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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/25/2018 4:22:10 AM


[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i] [b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b] [spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear! USE THIS LINK IF THAT OTHER ONE DOES NOT WORK. Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here: NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP. [/spoiler] [b][i]Who we are[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is an ENTRY LEVEL AND ONE OF THE ONLY PUBLIC RP THREADS. RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great! The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much). [/spoiler] [b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made. The list of sensei’s are as follows: Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS) The God-Eater/Cob Royalblade/Royal Fresh Cazberry/Vio nullCth/Cth And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs [/spoiler] [b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b] [spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff! [/spoiler] [b][i]RULES[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b] [spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible. In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this. >Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply. >Have a stanza dedicated to your attack. If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply. This way, you’ll never go wrong. [/spoiler] [b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b] [spoiler] This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all) Bio's(RECCOMENDED) Backstory for Characters Property Creator Writers Hub Faction Creator [/spoiler] [b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] Physical Appearance NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions. [/spoiler] [b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b] [spoiler] Map of Tatakai: Landscapes of Tatakai Lore  (WORK IN PROGRESS) Landmarks of Tatakai Cities of Tatakai [/spoiler] [b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works! Digital Dojo Thread: Digital Dojo Group: [/spoiler] [b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b] [spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX Royal: JustAStranger Caz: PoisonousBerry Tubbs:Bler (Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]

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  • [b]And there I was, yet again, eying up those crimson bastards across the way. My rifle would punch through them like paper. One bullet, one of their best soldiers, dead. Easiest thing I'd do all day. I wanted them dead, I really did, but what would they do to the Dojo? Probably ravage a fair bit of it, considering their numbers. They'd lose, for sure, but how many would die before they did? Better question was, why should I care? I barely knew any of them, besides Olivia, and even then, I don't know her that much. But what about all the innocents that would be killed? That was what was stopping me from blowing that asshole's head clean off. I sigh as I put my rifle away, right beside the other one, on my back. I walked back to my chair, right on the edge of the Dojo. I took my helmet off again, and set it beside the chair. I sat there, soaking in the sun, and I enjoyed the afternoon.[/b] [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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    72 Replies
    • [b]Ko Rudo Mountains, White Album.[/b] The figure skated across the snow capped mountains at 80kmph, certainly too fast for anyone normal. His snow white color blended in perfectly with the snow as he 'glided' across the snow. Eventually he came across a cabin, home of a small family of three. Outside the rather small cabin was the Father, chopping up firewood to keep them warm. Meanwhile the Mother and Daughter were inside, possibly cooking a stew. The Snowy figure skated towards the Father... Ghiaccio shed a single tear and the temperature dropped dramatically, nearing absolute 0. The air around the Father quickly became frozen solid, encasing him in ice. The same happened for the Mother and Daughter....eventually the entire cabin was a solid block of ice. The temperature had risen up to a barely habitable level and Ghiaccio skated off. [b]A few days later.[/b] Word had spread around about the Cabin being encased in ice, it puzzled most people seeing how that would be impossible. Perhaps this is the work of a rogue mage some theorized, or maybe it was a freak weather incident. Either way there was indeed trouble in the mountains, one should investigate. [spoiler]Not quite a plot, think of it more as a interactive quest. Open anyhow.[/spoiler]

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      6 Replies
      • [b]The Dojo, Courtyard A1.[/b] Chloanne Defaln walked down the courtyard, strangely enough her overbearing brother Ling was nowhere to be seen. She didn't want to stand out today so she just wore a Metallica shirt and jeans. Chloanne entered the Starbucks like some fücking hipster and got a latte. After getting her drink she took a seat outside, sipping her latte and praying to any deity that Pumpkin Spice isn't a thing anymore. [spoiler]Open. Second post because diversity.[/spoiler]

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        102 Replies
        • Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 10/3/2016 3:23:42 PM
          [u]Lab Ama: the God limiter experiment[/u] Outside of a old building people have noticed Ama often times would enter for long hours at a time. The building looked ordinary enough though sometimes citizens would complain about what they describe as a "dull humming noise" coming from inside and the occasional smell of burning metal. As of yet no one has decided to inspect what has been going on within the building. The only thing known is not too long after Ama came along she purchased the deed to this place. Sone say at night, there is a strong scent of tea in the air. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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          87 Replies
          • I haven't been on the flood for like 4 years why is it split up now can someone explain this to me

