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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/15/2016 12:05:39 AM
1 [i] Lance grins under the mask, passing his hand through the air, ending up holding a standard Tanto knife, strapping the sheathe to his thigh.[/i] "I've been looking for that for ten plus years, let's see if you can make my day Lordan." [i] He says with a smirk, and without warning, blasting forward in a spectacular show of speed. When he gets in front of Damien in what seemed like the blink of an eye, he holds the knife in a reverse grip and sends a flurry of slashes at his face and chest. [/i]

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  • [b]Damien smirked under his mask. There was always a method to his madness... And this wasn't just any green shell... It was a super sound conducting barrier...[/b] [i]"Blast-wave, bitch!"[/i] [b]Damien extended two fingers and let off a sonic boom, the blast slamming into the shell and causing a spike to extend, before rocketing back and causing the shell to ripple. Then, Damien did it again... Then again... And again... Until the shell began to bubble and contort and move with the beat of his blasts.[/b] [i]"This is gonna pop like a nuke. Let's see who survives..."[/i] [b]There was always one thing about Damien... He was insane. And he just built a super sonic bomb...[/b]

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  • [i] Damien saw the air shimmer around the shell, and one by one, katanas began to appear with their blades pointed at him. It was the same purple katana Lance had drawn a moment ago, multiplying until there were at least a hundred in the sky aimed downwards. [/i]

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  • [b]The heavy beats cause the shell to protrude rippling spike aimed at the swords, dancing around as if challenging the blades to attack.[/b] [b]Inside, Damien continued to fee the green structure mesh massive amounts of amps, the noise inside deafening.[/b]

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  • [i] Somewhere nearby, just passing Damien's range of hearing, he heard Lance's voice.[/i] "Terra." [i] And then, the swords around the bubble plummeted and darted straight downwards towards Damien. [/i]

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  • [b]The bubble lashed out and slammed away swords, the spikes colliding with the blades and the vibrations sending the weapons scattering away. Damien had made himself near impervious at this rate.[/b] [b]Inside, Damien was doubled over in nausea as the pressure and noise seemingly drowned his other senses... This was gonna be a close one.[/b] [i]"Smite..."[/i] [b]And as if the sky opened up and vomited anger, a massive bolt of lightning shot down and cascaded around the shell, the energy rippling in the air and creation electric shockwaves that moved through the arena... Suddenly, everything burst to life with electricity as amperes of power rocketed in all directions.[/b]

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  • [i] The swords around the shell were blasted away, flying and burying themselves randomly in the ground and sliding in the dirt. Seemingly from thin air, Lance had materialized off to Damien's side and was in the middle of sprinting towards the shell with swords drawn when lightning scattered across the ground and arced up his body, causing him to seize and fall to the ground, face-first. [/i]

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  • [i]"So soon swords man...? I won't get to show you why they call me the Judge..."[/i] [b]Damien suddenly stops as the shield ripples and bubbles for a moment before calming down... Though, the super sonic waves were still trapped... Just less active.[/b] [b]Peeling back, the shell let's Damien out, his armor cracked and broken in some parts from the waves... And the arcing energy.[/b]

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  • [i] Suddenly the earth rumbled beneath Damien, and the fallen form of Lance melted into the ground into liquid darkness. The ground below Damien exploded in a shower of mud, rocks, and dirt, and out came Lance with the same brown glowing symbol on his arm; sending an armored fist straight into Damien's jaw. [/i]

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  • [b]Damien's helmet cracked and shattered as the fist slammed into his metal augment... His eyes flaring to life as he musters up enough strength to pop his weapon with a single motion of two fingers... Flying upwards from the momentum of the strike as chaos erupts.[/b] [b]The following moments are indescribable... Ronin would have had no way to explain what had occurred in the following seconds... It all happened too quick. But a few things were quite noticeable... First, the ear splitting ringing. There was no other noise. Despite the falling debris and settling dust only the sound of ringing remained. Second, their arena was now permanently in shambles... Stones upturned... Walls shattered... Ruin everywhere. Lastly, the incredible amount of pain. Lance's armor was intact... But the sensation of being burned gripped his body.[/b] [b]Damien had landed not to far off, crouched low as the blood vessels in his eyes burst from the pressure... His eyes becoming solid red, his ears dripping a tremendous amount of blood. His jaw was slightly crooked from the strike, and his broken helmet lay farther off.[/b]

