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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/25/2018 4:22:10 AM


[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i] [b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b] [spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear! USE THIS LINK IF THAT OTHER ONE DOES NOT WORK. Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here: NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP. [/spoiler] [b][i]Who we are[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is an ENTRY LEVEL AND ONE OF THE ONLY PUBLIC RP THREADS. RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great! The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much). [/spoiler] [b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made. The list of sensei’s are as follows: Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS) The God-Eater/Cob Royalblade/Royal Fresh Cazberry/Vio nullCth/Cth And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs [/spoiler] [b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b] [spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff! [/spoiler] [b][i]RULES[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b] [spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible. In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this. >Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply. >Have a stanza dedicated to your attack. If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply. This way, you’ll never go wrong. [/spoiler] [b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b] [spoiler] This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all) Bio's(RECCOMENDED) Backstory for Characters Property Creator Writers Hub Faction Creator [/spoiler] [b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] Physical Appearance NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions. [/spoiler] [b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b] [spoiler] Map of Tatakai: Landscapes of Tatakai Lore  (WORK IN PROGRESS) Landmarks of Tatakai Cities of Tatakai [/spoiler] [b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works! Digital Dojo Thread: Digital Dojo Group: [/spoiler] [b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b] [spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX Royal: JustAStranger Caz: PoisonousBerry Tubbs:Bler (Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]

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  • [u]Since my last post was violent and graphic, this one shall be the opposite![/u] *Quincy set up a stand that looked like a lemonade stand, but instead it said "free cuddles"". Behind the stand was a small couch* "I hope this doesnt come across as anything bad..."

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    168 Replies
    • Edited by jonjon229: 10/14/2016 8:20:58 PM
      [spoiler]Deria's testy fight[/spoiler] [b]Deria walks towards the entrance of the dojo, oversized sword in hand and a proud and confident look on her face. The sticks her sword into the ground and waits, arms crossed and feet tapping on the ground.[/b] [spoiler]Open for testing, or Y'know... Just rping.[/spoiler]

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      • [spoiler]Short lil' intro[/spoiler] [b]It was raining. That was all that went through the young woman's thoughts, as she stood out in the sidewalk. She was protected by the roof of a small store among many along the night street, few stores still open at this hour. A pair of tightly for jeans lay around her legs, with similar fitted of a white shirt, a plaid short sleeve unbuttoned on top. Her eyes were a deep violet, her hair dark as the sky, skin white as the few stars. She crossed her arms and leaned against the brick wall, as a slight smile crossed her face. Her companion was not so lucky. He stood fuming in the rain, his blonde hair matted down, steam coming off his body. He wore tan shorts, and a blue shirt, and was handsome in a rugged way, though most were turned off at his eyes, a solid red in the iris. It burned like his body, but with rage instead of heat, held in check by the woman's stern stare. He placed the phone in the slot, carful not to throw it half way across the city for giving him the bad news. [/b] [u]We're stuck here, for now.[/u] [b]The woman made no noise, only bouncing off the wall to enter the store, the man remaining outside.[/b] [spoiler]Talk to either one, eventually the second will join in. [/spoiler]

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      • [u]Fourteen meters from the seemingly abandoned hotsprings at the dojo...[/u] *Quincy was lying on his side, his upper half of his body was drenched in water and was freezing cold, despite having crawled out of a hotspring. his lower half was torn and gashed by whatever had dragged him down to the bottom of a small cave in one of the springs. The creature was dead, however, Quincy was close to joining it. Eventually, Quincy stopped shivering and whimpering as he passed out in the puddle of mud and blood that surrounded him, staining his pale white fur red and brown*