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            2 Replies
            • [i][u]How 'bout that new intro?[/u][/i] [b]The Arbiter approached the Dojo gates, pressing his hand against it when he reached it.[/b] Ahh... It's good to be back. [b]He knocked on the gate 3 times, signaling a need of entrance.[/b] [spoiler]Open to all, but specifically Sketch, Pants, and (they might kill me for this) The One Who Was a Shadow. (AKA Twig [/spoiler]

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              22 Replies
              • Edited by Royal Blade: 10/3/2016 3:49:26 AM
                [b]There was a small ping going through the dojo, and guards jogged towards the headquarters, and the door was wide open. From the doorway, one could hear the chatter of the guards, one above all.[/b] "Fifty miles East of here are a chain of unexplored islands. We sent a rather large squadron of nearly twenty eight men to search these islands. We sent them out six days ago and they haven't contacted us in two days now. Time for a search party. Any volunteers?!" [spoiler]Open! You're outside or.inside don't care [/spoiler]

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                56 Replies
                • [i]A man walked into the dojo's sparring room and set it to look like a stereotypical office. His name was Charlie. He's a handsome psychiatrist who has come to evaluate the mental state of the Dojo. All dojo members are required to meet him for his collection of data.[/i] [spoiler]Open to everyone! And no this isn't actually required, but you'll be missing out if you don't reply.[/spoiler]

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                  505 Replies
                  • Edited by NOTAPUBLICALT: 10/3/2016 9:00:41 PM
                    Ignore, because people whi-I mean, redacted due to reasons. Just note, there's not gonna be another redo with Alyssa, ever. This is the only one.

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                    30 Replies
                    • *a small hooded figure approaches the Dojo with a slight limp and then sets up a tent on the side of the path leading to the main door* *when he finishes setting up the tent, he begins making tea of some sort*

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                      168 Replies
                      • Edited by Orn: 10/1/2016 12:27:43 AM
               [i][u]Deja Vu Anor Londo, Virtual Reality within the Arena Olivia, Daughter of Ornstein and Nora[/u][/i] "...Ah. Here we go." [i]Finally entering the Dojo arena after tampering with its settings for several hours, the 6'6 foot tall dragonslaying knightess was finally satisfied with what she had been given. Instead of the barren dirt of the arena that one would usually stand upon, the Dragonslayer walked on shining floors made of pure gold, massive pillars rising from the ground and up towards the second level of the beautiful cathedral she was inside of. Rays of sunlight shined through thin glass windows that surrounded the building, and in front of her lied three massive pedestals. The first one, to her left, contained nothing standing upon it, as if whatever statue had been built there had been removed, for some odd reason. The first one to her right showed a rather beautiful princess, the statue of her charmingly smiling as sunlight from above covered her, the dress that engulfed her body a clear stone. And finally, between the empty pedestal and the princess?[/i] "Lord Gwyn. Damn." [i]The statue of the first Lord of Cinder stared down upon the dragonslaying knightess, a rather serious look engulfing his weathered, stony face, his beard completely covering his chin and hiding away his mouth. He bore light, decorated robes, a spiked crown rising from his skull. A sword was in his hands, being driven into the hard stone between his sculpted feet. So this was the one that started it all... Olivia didn't know how to feel, to be completely honest. This was the place that her father and his brother had defended for so long until someone, the Chosen Undead, to be exact, killed both and freed them from this. She didn't care too much about it, to tell the truth. That was the past. Wearing her typical suit of shining golden armor with plating of ceramic covering its layers, the girl activated her hardlight shields as she turned back to the entrance of the cathedral, drawing her 7'6 foot long gold and metal spear and holding the weapon modeled after her father's own at her right side, while her left palm held nothing. Slung on the woman's back was a slug-firing shotgun, a drum magazine already within its frame, signifying that it was locked and loaded. Two dual wield gunmetal .44 Magnum revolvers waited within their holsters at her side, one having the name "Bonnie" imprinted into the barrel in cursive and the other having "Clyde" imprinted in the same manner. The gleaming blade of a 5'4 foot long straight sword also rested alongside the shotgun within its sheath, waiting to be withdrawn at any time. Also at Olivia's side was a simple, pointed stiletto dagger, it's tip pointed and shined for the occasion, as Olivia planned on getting better with it. And finally, her final weapon that she had along with her, a simple gauntlet blade attacked to her right hand, currently not activated although it could be revealed with a flick of the wrist. And so Olivia waited for a challenger that wished to battle the daughter of Ornstein within Anor Londo, which seemed rather cliche, considering her father's time here, defending the cathedral from harm. And yet, like I said...crap like that didn't matter to Oliva.[/i] ((Open.))

