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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/17/2016 8:02:55 PM
[u]Turning his body towards the woman, the beady eyes of the crow mask focus on her face. Sweeping his cape aside, the figure moves his hand towards a large kukiri-like dagger attached too his waist. Cocking his head in concern and possible caution, he speaks in a cold, monotone voice as if she's not there.[/u] "[i]What would a maiden as herself be doing out wandering the streets on the night of the hunt, might I wonder? Were she simply unlucky enough to be locked out as the sun went down, or is there something more sinister at work?[/i]" [u]His long, bony fingers caress the handle of the blade, the black gloves wiping small bits off blood off from the previous encounter.[/u]

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    "Depends on how you look at it, really." [i]The woman chuckled slightly, in a rather friendly and jolly manner. She looked right at the Hoonter, piercing emerald eyes staring right at the sockets of his crow-like mask. Noticing that he was clearly ready for combat, her right hand had made its way slightly closer to her rapier's handle.[/i]

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  • [u]Wrapping his fingers around the hilt of the dagger, his gloves make a creaking sound as the black leather tightens around the grip. His left hand rests gently upon the handle of a hunter's pistol, the forefinger gently caressing the trigger as he pulls the flintlock mechanism back with his thumb in anticipation of what's to come.[/u] "[i]Then what, may I ask... Is your purpose for being out at this time of night? Please, do tell... I am ever so invested in your explanation.[/i]" [u]The beady eyes seem to glint in the moonlight as if his aggression was growing, the line between man and beast starting to blur.[/u]

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    [i]The woman smirked slightly, pulling the hood off to provide a better view for the Hunter of Hunters. She had a sharp, slightly tanned face, two emerald green eyes staring deeply at the man, a slight grin on her face. Her dirty blonde hair was braided back, although it was slung over her shoulder at the moment. One thing that was noticeable was that she spoke with a strong French accent. She seemed rather jolly, although the person that she was speaking to could probably change that very, very fast.[/i] "...Just came out for a nice lil stroll, nothing much. By the way...I saw a rather strange man begin running around here. Have you seen him, I wonder?" [i]She was clearly referring to the man, or half beast, that the Hunter had just killed.[/i]

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  • [u]A dark chuckle echoes from under the mask, the sinister sound un-natural in every way. Drawing the blade, he ran his finger along the flat of the blade, wiping down the coagulating blood that is slowly drying out on his blade. Rubbing the tainted blood between his fingers, he whips his hand too the side, spraying it off of his gloves and onto the ground. Now wheezing with laughter, he raises his head to lock eyes with the lady.[/u] "[i]Oh, that wretched thing? He was my mark. A rouge hunter he was, starting to show signs of being infected. I did my duty-[/i]" [u]He laughs especially hard at this part.[/u] "[i]And killed him![/i]"

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    [i]Placing a hand on her hip and grinning a little more, the woman tilted her head a bit, her hair swinging slightly to the right as she did so. She had let go of her rapier's handle, though she had a surprise for the Hunter within her right hand if he got any bright ideas.[/i] "You [u]are[/u] a Hunter! Absolutely amazing. Or...a Hunter of Hunters, judging by the garb? I like it..."

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  • [u]His laughter quickly dies out, the hilarity of the notion quite fleeting. Grasping the grip of the dagger and the handle of the pistol, he rests his beady eyes once more upon the woman's face. An air of coldness begins to seep from him as he enters a crouching position, his suspicion rising at alarming rates.[/u] "[i]You still haven't given me a clear answer. What are you-[/i]" [u]He jerks his head in her direction.[/u] "[i]Doing out at night during the hunt.[/i]"

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    [i]Taken back by his immediate mood change, the woman simply sighed heavily, looking straight at the Hunter with a rather bothered look, as if she really wasn't in the mood for questioning from him.[/i] "Taking a stroll, enjoying the moonlight, the sort...why is it such a big deal?"

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  • [u]His grip tightened on the dagger as he begins to back away from Ren. The beady eyes seem to gleam in the moonlight as he slowly backs into a patch of shade, his actions now unseen in the lack of light. The only part of him visible is the two fake glass eyes that peer out of his mask, the rest of his body almost gone, like it was absorbed by the abyss. In a raspy voice, he begins to speak.[/u] "[i]Eileen always told me to never trust an innocent face, or a harmless alibi. Just a walk, you say? One such as yourself would not dare to venture out on the night of the hunt without a nefarious purpose unless they were to be a hunter. Without protection of a hunter's blood, one is even more susceptible to the beast plague. Or maybe there's something else... Maybe, just maybe...[/i]" [u]His voice becomes very quiet, as if he wishes for no one to here the words uttered.[/u] "[i]You are a user of the old blood, the accursed filth of the Vilebloods flowing throughout your body.[/i]" [u]At the mention of Vilebloods, he spits the words out as if he's disgusted that he even has to speak of their name.[/u]

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    [i]Only nodding silently, the woman didn't look worried in the slightest, although her left hand had begun to slowly move towards the hilt of her rapier, as if she was about to retrieve it from its sheath. As for her right hand, it was still on her side, her head still tilted as if she was actually confused.[/i] "Ah. Of course, [i]I'm[/i] a...Vileblood, you called it?" [i]She only chuckled darkly, resuming her speech again as she looked up at the figure, assuming a more serious tone.[/i] "...I'm really not in the mood to fighting my way out of here, and honestly, you're not helping. Now...I'm just gonna back away slowly. If you wanna come along and perhaps...[i]dance[/i]...then you can." [i]Smirking slightly, as if she found amusement in the whole situation, the woman began to slowly back away from the Hunter of Hunters, just waiting for the perfect moment to sprint away or...attack.[/i]

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  • [u]Nodding to himself, the sound of his dagger being drawn is heard. Without a word, he holds it in two hands be for splitting it into two halves, sparks temporarily illuminating the face of the mask. Ceremoniously, he whips them too the side as he speaks a rite of death.[/u] "[i]Through use of the Old Blood, you have forfeit your life as a human, and now are worth no more then the lowliest of gods. Worth less then the blood of a whоre, I sentence you to mercy...[/i]" [u]He whips the feathers of the cape outwards in a grand fashion as he steps out of the shadows, his blades spinning in his hands.[/u] "[i]By death.[/i]" [u]With sudden speed, he becomes a black blur as he charges towards Ren, his blades raised as he prepares to plunge the two shining daggers into her stomach.[/u]

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    [i]Eyes widening and smile disappear, the French duelist known as Ren suddenly raised her rapier in her left, suddenly jolting to the left as the Hunter passed her, backing away. She drew a .44 magnum revolver from its holster, holding it to her side as she pointed the tip of her blade at the Hunter that had just tried to kill her.[/i] [b]"En garde, you filthy crow."[/b] [i]She began circling, trying to find the right time to sprint away from the man.[/i]

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  • [u]Skidding to a halt, Lothran whips the two blades together to form a singular dagger that he then sheathes. Taking off the large club on his back, he brandishes it two the side with a strong whip. The steel wires extend, forming a massive serrated whip of sharpened steel chunks.[/u] "[i]I am but a man pledged to his duty, doing what must be done for the future of Yharnam![/i]" [u]Swinging the massive whip down, the tip of it speeds towards Ren's face with a blur in a vertical swing.[/u]

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