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        • [i]Dojo Apartments // 1950 hours // Death of a Godfather The sun had just gone over the horizon, enveloping the Dojo in the darkness of the night, dimly lit by what few lamps there were in the courtyards. It was quite a silent night, not a sound aside from the loud screams and shouts from the massive party going on in Theta Brown's apartment. A disco ball hung from the crowded room in the Dojo, with at least thirty five people crammed into it, all dancing and laughing wildly. In the middle of the room, just below the disco ball, a woman around the age of twenty four stood above the crowd on a table, scantily dressed and pole-dancing. The woman wore fish net clothing, tight against her light olive skin, and black, lacy lingerie, contrasting greatly from her brown hair and green, mechanical eyes. Her thin lips were pulled up in a sexy smile. It was Theta Brown, a rather unknown member of the Dojo, yet she was there, mainly for fun. Suddenly, from the crowd, a man jumped up onto the table, his black boots landing on the countertop with a thud. he was dressed in a black leather jacket and black jeans, a white t-shirt under the jacket, which was left unzipped. He had a hair of neatly combed back, jet-black hair, and kept like that with just the right amount of gel. His bright blue eyes contrasted greatly with his clothing and hair, his light skin tone smooth and unblemished. He had high cheekbones and a square jaw, recently shaved, and a full lower lip. The corners of his mouth pulled up in a smile, and he suddenly grabbed Theta, whispering something into her ear seductively. The woman laughed, grinning wildly at the man, and only nodded. The man's smile remained on his face, however somebody who was sober and paying enough attention would see that it was faker than a politician. He pulled Theta to the apartment room's stairway in the corner of the room as the crowd in the room squealed wildly. Picking Theta up and carrying her to her room, the man feverishly pressed his lips to Theta's, throwing her onto the bed, but now his smile was gone. Pulling away, Theta grinned, beginning to pull off her scandalous clothing, however the man stopped her by reaching into his leather jacket, pulling out a 9mm pistol equipped with a silencer. He'd gotten the gun after countless hours of pickpocketing at Dojoville; not the best way to go about it, but he was rather poor. He pressed the barrel of the pistol to Theta's chest, the woman's eyes widened in shock. He placed his left hand—slender, the hands of a violinist—against the woman's thin lips. He smiled coldly at the woman, before speaking.[/i] "Party's so loud, not a single soul's going to hear the screams of a Godfather—you filthy Bloodsucker. And even then, they'll assume you'll be screaming for... other reasons." [i]The man's smile disappeared, and wasted no more time and pulling the trigger, the 9mm bullet entering Theta's heart and ending her life with next to no sound, and what sound there was was drowned out by the party downstairs. The man got up, walking over to the desk in the room, grabbing a notebook. He tore a piece of paper from it, and, putting on a pair of leather gloves from his pocket, he wrote on the paper:[/i] [u]Damn Bloodsuckers. Had to take care of this Godfather myself. You're welcome. -The Aviator[/u] [i]Of course, if he was a vigilante, he had to come up with a good name for himself; he liked the rush of air in his hair and against his face as he ran, so the man decided that a pilot was fitting; sprinting, as though he were flying. The Aviator walked towards the window, unlocking it and opening it wide, the cool, night air blowing into the room. The man stepped onto the windowsill, and without a second's hesitation, he jumped down to the dark courtyard below.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Dojo Apartments // The following morning, 0830 hours // The Aviator All the information you've received is that there had been a murder the night before in apartment room 764. The information was sent in an email to you by one named "Detective Bowel". He requests that you meet him in courtyard 3, the one below the apartment room, at 0900 hours.[/i] ((Open!))

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          • [b][u]Training night: Dojo training room[/u][/b] [b]Rorek spun his blade as he walked into the training room, waiting for deity, or frankly anyone to show up. It had been a while since his last fight, and he was feeling a bit rusty. [/b] [spoiler]For deity, but open to all[/spoiler]

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            • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 10/13/2016 10:20:54 AM
              [b]Courtyard B1, The Hot Spring.[/b] It was rather early in the morning, around 7:30AM, Chloanne Defaln was relaxing in the hot springs of Courtyard B1. Her long, jet black hair wasn't tied up today and she let it fall down to her back, her smooth and somewhat tan skin was concealed by the steamy water of the springs besides her head. No one else was really awake at this time..Chloanne needed some time to herself, to think about all the decisions she made. She closed her eyes and rest her head back, Chloanne had her clothes on the dry ground behind her because I need to be consistent dammit. The spring was relaxing to say the least and took the tensity away from her body..she needed this a lot. [spoiler]Open lmao, I'm making use of the Hot Springs. Just talk with her or something.[/spoiler]