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                        267 Replies
                        • ([i]Near Courtyard B1)[/i] There was silence in the was mostly tranquil...until 12 guys uncloaked, armed with suppressed military weapons, such as AK-47s and MP5s. They also had with them armed explosives, more specifically C4. They were here on a mission to sabotage the Dojo, considering they finally had what they needed. They mumbled to each other in Chinese, as they recloaked, this time walking toward the medical area in search of any weak points. You could hear a small bit of English between two of them. "Are we seriously the only two here out of this group who could speak English?" One of them asked. "I'm not too sure...but if the 54I want this Dojo elimnated, we'd might as well get what we get and don't regret." The other whispered, back, the twelve of them reaching the medical wing. [spoiler]Open; introducing crime organization that wants to kill the Dojo.[/spoiler]

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                          41 Replies
                          • [b]In the mountains near the Dojo, a scout team watched a fight take place outside the Dojo gates through binoculars.[/b] That one... They say they came from another dimension. That's crazy! [i]Yeah, and it's probably not true.[/i] Oh, c'mon... [spoiler]open, first in a series.[/spoiler]

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                            17 Replies
                            • Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/30/2016 4:02:07 PM
                              [b][i]While the Twilight seems to have been contained, it still lingers. Large patches of twilight can be seen across the skies of Tatakai. Plaguing the blue sky and it's clouds. Khalosh still remains inside the purgatory, as does its people. Castle dusk is in Chaos from the Sudden revolt from the King. What happened to the king? King Falk is responsible for the spreading of the twilight, that is what His former royal guard say anyways. He began the spread years ago, and used the dojo to stop the revolt against him. But, he did not do it to stop the twilight. After stealing The fierce deities power, he went to the tower of fates. Now he casts a spell to spread the twilight and accelerate its process. As he casts the spell, the twilight begins to spread. The twilight coats the Dojo Woods completely, and now it makes its way across the dojo mountains. The cries of beasts echo across it, as shadow beasts conjured by the twilight sorcerers begin ravaging across the mountains. These beasts begin making their way to dojoville, to end their only threat. Now, Zane fights Falk. On top of the tower of the fates. It is up to him to stop the spread, and save the people of Tatakai. But it is up to the dojo to survive until he does. Thousands of shadow beasts run into the village. They run into homes, bars, barracks anything where there are people. But the residents of dojoville hold them off. Either way, they need help. [/i][/b] [spoiler]Read "Reign of Twilight" for more context![/spoiler] [spoiler]Also...OPEN.[/spoiler]

