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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Skatch142: 9/13/2016 12:30:26 PM
Plot post 1: [u][i]The Disappearance[/i][/u] *It was early morning in the Dojo, about six am. The air was cool and humid, and the sky was cloudy. The grass was covered in morning dew. A few crickets were still chirping but they were drowned out by the calls which started echoing through the Dojo. It was a familiar male voice with a thick Sphirinian accent.. Vorim'Tairn walks through the Dojo, calling out for Sketch.* [u][b]Skeeeeeetch!!! Wheerrree arrre yooouuu!?!?!? SKEEEEEEEEEEEETCH!!!!![/b][/u] *He reaches the cardboard box that sits right next to the inside of the entrance and starts banging on the front.* [u][b]Sapphire come out![/b][/u] *Sapphire walks out, still wearing her pajamas and yawning. She sounds extremely annoyed as she speaks and swishes her tail impatiently.* [u]Vorim, I'm tryna sleep. What's the matter?[/u] [u][b]I can't find Sketch![/b][/u] [u]What do you mean you can't find Sketch? He's probably off with Leyla or something.[/u] [u][b]It's Monday. We always stay up on Sunday nights and watch the Dojo together... We're brothers, it's our thing.[/b][/u] [u]It's Monday? I thought it was Friday...[/u] [u][b]That's not the point. He never misses it, not even for Leyla.[/b][/u] [u]You're getting too worked up about this. You already follow him around half the time because you can't just walk up to people and start conversations on your own. I don't believe that it really scares you that much to-[/u] [u][b]SHUT UP![/b][/u] *Vorim looks like he's about to cry.* [u][b]Just help me look for him!!![/b][/u] [u]Okay, okay. Calm down. Just let me change my clothes.[/u] *She goes back into the box, slamming the door. He just stands there, looking around with an extremely distressed expression on his face.* [spoiler]Open![/spoiler]

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  • [b]Osprey walks up from one of the courtyards.[/b] "Hey, I heard screaming, everything ok?"

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  • [u][b]N-No, it's not. I-I-I can't find Sk-Sketch![/b][/u]

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  • "Perhaps I could help? I have rather good eyesight, and I can fly."

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  • Edited by Skatch142: 9/13/2016 2:58:43 AM
    [u][b]Ma-Maybe. We g-gotta wait for Sapphire th-though.[/b][/u]

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  • "Alright, well in the meantime, you relax a little and I'll set up my my vision enhancement." [b]Opsrey begins toggling with buttons on his helmet and pulling out random pieces of equipment from his pack which he also messes with. [/b]

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  • [u][b]I c-can't relax![/b][/u] *He's shaking very slightly and he looks like he is going to cry. His tail doesn't wag but swishes around erratically like the tail of a cat when it's upset or annoyed.*

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    [i]The figure of Anri herself could be seen in the distance, slowly approaching the source of the yelling. Although her face was hidden by the hardened steel helm she wore, some could tell that she was worried, shown by the panicked tone in her voice as she approached Vorim, the fragment of a coiled blade within her hand. [/i] "V-Vorim? What's going on?!"

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  • *He walks up to meet her halfway before she reaches the box. His posture changes too. He looks at the ground and crosses his arms as well as stuttering when he talks.* [u][b]I c-can't find Sketch! I don't kn-know where he is![/b][/u]

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    "Oh...Oh dear..." [i]Anri looked around wildly, clearly afraid now. She couldn't lose Sketch. Not now.[/i] "Have you seen him at all? Yesterday, perhaps?"

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  • [u][b]Yesterday, b-but not last n-night. A-A-And we [i]always[/i] stay u-up and watch th-the Dojo on Sunday n-nights. He would n-never miss it.[/b][/u]

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    "Oh..." [i]Crossing her arms, Anri shook her head in a panicked manner. Sketch had actually tried to help her. First with her drinking, now with her Hollowing. She had to help find him.[/i] "...We'll find him. I know we will."

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  • [u][b]Th-Thanks. W-When did you l-l-last see him?[/b][/u] *Vorim looks slightly hopeful, but not very much.*

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    "B-Back by the entrance yesterday...when I came around. He tried talking to me about a...problem I had." [i]Anri was currently referring to her Hollowing at the moment, which was why she was constantly wearing armor. She didn't want anyone to see what was under the metallic structure of the armor.[/i]

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  • *Vorim gives her an understanding expression for a second.* [u][b]I-I know... We were th-there but didn't f-follow when you r-ran off. He t-told me th-though and m-made m-me swear to k-k-keep it secret... A-Are you sure y-you w-want to come? I th-think this may g-get very d-dangerous...[/b][/u]

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  • Edited by Orn: 9/14/2016 2:10:49 AM
    "Vorim...Sketch is...hell, MORE than a friend. Not as in a person I'd get in a relationship with, a best friend. He's helped me with so much already. First my alcohol problems, now my...other thing...I need to help him. Somehow."

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  • [u][b]Okay... Th-Thank you A-Anri...[/b][/u]

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    "No problem, Vorim. No problem..." [i]She crossed her arms, holding the fragment of the coiled sword that she always kept close within her palm. In short...she was armed.[/i]

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  • *Sapphire comes out wearing a red t-shirt and tan shorts.* [u]Oh, Anri? What are you doing here? Are you okay?[/u] *Sapphire seems more concerned for Anri than for Sketch.* [u]I know what happened to you... Sketch made me swear not to tell anyone though...[/u]

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    "Y-Yeah...guys, I'm alright. Trust me. It's Sketch you should be worried about, but this old Hollow here." [i]Anri chuckled slightly, nodding.[/i]

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  • *Sapphire laughs with Anri for some reason.* [u][b]B-Being a hollow i-is not s-something t-to laugh about... B-But you're r-right. We h-have to focus o-o-on Sketch.[/b][/u] [u]Oh, you seriously believe that he's really missing? Well I guess it makes sense that you'd get worried about him easily considering you two are best friends...[/u]

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    [i]Looking over at Sapphire now, Anri sounded rather...confused.[/i] "I assumed he was missing because no one had seen him. Of course, you seem to know what's going on. So explain."

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  • [u]Well, he's probably just off doing something. Sketch and Vorim spend enough time together already, considering Vorim is always following him around because he's [i]scared to start conversations.[/i] Frankly I don't believe that it really scares him that-[/u] [u][b]Shut up![/b][/u] *He looks like he's about to cry.* [u]Come on Vorim, you're eighteen. You're too old to be crying.[/u] [u][b]I-I don't c-care. W-Why do y-you h-have to be s-so mean?[/b][/u] *Tears start to well up in Vorim's eyes.*

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    "Y''re not really helping, Sapphire. Vorim...just take a break for a moment, okay? It'll be alright." [i]Crossing her arms, Anri looked at Vorim silently, sighing heavily after she spoke.[/i]

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  • *Vorim nods, wiping tears away as he walks off, continuing to look for Sketch.* [u]Look, if he aged the way a human does, he would be thirty six. He's too old to be acting like a baby and always following Sketch around, getting scared over nothing, using that lame excuse that he's afraid to start conversations. He's even crying. He needs to just man up.[/u]

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    [i]Watching him silently, Anri only nodded as Sapphire spoke, her arms still crossed and her head lowered. She remained silent, for she didn't want to interrupt.[/i]

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