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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/18/2016 8:13:10 PM
[i][u]Setting:[/u][/i] Dojoville [i][u]Time:[/u][/i] 1435 hours [i][u]Character(s):[/u][/i] Joshua Pendragon, Violet Acciaroli [i][u]Title:[/u][/i] "Dumbass!" [i]The birds whistled in the calm breeze as the bright, afternoon sun shined on Dojoville, with clear skies and cool temperatures. Leaves rustled in the wind, and it was mostly a quiet day. Sitting on a bench underneath the shade of a tree was a man, mid-twenties, who appeared to be sketching a picture of the family squirrels right in front of him. The squirrels payed no attention to the man as he sketched, as they continued to go about their business. They seemed to sense that the man was drawing them, and did not run away. The man himself had long, golden blond hair, and golden eyes, with tan skin. He was decently muscular, although it was clear that the man was built for a hundred-yard dash. He had a square jaw, and his lips were pursed in concentration. He wore a clean, white t-shirt, with faded, blue jeans, a worn, brown, leather belt around his waist. On his right, a rapier about two feet long was sheathed, and on his back were multiple things; a black longsword sheathe, with a pale, golden grip sticking out above his right shoulder. A quiver woven out of golden silk, tied shut by a thin, black rope. And finally a four foot long, golden longbow, stowed perpendicularly to the black longsword sheathe. The HB pencil in the man's hand traveled along his sketchbook silently and gracefully, the squirrels in his sketchbook looking quite accurate. However, the peacefulness was not to be undisturbed. From a building emerged a woman, about five foot four. She had a pale complexion, and deep, purple, artificial eyes. There was no hair anywhere on her body, including her head; she was completely bald. Her pale skin was smooth, and even though she was thirty-two she appeared to be a lot younger than she really was. The woman wore a loose, purple t-shirt, and black skinny jeans, her brown combat boots worn and old. On her back was a massive, seven foot long chainsaw, which was shiny and appeared to have been very recently washed. The woman's right arm was a prosthetic, and on its side was a small battery pack. A wire was hooked from the engine of the chainsaw to this battery pack. As the bald woman exited the building, she breathed in the calm air, sighing. She noticed the man drawing the squirrels, and decided to approach. Meeting new people was always a thing she liked to do. When she was close enough to see what he was sketching, she smiled.[/i] "Ooh, squirrels!" [i]She said, enthusiastically. However, the sudden noise made the squirrels run off, and the man sighed with exasperation.[/i] "Really?" [i]He said, looking at the woman.[/i] "How dense can you get?" [i]He muttered, setting his unfinished drawing down on the bench as he closed the notebook, pocketing the HB pencil. He got up, grabbing the notebook as he shook his head.[/i] "Well, sorry," [i]The woman mumbled an apology, not sure why the man acted the way he did. They were just squirrels, after all.[/i] "Didn't mean to scare your stupid [i]squirrels[/i] away," [i]She finished sarcastically as the man turned to the woman, slight annoyance in his golden eyes.[/i] "They aren't [i]stupid,[/i]" [i]He said, obviously not liking how the woman was acting.[/i] "They just aren't as developed as humans are. Would [i]you[/i] like to he called stupid be some greater being?" [i]The man inquired rhetorically as he struggled not to burst out in anger. After all, all life mattered, be it a squirrel or a human. Meanwhile, the woman laughed.[/i] "Uh, what?" [i]She managed in between laughs.[/i] "Squirrels are squirrels. They're not all that smart," [i]She said condescendingly to the strange man who said that squirrels weren't stupid.[/i] "Unless you've been beaten by a squirrel before?" [i]This sentence sent the woman into a fit of laughter that was hard to be stopped. The man frowned.[/i] "There's no point in talking to people like you," [i]He muttered under his breath, turning away from the woman as he shook his head sadly.[/i] "Hey, what did you say?" [i]The woman called after the man. She obviously heard what the man uttered, and now she was getting a little annoyed, as well.[/i] "I said," [i]The man replied, raising his voice as he turned back to the woman.[/i] "That there's no point in talking to people like you." [i]The woman grit her teeth, clenching her fists.[/i] "You should shut up," [i]She growled.[/i] "I wish you'd—" [i]The woman didn't finish her sentence as the man interrupted her angrily.[/i] "Be careful with your wishes, idiot," [i]The man only barely resisted punching the woman right in her nose.[/i] "You never know if they could come true." "[i]You're[/i] calling [i]me[/i] an idiot?" [i]The woman forced a fake laugh, staring at the man with her artificial eyes.[/i] "What, is there some magical wish-granting machine, now?" [i]At that, she actually laughed.[/i] "Ridiculous." [i]The man couldn't stop himself. His right arm moved with blinding speed, and he quickly drew his rapier, and with a gold flash a cut suddenly appeared on the woman's left cheek. She grit her teeth in anger as she pulled the seven foot chainsaw from her back, revving it.[/i] "You've gone and done it now," [i]She growled, anger clear in her purple eyes.[/i][spoiler]OOOOOPPPEEENNN.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]And so, a gunshot boomed out from not too far off, echoing off the surrounding city walls and streaming past the ears of any who were unfortunate enough to be within the immediate area, friend and foe alike. But the bullet was not directed to a spot where it could cause any lethal damage for the wielder carried no severely ill intent, rather the rather large full metal jacket shot found itself hurdling towards the hand of the man holding his rapier. A second gunshot, a second explosion of gunpowder inside the gun, and it found itself embedding itself within the hand of the chainsaw wielder. "PETA, Baldy, shut the hell up." He who fired didn't bear the typical attire of a civilian. Hell, he didn't even look as if he was of this time period, and instead took on several different eras and eons of humanity. His body was covered by an emerald green jumpsuit with black trimmings, that was borderline skin-tight, with a lonesome brown duster that matched his cowboy hat over it. The duster was tattered and torn all along the bottom, and the larger markings of six .44 rounds were visible all throughout the jacket from past adventures, making him seem like a foe that has taken a lot of hits. A bandolier crosses over the right shoulder of the figure as a single, tri-barreled shotgun with no stock remains on the back, and a set of strange lead bullets rested all along the front of the bandolier. It was connected to a black leather belt on his body which wasn't exactly needed for his outfitting seeing as the jumpsuit was a one piece outfit, but the belt served as a place for the cowboy to stow the pair of revolvers at his hips, each with a yellow cylinder and barrel. No cowboy had the sort of augmentations he carried, which consisted of a black skeletal left arm with the insignia of the Cobalt Phoenix on the forearm, hidden by the duster, and a set of legs and a right arm that managed to perfectly match the colour of his skin while still being noticeably prosthetic. A single gladius sword rests at the left side of his hip, and a large katana sword remains on the right side. [/i]