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                              147 Replies
                              • [b]Ashes And Their Secrets // Somewhere Outside Tatakai // 5:43 PM // The Marshal. [/b] [i]"I never wanted to come back to this place..." JT admitted as he walked along the Cylaki deserts, allowing the brown boots to become caked with dirt and the spurs on the back to send a small chiming sound out for miles and miles in the barren expanse of land that was the desert. The hot sun beat down on the Marshal's muscular body from above and his cowboy hat managed to avoid letting rays from the massive ball of fire in the sky hit his cyan blue eyes, both of which were synthetic in different ways, for one was grown in a test tube and the other was mechanized and installed into the head. "...But, Gunther left his work behind... God damn facility." JT was speaking into a digital recorder to keep track of all the important logs on his adventures and travels. On that one log he had, was a complete retelling of his time from Cedyetica after the Prison Break and the rogue Psion saved him, to the Twilight and Phoenix's Unborn, now all up to this single point in time where the wind stood still and the sun beat down, almost as if he was lost in time, though the clock in his Tac-Pad installed in his left arm had definitely been counting time. It was counting down for whatever reason, one hour, though JT was the only one who knew why. JT turned off the recording device and quickly stuffed it into the left pocket of his duster, which was so tattered, torn, old and frail that it could be ripped from his body with a tug from anybody, even a young child. That was the Marshal's only regret, children, he was there for two of them but not for Natalie. He only wished that he could have spent more time in his life with his firstborn child, at least the one that he had known he had on his way out of Cylak the first time around. He doubted that there would be a chance to savour any more time though. 57:32. The Cowboy's vision was filled with nothing but sand and sun for miles, with the occasional cacti scattered around the lands he inhabited, though in the corner of his eye was a hut. How funny, that was his target, not some multi billionaire's head or some bandit's compound, his target was four rickety walls and a roof made of the same stuff you build an outhouse from, that being wood. Still though, JT understood what had to have been done in that shack, and he understood that likely wasn't the only thing he would be facing inside that establishment. 52:12. Eight minutes since the hour had passed, and JT arrived at the shack. The door was left agape for him to just waltz in, though the Techno-Cowboy was only growing more and more suspicious of this place. This location held dark secrets of his past and the man who created him was dead, so who could be exiting this location, or entering for that matter? Either way, JT had a mission to carry out, his last mission that would involve his past in the slightest. So he pulled Triple Tap from his back, loaded in the trio of uranium tipped slugs, and he entered the room. A lonesome, silver-doored elevator was in the centre of it, with steel walls surrounding it. That was his way in, so he stepped in and pressed the button labeled "B9." 49:58. The descent trip in the elevator was hellish and painfully slow, but it gave some insight as to what happened in this facility. Rows upon rows off pods filled too the brim with a cloudy green substance and a subject inside, each floor showing the difference from fetus, to baby, to full grown adult man at the very bottom floor. The seventh floor was where the sickening nightmare of a ride ended for JT, so he stepped out of the elevator with great caution as he raised the shotgun in his hand. He was supposed to go two floors down but it let him off here, JT was suspicious of this. 45:34. The ticking clock meant JT had to race his way down, but his time wasn't a concern seeing as he still had forty five minutes to get what he had to get done, and be on his way. Still though, JT would at least have wished to complete his goal and get to the generator room faster. So he walked along the steel halls and beside the old and slightly rusted pipes, as the only lights shining down on him were synthetic and from the lamps above him. All of them radiated a bright light with a tinge of blue to their shade, as they hit upon the floors and walls as well as the body and frame of the cowboy. Past the tubes he went, which gave more insight about him and his brothers. He was no man, he was no machine, he was a science project, concocted within this very laboratory by some mad scientist with a hate for all humanity and a need for an army. Only difference between now and his youth is that the creator had six shots in his heart, rather than a love for his creations or the specimen that killed him. JT was specimen JT890M, he only felt bad for the other hundreds of his brothers and sisters that existed throughout the lands. 32:21. "John," a small voice called out to hmm from behind, though in truth it was from a full grown adult woman, one with a voice that JT recognized clear as day. Even after sixteen years and another twenty four before that, he knew this woman was not dead. He spun around but quickly faced disappointment, as he learned the truth. It was not his sister, it was a clone of his sister, who was a test tube child herself, he could tell by the fact this woman looked Indian when Janice was not of that ethnicity. So "John" as he was referred to as, raised the shotgun, pulled the second trigger, and allowed a volley of three bullets to all fly out at once and annihilate the woman. She fell to the ground, dead, as JT's sanity only decreased from that point. 21:09. The eighth floor was a shitstorm if JT ever saw one. The tubes in this location were shattered and broken, vials and full grown chambers lay all along the ground with the corpses of young adults that looked to be in their twenties, all scattered about on the floor with various looks, skins, and some even having tattoos on their skins. It sickened JT, because he knew something in the facility was horribly wrong. Then, groans of pain. Each of the bodies made a soft noise as some even twitched, and one stared directly at JT with bloodshot eyes. And so JT put his shotgun on his back, grabbed his revolvers, and started his work. When the mercy killings were soon done and over with, JT continued his mission, now JT was on the bottom floor, and that was where the generators were. JT knew what needed to be done, so he accelerated the clock on his Tac-Pad in those moments. The clock hit 0:03, and JT allowed a tear to run down the side of his synthetic face with a whimper and a thought of his family. 0:02 struck and JT started to choke up, as he thought of friends like Lance, Treyman, Etana and even old enemies like Frost. 0:01, JT accepted his fate as he stood directly n the center of several generators. 0:00, came with a loud and deafening boom as explosions filled the room, coming from the body of the extremely volatile cowboy. His insides were on the remnants of the walls as the facility and all the layers ceased to function, and the generators on al floors simultaneously exploded. JT packed himself with an extremely volatile and explosive element, which forced his body to blow up in a brilliant mixture of blood red paste and orange explosions. When the explosions ended, the facility was collapsed and even the shack walls above were gone. But JT was gone too. [/I] ((Open to feedback and thoughts))