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  • Edited by Will: 9/25/2016 6:36:27 AM
    [i] Lance screamed, falling to his knees as his Chaos Armor melted from his body, leaving him in his standard armor, swords still in hand and mouth but with his hands clutched to his head.[/i] "What..the hell..Lordan..? [i] Lance gasped, barely able to hear and the fact his head felt like it was split open; feeling like his skin was being flayed from his body. [/i]

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  • [b]Damien adjusted his jaw and stood up shakily as he cracked his neck, pressure exploding out as he relaxed what muscles he had left. He had never felt the force of his attack... But Lance had broken his one protection... And now his one good ear was suffering... But the pain was bearable. That was Damien's problem. He had numbed at a young age. Physical pain was just a hurdle he jumped at the beginning of the fight.[/b] [b]But he was clearly waning... His tear ducts began to drip red tears as his entire head sloshed out blood. Mouth, eyes, nose, ears, even his sweat glands. The only reason his brain hadn't popped like a balloon was because of his sensor right above his right temple... He had run pale... But his will was indomitable[/b] [b]Reaching to his side, he unfolded his second sword, a modern looking black that had a purple reflection every time a ray of the sun hit it... Which wasn't much considering the settling dust. Damien swung it in a mock strike and bright flakes of silver and violet floated off... This blade was unnatural and seemed to drink in pain and anguish.[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Will: 9/25/2016 7:13:21 AM
    "Alright, now lets have some fun." [i] Lance says quietly, flicking his hands in front of him. In an instant, all the katanas on him or in his grasp vanishing into thin air. [/i] "Roku Toge." [i] Shadows swarmed Lance's body, covering him completely. When an invisible wind swept the shroud away, what Damien saw was quite the sight. Crouched low, Lance had seven katanas on him in total. Seals were open on Lance's hands, binding three katanas in each to his grasp, while he had one katana clasped between his mask's jaws. In his right hand, an orange katana that Damien had never seen before. Heat seemed to radiate off the blade, flames licking at the edge. The second was the water katana he'd used earlier, Apollymi's Wrath he'd called it. The final was the white and gold katana, Savior. In his left hand, a green sword Damien also hadn't seen, the blade glimmering green. The second was another unfamiliar sword, a light blue katana that had wind swirling around its blade. The third was The Dragon Blade Lance had been using. Finally, horizontally in his mask's jaws was Wakare, the purple katana Lance had used before hand. But.. there was no blade. All he had was a hilt in his mouth. [/i]

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  • [b]Damien couldn't make out what Lance had said... As neither of his ears was working... And his black band that covered his face was matted down with blood. He ran his long tongue across his face, pushing away any mess that covered his eyes, still able to see through his band... At least... He could now.[/b] [b]But fear was not in his eyes... Not hostility either... Just... Nothingness. He raised his sword in a defensive manner as a spasm caused his eye to stutter like it was a screen. Something about him quickly began to feel off... Like the real Damien was sinking away replaced with something much more sinister.[/b] [b]Damien began to pace sideways, circling as his strange sword swarmed with the strange shining particles.[/b]

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  • [i] The air around Damien shimmered, and the hilt in Lance's mouth seemed to glow violently. Around Damien, in thousands of pieces, were slivers of metal. The blade of the sword who's hilt Lance had in his jaws currently. With a twitch of his jaw, Lance sent the innumerable amount of blades down towards Damien, sunlight reflecting off of them. [/i]