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  • [i]The man who wielded the rapier let out a yell of surprise in pain as he dropped the golden rapier, however the woman who wielded the chainsaw didn't flinch, as the arm that was shot and was also wielding the chainsaw was a prosthetic; granted, it was a little dented from the impact of the bullet. The woman grinned, now having the advantage, and lashed out at the man with her chainsaw, who only barely backpedaled out of the way, gritting his teeth in pain.[/i]

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  • [i]A glint in the eye; A shift of the arm. TagSight.exe had been activated. The figure carried not a revolver in his right fist, but a pistol. Not one of a massive caliber mind you, just a simple .5mm bullet with a magazine size of eight. So he fired off the third round and directed it for the knee of the woman as civilians all around fled in terror at the spectacle they were putting on, hiding in their homes and praying that the aren't slaughtered. [/i]

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  • [i]The bullet struck the woman's knee, and she let out a yelp of surprise and pain as she collapsed onto the ground as the man turned to the cowboy.[/i] "Who the hell are you?" [i]The man growled, pissed off by him shooting his dominant hand.[/i]

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  • [i]"I'm the law in this town, The Marshal." And so the crackling of a whip could be heard somewhere off in the far distance, but it sounded close by, and a rattlesnake shaking it's long tail accompanied it. [/i]

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  • [i]The man looked around in surprise as the woman slowly pushed herself to her feet, looking at the cowboy.[/i] "Wadaya want, JT?" [i]She said, having recognized the Marshal. The man looked at her, his distrust for her growing; if she knew somebody that had shot him, then she was most certainly not to be trusted.[/i]

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  • [i]"Both of you leave, now. Go home, stop causing shit in my city." JT was for whatever reason calm in how he spoke. He was acting like a budget vigilante, one who openly had his face shown to the public. And his L.I.M.B clinic was a block away, so he was also keeping his place in business by not scaring customers off. [/i]

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  • [i]Gritting her teeth, the woman debated spitting on JT, then turned tail and stormed off, still limping. The man looked at her with confusion, then shook his head, staring at his bullet wound.[/i] "Great," [i]He muttered, then went further into Dojoville, looking for a hospital. Unlike the woman, the man would like to get the bullet removed and not get an infection.[/i]

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  • [i]Seeing as the cowboy was pretty much the definition of buzzkill incarnate at this point in time, he figured it would be best to leave the two fighters and hope they don't try to murder each other as soon as he leaves. And so he holstered his weapon within his duster, grappled to the rooftops, and walked off. [/i]