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              • [i](Below a massive abandoned research center...)[/i] *The Immortals, lead by their assassin, had dug deep within the facility. Thousands of dead civilians, militiamen, and mutant creatures known as Infested were the casualties in this, as their drones spotted the way deep down within the facility, towards the lower levels, as Immortals surrounded the place, heavily armed and ready to fight. The assassin soon finds her hologram, and it reveals to be Zera contacting them.* "I am most pleased with your results, my child." Zera starts with. "Thank you, madam, it is an honor to wake up the Tenno." The assassin says, jumping down into the lower levels, shooting her Lato towards a Runner, who lays dead after 5 shots of it. "Whoever it is, she will be a noble cause to our side alongside Irina." Zera says, as they reach the bottom floor of the visible outside of the center. [spoiler]Open. This is your last chance to go after her. If the Immortals or Irina wakes the Tenno, she'll become an alien version of Irina, let's say. If someone from the Dojo were to wake her, she'll work for the Dojo, going after Irina and the Immortals. Also, you can invade other people's posts. So work together and expect others to intercept you[/spoiler]

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                205 Replies
                • Edited by Nox: 10/12/2016 10:32:19 PM
                  [b][u]Title: Y'deserve this.. Time: 12:34 PM. Location: Dojoville.[/u][/b] [i]Jason silently stalked the streets of Dojoville, heading towards one of the less populated areas of the town as the sun beamed down on him, giving his form a bright orange hue while he walked the stone pavement that made the streets, his metal boots sounding hollow on the floor. The armoury that were all of his guns clanked softly against the armour the vengeful old man was wearing, making people look over to him - though none seemed worried; the warriors of the Dojo usually were seen with weapons. He was in his usual attire: a silver suit of ceramic and titanium, as well as reinforced steel. The large, horizontal, light blue visor was probably the weakest party - t'was just a thick plate of bulletproof glass displaying Jason's HUD, after all.. Though it did not worry the man, since his target, this "Remy", wouldn't stand a chance against a lil' slug of depleted uranium crashing into him at ten thousand kilometers per hour - but, Jason did say he wasn't going to kill the kid. Jason was currently carrying only three weapons: a sleek black and silver rail gun with a high powered scope, allowing for very long range engagement; a rather large, SMG-like weapon with a black paintjob, hanging at Jason's right hip, though there was a set of white lines in a square on both the left and right side of the barrel, each thingy having a white skull in the middle.. the barrel mouth was absolutely giant, bigger than even a .50 BMG round; the final weapon was a large, white and black, oddly shaped assault rifle which currently sat in a leather sheath on Jason's back. The area around the grip was a light black, while the rest of the gun was a ceramic white. The words "Jason, proud brother of Lucas" were scratched into the weapon's large trigger. After a few more minutes of walking, a soft growl came from the Ire, his eyes narrowing in disgust. He had found his target, who was currently walking towards him. Blue eyes, muscular, tall, and with a giant sword diagonally across his back.. Must've been Remy, right? Jason stopped walking, the streets being mostly empty since the two were in an area where several massacres happened, caused by both Irina and Jack. Blue eyes met blue eyes, one set filled with fear as Jason raised and aimed his Gauss rifle, a malicious smile on his worn face. Remy tried turning around, right sneaker raised to take a step when a deafening bang was heard as something broke the sound barrier.. and then Remy's left leg was just.. gone. In that instant, a tungsten carbide alloy had left the barrel of Jason's weapon, sped up to eight times the speed of sound by electromagnetic coils, and impacted the top of Remy's left thigh, tearing through cloth, flesh, and bone as if it wasn't even there. The leg flew off with a rain of thick blood, splattering on the pavement in a thick trail as the same liquid flowed from Remy's stump like a crimson waterfall. The amputee fell to the ground in the same instant, hitting the stone pavement with a thud and a gasp, his hands doing.. absolutely nothing. He wasn't even clutching his wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. [/i] "Gotcha now, ya goddamn piece o' shite. Y're the absolute lowest a man can get, y'know? Using a woman - nay, not a woman. A girl. Using a girl for sex! Y're scum, and I'm taking ya back to our lil' place." [i]Jason said rather angrily, his