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                                13 Replies
                                • [u]willow's return[/u] [i]i don't why im coming back here but boy this place just draws me back and i could use a good fight. She thought. A large dark green dragon lands with a loud thud when it does. She roars loud issuing a challenge to any who wil face her she is itching for a fight as she stands waiting in the clearing. Its hide is covered in claw mark scars showing that she is no pushover. She growls waiting[/i] [spoiler]this is hovark's evil mom have fun[/spoiler] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                  75 Replies
                                  • Edited by Skatch142: 10/1/2016 1:22:54 AM
                                    [u][i]Well he looks a little... Different...[/i][/u] *It was a cool, humid day in the Dojo. Dark clouds floated high in the sky, blocking out the sun. Two of the Dojo's most 'exotic' individuals were outside, sitting on the scaffolding on the inside of the Dojo wall. Sapphire said something to Vorim'Tairn and he wrote something down on a small notebook and held it up for her to see. Sapphire hardly spoke now. She only talked when necessary because there was no way for someone to reply. What with her loss of hearing, being illiterate in English, not understanding sign language and not being able to read lips, she's basically cut off from any information other than what she sees. Vorim and Big S are the only ones in the Dojo who can write in Sphirinian, so when they aren't around, she's completely silent. Vorim had been acting different either. Seeing him outside had become rare. In fact, seeing him at all had become rare. He already spoke rarely and and when he did speak it was almost always quiet and with a stutter. His little brother had forced him to interact with people back on Sphirinia, slowly helping him build up his confidence with people so he can eventually talk to them on his own. Since Sketch had learned to talk, he had helped Vorim, his brother who is a full three years older than him. When he mysteriously disappeared from SphirInia, Vorim had gotten to a point where he could interact with others without needing Sketch there to help him. What he had failed to consider when coming to this dimension was that it would completely reset his progress. It had taken years for Sketch to bring him up to where he was. And when the person who knew him best had disappeared, Vorim fell back down. He locked himself in his apartment, only rarely leaving to stock up on a week's worth of food before disappearing back into his apartment again. He would have still been in there if Sapphire hadn't smashed through the door and dragged him out. It had been weeks since Sketch had been kidnapped by William. Members had chased him through three towns, but eventually turned back or had lost his trail. He was either thought to be dead or possibly a slave to someone far away. Sapphire and Vorim were unaware of the dark creature slowly making its way up the long, winding steps to the Dojo.* [spoiler]If you don't know what happened, read some of the chains on this post so you can be filled in on who kidnapped him and whatnot.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Open!!![/spoiler]

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                                    335 Replies
                                    • 1. Didn't notice this had gone public! Noice! 2. Shit, I can't find something to rant about... Wait... There it is! *rants*

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                                    • [i]Things nearly died down around the dojo regarding Sandello, but that wasn't for long. Rumor spread across the dojo and across dojoville that their work had finally truly begun. Outside on the gravel path, men hastily packed boxes into a car. The boxes were from some quiet corners of the dojo where the men lurked. After packing the boxes, some went back inside and the rest got in the car and began driving down the path to dojoville. Sandello's men were up to something. [/i] [spoiler]open, feel free to help or hinder their plans[/spoiler]

