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Edited by ARCHER444: 9/14/2016 4:28:33 PM
Hate to break it to ya bub, but that's how life works. 1. People don't like something, they 'complain'. 2. As a majority of the community begins to 'complain', the devs start to listen. 3. Devs then consider 2 things- can the change even be made, and is it feasible? 4. If yes to both, the change is made, and the community is happy. Now obviously some people will always be on the other side of the fence- like you in this case, or myself in other cases. I can't stand people who cry weapon 'nerf' because it is OP in Crucible- but obviously changes to my favorite weapons still happen. However, complaints for a better experience involving balanced gun play, a better PvP experience, more PvE content, and, last but not least, a better RNG/loot system are what push the devs into 'listening' to the community. If people don't make these 'complaints' then nothing gets done- plain and simple. EDIT: Had to add- in case you didn't know, dedicated servers is not something new... People have been complaining about P2P connections since day 1. It is an archaic and cheap way for a developer to implement multiplayer lobbies, and it is a damn shame for a developer like Bungie to use it. But it's not Bungie's fault; rather, the blame lies with the greedy a'holes at Activision. It's the reason why CoD also doesn't use dedicated servers. So don't hold your breath for dedicated servers in Destiny 2- it just isn't happening! Unless Bungie gets published by Electronic Arts...

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