rough and hard voice shaky with bottled rage.. Now, Remy understood what this all was about, tears welling up in his eyes. He.. he did love Olivia.. He felt terrible about what he had done - but that wasn't going to stop this man, and the kid knew that damned well. As Remy laid there, on his chest, the pissed off Ire took aim at his second leg, pulling the trigger without a second thought.. More pain, more blood. Remy's lower abdomen was laying in a pool of blood by now. Jason took his right hand off his menacing murder gun. His right, now free prosthetic hand started shifting and changing, the entire hand along with the armour shifting back over the wrist and forearm, showing a stump which was glowing with pure heat. Jason spoke, his voice cold and chilling to the bone,[/i] "Gonna cauterize yer wounds.. Don't want y'to bleed out on lil' ol' me, now do we, eh? Nay, not even our Saint Jose can save ya now." [i]Remy.. was confused, to say the least. Confused about this man's weapon. Confused about this man in general. Was he even a man? Truly, the Chosen Undead had seen quite a few weird things that weren't seen in Lordran already.. but this took the cake. The pissed off Ire, once standing by Remy's stumps, squatted down with a groan, his bones cracking and popping audibly. He pressed the hot iron of his right arm against the first wound, making Remy scream out in pain as the flesh was seared and burnt to closing. Then the second wound, and another cry of pain. Once done, the hand and armour shifted back, forming just.. a hand again. A hand that swiftly grasped the grip of Jason's gun. Jason slowly got up, and he walked.. well, over Remy, his feet to both of the manipulative cuck's sides. The Ire took aim at Remy's right and most dominant arm, and pulled the trigger, blasting a hole the size of a baseball where the arm and body connected, and also cracking the concrete beneath the two. The second arm soon followed, then more burning pain.. Remy was so, so close to passing out.. So close to ending this pain.. So close, yet so far.. [b]Quite some time later. [/b] Jason dragged a broken, beaten, and battered Remy through the gate of the Dojo, his right hand having grabbed onto Remy's long, dark brown hair. The slightly less pissed off guy let the Dark Lord go, making him fall to the ground since he was not just a torso with a a head.. All the things necessary to stay alive. Jason then left the man there, leaving to find his younger brother. When I said that Remy now only had the essentials to live.. I wasn't kidding. His arms and legs were gone, eyelids were shut with dried up blood, his entire chin was covered in dried blood, his tongue having been forcefully fed to him, along with his eyes, and his.. privates. All in all, Remy was a husk of a person.[/i] [spoiler]Open! Remy's.. grand return, I guess. Poor dude..[/spoiler]

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                  • Somebody once told me That I could make some money by bullying some people online So I grew a gnome goatee and put on a stupid beanie And started making up some dank lies. So, I'm making death threats and calling people -blam!- Counting that cash while my channel's growing bigger Never you mind I was already banned From my racist, homophobic, hate speech rants Found a loophole, now it's my goal To poison the online punch bowl You never know who I might dox So y'all can suck on my cocks Hey now, you're a Keemstar Get your hat on, MLG Hey now, you're a Keemstar Get your sociopathy And all we care about is news Personal attacks and harassment is totally news Like, I literally wanna kill this dude. It's not a threat it's a promise, I want to -blam!-ing kill this dude Oh, -blam!-in righteous -blam!-ing -blam!-, Alex, is doing this shit Hmm, can't wait to report your death, haha! Like seriously? What's wrong with you, asshole Everybody type in the chat Alex is a stupid -blam!- I only do this show for money, that's it, alright I don't do it to entertain people, that's just a -blam!-ing scam I really hope you die of cancer, I hate every single one of you -blam!- the fans Hey now, you're a Keemstar Do a trickshot, MLG Hey now, you're a Keemstar Eat your popcorn, goatee And all I report is the news If you'd call this news Somebody once asked "Can you spare me from harassment Your content is a -blam!-ing disgrace" I said "Yep, and to save my rep I'm gonna bully you until you're dead I'll punch you harder than my girlfriend's face" Well, the hate keeps coming for the show I'm running Even if I get banned I'll just keep on coming Doesn't make sense to give up this shtick I make mad money from being a dick My revenue stream, it is my dream To take online gossip to the extreme I'm a sociopath don't you know I'll do anything for a little dough Hey now, you're a Keemstar Get your Keem on, Keemstar Hey now, you're a Keemstar You're an asshole, Keemstar