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                                      21 Replies
                                      • [i]Tools of War // Diana "Red" Johnson // Dojo Courtyard A2 // 0600 Hours. A blade scratching the surface of metal, a knife slipping into the joints and meeting the warm flesh of her target, and a splatter of crimson blood landing on her outfit, Diana had endured those three things with one swift strike of the emerald katana in her right hand when it connected with the throat of the target in front of her, as the jade dagger in her left pierced the cranium of the target behind her. She was in a deep trance of combat as all she could think about was fighting, even though her place on the field was behind enemy lines as a spy and infiltration unit. Off fell the first target's head and both soon faded into nothingness from the digistruction, seeing as they were just creations of nothing but hardened digital substance. [/i] ((Short ass post, fight her :) ))

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                                        87 Replies
                                        • Edited by SwarmIntellect: 10/2/2016 12:27:59 AM

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                                        • Edited by SwarmIntellect: 10/2/2016 12:26:14 AM

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                                        • Edited by Viper: 10/1/2016 3:50:24 AM
                                          [i][u]A Strange Newcomer[/u][/i] There was a shake in the ground, a disturbance in the universe was taking place. A blue portal of shocking energy exploded to life in the center of the Dojo. A large white metal container was tossed through, it was an about 1 ft.x 1 ft. sphere. This was tossed through just before a figure slowly entered through, three of his four, three fingered hands gripping the edges of the blue vortex like a doorframe. The large head came through second, a machine crown-like helm concealing the true identity of the strange figure. The rest of his body came through next, standing straight up at 7' 4" with a staff extending another foot over his head, the staff's end empty of a much needed crystal. The inter-dimensional vortex shuts behind him quickly, delivering a loud crack of thunder to the area. "It seems I have arrived in the right place..." [spoiler]poopoo tired char intro, open[/spoiler]

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                                          • Edited by Cthulhu Agent: 9/30/2016 1:36:29 PM
                                            [spoiler]Test me maybe? Plz? Also, there's a bio for this character on the bio page. Because I'm on my phone I can't give a link to the pic here.[/spoiler] [i]John Smith wondered around the dojo with his rifle holstered on his back. He seemed to be looking for something.[/i]

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                                            • [u]willow's return[/u] [i]i don't why im coming back here but boy this place just draws me back and i could use a good fight. She thought. A large dark green dragon lands with a loud thud when it does. She roars loud issuing a challenge to any who wil face her she is itching for a fight as she stands waiting in the clearing. Its hide is covered in claw mark scars showing that she is no pushover. She growls waiting[/i] [spoiler]this is hovark's evil mom have fun[/spoiler] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                            • [quote]No one here can say they aren't a monster. Only, we EMBRACE it, instead of pushing the fact away. [/quote] [b]Crick. Crack. It started with one house. Just one. It had collapsed in the night, it's brown wood now bent and splintered into a large amount of pieces. The building was set aflame, the cracking of the bonfire causing those who saw it to call for emergency services. Meanwhile, the town descended into chaos. The fire had spread to the walls protecting it from the wild, and the other houses close by in the village. If the fire didn't get them, the men rising from their grave would, mercilessly grinding people into the ground like crazed animals. Out of the chaos, a single man stood out, a massive sword in his hands. [/b] Tonight, you undead creatures will fall! [b]He charged into the hordes, killing those in his way. And for a fleeting moment it looked like they may have a chance. This was dismissed as a curved sword entered his back. The girl slid it out, her long black hair covering her face, where stitches closed her mouth. Her left arm was limp, a knife in hand. The undead payed no mind to her. She was joined by a man in a rain jacket, ripped and torn, with similar shaped jeans. He had four arms, and two machetes in the top set. Other brave civilians were cut down by a larger man holding two sets of short scythe like weapons, armor of bones, horn upon the helmet. The chaos reached the dojo, and you were tasked with a simple job. Either end the destruction, or find out how it happened. Once you reached the village, few houses were standing, and all were burning. The wall was in tatters, and zombie like creatures shuffled or ran around. There were few survivors.[/b] [spoiler]You have a few options on how the post goes. Fight: End the destruction. Face either the skull armor man (medium challenge) Or perhaps The girl and her companion (HARD) Find out what happened and how: (This will be VERY hard for non-stealthy characters, medium for the silent and quick)[/spoiler]

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