight English accent. Her bo staff wouldn't take too long to be modified, but she had been traveling for weeks on end; a place to stop, rest, and clean up was a godsend to her.[/i]

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  • [b][i]He paused as he thought to himself his eyes looking into hers. A small blush appearing as he shook his head smiling.[/i][/b] "Well I have a place I just recently got...I share it with four others but there's room for more!" [b][i]He says scratching the back of his head as he moves closer. Lifting her arm on her bad side and putting it over his shoulders.[/i][/b] "Here just lean on me while you walk." [b][i]He said as he looked over at her thinking his eyes closed. With a smile and a shrug he nods to another place. [/i][/b] "There's also a few inns if you would prefer that."

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  • [i]The woman laughed slightly, and pulled herself away from the boy, smiling awkwardly.[/i] "Er... I can walk myself," [i]She said, limping back a step.[/i] "However an inn sounds nice, d'you mind directing me towards one?" [i]She inquired as she absentmindedly ran her hair through the brunette ponytail that was drenched in sweat.[/i]

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  • [b][i]He placed his hands on the back of his head as he pointed at a tall building not to far away. Noticing the awkward expression on her face he looks down.[/i][/b] "I uh sorry just wanted to help if you needed it. The inns this way." [b][i]As he turned his jacket moved reveling a black wolf marking. At first seeming like a tattoo but with closer examination it was a brand like from a hot iron. He moved slowly as he turned his head back looking to see if she was following.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]The woman was, indeed, following, whistling a tune to herself; Dvorak's Cello Concerto in B minor, first movement. Her deep, violet eyes were taking in the scenery of Dojoville, her pale hands shoved into the pockets of her long, violet, crimson, and maroon robes. She was following a few feet behind the boy, smiling to herself for an unknown reason.[/i]

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  • [b][i]He turned around as he smiled slowing down for her as he started walking backwards.[/i][/b] "You seem pretty happy. Did something good happen recently?" [b][i]He was curious and almost certain it wasn't meeting him that caused it. Although that wouldn't stop him from asking even if it was.[/i][/b]

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  • [spoiler]rip bear. he got friend zoned[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]rip me ;-;[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]haha no demonspawn child 4 u[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]:P Kek love you too bud[/spoiler]

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  • THE HEALING FLAME OF OF THE CHURCH SERVES ALL!!! [b]The helmeted man walking about, his tattered good and helmet causing the more well respected people to avoid him. Most others did similarly, due to the insane ramblings of the man. He had drawn a small crowd of cats, however, who seemed more interested in the jerky hanging out of his pocket then his preaching.[/b] GIVE ONE'S SELF TO THE ALMIGHTY FIRE!!!

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  • "What the heck...." [i]The woman murmured to herself under her breath, then started towards the man unconsciously. After realizing what she was doing she stopped herself in her tracks, so suddenly that her slow momentum threw her forward and she fell onto the ground. She gave a little yelp of surprise and pushed herself back up.[/i]

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  • Aha! [b]He turns to face you, the piece of old jerky falling down. The cats following him were now occupied with fighting for the meat. He quickly offers a helping hand to you. [/b] You are interested in the flame?

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  • "I... uh...." [i]The woman gulped, backing away slightly, unsure what to make of this man and his "flame". She reached for her bo staff, before remembering that it was being fitted with a two foot blade.[/i]

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  • [b]The act of reaching for a weapon, somewhat freaked the man out. He dove onto the ground, hands above his helmeted head. [/b] Are you mad, woman?! [b]He began to shuffle away, in case you brought the gun out. It was a silly sight, to say the least. [/b]

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  • "What? No!" [i]She said, looking startled. A bemused expression on her face, the woman take an unconscious step back.[/i] "Are you alright?" [i]She asked genuinely.[/i] "One too many drinks? Might need to sober up a lil', there...." [i]She shivered, looking back towards the store, and hoping they could finish up with her bo staff upgrade.[/i]

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  • *After about five minutes a man walks into the store, letting out a soft [i]brr[/i] when the chilled air touches his body. He has a hood that covers all of his face, and not an inch of his body is revealed under his clothing. He looks at one of the walls of the store, where they bayonets hang, it's fairly obvious it's for that wicked looking crossbow on his back. After a moment he looks to you* What're you here for?

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