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                  • Edited by Skatch142: 10/12/2016 10:35:44 PM
                    [b][i][u]Oh... It's her...[/u][/i][/b] *It was 2:30 in the morning. Seemingly no one was awake. It was dark and cool, the crickets chirped and the whole Dojo was only lit by torches that burned a strange, relaxing blue color.(Sketch set up said torches a few days before just to make the Dojo look nicer to him when he stayed up to patrol it once every two nights.)* *But the soft blue glow dancing across the walls seemed to start getting overpowered by a multicolored multicolored light that started shining through windows. Bright multicolored light seeped through the seams of the gate before it was suddenly pushed open.* *Standing there was a very strange sight. A knightess clad in medieval knight's armor that was covered in small 1X2 inch tv screens. Each screen glowed a solid color and would seemingly change color at random. She had a sword with a three and a half foot blade. The strangest part about the sword was that the blade itself seemed to be a sharpened, double sided screen which colors seemed to ripple across at random.* "Hmmm... Nah." *She moves off to about three feet to the right of the gate. A large, white laser beam burns though the wall from the outside and makes a circle as the space of the wall inside the circle proceeds to glow red and melt.* *The knightess steps through the new entrance and into the Dojo, the blade of her sword smoking and turning from white back to multicolored.* "HeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEYYYYY SISTERS!!! GUESSS WHO'S BAAAAAAAACK!!!?!" *She looked around noticing the torches.* "Huh... Nice lighting... I like it..." [spoiler]OPEN!!! Prepare to meet Elvis Rosegold!!![/spoiler]

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                    • [i]Bar in Dojoville // 1435 hours // No Longer in his Pissy Mood The bell above the bar door chimed as a man walked in, his jet-black hair combed neatly back, to expose the entirety of his forehead and face. His bright blue eyes scanned the bar, the corners of his full lips pulling up in a slight smile. At his left side, a three foot long straight sword was sheathed, and for once the man did not bring his leather gloves, while instead in his right hand he gripped a black, rectangular violin case, his slender violinist fingers tapping wildly on his legs, dressed in slim blue jeans. His shirt was a simple, white button-up, rolled up to the sleeves, revealing his rather slender, agility and speed build. The man stood at five ten, and had a square jaw as well as high cheekbones, a slight stubble on his chin. He walked further into the bar, before placing his violin case down on the ground as he smiled at the bartender, a rather attractive redhead with an hourglass figure, green eyes, and a black and white tuxedo, polishing a glass. The bartender had a more angular face and thin lips covered with a thin layer of lip gloss, her green eyes meeting the man's blue. Furiously, the man thought of what to say, his mind whirring quickly.[/i] "Hello there," [i]He started, then cringed at himself—it was a horrible way to start. Silently cursing himself, he tried a slightly more direct approach to at least get a good conversation with the bartender; nothing lasting, he knew.[/i] "Two cans of beer, please." [i]He smiled meaningfully at the bartender, who merely smiled back. She turned, and pulled out two beer cans from the refrigerator. The man smiled, opening them both. He tapped one, gesturing to the bartender, who couldn't resist bursting into laughter.[/i] "Oh, are you [i]kidding[/i]?" [i]She forced between giggles. The man's smile was gone, already beginning to look for a recycling bin to toss the unopened beer can out.[/i] "Oh–sorry–but..." [i]The bartender had a slight English accent, her cheeks rosy and her eyes filled with delight and amusement. With a sigh, the man didn't let the bartender finish—he took his beer, grabbed his violin case, and walked out of the bar, walking down the sidewalk to sit at a bench, breathing in the fresh, outdoor air; his favorite scent, the great outdoors. Sipping his beer, he looked around for anybody to converse with, if anybody looked at him long enough to notice him.[/i] ((Open.))