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  • [b]Damien flicked his eyes from left to right quickly before focusing then back onto Lance. Then... His one, more visible eye, began to change. The slit in the middle widened until his whole eye was black. Quickly the irises began to almost peel back into yellow until the solid black eyes had a solid rotating yellow disk in the center.[/b] [b]From Damien's back, three large spinning rings of pure white light lifted up, shimmering slightly as they hummed with a strange sense of emptiness.[/b] [b]The rings began to circle Damien, faster and faster until a wall of light covered him, white sparks flying off the rings as black veins began to seep from his eyes and cover his face.[/b]

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  • "Terra, Pyro." [i] Lance mutters, swinging his arm that held the green katana. A massive piece of earth and stone cracked and erupted from the ground, leaving a crater fifty or so feet around in the ground, the piece removed raising precariously in the air. Next, embers began to dance around Lance's form as an orange symbol on his forearm glowed brightly, the embers slowly getting bigger until they turned into columns of flame that were directed at the piece of earth. They started orange, then blue, and even hints of white as the heat grew hotter, heating the piece of stone/earth. The shape of the massive object began to sag and deform, as the fire liquified it. Almost as an afterthought, Lance flicked a wrist and sent a pillar of flame barreling towards Damien. [/i]

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  • [b]The rings around Damien stopped in a flash and let out large beams of pure light, not quite lasers, not quite energy... Something much more spiritual. It tore into the matter and melted it away in an instant.[/b] [i]"I once discovered the ultimate cure to all existence... I called it Dusk Dew. It destroys anything at a molecular level in nanoseconds."[/i] [b]The three rings continue their circle, Damien walking forward towards Lance as he flicked his blade.[/b]

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  • "You must have a funny definition of "cure" if it's vaporization." [i] Lance said, waving his katanas through the air along with his glowing seal arm. This promptly sent a massive wave of molten lava/stone crashing down towards Damien at a ridiculous temperature. [/i]

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  • [b]Damien let's out a super sonic boom by just looking at oncoming assault, the blast scattering the molten material in all directions as he lets out a crazed laugh.[/b] [b]Suddenly, the rings shoot forward towards Lance, spinning violently like throwing weapons, but something told Lance these probably shouldn't be touched... At all.[/b]

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  • [i] Lance backpedaled, slashing his earth sword and throwing up walls of stone and dirt, but not expecting anything to stop the rings coming towards him. If that was the case, he'd have to take some drastic measures.[/i]

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  • [b]The disks were stopped for maybe seconds before tearing through and continuing their directional assault. These things were not safe... [/b] [i]"Give up May! Or we can do this one sword at a time... I've cut down gods and trained an angel... There's nothing that can stop me!"[/i] [b]Damien shouts, his voice full of his pent up insanity. Years of alcohol abuse and a torturous past had birthed a monster under his skin.[/b]

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  • [i] Lance's mind froze for a second at Damien's statement. Angel? [/i] "His name wouldn't have been Azrael would it?" [i] He talks, constantly throwing up walls of stone and earth, making them thicker and thicker as he ripped the earth apart, trying to get some kind of breathing room. It would've made sense though, Damien had just used something similar to the Roku Toge.[/i]

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  • [b]The disks would slow for seconds at a time, but they were relentlessly and dissolved through any material too fast.[/b] [i]"His name was Legion, for he was many..."[/i] [b]Damien chuckles and dashed forward blurring along side his disk as he brings a sword up through the dirt walls and charges Lance, purple flakes dancing off his blade as he went.[/b]

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  • "And yet he told me he killed all his masters." [i] Lance comments, flicking his head and bits of sunlight shimmer near Damien, forming into a katana blade in the air that blocks his sword. Lance then began to throw everything he had at disks coming at him. Attempting to melt them with fire, blow them away with wind, freeze them with air and water via ice, slow them down by soaking earth in water, making mud, but to no avail. Lance had to come up with something.. fast. [/i]

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  • [b]Damien grimaced at the sword and flicked his eye upward as another, much smaller disk coming forward to cut trough the sword.[/b] [i]"I helped him... His rebellion was my idea... It got out of hand, so I walked away... Came back when he took it to far and threw him out."[/i] [b]Damien grinned again as he marched forward, his disks continuing their trek towards Ronin.[/b]

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