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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/15/2016 12:05:39 AM
1 [i] Lance grins under the mask, passing his hand through the air, ending up holding a standard Tanto knife, strapping the sheathe to his thigh.[/i] "I've been looking for that for ten plus years, let's see if you can make my day Lordan." [i] He says with a smirk, and without warning, blasting forward in a spectacular show of speed. When he gets in front of Damien in what seemed like the blink of an eye, he holds the knife in a reverse grip and sends a flurry of slashes at his face and chest. [/i]

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  • [b]Damien didn't move, in fact, he stood perfectly still...[/b] [b]Lance felt a tickle crawl down his spine as a sudden blast of four thousand volts shot off Damien as his energy shielding blasted on... Sending him back... Not to the ground or high into the air, but just enough for Damien to slide back as he crackled with blue sparks.[/b] [i]"Oh please... Don't trifle me now, Samurai."[/i] [b]Damien smirks under his helmet, pulling out his semi-auto custom handgun, blue laser sight targeting Lance quickly as he fired hyper density uranium depleted rounds.[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler]

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  • "Energy shielding? Come on Lordan, grow a pair." [i] He says with a smirk, and in a blur, draws his white and gold katana Savior. He draws it across his body vertically, forming a wall of hardlight trailing from the blade that the rounds slam into, shattering the wall in a shower of light. [/i]

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  • [i]"Trust me... You don't want to see my pair."[/i] [b]Damien reloads his gun in a flash, this time loading in a specialty round with red tips. This time, he walks backwards as he fires the rounds, small blasts of light filling the air as small flash bullets explode mid flight.[/b]

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  • [i] Lance's lenses in his mask immediately darkened, shielding his eyes from the light. Once they were done with, they lit back up, Lance sheathing the tanto and reaching behind his waist, drawing a .500 Magnum. [/i] "Surprise, this samurai's packing." [i] He says with a grin, firing off six of the massive rounds at once towards Damien.[/i]

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  • [i]"Well... That's a pretty gun... But that's only going to do so much dear May."[/i] [b]Damien chuckles as the bullets cascade off his shielding in bravado... Each one frying like a small bug.[/b] [i]"Besides... I'm packing even more."[/i] [b]Damien quickly pulls his sniper from his back, cocking back the release and turning on the rail coil.[/b] [i]"Let's play..."[/i] [b]Suddenly, Damien splits into two... Then three... Then four... Holograms, five Damiens in total... Each quickly taking aim and firing... Each one actually shooting a solid bullet. These weren't just regular clones... These were 3-D digitizations.[/b]

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  • [i] Lance grins, standing fast against the projectiles. His mask retracts back, showing his face that hadn't aged a day.[/i] "Absorb." [i] He mutters, his icy blue eye glazing grey, liquid like shadows trailing from his eye socket and down his cheek, his form shimmering once the rounds hit him and disappear. [/i] "Return." [i] He says, the same liquid shadows flowing from his other eye, the rounds erupting from his form back at the middle Damien, the original he was sure, considering they hadn't moved. He knew he was playing with fire by using seals against Damien, but what the hell?[/i]

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  • [b]Damien rolls his eyes under his helmet... He was the designated master of seals... More so... He was the silent speaker, able to use his without words.[/b] [b]With a swipe of his hand, the projectiles freeze and turn to small knives, each of his digitizations taking one and rushing forward at Lance, sloppy formation, clearly intentional.[/b]

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  • [i] Lance rolls his eyes. Figures, he thought to himself.[/i] "Are my seals literally any use against you, or should I just stop trying now?" [i] He says with a grin, making his revolver vanish and drawing his second sword, the Dragon Blade, in his left hand with Savior in his right.[/i] "You may be a pro with seals, but now I'm gonna teach what the World's Greatest Swordsman looks like Lordan." [i] He bent slightly at his knees, one sword poised out in front of him while the second rested on his shoulder. [/i]

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  • [i]"Unless you've got a seal I've never seen before, you might be out of luck, Damien remarks, unfolding a blade from his hip and pulling the sheath off.[/i] [b]It was a blood red blade, glistening like freshly poured crimson. Electricity sparked off of it as it seemingly dripped with red sparks, humming slightly with energy. The Crimson Muramasa... Given to him by and old friend.[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b]Damien crouches low as his digitizations close the gap and bring their black knives towards Ronin...[/b]

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  • "Nice sword." [i] Lance comments interested, before his Dragon Blade sparks with blue plasma on the edge, Savior humming a faint blue. Lance attacks the first clone, batting away the small knife and sinking his katanas into his gut, before extracting them and whirling to face the next one. [/i]

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  • Edited by Chesh I Guess: 9/15/2016 3:34:25 AM
    [b]The two remaining bump off each other and slide low, slashing at Lance's feet as Damien types away at something on his arm, small thrusters extending from his back as he slowly lifts up into the air.[/b] [b]Slowly, panels on his wrists fly open and three consecutive barrels extend out, the far right on each one giving off a faint blue as Damien hovers in the air and suddenly let's out a volley of flame towards Lance... Hundreds of degrees pouring towards him and the remaining digitizations.[/b]

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  • "Ok, Iron Man." [i] Lance mutters, stabbing his swords into the ground to block the cuts before they came to his legs, spinning and kicking a clone in the face with a savagely aimed boot, and in the same spin, pulling his swords and double slashing the last clone across the back. [/i] [i] Lance straightens up, holding the Dragon Blade vertically. The blade hummed, and the metal seemingly took on a liquid quality, almost like putty as it stretched down and out, covering Lance's form with a wall of steel attached to a hilt. [/i]