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    [i]As soon as the man had sliced at Violet's cheek, and the knightess saw blood dripping from the wound...[/i] [i]Anri lost control. Walking down the street that day, the knightess had minded her own business for a while, silently humming to herself before she saw the commotion between the man and Violet, her previous best friend and lover. She was having a good day, to clarify. She had a nice chat with Wayne, won a game of chess against Ren, and the sort. Of course, everything suddenly changed at the moment that the man assaulted Violet.[/i] "...[b]You son of a bitch!!"[/b] [i]Anri practically screamed at the top of her lungs at the man, burning red flames engulfing her armor and helm as her coiled sword suddenly formed with her right hand. She began approaching the man, enraged that he would assault Violet, of all people. She suddenly looked over at Violet before getting to close, speaking with a voice filled with anger.[/i] [b]"Get back. I'll handle this scumbag. And I don't want you to get hurt when I do so."[/b] [i]Anri's voice was filled with rage and venom, as if she would love nothing more than to beat the man's skull in. Well, that would have been too far. She would most likely hurt him very, very badly, if given the chance to do so.[/i]

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  • "No, this is my business, Andy," [i]Violet growled above the loud noise her seven foot long chainsaw made as the golden-haired man narrowed his eyes at Anri. He raised his two foot long, golden rapier. On the blade of the rapier, a single word was etched into it; Pendragon. Violet took a step towards the man, thinking of all the ways she could absolutely shred through his body with her chainsaw, as the man took a step back, thinking of every way to dodge it. If it came to it, he could use his shield, but would rather dodge.[/i]

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    [b]"For the love of..."[/b] [i]Anri's voice had strangely magnified, as if several other voices had begun to speak in unison along with her, although she was the loudest of them. She simply began slowly circling the man with the rapier, the sword in her hands flashing brightly and transforming into a massive 6'7 coiled lance, which she carried rather effortlessly.[/i]

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  • [i]The man sighed. He was about to be double-teamed, and he knew it. It was gonna be tough, to get out of his current situation, with a crazy bald lady with a chainsaw and a crazier knight lady with a really long spear. Suddenly, Violet let out a battle cry as she lunged forward, and swung her chainsaw vertically at the man, deciding to merely shred him right in half. He sidestepped easily, and thrust forward with a flash of gold; it was nearly impossible to actually see his attack, for it was too fast. A long yet shallow cut appeared on Violet's right cheek, and she swung her chainsaw right, now aiming to shred off the man's top half. She was aiming to kill the man, and the man valued life too much to even think of attempting to kill an opponent. He pounded his legs into the ground, running up behind Violet so he would avoid the deadly chainsaw, then spun and delivered another slash, a long tear appearing in Violet's purple shirt as a shallow yet long horizontal cut appeared on her upper back.[/i]

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    [i]Growling furiously, as if her own hatred of the man was beginning to grow, Anri began to slowly approach the man head on, tempted to scream to Violet to get back. To not combat him any longer. Although Anri had no intentions of hurting the man, she certainly had the intention of preventing him from harming Violet, though in all honesty, she thought she should have grabbed Violet and pulled her away from the whole scene.[/i]

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  • [i]The man grit his teeth, backing away slowly. He knew that he overreacted, but this was too much; some random person that wasn't even involved was attacking him for no reason he knew of, as though he was the one provoking, not the one being provoked. Meanwhile Violet appreciated the extra help, and decided that after all, seeing as murder wasn't illegal in Dojoville, nobody would mind if one random person with a couple swords and a bow was killed. She lunged again, and this time the man didn't dodge quick enough; the chainsaw made a deep cut in his arm the nearly went to the bone before he dodged, and he yelled out in pain as he dropped the rapier, clutching the gaping wound.[/i]

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    [b]"Christ, Violet...he doesn't deserve that much..."[/b] [i]Anri was actually somewhat taken back by what Violet had just pulled off, lowering her lance somewhat. It surprised her, to see Violet attack the man so viciously while he hadn't done too much to her, other than two slices to her cheek and her back. Now thinking of it, he may have deserved a beating after that had happened. But Anri still thought she went too far.[/i]

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  • "Does it really matter, what he deserves?" [i]Violet questioned Anri, turning back to her. Meanwhile the man, clutching his wounded arm, continued stumbling back, searching for medical attention somewhere in Dojoville, barely keeping conscious from blood loss.[/i]

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    [i]Continuing to stare at the man rather eerily, the flames surrounding the knightess died down a bit, but some flickered off of her shoulders somewhat.[/i] "No. But this best end soon. I'm not in the mood to have to pull one of you off another just because of an argument. An argument that escalated due to some idiot that thought it was a grand idea to draw a weapon." [i]Her voice lowered as she spoke, and the lance in her right hand did the same, the molten tip touching the earth as she looked back at Violet.[/i] "...Can we atleast agree that this should stop?"

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