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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/15/2016 11:04:58 AM

[i]The grin on Ren's face disappeared suddenly as she ducked under the gladius' blade, replaced by a rather serious look as her head was barely able to avoid the weapon headed toward her neck. She didn't even slice at JT while doing this, but instead jumped past him, turning rapidly and raising her rapier once again. She couldn't combat a gladius with a rapier, unless she attacked her opponent's hand that held the sword. And even then, she considered armor and prosthetics. Ren thought about these things too much, but it was worth it. She began circling once more, blade raised again.[/i]

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  • JT spun with his weapon and only turned to face his opponent, who definitely was a better bladesman than the cowboy, who was only good with a katana strangely enough, because of some events that transpired years ago. He decided to play on the defensive and stood in one spot, as one of his swords rested in the air behind him ready to strike while the other was out in front of him. Red had the agility bonus and experience but JT had the general combat experience he would need to at least live.

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    [i]Tilting her head slightly, Ren began to slowly make her way to JT, slowly covering ground as she suddenly switched her rapier to her left, while her right hand was free. JT would probably know why she was doing this: she planned on using the grappling augment that he had given to her against its own creator. It didn't help that Ren was just as proficient with her blade in her left, so she was still capable of fending off the cowboy's attacks.[/i]

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  • JT as well sheathed his right blade, before his arm started to fade away, only to be replaced with the fake-skinned arm he had previously used in combat. He had experience over Ren with grappling hook augs, it was the first Aug he ever had installed, and came pre-installed when his big adventure all started. And so he lunged at Ren with his left blade, swiping from the right to knock her weapon away. JT was ambidextrous and his writer is a lefty, so he definitely had some advantage.

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    [i]Funny enough, this was the first time that Ren had ever used the grappling hook augmentation in combat, so she was pretty inexperienced in a rather stressful situation such as a fight. In fact, she was pretty new to the aug in general, although she had practiced with it. [/i] [i]Once again dodging, though she was clearly tiring somewhat, Ren swiped at JT's leg with her rapier as she passed him again, her right hand within the pocket holding knives, as it hadn't fully transformed yet. Her intent was to try and dodge while delivering lighter blows, but she couldn't keep it up forever. [/i]

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  • [spoiler]Huehuehue, boutta give this fight some interesting shit. [/spoiler] [i]And suddenly, a change of scenery. In both JT's favour and Ren's. It looked like Neo-Paris in the year 2036, as in it had supremely tall buildings in the distance and a single cobblestone street of shops all around the duo, illuminated by nothing but streetlights and a synthetic moon with twinkling stars above. JT had also selected a cyberpunk-esque feel to it, so all around were cars and bikes of a truly beautiful fashion, and civilians in sharp black suits speaking into phones on their wrists. Some were cyborgs and had it built in, some were just citizens who had a TacPad like a Pip-Boy on the bottom of their forearms. People were frozen in place, from the citizens to the Punks running on the roof, to even a fireball that some mage was conjuring up from the skies as he jumped off a rooftop, a Psion. The sweet sounds of [url=]E.S PostHumus' Ebla[/url] added to the semi-futuristic vibes as some SERIOUS nostalgia hit JT, rendering him distracted and unable to do combat as well as he once did. And so he grappled up to another rooftop and slingshotted himself to the very top after he got close, before he stood and looked to Ren. "France for the French, Neo for the Punk."[/I]

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    [i]Looking around in utter awe, the grin on Ren's face grew magnificently as she looked at her new surroundings, at the buildings in the distance and the people within the city. She was surprised, to say the least, she didn't expect something like this from JT at all.[/i] "Well. You never seem to disappoint, cowboy." [i]Chuckling quietly and aiming her right arm at a similar location to where the cowboy had gone, Ren suddenly grappled towards the roof that JT was located at, moving to a spot where she was across from him, atleast 7 feet away.[/i] "Shall we continue?"

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  • [i]"Aye." With that said, he took a savage swung towards the right side of Ren's neck, using the blade in his right hand. It soon shifted from a gladius to a katana, which is what he had at least some semblance of skill with, due to a long forgotten tale to any but him. The Flying Fuc k was with his blade again, at least a replica of the red katana. [/i]

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    [i]Suddenly reacting to the incoming katana headed straight for her unarmored neck, Ren immediately swung her rapier, which was still in her left hand, in front of her, being able to block the katana from killing her, though the pure strength put into the attack knocked her back. Both blades were crossed at the moment, but Ren's right hand was rather free. Reaching to her side, she drew her steel katar with her right hand and began to aim a stab at JT's torso, though he could easily interfere by punching her in the face, or suddenly pushing her back, as he certainly had more strength than Ren. Plus, it was a katana vs a rapier, so JT would definitely be able to overpower Ren.[/i]

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  • [i]JT wasn't expecting the Katar hit to the torso and as such it pierced the flesh of his upper abdomen with ease, though JT was quite accustomed to working under stress and pain. Hell, he was known to tank bullets as large as a 5.56 round. And so when he was stabbed an ear-shattering scream was let out to try and disorient Ren, before his right fist was launched at her throat. Though he didn't punch and his arm was by his waist, rather he clenched his fist and sent a grapple for her throat. [/i]

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    [i]Actually somewhat stunned, Ren was first taken back by the cowboy's yell, actually surprised by his sudden scream. She was about to withdraw the katar, to even apologize. Ironically, she hated seeing people in pain. Well, she was going to do something like that. Until the grappling hook slammed into her throat, tearing through muscle and flesh as blood immediately poured through the devastating wound. Her mouth hanging open, Ren immediately let go of her katar's handle, reaching up and ripping the hook out and then falling back, dark blood dripping from her mouth and neck. Still...she began to try and get up, although her neck had been torn through by the hook. After a moment, she eventually stayed down, beginning to slowly die. Of course, she wouldn't actually die, due to the fact that this was virtual reality. But still, it would be nice of JT to atleast finish her off.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]Hue, never let JT end a fight, trust me. [/spoiler] [i]And so when the Marshal witnessed the woman fall he felt a pang of guilt, seeing as he saw potential in the dying woman. Soon after, though, he remembered it was a VR situation and... Well, flashbacks of an old friend came to him, before he approached Ren. "Sorry." With that one word said he grabbed Ren's right arm with his own, planted his boot on the chest of the French duelist, and he pulled up with extreme strength. Flesh was severed and bone was separated to make way for a tide of crimson blood that streamed from the woman's body, as her arm was torn off. JT slammed it into her body repeatedly like a gangster with a baseball bat does in the hood, like a Locust to a Cog, or like JT when doing a finisher. [/i]

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    [i]Thrashing around slightly as the limb was ripped from it's socket, Ren didn't even scream in utter pain, although she did slam her head into the ground only once, preparing for the worst to happen. And it did, really. Still thrashing around silently as JT slammed the arm into her, her left hand simply laid on the ground. Instead of intervening or atleast grabbing the .44 magnum revolver at her side and either try to shoot JT or even herself, probably in an attempt to escape fate, Ren remained still, or somewhat still, as the arm came crashing down onto her chest, head, already bleeding get the drift. [/i] [i]Some time later, what was left of Ren's upper half was mostly a bloody pulp, her face disfigured and quite literally torn apart by the cowboy. Ren's left hand simply twitched a little, before suddenly going completely still. Ren had finally died within the virtual reality.[/i]

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  • ((End, GG))

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    ((GG, lol. Now Ren's gonna be doing some military level training n shit to get on JT's level.))

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  • ((Lmao, he can train Ren if ya want))

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    ((Maybe. I don't know, lol.)

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