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                      • [b]The man, or rather Dwarf, approached the dojo at a slow waddle. The gates opened as he neared and Hamilton greeted him at the gates [/b] "To the forge!" [b]Hamilton led the Dwarf to the dojo's blacksmith, Zane and the Dwarf entered the establishment, looking around. [/b] "Eh. It's alright. Zane is it? I'm Romain here for inspection." [b]He chuckled oddly, with a serious ring to it [/b] "Kidding of course. I want to help. I have been the Dight's personal black Smith for years and I wish to share my experience if that is alright with you." [spoiler]Zane! [/spoiler]

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                        • Edited by Rimidalv Nisom: 10/13/2016 1:18:40 AM
                          [b]Anyone who has signed up for the quest reply here. Anyone who also wishes to join reply as well.[/b] [spoiler]Rules: -No abilities, you can use characters with thrm if they're passive, subtle, ir if you don't use them for the duration of the quest -No magical indestructible gear -Cybernetics are allowed -Use reasonable weapons. Members: -Tamefrog -Sketch -Banshii -Dio -Quincy -Orn -ASAP -Ver -Spook -Tiger[/spoiler]

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                          29 Replies
                          • [u]No place like not the place i just came from[/u] [i]Quincy walked around the Dojo, marveling the craftsmanship put into it. He tried again to remember home,but instead was only met with memories of his fears trying to kill him in that arctic waste. He sighed and sat on a bench, clenching his hand-paws into fists[/i] "Well... at least im not dead.."

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                            • [b]Card eyed the wooden targets with cybernetic eyes, practiced hands swiftly twirling the revolver as he gunned them down, wooden splinters going everywhere. He chewed on his cigar as he reloaded, walking over and kneeling to inspect his handiwork.[/b] "Eh, cuda done better." [b]He stood, looking for someone he could challenge to a duel.[/b]

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                              • Edited by Dougie: 10/10/2016 11:07:24 PM
                                [b][i][u]Courtyard B3 | Athena | 1430 hrs[/u][/i][/b] [i]Unlike the rest of the Dojo, this part was quite tranquil. There was hardly anyone around in this courtyard. That's probably why those few people came here. Athena happened to be one of them. She sat under one of the birch trees, reading something on a holographic display. She looked somewhat happy today.[/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler] [b][i][u]Lounge of Blades | Lycoris T'Loak[/u][/i][/b] [i]The lounge was quite busy today. There wasn't much out of the ordinary, really... Well, there was one thing. A new arrival to the Dojo. An [url=]Asari[/url] to be precise. The Asari sat on a leather couch at the back of the bar that was at a slightly elevated location compared to the rest of the bar. How or why it was there, no one knew. However, that was not important. People shot the Asari odd glances here and there, and that was probably because of a certain incident earlier that involved a bartender trying to stop her from grabbing some alcohol from behind the counter. Said bartender was sent flying into a wall with a broken neck. So, people had a right to be somewhat weary of her. Since then, no one had bothered her, and for that she was happy. So, for the moment, she just sat on the couch, legs crossed, left arm draped behind it and some liquor in her right hand.[/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                                • Edited by Cthulhu Agent: 10/12/2016 9:13:22 PM
                                  [i]Violet sits in the library alone, crying and reading a book on the local history. She had the hood of her purple cloak over her face to hide her crying, but it was obvious from the noise that she was upset. Her sobs can be easily heard across the library as no one else was in the library, but you.[/i] [spoiler]Open. Manipulate(d*ck move). Attack(bigger d*ck move). Talk. Whatever.[/spoiler]