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  • [b]Damien chuckled as the heat began to become excruciating... The temperature rising quickly... Even his wrist chambers glowed red with the extreme heat. The flames took a deep blue color, speckles of yellow firing up as well.[/b] [i]"Gonna have me a fried Ronin... Oven temp."[/i]

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  • [i] Suddenly, the wall of steel shrank back to its normal katana size, Lance holding it in his left. Raising his right, his forearm glowed blue as the flames began to blast towards him.[/i] "Hydro." [i] He says, and a massive amount of water blasts forth from his hand and the area around it, quickly overtaking Damien's flames, clouding the area with a massive amount of steam. [/i]

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  • [b]Damien's visor picked Lance up through the cloud with ease. He landed with a clank and drew a small grenade, quickly popping the clip and throwing it into the steam.[/b] [i]"Hey Samurai... Y'know chemistry? Take a wild guess how this pure sodium is gonna react!"[/i]

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  • "Who the hell carries grenades filled with sodium?" [i] Ronin yells, cutting off the water flow but knowing what was gonna happen. Sodium and water was an exothermic reaction. With a shout, a brown colored sign lit up on his forearm, accompanied with a command. [/i] "Terra." [i] With a stomp, a giant slap of earth tore itself from the ground and propped up in front of Lance, roots, bugs, and dirt cascading off the face of it. [/i]

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  • [b]The following explosion was ear shattering, and extremely bright as the air was quickly thrown into chaos... [/b] [b]Which Damien took the opportunity to rush into the madness with a blur of speed, slamming a fist into the wall and breaking a hole into it, the concussive force incredible... He was much stronger than he looked.[/b] [i]"Paradigm..."[/i] [b]Damien extends two fists, the first seemingly sucking in all the explosions and the second spewing them out through the hole he created.[/b]

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  • "Kinda like my eye seals, stealing my seals now Damien?" [i] Lance says with a smirk, knowing full well that was just a joking statement, as his form disappears into the smoke and fire of multiple explosions. [/i]

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  • [i]"Difference is that my seals are a little more... Widened."[/i] [b]He remarks, the palm of his hand slamming into the ground.[/b] [i]"Paradigm..."[/i] [b]Slowly, dirt and rock begins to absorb into the palm as pulls away a large mass. Lifting himself up, he ceases the explosions, such force obviously not requiring his full attention, as he reaches his hand out in no particular direction.[/b] [i]"C'mon May... I'm still waiting for that world famous swordsman skills."[/i]

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  • Edited by Will: 9/16/2016 10:00:55 AM
    [i] As the smoke clears, Damien sees where Lance was standing, and still is, just slightly..different. He now stood covered in head to toe in a swirling black metal armor, with shadows dropping from the points and edges. In his masks mouth, his final katana, The Demon's Heart was clasped between his jaws, horizontally to the right. He held The Dragon Blade in his left hand, and Savior in his right. The icing on the cake though, were the massive black wings that sprouted from his back, made of pure darkness. [/i] "I'll show you world famous Lordan. When was the last time you fought a Santoryu user?" [i] Lance pauses, talking around the hilt. He seemed to be able to do it unobstructed because the hilt was in the jaws of his mask.[/i] "Oh yeah, never."

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  • [i]"Oh... I'll do you one better. This is something I taught to an old pupil."[/i] [b]Damien sweeps his hand over his hand and snaps his fingers upwards as it replicates six times, and in a blur, he pins each hilt of the blade in between a knuckle as he stood with six blade clasped in each fists.[/b] [i]"Let's shock this place up..."[/i] [b]He says with a brief chuckle as his energy shielding powers on, the energy connecting with the six blades, the energy mixing until he stood like a thunderous Titan, Roku Togē... Battery style.[/b]

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  • Edited by Will: 9/17/2016 2:23:29 AM
    "Alright, Sparky." [i] Lance says with a grin, five slots on his armor's breastplate sliding sideways to reveal four glowing blue circles, And in the center, an intricate round metal piece. Lance places his hand over one of the circles, twisting it and withdrawing it from his chestplate. It was an opaque black cylinder, in which Lance twists on the bottom before chucking it at Damien.[/i] "Think you can fight without the bells and whistles?" [i] He says with a grin under his mask. [/i]

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  • [i]"EMPs...? Distortion devices. Bitch please. Contingency king over here."[/i] [b]Damien grins as he rushes forward, bringing the first tree prongs upwards as he slides under the cylinder, not waiting to find out what it did. With one motion, one prong slashes upwards as the second snakes through the formation in a stabbing motion.[/b]

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  • [i] Lance smirks as he uses his right katana to block the upwards cut, stopping it short as the sword in his mouth bats the stabbing motion to the side.[/i] "Nah, im just fúcking with you." [i] He says through the mask, the grenade exploding behind him, launching several steel cables with hooks attached to them towards Damien's back. There was no way the canister could hold that amount of cable, seems like Damien wasn't the only one with tricks. [/i]

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  • [b]In an automatic response, the panel's on Damien's back began to ripple and then to spikes, jutting through his armor as they ripped apart the cables.[/b] [i]"Peanut can pranks don't work in combat, May."[/i] [b]He remarks, the spikes retracting into his back.[/b] [b]He kept his distance for now, the arcs of tesla power swarming his swords in abundance.[/b]

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