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                                  • [i](Dojo Woods, near sunset...)[/i] Keira was by herself, looking at her Rider cards. "Ryuki, Blade, Hibiki, Den-O..." she says, listing off all the Riders she had. "Now that Kara isn't here, I can prove to her that I could hold myself against someone....but who?" She says, standing up, and looking at her belt. "Alright... who wants to fight me?!" She yells, hoping that anyone could fight her. [spoiler]Open to Wehb-sama.[/spoiler]

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                                    • Edited by Inflatablepants: 10/11/2016 1:25:45 AM
                                      [b][u]Another one bites the dust...[/u][/b] [i]Following shortly behind Zane, and splitting off from him. The Deity walked into the dojo. Taking in the view of his surroundings after his long "vacation" to end the reign of twilight. He soaked in the air, taking in deep breaths before leaning up against the cherry blossom tree in the colourful pink courtyard. Though the tree itself had begun to go to sleep, as the fall had begun to take its toll. [/i] "Man! I'm gone, and this entire damn place gets a refurbish?! I mean, Who knew it looked like this?! Right?! Oh man. Seeing this. I'm...I'm getting an itch! Which one of you munchkins wants to go up against the Deity huh?! I mean, I don't actually have my powers anymore...But hey. I don't really need em to kick your asses! ZING! IF I HAD A MIC! I'D DROP IT! AND SINCE IM TALKING TO AN EMPTY COURTYARD, AND HAVE TO WAIT FOR ONE OF YOU BITCHES TO REPL-I MEAN SPEAK TO ME, I WILL CONTINUE TO RANT!" [spoiler]Open for fighting/Talking.... But mostly fighting.[/spoiler]

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                                      173 Replies
                                      • [i]Courtyard B1, Dojo interior[/i] The pilot of the crashed Sparrowhawk was rushed inside the medical centre, after being revealed as a lomg-standing and once missing member of the Arrowhead crew, Alpha The kid was, after a long surgery, recovering in an empty room, save for a few belongings he had saved up and that had survived the crash, such as a saber and dagger (Both made of the same gilded silvery metal), a BR55 UNSC battle rifle, his flechette/dart pistol, and for some reason, a purplish mantle meant to be worn around the neck, the edges singed away from another fire, seemingly long ago..... He slept quietly, his face still semi-covered with bandages as was much of his body, though what you could see was covered in white fur, and his feet were paws, and lastly, his hands shared the same pads on his feet All was quiet......for now ((Open AF))

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                                        130 Replies
                                        • [b]Frisky walked yet again through the courtyard, just looking around. He cherry-red eyes looked all over the place, at people, at things. Her matching hair swung around when she turned. Her bare feet slapped against the stones. She wore a sleeveless, white shirt and short black shorts. She was looking for someone to talk to.[/b] [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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                                          • [u][b]the mirror[/b][/u] Well, this is deplorable... [b]lego gets kicked out from some random door, he gets up and brushes himself off.[/b] What should i class that as? [b]he winces and feels his side[/b] Owwww... He kicked my ass. I didn't know i could do that. [b]he starts limping and regaining his imposing composure, he wipes his brow and doesn't care about his bleeding cheek. He stretches out stumbling a bit while trying to pull off a Y shaped, praise the sun type stretch.[/b] [b]you see him beat up, and the open door.[/b] If you want a good challenge, its up ahead. [spoiler]open, bio required for fight. Pm if you want the surprise ruined.[/spoiler]

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                                          • Buongiorno

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                                            • [b]After many months, Zane has finally returned from his quest. The twilight has been stopped, and has merged with the dojo realm, allowing both to coexist. He sighs as he walks up to his old grave site on the top of the mountain, and sits down, resting against the tree[/b] [spoiler]Open for interactions.[/spoiler]

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